Classement Fintech

Classement Fintech

!"#$% !"#$%&'()) !"#$%&'()*+,#*( -%&."/0(1&&+2#.+34 #$%&'($%)$&* KPMG and H2 Ventures are excited to present the fourth annual ‘Fintech100’ report which compiles a list of the year’s best fntech +,,-.%/-&0'1&-2'%&-3,)'/4$'5-&6)7 The Fintech100 represents the most innovative companies, creating products and services at the juncture of technology and fnancial services who are seeking to disrupt the existing processes and products that dominate the marketplace, with fntech companies from 29 8-3,/&+$0'1$%/3&+,9'+,'/4+0':$%&;0'!<<7' The Fintech100 is divided into two sub-lists: (1) the ‘Top 50’ established fntech frms around the globe, which are ranked based on innovation, capital raising activity, size and country; and (2) the ‘Emerging 50’ frms, which are newer companies that are at the forefront of +,,-.%/+.$'/$84,-6-9+$0'%,)'=&%8/+8$0'%,)'-1/$,'=3&03+,9',$5'>30+,$00'2-)$607 ?$;.$'0$6$8/$)'/4$'8-2=%,+$0'+,'/4$'@+,/$84!<<'1-66-5+,9'$A/$,0+.$'96->%6'&$0$%&84'%,)'%,%6:0+0'>%0$)'-,')%/%'&$6%/+,9'/-'/$,')+2$,0+-,0*' including the core fve factors noted below: !7'B-/%6'8%=+/%6'&%+0$)' C7'(%/$'-1'8%=+/%6'&%+0+,9' "7'D$-9&%=4+8')+.$&0+/:' E7'F$8/-&+%6')+.$&0+/:' G7'HI1%8/-&J')$9&$$'-1'=&-)38/*'0$&.+8$'%,)'>30+,$00'2-)$6'+,,-.%/+-,'K%'03>L$8/+.$'2$%03&$'/4%/'+0'%==6+$)'-,6:'5+/4'&$0=$8/'/-'8-2=%,+$0' %==$%&+,9'-,'/4$'M2$&9+,9'6+0/N' B4$0$'0$6$8/+-,'8&+/$&+%'%&$'/4$'O$:'2$/&+80'30$)'/-'8%6836%/$'/4$'&%,O+,90'-1'8-2=%,+$0'+,'/4$'@+,/$84!<<'6+0/'>$8%30$'-1'/4$'$2=4%0+0'/4%/' venture capitalists place on the ability of frms to generate scale and a long term sustainable competitive advantage. B4$'@+,/$84!<<'+,'C<!P'+,863)$0J' Q' E!'8-2=%,+$0'1&-2'/4$'RS'%,)'MTMU'KM3&-=$*'/4$'T+))6$'M%0/'%,)'U1&+8%N*' Q' 29 companies from the Americas (North and South America), and Q' 30 companies from Asia (including Australia and New Zealand). China continues to dominate the fntech landscape, representing 5 of the Top 10 fntech companies in 2017. This follows the trend from =&$.+-30':$%&0*'%0'V4+,$0$'+,832>$,/0'8-,/+,3$'/-'08%6$'5+/4'%'4$%.:'$2=4%0+0'-,'=%:2$,/0'%,)'+,03&%,8$7''MTMU')-2+,%/$0'/4$' Emerging 50, with 29 companies on that list. From an APAC perspective, Australia’s place in the global fntech landscape is also on the rise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an important enabler of the fnancial services industry and innovation in this area is crucial for the industry to continue to serve the needs of 830/-2$&0'%,)'2%+,/%+,'&$6$.%,8$*'+,'/4$'1%8$'-1'9&-5+,9'8-2=$/+/+-,'1&-2'-3/0+)$'-1'/4$'/&%)+/+-,%6'+,)30/&:'>-3,)%&+$07''B-'/4+0'$,)*'>%,O0' and other fnancial institutions must optimise their ‘data assets’ and enhance their capabilities (both internally and through working with fntech companies) in order to defend their existing proft pools and position themselves to explore new market opportunities. U',$5'/4$2$'54+84'$2$&9$)'1&-2'%,%6:0+0'-1'/4$'8-2=%,+$0'+,'/4$'@+,/$84!