Fisca l Y e ar 2 012 An n ua l R epo r t N or ther n Pub lic R ad io WNIJ – WNIU – NIRIS From The Director & General Manager Over the past year the Northern Public Radio stations made great strides in our pursuit to enrich, inspire, and inform the communities we serve. You will see many of those highlights recapped throughout the pages of this annual report. From adding new programs and specials to carrying robust election season coverage through a strong partnership with National Public Radio, this is all designed to keep our listeners’ curiosity satisfied. In addition to providing essential news, intelligent talk, and endless hours of entertainment, we are also committed to being careful stewards of your financial investment in public radio. As a fiscally responsible organization, we take this annual opportunity to provide an overview of the stations’ finances. While much continues to be made of federal funding for public broadcasting, local philanthropy tells a larger story. Listeners continue to generously support the services of WNIJ and WNIU. In fact, last year our Sustainer program reached an impressive benchmark. More than 1,500 listeners are fulfilling their membership via monthly contributions! These funds allow for broadcast service enhancements (check out our web pages!), shorter membership campaigns, and a reduction in administrative costs. I hope you will also note the support given through the local business community. These partners range from southern Wisconsin and LaSalle County all the way to Dixon, Rockford, DeKalb and beyond. While the funding model for our stations is a complex structure, you will see that the largest source of revenue comes directly from the communities we reach… making WNIJ and WNIU truly listener-supported public radio. Thanks so much for your continued listening and support as we move forward into another year of terrific radio. Staci Hoste [[email protected]] Were you one of the hundreds of NPR listeners who posed for WNIJ’s “Fan Gallery” last summer? Check these pages for a look at some of them! 2 M@N+*+<#/(O'$&#;#+,&,( 064825( P(F9( M@N+*+<#/(O'$&#;#+,&,( 064825( P(F9( M@N+*+<#/(O'$&#;#+,&,( !"#$%&#'()**+'"+,(-'+.&#,+$/( 064825( 01234567( P(F9( M@N+*+<#/(O'$&#;#+,&,( 819( 064825( P(F9(!"#$%&#'()**+'"+,(-'+.&#,+$/( 01234567( M@N+*+<#/(O'$&#;#+,&,( 819( G&LA&#,%+;( 064825( 0626455F( P(F9( 3F9( !"#$%&#'()**+'"+,(-'+.&#,+$/( M@N+*+<#/(O'$&#;#+,&,( 01234567( G&LA&#,%+;( M@N+*+<#/(O'$&#;#+,&,(064825( 819( 0626455F( 064825( !"#$%&#'()**+'"+,(-'+.&#,+$/( P(F9(P(F9( 3F9( 01234567( 819( !"#$%&#'()**+'"+,(-'+.&#,+$/( G&LA&#,%+;( !"#$%&#'()**+'"+,(-'+.&#,+$/(01234567( 01234567( 0626455F( 819( 819( 3F9( G&LA&#,%+;( 0626455F( !"#$%&#'()**+'"+,(-'+.&#,+$/(:"#;"#<="'(>"#(?@A*+B( G&LA&#,%+;( C#"<DB<,='E( 3F9(0626455F( 01234567( 3F9( 819( 08834271( G&LA&#,%+;( M(+:"N"'.($)*)C"%(B) F19( :"#;"#<="'(>"#(?@A*+B( 0626455F( O#D'-'B%.#() C#"<DB<,='E( 3F9( /2@03E<2) M(+:"N"'.($)*)C"%(B) 08834271( ;6) O#D'-'B%.#() F19( G&LA&#,%+;( M(+:"N"'.($)*)C"%(B)/2@03E<2) :"#;"#<="'(>"#(?@A*+B( O#D'-'B%.#();6) C#"<DB<,='E( 0626455F( 08834271( 3F9( /2@03E<2) :"#;"#<="'(>"#(?@A*+B(F19( ;6) C#"<DB<,='E(G+,B&**<'&"@,(H#<'$,( F,(+)G%'8'($)*)A:&H:"8I'J) 08834271( 0I74F3J( :"#;"#<="'(>"#(?