3369 OIC-302 (Re\ 5-19-94) , - I - OFFICE OFTHJZ INDEPENDENTCOUMEL Date of uanscription l/26/98 On below date, investigators interviewed ASHLEY L. RAINES. Also present at the Law Office of Shea and Gardner, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue, N-W., Washington, D.C. 20036, were RAINES' attorneys, WENDY WHITE and HOWARD RUBIN. RAINES provided the following: RAINES currently resides at _I_, hone number \m Her date of birth is - social security number U-b; place of birth, Little Rock, Arkansas. She is currently employed at the White House as the Director of Office of Policy Development Operations and Special Liaison to Management and Administration, Old Executive Office Building #145, office phone j_. RAINES graduated from Southern Methodist University in September, 1993. RAINES advised that she met MONICA LEWINSKY in November, 1995. They have become close friends. During the Summer of 1996, LEWINSKY told RAINES that she had been engaged in a sexual relationship with the President. LEWINSKY advised RAINES that the President would call her at the White House office or home and ask her to come and see him. LEWINSKY would meet the President in the Oval Office. They would go into the study off the Oval Office, and at times would kiss and engage in reciprocal oral sex. At the time LEWINSKY first spoke with RAINES about this (Summer, 19961, the relationship with the President had.stopped, and LEWINSKY had changed jobs and worked at t8e Pentagon. LEWINSKY was unhappy and frustrated that she hadn't heard from the President in over one month. LEWINSKY later told RAINES that the President had called LEWINSKY, and for a period of time telephone calls were the extent of their relationship. However, in early 1997, LEWINSKY again went to see the President at the Oval Office. LEWINSKY stated from early 1997 through about late December 1997, her relationship with the President resumed. This included, on occasion, reciprocal oral sex. LEWINSKY told RAINES that the President's secretary, BETTY CURRIE, would "clear" her through, and that her visits in 1997 were infrequent. Invcstigatlon on l/25/98 at Washington, D.C. File Y 29D-LR-35063 Date dktatcd l/26/98 3370 OIC-302~1 (Rev. 8-19-94) 29D-LR-35063 Continuation of OIC-302 of Ashley L. Raines .On l-/25/98 . page 2 RAINES advised that LEWINSKY showed her gifts that came from the President. These included: a hat pin approximately eight inches long, an antique looking brooch the size of a half dollar, special edition copy of "Leaves of Grass" by WALT WHITMAN, items from Martha's Vineyard with "Black Dog" logo, including a ball cap, and a short, baggy summer dress, and an autographed photo of the two of them wishing LEWINSKY "Happy Birthday." RAINES believed that LEWINSKY had given him two neckties, described as nice dress ties-that RAINES believed she saw the President wear on one occasion. LBWINSKY also told RAINES that LEWINSKY gave him a couple of books. RAINES advised that LEWINSKY told her she had been subpoenaed for a deposition by PAULA JONES' attorneys. LEWINSKY was concerned with what to say. LEWINSKY felt she had done nothing illegal, but if she denied having had sex with the President, would this be perjury. LEWINSKY advised RAINES that she had contacted VERNON JORDAN and JORDAN had referred a lawyer to LEWINSKY. RAINES was never told of or shown the affidavit LEWINSKY and her attorney provided to JONES‘ attorneys. At that time, LEWINSKY told RAINES she had not spoken to the President about the affidavit. Sometime around the middle of 1997, LEWINSKY told RAINES that she wanted to leave D.C. LEWINSKY asked the President for help. VERNON JORDAN put her in contact with Revlon and Bersa &. Marcella (phonetic) in New York as well as a couple of other firms. RAINES didn't know how JORDAN got involved in this job hunt. P Rained advised that her last contact with LEWINSKY was a phone call on Tuesday, January 20, 1998. LEWINSKY asked RAINES to speak to her lawyer BILL GINSBERG. GINSBERG asked RAINES to refer all of her calls concerning LEWINSKY to his law firm. GINSBERG also stated "be careful." RAINES didn't understand what GINSBERG was referring to. RAINES was aware of LEWINSKY's friendship with LINDA TRIPP. LEWINSKY told RAINES she had confided in TRIPP concerning her relationship with the President. RAINES also believed LEWINSKY had also shared that information with LEWINSKY's mother and an aunt. OK-302a (Rev. 8-19-94) 3371 29D-LR-35063 Continuation of OIC-302 of Ashley L. Raines .On l/25/98 . Page 3 RAINES stated that LEWINSKY had been a very loyal and supportive friend. RAINES found LEWINSKY to be truthful and had no reason not to believe LEWINSKY concerning LEWINSKY's relationship with the President. 