<<'+0'-=$,'>%,O+,9'Z')$0+9,$)'/-'1-0/$&'9&$%/$&'$2=-5$&2$,/' of customers (consumer and small business), transparency and levels of competition. Open banking is not just the future of fnancial services; it is the future of commerce itself as open ‘banking’ is just the start – as it progressively extends to other segments of the fnancial 0$&.+8$0'+,)30/&:'%,)'/4$,'>$:-,)*'+,863)+,9'$,$&9:*'/$6$8-223,+8%/+-,0*'$/87''[=$,')%/%'5+66'>$'/4$'8%/%6:0/'1-&'%',$5'=4%0$'-1'$,%>6$2$,/' %,)')+0&3=/+-,*'6$.$&%9+,9'/$84,-6-9:'%,)')%/%'/-'8&$%/$',$5'%,)'+2=&-.$)'=&-)38/0'%,)'0$&.+8$0'1-&'830/-2$&07''[=$,'>%,O+,9'&$936%/+-,' +,'/4$'RS*'M3&-=$*'/4$'R,+/$)'F/%/$0'%,)'U30/&%6+%'+0'/4$'0/%&/'-1'/4+0'84%,9$7'B4+0':$%&;0'@+,/$84!<<'+,863)$0'!G'8-2=%,+$0'/4%/'%&$'0$$O+,9' to be a part of this solution. Founders and CEOs must have the agility and fexibility to adopt a 'plug and play' structure in a race against time %,)'8-2=$/+/-&07' B4$'8-2=%,+$0'-,'/4$'C<!P'W+0/'4%.$'&%+0$)'-.$&'RF\C]'>+66+-,'+,'.$,/3&$'8%=+/%6'K+,863)+,9'1&-2'0/&%/$9+8'+,.$0/-&0N'%,)'2-&$'/4%,'RF\G7G' >+66+-,'-1'8%=+/%6'+,'/4$'6%0/'!C'2-,/407 ?$'8-,9&%/36%/$'/4$'B-='!<'8-2=%,+$0'+,'/4$'@+,/$84!<<'1-&'C<!PJ' !7' U,/'@+,%,8+%6'+0'/4$'5-&6);0'6%&9$0/'/4+&)I=%&/:'=%:2$,/0'=6%/1-&2 C7' ZhongAn uses big data to automate online property insurance "7' Qudian is an online electronics retailer ofering monthly instalment re-payments E7' [08%&'0$$O0'/-'&%)+8%66:'/&%,01-&2'4$%6/4'+,03&%,8$'/4&-394'/$84,-6-9: G7' U.%,/'+0'/4$'1%0/$0/I9&-5+,9'2%&O$/=6%8$'6$,)+,9'=6%/1-&2'1-&'04-&/I/$&2'8-,032$&'8&$)+/ X7' Lufax online fnancial asset trading company and uses big data to analyse risk P7' S&$)+/$84'3,)$&5&+/$'3,)$&I>%,O$)'830/-2$&0'5+/4+,'0$8-,)0 ]7' Atom Bank is the UK’s frst purely digital retail bank 9. JD Finance uses its e-commerce expertise to provide fnance across seven verticals including consumer fnance, crowd-funding and =%:2$,/'0$&.+8$0 !<7' S%>>%9$'13,)0'02%66'>30+,$00$0'/4&-394'+/0'%3/-2%/$)'6$,)+,9'=6%/1-&2 ^-3'8%,'&$%)'%66'%>-3/'/4$0$'8-2=%,+$0*'%,)'2%,:'-/4$&0*'+,'/4$'1-66-5+,9'=%9$07' We encourage you to visit to fnd out more. ^-3&0'@%+/41366: _$,'`$%= b%,'a-66%&+ @-3,)+,9'a%&/,$&'' a%&/,$&'Y'V-IW$%)*'SaTD' !"#$%&'()%* D6->%6'@+,/$84'=&%8/+8$ +,-. !"#$%&#'( !)*+,- E U&-3,)'/4$'5-&6) F5$)$,'K"N @+,6%,)'K!N Netherlands (2) D$&2%,:'KGN B3&O$:'K!N V%,%)%'KXN b/%6:'K!N a-6%,)'KCN @&%,8$'KGN c%=%,'K!N F5+/d$&6%,)'K!N _$69+32'K!N S-&$%'K!N United States (19) China (9) R,+/$)'S+,9)-2'K]N b0&%$6'K"N B%+5%,'K!N T$A+8-'KCN b&$6%,)'K"N b,)+%'KEN T%6/%'K!N S$,:%'K!N _&%d+6'KCN F+,9%=-&$'KCN Nigeria (2) U30/&%6+%'K!<N New Zealand (3) G G U>-3/'/4$'6+0/ The Fintech100 is a collaborative efort between H2 Ventures and KPMG and analyses the fntech space globally. The Fintech100 comprises of a 'Top 50' and an 'Emerging 50' and highlights those companies globally that are taking advantage of technology and driving disruption within the fnancial services industry. A judging panel comprised of senior partners from ' H2 Ventures, KPMG and Matchi was used to decide on the fnal composition of the Fintech100 list. !"