Joint Efforts for Disarmament Socialist Integration Problems of the Theoretisotion ^ of Knowledge Varangians in Russian Historiography Developing Countries and Transnational Corporati Literary Criticism in the System of Culture Youth and Society A quarterly of (he Section of the Social Sciences. USSR Academy of Sciences. Founded in 1970. Published in MoscoijD in English, and also in French. Sciences Soclales; in German, Gesselscliaftswissenschaften; in Spanish, Ciencias Sociales and in Portuguese, Ciencias Socials The journal is published by agreement: in Bengali, Sainaj Bijnan (Bingsha Shatabdi Publishers, Calcutta, India); in Japanese, .Shakai Kagakti (Shakai Kagaku, Co., Tokyo, Japan); in Greek, Kinoiiikes epistenie.'i (Planet Publishers, Athens, Greece); in .Arabic, .M Uluin al-ljliiiia'it/a (Dar al-Farabi Publishers, Beirut, Lebanon) iti Portuguese, (".Avante!" Publishers, Lisbon, put out tbe edition lor circulation in Portugal). The Spanish edition is reprinted in Colombia by Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Sociales (CEIS) Publishers, Bogota. Since 1976 the Editorial Board has been publishing the journal Obshchestvennie nauki (Social Sciences) In Russian. It appears six times a year. For subscriptions apply to national distributors dealing with V/O "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" that are listed at the end of this issue. © Social Sciences, 1979 Reprints authorised with written permission from the Editorial Board. "Social Sciences" Editorial Office, 33/12 Arbat, Moscow, 121002, USSR USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Philosophy History SOCIAL Economics Politics SCIENCES Sociology Law Philology Vol. X, No. 2 1979 Psychology Ethnography Archaeology CONTENTS To the Reader 5 B. Ponomaryov For Cooperation In the Struggle Against the Arms Race and for Disarmament 7 P. Fedoseyev The Philosophy of Marxism and Scien tific Cognition 23 Socialist integration Yu. Shiryaev CMEA: its Establishment and Develop ment 29 O. Bogomolov Internationalisation of Economic Life 41 K. MIkulsky international Significance of Socialist In tegration 50 V. SItnIn Economic Cooperation of Socialist Coun tries 62 S. Smirnov The Soviet Constitution and Science 74 Yu. Shishkov Crisis of the Mechanism of Capitalist Economic Relations 88 N. Ovchinnikov Problems of Theoretisation of Know ledge 104 R. Karplnskaya Philosophical Significance of Modern Biology 119 M. AIpatov Russian Historiography on the Role of the Varangians 135 V. Rutenburg Archival Collections of Leningrad 154 E. Okladnlkova Rock Drawings in North America 163 Developing Countries: New Researches N. Sergeyev Developing Nations and the Transnation al Corporations 171 PROBLEMS OF WAR AND PEACE V. Trukhanoveky The Pugwash Movement 189 DIALOGUE L. Ginzburg The Place of Literary Study in the Overall Pattern of Culture 203 CRITICAL STUDIES AND COMMENT L. Skvortsova Concepts Held Abroad Regarding Pro letarian Culture 216 YOUTH AND SOCIETY V. Pechenev Revolutionary Continuity of Generations 232 SCIENTIFIC LIFE M. Gapochka Scientific Information and the Coopera tion of Scientists of the Socialist Coun tries 239 Congresses • Conferences • Symposiums V. Terekhov Centenary of the Liberation of the Balkan Peoples from the Ottoman Yoke 244 V. Tumanov international Congress of Comparative Law 247 V. Balmaehnov The Working Class and Social Progress 249 V. Koval The International Working-Class Move ment and the Struggle for Democracy 253 Chronicle -255 BOOK REVIEWS A. TItov Vladimir llylch Lenin. Biographical Chronicle, Vol. 8. 268 L. Nezhlnsky Sh.P. Sanakoyev, N.i. Kapchenko, Con cerning the Theory of the Foreign Policy of Socialism 271 F. Petrenko V.G.DolgIn, The Strength of the Socialist Community Lies In Its Unity 273 S. Sokolov Control Over Demographic Development In the USSR 275 Yu. Bobrakov A Critique of Modern Bourgeois Political Economy 276 Yu. Shralder Schools In Science 277 L. Zamanaky Concept of Man In the Aesthetics of Socleilst Realism 280 I. Mosin A.A. Ozadovsky, The USA and Africa. Problems of Neocolonialism 282 BIBLIOGRAPHY New Books by Soviet Orientalists 284 Scientific Thematic Collections 291 Contributors to This Issue 294 Our Qlossary 296 List of Distributors 300 EDITORIAL COUNCIL Fedoseyev P.N., Academician, Chairman Grigulevich I.R., D.Sc.(Hbt.) Deputy Chairman Maslova N.I., Executive Secretary Members Afanasyev V.G., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; AibatoT G.A., Academician; Bogomolov O.T., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Bromley Yu.V-, Academician; Frolov I.T., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Gapochka M.P., Cand.&.(Philos.); Gromyko An.A., D.Sc.(Hist.): Guryev I,E., Cand.Sc.(£con.): Gvishiani J.M., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Inozemtsev N.N., Academician; Kapustin E.I., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Khachaturov T.S., Academician; Shrapchenko M. B., Academician; Komkov G. D,, D.Sc.