3372 3373 Ashley Raines, l/29/98 Grand Jury Page 2 to Page 117 CONDENSED TRANSCRIPT AND CONCORDANCE PREPARED BY: OFFICE OF THE INDEPENDENT COUNSEL 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 490-North Washington, DC 20004 Phone: 202-514-8688 FAX: 202-5 14-8802 3374 BSA Ashley Raines. K!gigB XMAX(1) Page 2 Page 5 111 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 0 If you have retained counsel. you cannot have the FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA counsel in the Grand Ju room wrth you. but the Grand Jurors f!_’ “_“____________X ! will permit you a reasona le% opportunity to step outside the : Grand Jury room to consult with your counsel if you so 13: E -desrre. Do you understand that? IN RE: A- Yes. 14GRAND JURY PROCEEDINGS : Q And I understand you are represented by counsel I here today;rs that correct? is;’ 2‘ A Yes. _- Q And who would that be? .-- A Wendv White. [IT: Q And do you know what firm she is with? il:: A Shea and Gardner. i ii j Grand Jurors themselves, Page 3 Page 6 t11 :: Icant’ go blabbin about it. Do you understand? ASHLEY RAINES .-,-1‘ A #es. I:iwas caked as a witness end having been first duty Sworn b i3; Q There are other exceptions. For instance, if - . ,a 1 the Foreperson of the Grand Jury, was examined and test if-yred ; 4 : Im’ not at all saying this will happen, but if there was ever tslas follows: r5:atriallaterofany~and~puappearedasawrtness.and 161 EXAMINATION : 6 1 you sard something a that nal that was drfferent than what I71 BY MR. WlSENBERG: ou said at the Grand Jury, that would be an example where Q Good morning. would you state your name for the wo;e”,”‘ breached. Do you understand that? l~lrecord olease. Q There are certain things that office of Independent li f i Counsel that are peculiar to the Office of lnde ndent r:IiCounsel that its’ - at I+ one,instance will a R”ow. wrth ;;f;z=yper court order, m certain occasrons the rule of would be - could be breached. That would be another [ ~5 jexamp% p y;~;nderstand that? I:61 0 The -but other than these exceptions, if is a i : : i rneral rule we are att bound by that oath of secrecy. I I 91 owever. you are not_ A witness who appears before the Grand ;;;;J~ IS not bound by an oath of secrecy. Do you understand 7.3 i22j A Yes. Q You can go talk about what transpires here today oc If :inot. Thars a matter for you and your attorney to tak I251 rzs~about. Do you understand? 3 Page 4 Page 7 t I Ifederal law other than a Class B or Class C misdemeanor or [II A Yes. 12 1 infraction in dealing with witnesses, potential wr&sse s, Q You can7 tie to us. You cant’ i rjury is. in a I 3 I attomevs or others conceminq the avil case Jones v. 13’ i nutshell not - intentionalty not telling the tnrth a&a i 4 j Clinton? I 4 I material matter an important manner in front of the Grand 151 Dii ou understand what I just read? 15 1 Jury. Do you unPerstand that? [61 x Sure. Yes. - I61 A Yes. (71 Q And the authority of the Grand Jury as Ive’ read it Q If there k anything I ask or Ms. Wirth asks that [alto you? ieiyou’ dont’ understand by all means ask us to re-ask that [91 A Yes. tslquestion. Do you understand? Cl Im’ now going to be reading to you, discussing with I101 A Okay. Yes. I:!; ou briefly what are known as rights and responsibiliiis of Q Again, tf there is anything anytime that ou need [I 2 1 &rand Jury witnesses. Occasionall I11 ask you if you I :i i to consult with our attorney, you are free to do that. x 113 1 understand and that will require tharyou say either yes or (13) ou are uncom 1ortabk and you want to take a brief break, 114 ]no so that the court re orter can pick it up rather than a 114 I rhats’ fine too. [ I 5 1 nod or uh-ph oSru$uR II51 A Okay. I161 Q Lets’ sea. The - there arts certain &ago&s of Q Okay. You have every - you have a privilege i i7” i witnesses who come before the Grand Jury, and let ma give you i :i ; against self-incrimination which means you may refuse to t 1 s I the definition of a target fmm the Department of Justica t191answer andy.question if a truthful answer to that question t 191 manual. The target ts defined as a person to whom the ,20 1 would ten to mcnmmate you.
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