#$%&'()%* H2 Ventures is one of the emerging thought leaders in fntech venture capital investment around the world. Founded by >&-/4$&0'_$,'%,)'B->:'`$%=*'%,)'>%0$)'+,'F:),$:*'U30/&%6+%*'+/'+,.$0/0'%6-,90+)$'$,/&$=&$,$3&0'%,)'-/4$&'+,.$0/-&0'+,'$%&6:' stage fntech ventures. H2 Ventures is the manager of the H2 Accelerator - Australia’s leading fntech, data and artifcial +,/$66+9$,8$'%88$6$&%/-&7 /01''%)'e`Cfg$,/3&$0'21&3%45&'`C'g$,/3&$0'678%9::3'`C'g$,/3&$0 +,-.#.;:97;#61&'%8< The fnancial services industry is transforming with the emergence of innovative, new products, channels and business 2-)$607'B4+0'5%.$'-1')+0&3=/+-,'+0'=&+2%&+6:')&+.$,'>:'$.-6.+,9'830/-2$&'$A=$8/%/+-,0*')+9+/%6+0%/+-,*'%0'5$66'%0'8-,/+,3$)' &$936%/-&:'%,)'8-0/'=&$003&$07'SaTD'+0'=%00+-,%/$'%>-3/'03==-&/+,9'-3&'86+$,/0'/-'0388$001366:',%.+9%/$'/4+0'84%,9$*' mitigating the threats and capitalising on the opportunities. KPMG’s Global Fintech practice comprises of partners and staf in over 35 fntech hubs around the world, working closely with fnancial institutions and fntech companies, to help them 3,)$&0/%,)'/4$'0+9,%60'-1'84%,9$*'+)$,/+1:'/4$'9&-5/4'-==-&/3,+/+$0'%,)'/-')$.$6-='%,)'$A$83/$'-,'/4$+&'0/&%/$9+8'=6%,07' /01''%)#eSaTD'21&3%45&#SaTD' X 'F$8/-&+%6'>&$%O3=' a%:2$,/0'KC!N #%/%'%,)'U,%6:/+80' B&%,0%8/+-,'%,)' K"N V%=+/%6'T%&O$/0'K!GN W$,)+,9'K"CN ($9/$84'%,)'V:>$&' ?$%6/4'KPN F$83&+/:'KXN _6-8O84%+,'%,)'#+9+/%6' b,03&%,8$'K!CN V3&&$,8+$0'KEN P S$:'`+946+94/0 <!' =<1&7>#=<1&7>#=<1&7# First, second and third place, on this year’s Fintech100, are occupied by Chinese fntech frms. These frms are continuing a trend that is several years in the making and highlights the extraordinary rise of the fntech industry in China. <C'' ?@@)%@7'%#87A1'7;#)71*1&@* The 'Top 50' companies have raised US$4.8B in the last year alone and over US$27B in aggregate 8%=+/%6'-.$&'/4$+&'6+1$/+2$07'?+/4+,'/4$'hM2$&9+,9'G<;*'-.$&'RF\X<<T'4%0'>$+,9'&%+0$)'+,'/4$'6%0/' :$%&'%,)'L30/'-.$&'RF\!_'4%0'>$$,'&%+0$)'+,'/-/%6'K0+,8$'1-3,)+,9N7 <"' -7B:)#C(&41&@#):(&4*#7&4#1&8)%7*1&@#1&'%)%*'#C):D#&:'79;%#1&E%*':)* Twelve companies on the Fintech100 have raised over US$100M, notably ZhongAn’s USD1.5B &%+0$'+,'8-,L3,8/+-,'5+/4'+/0'&$8$,/'ba['-,'/4$'`-,9'S-,9'F/-8O'MA84%,9$7'g$,/3&$'+,.$0/-&0'+,' @+,/$84'8-2=%,+$0'+,863)$i'F$j3-+%'V%=+/%6*'b,)$A'g$,/3&$0*'@-3,)$&0'@3,)'%,)'^'V-2>+,%/-&*' /-9$/4$&'5+/4'0/&%/$9+8'+,.$0/-&0'0384'%0'D-6)2%,'F%840*'T-&9%,'F/%,6$:*'T%0/$&V%&)'%,)' U2$&+8%,'MA=&$007 <E' Geographic diversifcation as an ongoing theme The Fintech100 includes a broad range of fntech companies from 29 diferent countries, with companies from Korea, Mexico and Poland included for the frst time.

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