Price List July 1st, 2019 KEENE ENGINEERING COMPANY INC. 20201 Bahama Street Chatsworth, CA. 91311 Order Line (800) 392 GOLD Phone Line (818) 993 0411 Fax Line (818) 993 0447 Web address: www.KeeneEng.com Email: [email protected] PART # DESCRIPTION PRICE 104 O-Ring Gasket for P100 & P180 Pump $ 6.00 105B Pump Back Plate for PHP160 & P180 Pump W/O Seal $ 109.95 135B Pedestal Pump Bearing & Shaft Only $ 105.00 135P Pedestal Pump For PHP160 & P180 Series Pumps $ 135.95 13HPHE 13 hp Honda Electric Start Engine $ 995.00 13HPG 13 hp Honda 6 to1Gear Box $ 999.99 140S Mini Vibrostatic Drywasher $ 769.95 140AH 140 3" HD Ducting Hose (10 feet standard length ) $ 60.00 140CO 140 Cloth Only (Old Black) $ 14.95 140COS 140 Cloth Only (Silk Screen) $ 14.95 140BK 140 Frame Bolt Kit $ 3.00 140CR 140 Concentrator Riffle Cloth Installed $ 130.00 140CS 140 Classifier Hopper Assembly $ 195.00 140CT 140 Recovery Box Complete $ 375.00 140FA 140 Frame Assembly ( fold up ) Rods Not Included $ 149.00 140FBK Frame Locking Pin (New Pull Type) $ 7.95 140FR 140 Frame Support Rods (Requires 2) $ 10.95 140HVS Hi Vac Power Systems with 140 Drywasher $ 1,199.00 140SCA 140 Support Chain Assembly $ 24.95 140SGC 140S Grey Polyester Backing $ 10.00 140SRBBL 140S Rubber Bumper Assy. Left $ 22.95 140SRBBR 140S Rubber Bumper Assy. Right $ 22.95 140V 140 Vibrator Assembly $ 47.50 140SV 140S Vibrator Assembly (New) $ 69.95 15001VW VW Pump Impeller 6 3/8" $ 357.50 1500H P1500 Pump Housing $ 423.50 1500IP Pedestal Pump Impeller 6" - 3/8" $ 390.00 1500OR Pump O Ring Gasket $ 15.00 1500PB Pump Pedestal Bearing $ 150.00 1500PS Pump Pedestal Shaft $ 215.00 1500PBSS Pump Pedestal Shaft Stainless Steel $ 299.00 1500VWS VW Shaft for P1500 Pump $ 215.00 151S Vibrostatic Drywasher 5.5 hp Briggs & Stratton Improved $ 1,895.00 151AH 151 4" HD Air Duct Hose in 10 Foot Lengths $ 70.00 151AS Aluminum Frame Spacers 2 ea. at $2.00 $ 4.00 151BA Blower Assy w/Heat Shroud $ 275.00 151BK Frame Bolt Kit $ 3.00 151CR Concentrator Riffle Assembly for Model 151 $ 150.00 151CS 151 Classifier Hopper $ 259.00 151CT 151 Recovery Box Complete $ 529.00 151CO 151 Cloth Only (Old Black Cloth) $ 14.95 151COS 151 Cloth Only (New Silksceen) $ 14.95 151EBA 5.5 HPV Briggs & Stratton Engine & Blower Assy $ 745.00 151EH Engine Handle $ 24.95 151FBK Frame Locking Pin ( New Pull Type) $ 8.95 151SCA Support Chain Assembly (Hanger) $ 29.95 151SRBBL 151S Rubber Bumper Left $ 29.95 151SRBBR 151S Rubber Bumper Right $ 29.95 151FA 151 Drywasher Frame w/Legs $ 195.00 151I 151 Impeller for Blower $ 69.95 1 PART # DESCRIPTION PRICE 151VS Vibrator Mechanism Assembly Complete $ 89.95 151VB 151 Vibrator Bearing $ 15.00 160 160 New Drywasher only $ 795.00 161HVS 160 New Drywasher and HVS $ 1,220.00 16012VK 160 Wet Conversion kit $ 349.00 161 PHP160 Pump Housing $ 137.50 162 PHP160 Pump Impeller $ 104.50 170F High