Keyword Index Dr

Keyword Index Dr

Company Index Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Barth Keyword Index Dr. Hans Wienhoit Dipl-Ing. Dipl.-Wirtseh.-Ing. August Achleitner A-arm. 446, 448 ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Alternating eurrent (AC), 103, 1051, Dipl.-lng. Wolfgang Baierl Abbreviated injury Scale (A1S), 367, Automobil Club), 532 521 Dr. Werner Poechrnuller 3681 Adaptive cruise control (ACC), 262j, Alternative energy, 29 Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Rehiich ABC (active body control), 459, 459/ ::262-263, 263j, 407 Alternative fuels, 277[, 278-281, ABO (automatic brake differential). Adaptive FrontlightingSystem (AFS), 495-496 Dipl-Ing. Gerald Spreitz 256,257,257/ '10 Alternator, 521f, 521-523, 522f Dr, WolfgangPfaff Abdomen Performance Criterion Adaptronics, 265-266, 267/ Alternator excitation, 527 Additive energy, Altitude, 125,246 Dr.-Ing. Michael Walther (APF), 369, 370/ 2\J ABS (antilock brake system), Adhesion, 4.10 Aluminium RheinfeldenGmbH, 545. Dr. Wolfgang Strauss 256-257,2581; 267,414,414[, Adhesive bonding, 332, 334, 560j, 546 415f, 415-417, 416f, 417j, 4" 560---561 Aluminizing, 557 Dipl-Ing. Herwig Leinfellner AC (alternating current), 521 Adhesives, 296, 309, 3341 Aluminum, 403, 539, 542, 557 Ing. Karl Friedrich AC inverters, 104 ADI (austemperedductile iron), 545 body construction. 314, 314f, 316J~ Dipt-Ing. Hetibert Lanzer AC motors, 103, 105/ Adiahatic process, 178 320,327[, 541,54V ACC (adaptive cruise control), 262[, Advancedtechnology partial zero hybrid construction, 305, 306, 308[, Dr. Burkhard Leie 262-263,263[,407 emissions vehicles (AT-PZFVs). 309/ Dr. Heinz Mankau Acceleration, 37, 12K,24l 102 space frames, 292-293, 291(, Acceleration drag, 216 Aeroacoustics, 69-71. 70j, 7V; 294-296, 297f, 299[, Dr. Karl-Heinz Neumann Acceleration resistance, 35 283-284, 284f Aluminum alloys. 13lr137, 138, Dr. Hans-Joachim Oberg Acceleration sensor, 413 Aerodynamic coefficients, 40 294-295,305,314,310,322, Dr. Klaus-Peter Schindler Acceleration slip regulation (ASR), Aerodynamie drag, ll-[2, 12j, 34{. 323[,403, 545-547 257 35,39-43,45, 97 Aluminum Association 365.1, 546 Dipl-Ing. Winfried Bunsmann Acceleration switch, 413 Aerodynamic lin forces, 393 Aluminum foam, 323, 32&f,549 Dr. Werner Gausmann Accelerometer G sensor, 413 Aerodynamics, 39/: 39--47,283-284, AM (amplircde-rnodulated).531 Dr. Peter Kalinke Accident prevention innovations, 365f 284f ' Ammonia, 199 Siegfried Lieber Accident statistics, 365, 366j, 367/ AFS (Adapti\IeFrontlighting System), Analog broadcast system, 531-532 Aceidenrs, 5, 5f 510 Analog signals, 516-517 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Seiffert Accumulator injection system, J9J, Aimers,504 Angular velocity. 38 191/ Air conditioning, 50, 51[, 53-57, 55/ Annealing,544f Dr. Peter Kopf ACE (active cornering enhancement), Air cooling, 149 Anodizing. 557 459-460,460/ Air filters, 357, 358f. 359 Antennas, 46 Dr. Gerhard Wagner ArEA (Association des Constructeurs Air mass flow sensor, l54 Antidive,438 Europeensd'Automobiles), 13 Air spring rate, 457 Antifreeze, 48 ACEA Fuel Charter, 201-202 Air springs, 456-457. 456[, 457/ Anrilock brake system (ABS), 20, Acetylene, 183 Air suspension, 456 256-257, 258j, 267, 414. 414f, Acetylenegas, 501 Air-assisted injection, 162-163 415f, 415-417, ~16f, 417[, 418 Ackermann angle, 38 Airbags. 29. 376, 377f, 3i8, 379[, Antiroll bar, 453 Ackermanncondition, 439. 