The Magazine of the Trinitarian Bible Society 2016 Founded in 1831 for the circulation of Protestant or uncorrupted versions of the Word of God Officers and Executive Staff of the Society President: General Secretary/Chief Executive: The Rev. G. Hamstra, B.A., M.Div. Mr. D. P. Rowland* Vice-Presidents: Resources Director: Mr. G. Bidston Mr. D. J. Broome, C.P.F.A. Mr. G. den Boer Editorial Director: The Rev. B. G. Felce, M.A. Mr. P. J. D. Hopkins, M.A. Oxf. The Rev. Dr. T. Gilmer Mr. D. Oldham Operations Manager: Pastor J. Stehouwer Mr. P. A. Blows, B.A. (Hons.) The Rev. M. Stuart Mr. D. Vermeulen The Rev. M. H. Watts Senior Editorial Consultant: Chairman: Mr. L.Brigden, B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., B.A.(Hons.) Mr. G. D. Buss, B.Ed.* Editorial Consultants: Vice-Chairman: Mr. G. W. Anderson, B.A. The Rev. J. P. Thackway* Mr. A. Hembd, M.A.C.S. J. Cammenga, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. Treasurer: G. Fox, B.A. (Hons.), D.D., Ph.D. Pastor R. A. Clarke, B.Sc., F.C.A.* The Rev. W. M. Patterson Jnr., B.A., D.D. Mr. A. C. Thomson, M.A. Cantab. Members: Mr. G. R. Burrows, M.A.* * These are the serving members of the The Rev. R. G. Ferguson, B.A.* General Committee. The Rev. J. L. Goldby, M.A.* Pastor M. J. Harley* Mr. A. K. Jones, LLB. (Hons.) Solicitor* The Rev. E. T. Kirkland, B.A., Dipl.Th.* The Rev. A. J. Lewis* The Rev. D. Silversides, M.A.* Mr. M. A. Vogan, B.A. (Hons.), M.A., M.Litt.* Issue Number: 617 – OctoberOctot ber to DecemberDecemmber 201620166 4XDUWHUO\ 5HFRUG Issue Number: 617 © Trinitarian Bible Society 2016 All rights reserved. The Trinitarian Bible Society permits October to reprinting of articles found in our printed and online Quarterly Record provided that prior permission is December 2016 obtained and proper acknowledgement is made. Sabbath School Scripture Learning Prize Fund 2 Open Day – advance notice 3 From the General Secretary 3 Mary…Rabboni 7 Editorial Director's Report 10 Psalm 104.4 17 The Treasury 22 The Reformation: Returning to the Word of God (a preview) 24 Order forms 31 Telephoning the Society 31 Compact Westminster Reference Bibles 32 Membership Renewal 36 The Word of God among all Nations 37 Quarterly Record Production Team Editorial Director: P. J. D. Hopkins Editorial Manager: J. D. Arnold Senior Editor: Dr. D. E. Anderson Editorial Consultant: C. P. Hallihan Graphic Designers: P. Hughes, S. Talas Circulation: J. M. Wilson 1 TrinitarianTrinnitarian BibleBiblle SocietySoSocicietety – QuQQuarterlyuaarrtteerlrly RecordReRecocordrd Sabbath School Scripture Learning Prize Fund he Trinitarian Bible Society seeks to leather reference Bibles are awarded. Those encourage and enable children in who have memorised the first set of verses Tthe study of God’s Word by means may, upon reaching eleven years, receive of the Sabbath School Scripture Learning the reference Bible if they learn the verses Prize Fund. This fund was commenced a for the higher age group. The Society would number of years ago to encourage English- encourage all parents, office bearers and speaking children and young people other supporters of the Society who to memorise the Holy Scriptures seek the spiritual well-being of from the Authorised (King James) the young, whether or not the Version of the Bible. Under the children under their charge rules of the Fund, we provide attend a Sabbath school, to a list of verses to be memorised request further details of the by children in two age groups: those Sabbath School Scripture Learning Prize ten years of age and under, and those aged Fund from the Grants Department eleven to fifteen. To the younger children ([email protected]) at our London who memorise their verses, we present headquarters, or from any of the Society’s suitably inscribed bonded leather text Bibles Branches (for which the contact details are with gilt page edges. For the older children, on the inside back cover of this Quarterly suitably inscribed, gilt-edged, bonded Record). 2 Issue Number: 617 – October to December 2016 From the Desk of the General Secretary n this edition of the Quarterly Record The Protestant Reformation of the will be found, among the many other sixteenth century was a mighty work Iitems of interest, a warm devotional of God that bore fruit in many of the article by our esteemed President, the nations of Europe. It was a great revival Rev. G. Hamstra; a fascinating study of God that not only had a tremendous, on Psalm 104.4 by our Senior Editorial powerful and most beneficial impact Consultant, Larry Brigden; an encouraging upon the peoples of the time, but it was account by the Editorial Director, Philip a movement that under the blessing Hopkins, of a recent visit to Turkey and God has had an enduring influence on India; and an interesting account of the true Biblical Christianity throughout the times leading up to the sixteenth century world. Today, the word ‘reformed’ has Protestant Reformation by Peter Hallihan, lost much of its original significance and one of our Editorial Consultants, which covers a very broad range of meanings is the first part of a booklet entitledThe and has little true import of a definitive Reformation: Returning to the Word of nature. Historically, it related to what God, to be published by the Society in was deemed to be Biblical Christianity. 