Banker Frame & Legs 2.5" to 4" Models $ 99.00 173 High Banker (w/PHP160) $ 1,835.00 17325 2.5" Power Sluice / Dredge (New 12 inch width) $ 2,145.00 17325H 2.5" Power Sluice/Dredge 4 hp Honda Engine (12" width) $ 2,350.00 173CA 173 Concentrator (Upper & Lower Legs) 12"x 48" $ 949.00 173E 173-175 Extension Sluice & Legs $ 475.00 173H Power Sluice 4 hp Honda $ 2,040.00 175 3" Power Sluice Only $ 2,115.00 1753 3" Power Sluice Combination with Intec Pro (Briggs & Stratton) $ 2,499.00 1753F 1753 & PFA45C Combination Unit $ 3,560.00 20 3" Power Sluice Dredge GX200 Honda Engine $ 2,690.00 1753X12 1753 Concentrator Honda for 3" Dredge 12 Foot Long $ 3,640.00 1753X8 1753 Concentrator Honda for 3" Dredge 8 Foot Long $ 3,170.00 175H Power Sluice 6.5 hp Honda Engine $ 2,310.00 173LS Lower Sluice box 2.5" or 3" $ 499.00 173UH Upper Hopper Complete 2.5" or 3" $ 450.00 175X12 175 Concentrator Honda 12 foot long Box $ 3,260.00 175X8 175 Concentrator Honda 8 foot long Box $ 2,785.00 176124CA Concentrator only 12" x 4' Miracle Mat $ 550.00 17612425 Combination Concentrator 12" x 4' Miracle Mat 2.5 Honda $ 1,335.00 176127CA Concentrator only 12" x 7' Miracle Mat $ 799.00 17612725 Combination Concentrator 12" x 7' Miracle Mat 2.5 Honda $ 1,575.00 17624CA Nome Beach Box Power Sluice Concentrator only $ 1,395.00 176244 Nome Beach Box w/GX120 PHP106 & Priming Kit $ 2,599.00 17820 178 Power Sluice P185 6.5 Vanguard 50' NH2 $ 3,230.00 178203 178 Power Sluice Dredge 3" P185 6.5 Vanguard $ 3,690.00 178203H 178 Power Sluice Dredge 3" P185H Honda $ 3,850.00 17820H 178 Power Sluice P185H Honda GX200 50' NH2 $ 3,425.00 17834DHCA 178 Dual Hopper Power Sluice (Concentrator Only) $ 3,795.00 17834DHG 178 Dual Hopper H.D. Grizzly with Stand $ 699.00 178CA20 178 Power Sluice Hopper Legs Sluice Wheel Kit 8' x 20" $ 1,995.00 17834DHE 178 Dual Hopper 34" x 4' Sluice Extension $ 799.00 178E 178 Sluice Box Extension and Legs 4 foot long $ 550.00 178LS 178 Power Sluice Lower & Legs $ 995.00 178UH 178 Power Sluice Upper Hopper Assembly $ 695.00 178WK 178 Power Sluice Wheel Kit & Handle $ 199.95 181 Housing for P180 Pump $ 153.00 182 Aluminum Impeller For P180 Pump $ 125.00 190 190 Drywasher & Frame $ 1,399.00 191 191 Triple Threat Drywasher Complete with Blower $ 2,149.00 192K 191 Sluice, Spray & Grizzley Bar Up Grade for Wet Service $ 299.00 1922K 190 2" Dredge Brakt & Suction Nozzle 20xPH125 & 15xSH2. $ 279.95 2004PJF 2" Jet Flare for Backpack Dredge $ 1,915.00 2004IPJF Remove $ - 2004SNF 2" Jet Flare Backpack Dredge w/Suction Nozzle $ 1,895.00 2004IPSNF 2" Jet Flare B/P Inflatable Pontoons Dredge w/Suction Nozzle $ 1,795.00 2004SNPJLK 2" JF Power Jet S nozzle with leg kit $ 2,295.00 204 Engine Mounting Bracket (Ring Only) $ 85.00 205 280-350 Compressor Bracket $ 145.00 207 280-350 3 Leg Adapter $ 135.00 208 280-350 Paper Gasket $ 8.00 2080 8hp to 25 hp