465/ 379/,381/ Antislip control (ASC). 417--418 Ackermann function, 466, 467f Airflow, 43-47, 51, 52j, i0J, 70---71 Antislip regulation (ASR), 417--418 Acoustic design, 136 Anrisway bar, 453 Acoustic qnalificarion, 61-77 interior. 355-357, 356j, 359 Antitheft device, 25 Acoustic simulation, 591 Airflow rate, 359, 359f APF (Abdomen Performance Acoustic target, 58--{>1, 59}: 60/ Air-fuel mixture, 139-140, 140f.177 Criterion), 369, 370( Acoustic testing, 6!HS9, 69, 71-73 Air/fuel ratio, 140, 140[, 145f, 177, A-pillar, 287-288, 288/, -289, 289J, Acoustics, 58-77 1MO,199,208,277,277/ 302 Activated charcoal filters, 357, 359 Air-guided combustion systems, 155, Apollo space program, lO9 Aetive body control (ABC), 459, 459f 158[, 158-160, 159j Approach angles, 97 Active boosters, 407, 419 Air-shrouded fuel injectors, 139 Aramid, 551 Active cornering enhancement (ACE), Air-side temperature control, 356-357 Arbeitsgemeinschart der 459-460,460/ AIS (Abbreviated Injury Scale), 367, RundfunkanstalterrDeutsehlands Active front-wheel steering, 476---480 368t (ARD),532 Active Hydro-Moe, 562-563, 563f Alfa Romeo, 168 ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Active parking brake, 42J ALIAS model, J42-343 Rundtunkansreken Active tear-wheel steering, 479[, 480[, Aligning moment, 43], 432f Deutschlands),532 480-482, 481/ Alkaline batteries, 116 ARJ (auto radio information), 532 Active springs, 458-459 Alley lights, 508 Articulated shafts, 218 Active stabilizers, 458-460 Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Artificial aging, 320 Active steering systems, 391, 476---482 Club (AOAC), 532 ASAM (Association for Active wheel speed sensors, 412[, All-wheel drive, 92, 218, 237, Standardization ofAutomation 412-413 248-264, 250J, 257f, 392, 413, and Measuring Systems), 602 Actuator functions, 329-330 456,463 ASC (antislip control), 417-418 Actuators. 244-245, 511-512, Alpha machines, 118 ASe (automatic stability control), 514-515 Alpina wheel, 82 257,258,258/ 620 Keyword Index Keyword Index Asea Brown Boveri, 212 Axial sleeve spring, 457, 45~r Bonanza effect, 74, 74/ Bu Ib shields. 503 C, ASF~ (Audi spaee frame), 293-299. Axle load, 37, 3~l Bonded joints, 296. 561, 561/ Bulbs, 505-506 C, 294f, 3l0j; 3l9-320, 32l( Bonding, 332, 334, 560j, 560-561 Bulk molding compound (BMC), ASR (acceleration slip regulation). SA (brake assistant), 41 ~f, 419--421 Booming, 46 326-327 C, 257 Backlight. 303 Boost pressure eontrol, 149 Bumper. 286, 290 C, ASR (antishp regulation). 417--418 Backrest, 340 Borgward, 1761 Bundesverkehrsministerium, 605 ASR (automatic stability regulation), Backup lamp, 502, 508, 509 Borg-Warner system, 226 BurmeisterjWain, 1751 4l7-4l8 Bake hardening, 317 Boseh. 176t, 189, 52lj, 534 Bus systems, 517. 527/, 527-.528, C, Assembly line, 99, 289. 290, 291/ Bake hardening steels, 543 Bottom feed injectors, 139 ;2~(, 535, 535J, 536 C, Assembly process. 99, 290, 33V Balance shafts. 61j Bowden cable. 235, 421 Buses. 33, 112-113, 120 Ca Association des Constructeurs Ball joints, 440, 441, 445 Boxer engines, 126. t2~( C! Europeens d"Automobiles Ballard Power Systems, 109 B-pillar. 288, 289J, 302 C· value, 398. 398J, 399,400,403 (ACEA), l3, 20l-202 Barenyi, Bela, 362 Brake actuation system, 404-409 CA (computer assisted) methodology. C< Association for Standardization of Barometric pressure, 125 Brake antislip regulation (BASR), 30,30( C< Automation and Measuring Barrier impaet, 372. 