@A*+B( F19( K:L:D#J&:(B) M(+:"N"'.($)*)C"%(B) 79( C#"<DB<,='E( /<@0301E) F,(+)G%'8'($)*)A:&H:"8I'J) G+,B&**<'&"@,(H#<'$,( 08834271( O#D'-'B%.#() 0I74F3J( 246) K:L:D#J&:(B) /2@03E<2) G+,B&**<'&"@,(H#<'$,(79( F19( F,(+)G%'8'($)*)A:&H:"8I'J)/<@0301E) -'D&#K#+='E( ;6) 0I74F3J( :"#;"#<="'(>"#(?@A*+B( -'D&#K#+='E( M(+:"N"'.($)*)C"%(B) K:L:D#J&:(B)246) 01F54IIF( 79( C#"<DB<,='E( 01F54IIF( O#D'-'B%.#() /<@0301E) FI9( FI9( 08834271( /2@03E<2) 246) F19( -'D&#K#+='E( M(+:"N"'.($)*)C"%(B)M(+:"N"'.($)*)C"%(B) ;6) 01F54IIF( O#D'-'B%.#()O#D'-'B%.#() G+,B&**<'&"@,(H#<'$,( :"#;"#<="'(>"#(?@A*+B( /2@03E<2) C#"<DB<,='E( F,(+)G%'8'($)*)A:&H:"8I'J)FI9( /2@03E<2);6) 0I74F3J( K:L:D#J&:(B) ;6) 79( 08834271( G+,B&**<'&"@,(H#<'$,(F19( /<@0301E) 0I74F3J( 246) !"#$"%&&'($)*)!"#+,-.#() F,(+)G%'8'($)*)A:&H:"8I'J)F,(+)G%'8'($)*)A:&H:"8I'J) 79( -'D&#K#+='E( /0123240) K:L:D#J&:(B)K:L:D#J&:(B) 01F54IIF( /<@0301E) 526) !"#$"%&&'($)*)!"#+,-.#() /<@0301E)246) G+,B&**<'&"@,(H#<'$,( FI9( /0123240) F,(+)G%'8'($)*)A:&H:"8I'J) 246) -'D&#K#+='E( 0I74F3J( !"#$"%&&'($)*)!"#+,-.#()526) A%(%$:&:(B)*)C:(:"%D) K:L:D#J&:(B) 01F54IIF( 79( /0123240) /4=@3<12) /<@0301E) FI9( 2E6) A%(%$:&:(B)*)C:(:"%D) 526) 246) G+,B&**<'&"@,(H#<'$,( -'D&#K#+='E(/4=@3<12) 0I74F3J( A%(%$:&:(B)*)C:(:"%D)01F54IIF(2E6) !"#$"%&&'($)*)!"#+,-.#()79( /4=@3<12)FI9( /0123240) 526) !"#$"%&&'($)*)!"#+,-.#() 2E6) /0123240) A%(%$:&:(B)*)C:(:"%D)-'D&#K#+='E( 526) /4=@3<12) 2E6) 01F54IIF( !"#$"%&&'($)*)!"#+,-.#() FI9( !"#$"%&)>(?#"&%.#()*) A%(%$:&:(B)*)C:(:"%D) /0123240) !"#&#.#() /4=@3<12) 526) /@=31=5) !"#$"%&)>(?#"&%.#()*)2E6) !"#$"%&&'($)*)!"#+,-.#() <6) A%(%$:&:(B)*)C:(:"%D)!"#&#.#() /0123240) !"#$"%&)>(?#"&%.#()*) 526) /4=@3<12)!"#$"%&)>(?#"&%.#()*)/@=31=5)!"#&#.#() 7"#%+-%8.($)*)9($'(::"'($)2E6) !"#&#.#()<6) /@=31=5) <6) A%(%$:&:(B)*)C:(:"%D)/2;534<1) /@=31=5) /4=@3<12) 2=6) <6) 7"#%+-%8.($)*)9($'(::"'($)7"#%+-%8.($)*)9($'(::"'($) /2;534<1) 2E6) 2=6)/2;534<1) 7"#%+-%8.($)*)9($'(::"'($)2=6) 3 !"#$"%&)>(?#"&%.#()*) /2;534<1) !"#&#.#() 2=6) /@=31=5) !"#$"%&)>(?#"&%.#()*)<6) !"#&#.#() /@=31=5) 7"#%+-%8.($)*)9($'(::"'($) !"#$"%&)>(?#"&%.#()*) <6) /2;534<1) !"#&#.#() 2=6) /@=31=5) 7"#%+-%8.($)*)9($'(::"'($) <6) /2;534<1) 2=6) 7"#%+-%8.($)*)9($'(::"'($) /2;534<1) 2=6) Ga-Rllowglass Academy Leaf River NIU SScc-bhool of Theatre & Dance DeKal Ga-Rorrett's Restaurant & Bar Rockford NIU SSTT-EM DeKal b G Four Productions-,Smyrna GA Northee-frn Illinois Hospice & Grief Center Roorck ord Giantovanni's Restaur -Rockf ord Northe-bern Illinois Travel Society DeKal 89.5 NEWS Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois -nElgi Northe-bern Illinois Water Works DeKal Go-bne To The Dogs DeKal Northe-Deern Rehab Physical Therapy Specialists DeKalb Goodwill Industries of Northernn-Illinois Rockfor d NorthPPoo-einte Health & Wellness Campus Roscoe Go-brdon Hardware DeKal Now & T-dhen Antiques and Collectibles Rockford The 2012 elections dominated WNIJ’s news coverage this year. While Gryeat Harvest Bread Company-Rockfor d OSF Saerint Anthony Medical-Cent Rockfor d Gr-rdeenfire Rockfor d Ottawa Visitors Center Thep2r0o1g2raemles cltikioen Ms odronmringin EadteitdionW, ANll TIJh’sinngse wCosncsoidveererdagaendth Tisalyke oafr t. heW Nhailetion gave Ha-user Roess Eye Insti