O'ring for Pump $ 6.95 2 PART # DESCRIPTION PRICE 210 New Commercial Dry Washer Call for update $ 10,950.00 23HP 23 hp Vanguard Engine w/ Muffler $ 1,995.00 2604HPJ 2.5" Dredge 12" Box GX120 Honda Power Jet $ 2,585.00 2604HSN 2.5" Dredge 12" Box GX120 Honda Suction Nozzle $ 2,599.00 1 2.5" Dredge 12" Box GX120 Honda PJ T80 Power Jet $ 3,160.00 2604HCSN 2.5" Dredge 12" Box GX120 Honda PJ T80 Suct Nozzle $ 3,199.00 25HPH GX50 hp Honda Engine $ 439.00 263 Air Compressor (6.0 CFM) $ 699.00 263AF 263 Air Filters Black Plastic Felt Inside $ 45.00 263F 263 Fan Only (GAST) AF661 $ 19.95 263FS 263 Fan Shroud only AF656 $ 29.95 263G 263 Compressor w/3 hp B/S $ 1,320.00 263GH 263 Compressor GX120 hp Honda $ 1,525.00 285B Pedestal Bearing Shaft 280 & 350 $ 89.95 285P Pedestal only for P285 Pump $ 145.00 301 Housing for P350 Pump $ 174.90 301S Housing for P350S Pump $ 214.50 3400PH 3" Ultra Dredge GX120 Honda P104 $ 2,975.00 3405PHKAC 3" Ultra Dredge GX120 Honda P104 KAC Compressor $ 3,575.00 3405PH 3" Utra Dredge GX120 Honda P104 T80 Compressor $ 3,550.00 3500P 3" Ultra Dredge Briggs & Stratton P180 pump $ 3,025.00 3500PH 3" Ultra Dredge GX200 Honda Engine $ 3,140.00 3505PKAC 3" Ultra Dredge B/S P180 Pump KAC Comp. $ 3,100.00 3505P 3" Ultra Dredge B/S P180 Pump T80 Compressor $ 3,625.00 3505PHKAC 3" Ultra Dredge GX200 Honda P180 & KAC Comp. $ 3,750.00 3505PH 3" Ultra Dredge GX200 Honda P180 & T80 Compressor $ 3,720.00 352 Impeller for P350 Pump $ 215.00 35211 Impeller for P350 11-13hp Keyway (Tall) $ 225.00 3529 Impeller for P350 9hp (Mid Size) $ 215.00 352S Impeller for (Bullet Nose) P350S $ 275.00 4400P 4" Ultra Dredge B/S Engine $ 3,325.00 4400PH 4" Ultra Dredge GX200 hp Honda $ 3,425.00 4405P 4" Ultra Dredge B/S + T80 Compressor $ 3,899.00 4405PKAC 4" Ultra Dredge B/S Engine KAC Comp. $ 3,925.00 4405PH 4" Ultra Dredge GX200 Honda +T80 Comp. $ 3,999.00 4405PHKAC 4" Ultra Dredge GX200 Honda +KAC Compressor $ 4,035.00 4500P 4" Jet Flare Dredge B/S 3 Stage $ 3,850.00 4500PH 4" Jet Flare Dredge GX200 Honda 3 stage $ 3,950.00 4505P 4" Jet Flare Dredge B/S +T80 3 stage $ 4,450.00 4505PH 4" Jet Flare Dredge W/P185CH + T80 Compressor $ 4,535.00 4505PHKAC 4" Jet Flare Dredge GX200 Honda + Comp. $ 4,550.00 4505PH263 4" Jet Flare Dredge GX200 Honda 263 $ 4,850.00 4HPH GX120 Honda Engine Threaded Shaft $ 499.00 4HPHKW GX120 Honda Engine Keyway Shaft $ 499.00 501 Housing HP500 3x2.5 $ 245.00 502 Impeller for PHP500 Pump 3x2.5 $ 215.00 5109PH 5" Jet Flare Dredge w/GX270 Honda T80 3 Stage $ 5,775.00 5110D 5" Dredge 10hp Yanmar Diesel Engine 263 3 Stage $ 8,475.00 5110DE 5" 10hp Diesel. 263 Ext. Box Diamond Sluice $ 9,399.00 5113PH 5" Jet Flare Dredge 13hp Honda 263 3 Stage Sluice $ 6,695.00 5208UM 5" Jet Flare Dredge t80 comp Dual GX120 honda $ 6,299.00 5211UM 5" Jet Flare Dredge t80 comp.
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