BRACEBRIDGE Town of Bracebridge TIu:; Heml Df ,"'lus/mkil Council Correspondence To: Council Members Chief Administrative Officer, J. Sisson Copy: Chief Librarian, C. Rodney Director of Culture & Recreation, L. Broere Director of Development Services, K. Horrigan Director of Economic Development, C. Kelley Director of Public Works, Vacant Fire Chief, M. Medley Human Resources Assistant, S. Keast Treasurer, C. Wakefield Media From: Lori McDonald, Clerk Date: August 1, 2012 CIRCULATION: Item # Description SECTION "A" - STAFF INFORMATION MEMOS: Memo from L. McDonald, Municipal Clerk, dated July 26, 2012, regarding Noise Exemption - A1 Muskoka Beer Festival - August 25, 2012. Memo from L. McDonald, Municipal Clerk, dated July 26, 2012, regarding Significant Event A2 Status - Muskoka Beer Festival - August 25, 2012. SECTION "B" - GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Monte McNaughton, MPP for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, dated July 18, 2012, B1 regarding Bill 76, an Act to Amend the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Act of 1999 - Ensuring Local Voices in New Casino Gambling Development Act, 2012. Letter from Denise Corry, Executive Director of Corporate Services / Clerk of the Town of B2 Huntsville, dated July 19, 2012, regarding divestment of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission - Cancellation of Northland Passenger Train Service. Communication from Ontario Good Roads Association, dated July 25, 2012 - The Weekly B3 Detour. Communication from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), dated July 26, 2012 - B4 Watch File. Letter from Hank Thibideau, Chair of the Georgian College Classic Committee, dated July B5 2012, regarding the 25th Annual Georgian College Golf Classic. Communication from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), regarding AMO now B6 has a year-round mobile app. rfJX1?T\ MEMORANDUM ~ Clerk BRACEBRIDGE The Hearl of Muskoka TO: Mayor G. Smith and Members of Council FROM: L. McDonald, Clerk COPY: Department Heads DATE: July 26,2012 SUBJECT: Noise Exemption -Muskoka Beer Festival- August 25,2012 DELEGATED AUTHORITY NOTICE NOISE EXEMPTION Upon the authority granted to me under Motion 08-AF-144, I hereby grant the Griffin GastroPub an exemption to the Noise Control By-law to permit amplified sound at Annie Williams Memorial Park on August 25, 2012 from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for The Muskoka Beer Festival. That the District Municipality of Muskoka be requested to impose a temporary no parking zone restriction on the north side of Santa's Village Road between Wellington Street and Brofoco Drive from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on August 25, 2012. Lon McDonald, Clerk - 1 - rrs:r><I2T\ MEMORANDUM ~ Clerk BRACEBRlDGE Tile Heart of Muskole" TO: Mayor G. Smith and Members of Council FROM: L. McDonald, Clerk COPY: Department Heads DATE: July 26,2012 SUBJECT: Significant Event Status -Muskoka Beer Festival- August 25, 2012 DELEGATED AUTHORITY NOTICE SIGNIFICANT EVENT STATUS Upon the authority granted to me under Motion 11 -GC-095, I hereby designate the Muskoka Beer Festival as an event of municipal significance for the purpose of the Muskoka Beer Festival obtaining a Special Occasion Permit from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (ACGO). - 1 - TOWN OF BRACEBRIDGE DATE REC'O JUL 2 5 2012 ~Ontario LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY REC'D BY Monte McNaughton, MPP Constituency Offices: Queen's Park Office: Lambton-Ke nt-Middlesex o 81 Front Street West 0 360 James Street 0 Rm . 202 NW, Legislative Bldg. Strathroy, ON N7G 1X6 Wallaceburg, ON N8A 2N5 Toronto, ON M7A 1A8 Tel. (519) 245-8696 Tel. (519) 627-1015 Tel. (416) 325-3362 Wednesday July 18, 2012 Fax (519) 245-8697 Fax (519) 627-7174 Fax (416) 325-3275 Ms. Lori McDonald 1000 Taylor Court Bracebridge Ontario P1 L 1 R6 Dear Ms. McDonald, I am writing today to bring to your attention my private members bill, Bill 76 and ask that your council consider drafting a resolution in support of it. Bill 76, an Act to Amend the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Act of 1999, entitled Ensuring Local Voices in New Casino Gambling Development Act, 2012 aims to ensure that local communities are given a say prior to the development of any new casino within their municipality. If passed, my bill would require a successful referendum in the community in which a new casino is being proposed. Bill 76 aims to ensure that local communities are willing hosts of casinos. New casino development is a sensitive issue and it is important that the local people are involved in this process. As my bill is currently at the crucial committee stage, any support that you or your councils can give to this legislation would be important in ensuring its passage. Please find the attached sample resolution for your perusal. If you have any questions regarding this bill , or wish to discuss it further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sinc~~~ ___ Monte McNaughton, MPP Lambton-Kent-Middlesex PC Critic, Economic Development and Innovation Date: I Motion No. Moved By: Seconded By: WHEREAS the Government of Ontario has proposed building up to 29 new casinos throughout