2017 as part of our contribution to the Apostolic Christianity was Biblical commemoration of the 500th anniversary Christianity, Christianity that was squarely of the Reformation. Further details of based upon the Word of God. However, the Society’s proposed publications in the post apostolic era the professing in connection with the Reformation church of Christ became more and more anniversary will be found on pages 32–35. unbiblical, and thus it became deformed ADVANCE NOTICE Open Day The Society will be holding an Open Day at our London premises, William Tyndale House, on 11 March 2017. Further information will be coming soon. Please put this date in your diary and make plans to join us. 3 Trinitarian Bible Society – Quarterly Record as it increasingly rejected the sole Lord was pleased to manifest His glory authority of God speaking in the divinely and work mightily in His church, and to inspired and wholly authoritative Holy commence the work of re-establishing Scriptures, and departed from the pure His church on the Holy Scriptures. These truth of them. In the centuries prior to were times of spiritual refreshing from the the Reformation, the professing church Lord. The glorious and wondrous truths was to a very great extent without the of Biblical Christianity were again brought Divine Rule of Holy Scriptures, and hence to light. Now, in the Lord’s goodness, the most of the professing church, and the tide was turning. The church that for so multitude of men and women held under long had been without the Bible, and its baneful influence, was during this time hence to a great extent deformed, was period also to a great extent unbiblical once again to have the perfect Law of the and deformed, and hence in need of Lord (cf. Psalm19.7) and be reformed. reform. It would probably be true to state that The Reformation period was a time when there has not been a time when there had the Lord was pleased wondrously to been a greater outpouring of the Spirit of revive His work and reform His church. God since the days of the Apostles than Importantly, and very notably, it was at there was in Europe during the sixteenth this very moment in time that there was century. The Bible had been rediscovered in the good providence of Almighty God and was now being translated, printed, the widespread rediscovery of the divine distributed, avidly read, meditated upon, origin, authority and power of the Holy prayed over and preached. Importantly, Scriptures. Once again, as in the times the Holy Spirit was once again powerfully of the apostles, the Word of God was to and demonstrably at work accompanying become central to true Christian thought, His Word (both preached and read) worship, doctrine and practice. The with power. The Word of God was again The General Secretary with the main Simte translator and the Editorial Director during their recent visit to India 46 Issue Number: 617 – October to December 2016 before the people and influencing to a and schools began to appreciate the significant extent the life and witness spiritual value of this Divine Volume. both of individual Christians and of the In time many became subject to the Christian church. authority of God in His Word, and delighted in the compelling truths of During this extended period of time, Holy Scripture, and sought to distribute multitudes of men, women and children it to others also that they might with the throughout the many countries of Europe blessing of God come under its divine came under the mighty and convicting influence. work of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God literally seized hold of their minds and Truly these were wonderful days. In souls, causing them to seek with great many parts of Europe, men, women and earnestness the forgiveness and pardon children were no longer being taught the of their sins through the blood and myths and superstitions of man, but were righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. hearing the voice of the Almighty God Persuaded to flee from the wrath to come speaking in their own tongues as they by the mighty power of God attending heard the Bible—translated into their the reading and preaching of the Word of languages—preached and read with the God, they could find no rest, comfort or unction, authority and power of the Holy consolation until they found true refuge, Spirit.
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