(Hist.); Kostyushko I.L« D.Sc.(Hist.); Koval B.L, D.Sc.(Hist.); Kovalchenko 1J>., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences: Krivtsov VJi., D.Sc.(Hist.); Kumanev V. A., D.Sc.(Hist.); Kuznetsov D. V., Cand.Sc.(Hist.}; Markov D.F., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Mchedlov M.P., D.Sc.(Philos.); Momdjan Kh.N., D.Sc.(PhiIos.); Narochnitaky A.L., Academidati; Okladnikov A.P., Academician; Piot- rovsky B.B., Academician; Primakov E.M., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Semyonov V.S., D.Sc.(Philos.); Shapoah* nikov V.S.; SUryaev Yu.S., D.Sc.(Econ.); Sobolev A.I., D.Sc.(Philos.); Tikhvinaky S.L., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Timofeyev T.T., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Trukhanovaky V.G., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; ^Vinogradov V.A., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Volaky V,V., D.Sc.(Econ.); Zhilin P.A., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Zhukov E.M., Academician. To the Reader W« open this issue with the speech by Academician B. Ponomaryov, Alternate Member of the Political Bureau, Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. at the Socialist International Conference in Helsinki, in which he underscores that the Soviet Union regards the consolidation of peace and prevention of another world war as the first priority of our times. In response to our readers' interest in this problem, we are introducing with this issue a new section "Problems of "War and Peace", which carries an article by Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. Trakhanovsky "on the sources and nature of the Pugwash Movement. Socialist Integration The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance is marking its 30th anniversary this year. In this connection Yu. Shiryaev writes ahout the history of its formation and development; Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences O. Bogomolov discusses the economic cooperation of the socialist countries as a manifestation of the intemationalisation of their economic life; K. Milnikky analyses various aspects of the international significance of socialist integration, while V. Sitnin shows the dynamics of the improvement of the forms of economic cooperation among the CMEA member countries. Philosophy and Methodology of Science Academician P. Fedoseyevj Chairman of the Editorial Council of our journal, devotes his article to the disctissions -about t^ place of philosophy in the system of scientific knowledge as a reflection of the strug^ between the Marxist and bourgeois trends in the philosophical interpretation of the present epoch. N. Ovchinnikov stresses that scientific knowledge should be understood as a special type of mans attitude towards the world and R. Karpinskaya analyses the role of biology in tiie progress of knowledge and in the affirmation of the principles of the materialist world-view. History. Archaeologfy In analysing the sources of the Varangian question in Russian science, M. Alpatov restores the objective picture of the early history of the Russian state. Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences V. Rntenburg describes the rich collection of the archives of the Leningrad Branch of Sie iTistitute of the History of the USSR which was founded more than a century ago. E. Oldadnilcova writes (U)out the rock drawings of the Indians of the North-Westem coast of North America, which have common features with the ancient rock drawings of Siberia. Economics Yu. Shishkov studies the specifics of the new stage in the functioning of the mechanism of the economic relations of the Western countries in the conditions of the general crisu of capitalism. N. Sergeyev writes cdmut the young states' attitude towards the activities of the transnational corporations as the vehicles of present-day neocolonialism. The Theory of Culture and Literature Is literary criticism a science or is it a separate sphere of human activity different from both science and culture?—this question is discussed in a talk with L. Ginzburg, well-known Soviet philologist. Various aspects of the development of proletarian culture have again become the subject of sharp pokmics. L. Skvortsova shows why this topic is again referred to. Interdisciplinary Studies S. Smimov analyses an essential feature of the new Constitution of the USSR—its intrinsic and diversified connection with science. The article by V. Pecbenev continues the study of the youth problem in our journal. In it the author characterises the i^ological continuity of Uie generations of Soviet society as an embodiment of the interconnection between different stages in socialist and communist construction in diis country. We thank our readers for their
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