tut-Sy Sycamore Paramo-aunt Theatre Auror progursa min-sdleikepth M corvneinraggEed oitfi otnh,e A PllrTeshiidnegnstCiaol nesliedcetrieodn,a tnhde TWalNk IoJ fNtheewNsraotoiomn gavewas Ha-eyes' Body Shop Sycamore Patchwwoo-rk Inn Orego n He-dar More Music Rockfor Perusee-uAuto & Truck Per us-inbudsepty fohl lcoowvienrga tghee oimf tphaec tP oref sIlildinentoisi’a lreedleiscttriiocnti,ntgh aen Wd iNts IeJ fNfeectw osrno coammpwaiagsns He-Elmmens Cultural Center gin Plum RiRi-yver Farm Pearl Cit busyfofor lCloownignrgestshieo nimal papaancdt SotfaItleli nLoeigsi’slraetdiurset rsiecatitnsg. aaorInt da lli tcsulmeincattoedn icna mElepcatigionn s for Hi-ghland Community College -tFreepor Prairie St-aate Winery Geno Holly Mathiesen of Thrivent Fin-nancial Rockfor d Princett-non Tourism Princeto ConNgrigehsst io20n1a2l acnodveSrtagttee oLegn Nisloavteumr bseera 6tsth. , wItitahl llo cutslm oifn aantealdysiins Einl etchteio dnayNs itghhatt Home of Hope Cancer Center -nDixo Priorityy-ePromotions Sycamor 2012fo cllovweerda.g e A olonn Ng othvee mwbayer, W6Nth,I Jw birtohulgohtts uosf tahnea llyfyoslilsowininthg:e days that followed. Ho-ornbaker Gardens Princet n Qu-Ciad Ciestties' East-tWest River F Davenpor Hy-Ve- e Sycamor e Randal-tl J Manus, Attorney Freepor Along the way, WNIJ brought us the following: Illinois Arts Council Raue CeCe-enter for the Arts Crystal Lak • Caucus and primary specials were heard in January, February and March Illinois Renewable Energy Asss-nociation Orego Re:New DeKalb Illinois Valley Community Hospp-ital Per u Rock CuCu-at Concessions Caledoni • C•auPcruesidaenndt pOribmaamrayynua dspeleivceiarlesdw heisr ea nhneauarld S itna tJea nouaf trhye, UFebrniouna Aryddarneds sM ina rJcahnuary It's Showtime -Sterlin g Rock RiRi-dver Valley Blood Center Rockfor J Carlson Growers -dRockfor Rock VaVada-dlley College Rockfor • P•reIsni dFentebruOarbya, mIllaindeldoelis ivGeorveedr nhoisr aPnanuat QluSintant ed eolifvtehre dU anniotnh eArd gdrriems sStinat Jea nuary Janesville Area Convention & Visitors Bureau Rock VaVaelley College Starlight-dTheatr Rockfor • In February, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn delivereed another grim Stat Janesville Presents Rockford Christian Schools Budget Address JM-B Tours Beachwoo d Rockford Coronado Concert Association Budget Address Johnson Creek Hardwoods -MoMount Carroll Rockford Dance Company • Freakonomics Radio returned with five one-hour specials in February and Jonamac Orchard -Malt a Rockford Health System • Freagkaoinno imn icOscRtaodbieor re-urturned with five one hourdspecials in February an Just Goods, a Fair Trade Markketetplace -Rockfor d Rockford Park District again in Octobe r Ke-ogel's Bicycle Store Rockf rd Rockford Symphony Orchestra • In March, you heard specials analyzing three days of arguments in front of the Ke-Den Spears Construction Kalb Rotary Bo-ltanical Gardens Janesvi le In March, you heard specials analyzing three days of arguments in front of Ki-ndred Healthcare of Illinois Sycamore • United States Supreme Court for and against the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. RRJ PaPa-binting & Wallpapering DeKal the United States
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