THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 23, 1900. 7513 -acquisition of lands for and for the completion of and sections relating to the objects of the intended the railways and works authorised by that Act. Act together with books of reference to such To enable the Company to raise by the creation plans and also a copy of the Notice of the =and issue of shares or stock with or without a intended application to Parliament as published preference in payment of dividend or other rights in the London Gazette will be deposited on or or privileges all or any of the moneys which before the 30th day of November in the present Bunder the powers contained in the Birmingham year as follows (that is to say):— North Warwickshire and Stratford-upon-Avon As regards the works and lands in the county Railway Acts J894 1895 1896 1897 1898 and of Worcester and the works and lands partly in 1899 and the Great Western Railway Act 1900 that county and partly in the county of Warwick or some or one of them the Company are now and the works and lands partly in the county of ^authorised to raise by the creation and issue of Worcester and partly in the county of Glouceater ordinary shares or stock or preference shares or and the works and lands partly in the county of stock and for that purpose to alter, amend extend Worcester and partly in the county of Stafford or repeal or to make applicable to the Company with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of with or without variation or alteration all or some Worcester at his office at Worcester as regards of the provisions of the said Acts relating to the the works and lands in the county of Warwick capital of the Birmingham North Warwickshire and the works and lands partly in that county and Stratford-upon-Avon Railway Company. and partly in the county of Worcester with To enable the Lambouni Valley Railway Com- the Clerk of the Peace for the county of pany to raise further moneys for the purpose of Warwick at his office at Leamington as their undertaking by the creation and issue of regards the works and lands in the county debentures mortgages or debenture stock with of Berks with the Clerk of the Peace for such priority in payment of interest or dividend that county at his office at Reading as regards •or other rights or privileges in relation to the the works and lands in the county of Glamorgan ^existing moi*tgages and debenture stocks of the with the Clerk of the Peace for that county said Company as may be prescribed or autho- at his office at Cardiff as regards the works and rised by the intended Act. lands in the county of Gloucester and the works To enable the Company to apply to the pur- and lands partly in that county arid partly.hi the poses of the intended Act or some of them such county of Worcester with the Clerk of the Peace portion of their corporate funds as they shall for the county of Gloucester at his office at think expedient and to raise for such purposes Gloucester as regards the works and lands in the and for the general purposes of their under- county of Wilts with the Clerk of the Peace for taking and for the purposes of any other Acts that county at his office at Marlborough as re- of the same Session additional capital by the gards the works and lands in the county of Staf- creation of shares or stock with or without a ford and the works and lands partly in that preference in payment of dividend or other county and partly in the county of Worcester rights or privileges and by the creation and with the Clerk of the Peace for the county of issue of debenture stock and by borrowing or Stafford at his .office at Stafford as regards the ;any of such means. : works and lauds in the county of Middlesex with To enable the London and North Western the Clerk of the Peace for that county at his Railwaj Company the Great Central Railway office at the Guildhall Westminster as regards . 'Company and the Joint Committee respectively the works and lands in the county of Bucks with to apply their coiporate funds to the purposes of the Clerk of the Peace for that county at his the intended Act in which they are interested or office at Aylesbury as regards the works and some of them. lands in the county of Mbnmouth with the Clerk To alter amend and extend or repeal all or of the Peace for that county at his office at some of the powers and provisions of the several Newport (Monmouth) as regards the works Acts hereinbefore mentioned in this Notice and and lands in the county of Pembroke also of the several Acts (local and personal) fol- with the Clerk of the Peace for that lowing or some of them (that is to say):—The county at his office at Haverfordwest as Act 5 and 6 William IV cap. 107 and any other regards the lands in the county of London Act or Acts relating to the Company; the Bristol with the Clerk of the Peace for that county at Wharfage Act 1807; the Bristol Dock Acts 1848 his office at the Sessions House Clerkenwell as to 1897 and any other Act or Acts relating to regards the lands in the county of Devon with the Corporation of Bristol or their dock under- the Clerk of the Peace for that county at his taking; the Act 9 and 10 Viet. cap. 204 and office at Exeter as regards the lands in the any other Act or Acts relating to the London county of Cornwall with the Clerk of the Peace and North Western Railway Company.; for that county at his office at Bodmin as regards the Great Western and Great Central the lands in the county .of Somerset with the Railway Companies Act 1899 and any other Clerk of the Peace for that county at his office Act or Acts relating to the Joint Committee; at Frome and as regards the works and lands in the Act 12 and 13 Viet. cap. 81 and any other the county of Salop with the Clerk of the Peace Act or Acts relating to the Great Central Rail- for that county at his office at Shrewsbury. way Company; the Birmingham North Warwick- And that copies of so much of the said plans shire and Stratford-upon-Avon Railway Act 1894 sections and books of reference as relates to each and any other Act or Acts relating to the Bir- of the several areas hereinafter mentioned in or mingham North Warwickshire and Stratford- through which the intended works are proposed upon-Avon Railway Company; the Act 27 and 28 to be made or lands are situate together with a Viet. cap. 307 and any other Act or Acts relating copy of the said notice as published in the to the Devon and Somerset Railway Company; London Gazette will on or before the 30th day the Act 18 Viet. cap. 11 and any other Act or of November be deposited as follows (that is to Acts relating to the Bridport Railway Company; say):— the Act 61 and 62 Viet. cap. 239 and any other As relates to any metropolitan borough county Act or Acts relating to the Windsor and Ascot borougli or other borough with the Town Clerk Railway Company; the Act 46 and 47 Viet. cap. of such borough at his office. As relates to any 176 and any other Acts relating to the Lambourn urban district not being a borough with the Valley Railway Company. Clerk of the District Council of such district at And notice is hereby given that maps plans his office As relates, to any parish having a No. 27249. R.
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