Vladimir Kravtsov Particles of the “Standard Model” Within the SM there are 3 different families of particles. Each lepton has a neutrino associated with it. Neutrinos are one of the fundamental particles and have only week interaction. Neutrino has a zero mass, a zero charge and a spin 1/2. Direct measurement of the neutrino mass by kinematical analysis of weak decays m 2.3eV e < m <170keV m <18.2MeV 3/24/2011 2 CSU The sources of neutrinos Natural sources 10 2 ĭȞ = 6 × 10 Ȟcm 3 ʌʆ = 330/cm EȞ 0.1–20 MeV Eʆ =0.0004 eV S-Kamiokande Relic Neutrinos Sun Neutrinos Solar Atmospheric Earth (Geo Ȟ) Supernovae BigBang Artificial sources Accelerators Reactors 3/24/2011 3 CSU A Brief History of the Neutrino 1914 The ȕ-decay energy conservation crisis. 1930 Pauli proposes a new neutral particle is emitted in ȕ-decay. 1932 Fermi names the new particle “neutrino” and introduces four-fermion interaction. 1956 The first observation of electron anti-neutrinos by Reines and Cowan. 1957 Bruno Pontecorvo proposes neutrino-antineutrino oscillations. 1962 Ziro Maki, Masami Nakagawa and Sakata introduce neutrino flavor mixing and flavor oscillations (MNSP matrix). 1962 The muon neutrino is observed at BNL. 1973 Discovery of neutral currents at CERN. 1998 Super-Kamiokande announced the evidence of atmospheric neutrino oscillations 2000 First direct evidence for the tau neutrino 3/24/2011 4 CSU Neutron ȕ decay Measured ɴ spectra Niels Bohr even suggested that perhaps energy were continuous instead of conservation did not hold inside the nucleus. discrete for 2-body decay “At the present stage of atomic theory, however, we may say that 1914 we have no argument, either empirical or theoretical, for upholding the energy principle in the case of ȕ-ray disintegrations”. - e 2 M nc E p + Ee Niels Bohr - n ĺSH 1930 Pauli proposed that a neutral particle shared the energy of beta decay with the emitted electron. Wolfgang Pauli - e 2 M nc = E p + Ee + E - Ȟ 1934 n ĺSH + Ȟ Fermi builds a new theory of to explain ɴ-decay based on the current-current interaction and named a new particle “neutrino”. Enrico Fermi 3/24/2011 5 CSU Discovery of Electron Neutrino (1956) The fist experimental detection came dŚĞŝŶǀĞƌƐĞɴĚĞĐĂLJƉƌŽĚƵĐĞƐƚǁŽƐŝŐŶĂůƐŝŶƚĂŶŬƐ from the high flux of neutrinos created ’s Scintillator + in Savannah River reactor. e + p n + e Ȟ Cd e+ n + + p e + e + Scintillator Prompt signal producing two 108 109 108 n+ Cd Cd Cd + 's 0.511 MeV Ȗ’s 110 5” PMTs Delayed signal from n capture on A few s later cadmium producing 9 MeV in Ȗ’s ʅ Positron scope 43 2 = (1.1 0.3) 10 cm Science 124 (1956) 103; Phys. Rev. 113 (1959) 273 The Nobel Prize in Physics 1995 Water + CdCl 2 was awarded to Frederick Reines Liquid3/24/2011 scintillator tanks Neutron6 scope "for the detection ofCSU the neutrino" Discovery of Muon Neutrino (1962) In 1962, Schwartz, Steinberger and Lederman built the very first Neutrino beam neutrino beam and presented evidence for the muon neutrino Main sources + + + + + K + Secondary sources + 0 + K + + + 0 + K + e + e + + e + e + 10-tonn spark chamber detector with Al plates The Nobel Prize 1998 was awarded to Leon Lederman, ȝ- Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet + n + p structure of the leptons through the discovery of the 3/24/2011 7 CSU 29 Ȟȝ interactions were registered muon neutrino " Discovery of Tau Neutrino (2000) 800 GeV protons from TeVatron (FNAL) on Tungsten target produce Ds mesons Decay of Ds meson DQGQH[WIJ lepton decay give ȞIJ Ds + l + l + , l = e, -13 IJIJ=2.9x10 ȞIJ + N + X DONUT e IJ 9 clean ȞIJ CC events were observed 3/24/2011 8 CSU Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 052002 Neutral currents: triumph of the electro-weak unification (1973) Weinberg and Salam develop a theory of electroweak interactions, but it requires a “neutral” weak current. CC NC The model introduces two types of weak interaction: Charged current (CC) and Neutral current (NC). + e + e Ȟȝ 1973 First example of + N + X NC CERN Ȟȝ - BEBC e Gargamelle Big European Gargamelle bubble chamber Bubble Chamber 3/24/2011 9 CSU filled with freon (CF3Br) Large neutrino calorimeter type detectors A large sampling calorimeters can measure large statistics CC and NC data Neutrino cross section is very low FNAL (700 GeV) CITF, HPWF, CCFR/NuTeV BNL (28 GeV) E-776, E-816 CERN (400 GeV) Aachen-Padova, CDHS, CHARM IHEP (70 GeV) IHEP-ITEP, IHEP-JINR 3/24/2011 10 CSU Large neutrino calorimeter type detectors goals 1. Cross section measurements + N + X - CC DIS + N + X - NC DIS + e + e - Ȟe-scattering + n + p - CC QE + p + p - NC Elastic + e + e - Inverse ȝ-decay 2. Nucleon structure functions measurements Bjorken scaling variables in the laboratory system - Energy transferred to nucleon - 4-momentum transfer In terms of the quark distribution functions 2 3. Measurement of sin șW SM parameters Paschos–Wolfenstein relation removes NuTeV - the effects of sea quark scattering and is much less sensitive to heavy quark production 4. Beam-dump experiments Search prompt neutrinos from charm particles production, Higgs, axion, heavy neutrino, … 3/24/2011 11 CSU 5. Neutrino oscillations CERN: CHARM and CHARM-II (1986-1991) experiments CHARM has a fine grained calorimeter with low Z target planes for good identification of electron from elastic Lje-scattering / Ee = 0.20 / Ee (GeV ) - electrons / E = 0.53/ E (GeV ) - hadrons / E = 0.09 + 0.15/ E (GeV ) - electrons Marble planes e e / E = 0.07 + 0.31/ E (GeV ) - hadrons Glass planes M=692 t 3/24/2011 12 CSU CERN: CDHS (1977-1983) experiment CDHS experiment was designed to study CC DIS and NC DIS neutrino interactions. Detector combined the functions of a muon spectrometer and hadron calorimeter. CERN + N + X + N + X DORTMUND Di-muon event HEIDELBERG / Ee = 0.23/ Ee (GeV ) - electrons SACLAY / E = 0.56 / E (GeV ) - hadrons WARSAW 19 magnetized iron modules M=1250 ton CSU FV=700 ton 13 FNAL: HPWF and NuTeV experiments Calorimeter Neutrino target: liquid scintillator Active detector: spark chamber and scintillator planes / E =10 12%, 10 150GeV Neutrino target: iron planes Active detector: drift chamber and scintillator planes M=700 ton 3/24/2011 14 CSU Neutrino Oscillations 2 At t=0 we have a flavor eigenstates and 1 e which are both mixtures of mass eigenstates and 1 2: e e (0) = cos 1 + sin 2 (0) = sin 1 + cos 2 1 According to Schrödinger equation the mass 2 iE1t iE2t eigenstates 1 and 2 with energy E1 and E2 e (t) = 1 e cos + 2 e sin evolve in time as plane waves: r m2 (t) = e iE1t sin + e iE2t cos For relativistic E = p2 + m2 = p + 1 2 neutrinos (E >> m) 2E 3 Assuming the same energy for both 2 2 Ȟ (t) e i(p+m1 /2E Ȟ )t Ȟ sinș Ȟ e-it m /E Ȟ sinș neutrino components we can write: ȝ = 1 + 2 4 The transition probability is, then, given by with m2 m2 m2 2 2 = 1 2 2 it m / 2E P( e ) =| e (t) | = sin cos (1 e ) Fraction of remaining neutrinos 2 2 5 If we measure ȴŵ in eV , L in km, and E in GeV we can write the above as: 2 2 2 1.27 m L P( e ) = sin 2 sin ( ) E 2 2 2 1.27 m L 3/24/2011P( ) =1 sin 2 sin ( ) 15 CSU E Atmospheric Neutrinos Neutrino Oscillations Discovery (1998) Neutrinos are produced by cosmic ray interactions in Earth’s atmosphere + + + + + , e + + e Expectation ( + ) 2 + , e + e + ( e + e ) SK was measured the number of Ȟȝ and Ȟe interactions as a function of zenith angle 41.4m x 39.3m (Diameter) MC simulation 50 ktons of pure water tank with уϭϭ͕ϬϬϬ20” PMTs Super-Kamiokande Particle identification is based on the pattern recognition of Cherenkov rings arising in water Muon - clean ring Electron – fuzzy ring 3/24/2011 16 CSU ( / e) Neutrino Oscillations Discovery (1998) R = Data ( / e)MC The registration efficiency for muons and electrons is very different R=1 if no oscillation Takeuchi, Neutrino 2010 At the Neutrino 98 conference, SK experiment presented new data on the deficit in muon neutrinos produced in the Earth's atmosphere. This deficit depends on the distance the neutrinos travel - an indication that neutrinos oscillate and have mass. R = 0.63 ± 0.03 ± 0.05 (sub-GeV) ȴm2=2.1x10-3 2 2 R = 0.65 ± 0.05 ± 0.08 (multi-GeV) sin ɽ13=0.0, sin ɽ13=0.5 June 5, 1998 The Nobel Prize in Physics 2002 was awarded to Masato Koshiba Ȟȝ–ȞIJ oscillation (best fit) “… for pioneering contribution to no oscillation astrophysics, in particular for the 3/24/2011 17 CSU detection of cosmic neutrinos" Member of the IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector Collaboration from 1979 to 2000 Neutrino Detector Beam dump Experiment Search of the light Higgs bosons and Axion Limit on the charm production cross section Oscillation Experiment Total cross section measurement 3/24/2011 18 CSU IHEP-JINR Neutrino Detector Magnetic frame X DC Y DC LSC Al Plate Ȟ ȝ - spectrometer e/Ȗ - detector M=104 t 1.04 X0 Target calorimeter 0.35 LJabs LSC The 70 mkm Mylar container with liquid scintillator is inserted into 3mm Al box. Amplitude vs Coordinate MIP position resolution 3/24/2011 ѐX = 16 cm 19 CSU Neutrino Detector Calibration Test beam with low momentum spread The examples of events from pion, electron, Energy resolution vs momentum muon and neutrino interactions.
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