the province, AND WHEREAS new casino development brings with it a broad-spectrum of opinions including both positive and negative considerations; . AND WHEREAS any new casino development may significantly impact the community and surrounding areas; AND WHEREAS, the municipality recognizes the importance of a referendum on the issue and prior to the development of any new casino; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the municipality requests the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to immediately pass Bill 76, Ensuring Local Voices in New Casino Gambling Development Act to help ensure that local voices are respected prior to the development of any new casino, AND THAT this resolution be circulated to Premier Dalton McGuinty; the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance; Monte McNaughton, MPP; and the MPP for the region in which the municipality resides. 1ST SESSION, 40TH LEGISLATURE, ONTARlO Ire SESSION, 40cLEGISLATURE, ONTARlO 61 ELIZABETH II, 2012 61 ELIZABETH II, 2012 Bill 76 Projet de loi 76 An Act to amend the Loi modifiant la Ontario Lottery and Gaming Loi de 1999 sur la Societe des loteries Corporation Act, 1999 et des jeux de l'Ontario Mr. McNaughton M. McNaughton Private Member's Bill Projet de loi de depute 1st Reading April 26, 2012 ICC lecture 26 avril 2012 2nd Reading 2° lecture 3rd Reading 3° lecture Royal Assent Sanction royale Printed by the Legislative Assembly Imprime par I' AssembJee legislative of Ontario de 1'Ontario Bill 76 2012 Projet de loi 76 2012 An Act to amend the Loi modifiant la Ontario Lottery and Gaming Loi de 1999 sur la Societe des loteries Corporation Act, 1999 et des jeux de I'Ontario Note: This Act amends the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Remarque : La presente loi modi fie la Lai de 1999 sur la Corporation Act, 1999. For the legislative history of the Societe des loteries et des jeux de I 'Ontario, dont Act, see the Table of Consolidated Public Statutes - De­ l'historique legislatif figure a la page pertinente de tailed Legislative History at www.e-Laws.gov.on.ca. l'Historique legislatif detaille des lois d'interet public codifiees sur Ie site www.lois-en-ligne.gouv.on.ca. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Sa Majeste, sur I'avis et avec Ie consentement de Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts l'Assemblee legislative de la province de l'Ontario, as follows: edicte: 1. (1) Section 12 of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming 1. (1) L'article 12 de la Loi de 1999 sur la Societe Corporation Act, 1999 is amended by adding "Subject des loteries et des jeux de ['Ontario est modifie par in­ to subsection (2)" at the beginning. sertion de «SOliS reserve du paragraphe (2),» au debut de l'article. (2) Section 12 of the Act is amended by adding the (2) L'article 12 de la Loi est modifie par adjonction following subsections: des paragraphes suivants : Same, casinos and charity casinos Idem: casinos et casinos de bienfaisance (2) The Corporation shall not authorize a casino or (2) La Societe ne doit pas autoriser la creation d'un charity casino to be established unless the Corporation has casino ou d'un casino de bienfaisance a moins qu'elle taken the steps specified in the Regulation and the condi­ n'ait pris les mesures precisees dans Ie Reglement et que tions specified in the Regulation have been met. les conditions qu'il precise ne soient remplies. Expansion Agrandissement (3) The requirements mentioned in this section for es­ (3) Les exigences vi sees au present article en matiere tablishing a casino or charity casino at a specific location de creation d'un casino ou d'un casino de bienfaisance a do not apply to expanding a casino or charity casino that un endroit determine ne s'appJiquent pas a I'agrandisse­ has been established in accordance with this Act if the ment d'un casino ou d'un casino de bienfaisance cree expansion is done at that location. conformement ala presente loi des lors que l'agrandisse­ ment est realise aeet endroit. Definition Definition (4) In this section, (4) La definition qui suit s'appJique au present article. "Regulation" means Ontario Regulation 347/00 (Re­ «Reglemeno) Le Reglement de l'Ontario 347/00 (Exigen­ quirements for Establishing a Casino or Charity Ca­ ces relatives a Ia creation d'un casino ou d'un casino de sino) made under this Act, except for subsection 4 (5), bienfaisance) pris en vertu de la presente loi, a as that Regulation read on January 1, 2003. l'exception du paragraphe 4 (5), dans sa version du I er janvier 2003. (3) Subsection 12 (4) of the Act, as enacted by sub­ (3) Le paragraphe 12 (4) de la Loi, tel qu'il est Mic­ section (2), is amended by adding the foUowing defini­ te par Ie paragraphe (2), est modi fie par adjonction tions: des definitions suivantes : "casino" means the part of a gaming site that is used for «casino» La partie d'un site de jeu qui est utilisee pour y the purpose of playing or operating games of chance, jouer a des jeux de hasard ou y exploiter de tels jeux, a but does not include a charity casino or slot machine - l'exclusion toutefois d'un casino de bienfaisance ou facility; ("casino") d'une salle d'appareils it sous.
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