372J; 373,37&( 4l7-418 Cabriolels,300 C[ Systems (ASAM), 602 Base statiou controllers. 350, 3501 Brake assistant (BA), 419--421 CAD (computer-assisted design), 86, CI Aston Martin DB4 QT, 293 Base transceiver stations, 350, 350j Brake boosters, 405--408, 406j 89,95, lOl, 341,383(,384,503 C! Asynchronous motors, 103, 105, BASR (brake antislip regulation), Brake control units, 414-415 CAE (computer-aided engineering), Ce 105t 417--418 Brake disc, 400-40 I. 402 585 Ce ATE power disc, 400-401 Batteries, 105-107, 106t, 116, 116f Brake drums, 399, 399j Caesar, Julius, 5 Ce Atomization models. 200-201 Battery, 523j, 523-525, 524f Brake fluid. 409 California Air Resources Board Ce AT-PZEVs (advanced technology Battery chargers. 107 Brake fluid reservoir, 405 ICARB), l07, 489 pallial zero emissions vehicles), Battery charging, 524 Brake foree distribution, 396-397, California emissions regulations, 10, Ce 102 Battery costs, 106, 106t 397[ 11,102, l84,489 Ce Attached parts, 289-290 Battery life, 106, 1061 Brake heating, 397 Calipers. 400, 401--403, 401j, 4021: Ce Audi, 12(, 306J, 307J, 448 BBC Brown Boveri, 212 Brake hoses, 408 403,403[ Ceo A2,54l Beacon communications, 351 Brake lamps. 509 CAM (computer-aided CF A3,292 Beam axles, 445, 4461, 446J, 446-447 Brake linings, 398, 403--404, 539 manufaeruring), 585 A4, 981,308j; 4621, 490[ Bearings. 120 Brake mean effective pressure (brnep), Cam lift, 133,169 Ch A6, 92J, 566, 567( Belt pressure, 241 l26, l34-l35.l35J, l71[ Cam lobe profile, 133 A8, 294(, 298J, 299J, 326[, 5401 Belts, 153, 153j Brake pads, 400. 403--404 Cam shells, 169 Ch; 10001, 1761 Bend lights, 510 Brake pistons, 400, 403, 403j Cam timing, 133, 168j, 16&-169 Cit Quattro Spyder, 310j Bentley, 80 Brake pressure limiters. 408 Cam-actuated systems, 168-169 Cit TT Roadster Quartro. 10j Beta machines, 118 Brake pressure sensor. 261, 414 Camber angle, 39, 437, 484f Ch, V8, l34(, l5.( Bevel gear differentials. 217 Brake proportioning valve. 408, 408j Camber loss. 444 Chi Audi EDL (electronic differential Biodiesel,495 Brake rotors, 400 Camshaft. 133, 138, 149, 138, 152, 168 traetion control), 256 Biofidelic Rear Impaet Dummy Brake shoes, 398, 399--400 CAN (eontroller area network), 242, Chi Audi exhaust system, 321j (BioRIO), 370 Brake slip, 409, 410j, 411J, 415j 243,268[,269, 5l7, 527-530, CH Audi space frame (ASF~), 293-299, Biofuels, 277J; 279 Brake travel sensor, 413 527j; 528(, 529[, 530(, 535 294f, 3l0(, 3l9-320, 321/ Biomcchanies,367-368 Brake tubing, 408 Canada, 508 Ch, Audi V6 TOI engine. 208, 209j BioRIO (Biofidelic Rear Impaet Brake-by-wire, 259--260, 525 Capacitor discharge ignition, 140--141 Cm Audio, 53 t-.534 Dummy),370 Brakes, 394-424 CARE (California Air Resources Cm Austempered ductile iron (ADI), 545 Bitwise arbitration, 528 fuel consumption, 126, 140j Board), 107,489 Cir, Austenite, 317 Hi-xenon systems, 507 system regulations, 20 Carbon, 317 Austria. 36q(, 50g Blaupunkr, 532, 534 systems, 394-396, 395j Carbon dioxide (CO,), 11,25,107, Cir Auto radio information (ARI), 532 Blow molding, 492 testing. 20, 21t 110,264 CI~ Autobahn. 43 Blower, 355, 356. 359, 3.59j Braking, 255-256. 256J, 430t, diesel engines, 183. 198,206, 206j CitJ Autoigniticn, 123, 177, 181j, 193 BMC (bulk molding compound). 430-43l, 43lj; 443 gas turbines, 119 Ci~ Autoliv, 370 326-327 Braking control, 256-263 Otto-cycle engines, 43, 144, 145 Cia Automatic brake differential (ABO).

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