Joint Meeting of The American Society of Parasitologists & The American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists July 6 july 1 0, 1995 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 2 ! j THE AMERICAN SOCIETY - OF PARASITOLOGISTS - & THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF VETERINARY PARASITOLOGISTS ACKNOWLEDGE THEFOLLO~GCO~ANlliS FOR THEIR FINANCIAL SUPPORT: CORPORATE EVENT SPONSOR: PFIZER ANIMAL HEALTH CORPORATE SPONSORS: BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. MALUNCKRODT VETERINARY, INC. THE UPJOHN CO. MEETING SPONSORS: AMERICAN CYANAMID CO. CIBA ANIMAL HEALTH ELl LILLY & CO. FERMENT A ANIMAL HEALTH HILL'S PET NUTRITION, INC. HOECHST-ROUSSEL AGRI-VET CO. IDEXX LABORATORIES, INC. MIDWEST VETERINARY SERVICES, INC. PARA VAX, INC. PROFESSIONAL LABORATORIES & RESEARCH SERVICES RHONE MERIEUX, INC. SCHERING-PLOUGH ANIMAL HEALTH SOLVAY ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. SUMITOMO CHEMICAL, LTO. SYNBIOTICS CORP. TRS LABS, INC. - - I I '1---.. --J 3 Announcing a Joint Meeting of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Of OF PARASITOLOGISTS VETERINARY PARASITOLOGISTS (70th Meeting) (40th Meeting) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania july 6-1 0, 1995 INFORMATION & REGISTRATION Hyatt Regency Hotel, 112 Washington Place THURSDAY Regency foyer, 2nd Floor t July 6th Registration Begins, Noon-5:00 p.m. FRIDAY Regency foyer, 2nd Floor t July 7th 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. SATURDAY Regency foyer, 2nd Floor july 8th 8:00 a.m.-5:00p.m. SUNDAY Regency foyer, 2nd Floor july 9th 8:00 a.m.-Noon t Items for the Auction may be delivered to this location before 3:00p.m. on Friday, july 7th. 4 WELCOME RECEPTION Thursday, july 6th 7:00-1 0:00 p.m. Grand Ballroom SOCIAl, MATCH THE FACES & AUCTION Friday, July 7th Preview: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Ballrooms 2-3-4 PFIZER, RECEPTION FOR ASP/AAVP Saturday, July 8th 7:30-11:00 p.m. Grand Ballroom STUDENT PARTY Sunday, July 9th 7:00-1 0:00 p.m. Ballrooms 4-5 Monday, Ju1y 10th 1 :00-4:00 p.m. Plaza A-B 5 MAP HYATT REGENCY HOTEL SECOND FLOOR DIAGRAM GRAND BAllROOM 1 • B PLAZA A :PlAZA ,,. : GRAND I I B .;• BAllROOM 2 .........,_1111111!1111111.......,.__. ~ • - -- - v"'',---------- REGENcY • .,.._.,...~~~~~~'--...,..-.....,......... ~ / GRAND A ~ REGENCY ···~·-·· ~ 8ffi lJ BALLROOM 3 lllliSIIIlll*l!lllll3llllllllllllllfl!llllllllllll FOYER - ~~6 c-•••••••••• 1 ~==t"<"'- GRAND REGENCY ~ ........... -£l£V-:ou ~ = ~ BALLROOM 4 ~ ••• : ......fJ • '1 GRAND BAllROOM ~~ "'"'-•-••••••• FOYER A I '... , GRAND REG~CY / .;~ A~ ~~ 4 ~ : BALLROOM 5 TElEPHONE / WOMEN'S MEN'S GRAND GRAND RESTROOM RESTROOM STAIRCASE BAllROOM 6 TO lOBBY lEVEl 6 Time Thurs. 6th Fri. 7th 8:00 OPENING PlENARY 9:00 ASP MVP SESSION COUNCIL COUNCil 10 p. 11 MEETING MEETING STOU-STUNKARD 11:00 p. 12 LECTURE 12:00 1:00 1 p. 10 p. 10 J >- Ill 1.1.1 c.. -u <1:¥ tl lllz &80-' w liio Q~.~.~ ...~o ::r: -oj!_, Ot:ll:: 2:00 STUDENT .... -1.1.1 o- ::r:_wo U""' ~~ ~ UV'l uz WORKSHOP 0 w o>- 00 3:00 :r: -::r: uu a: u =~ p. 10 1.1.1 p. 14 4:00 5:00 6:00 AUCTION PREVIEW & MATCH THE FACES .,. _________ .., __ -.. -.. _-- -------- 7:00 ASP/MVP 8:00 WElCOME/ ASP PRESIDENTS' AUCTION 9:00 RECEPTION 10:00 P· 11 p.18 p. = page in Program 7 Time Sat. 8th Sun. 9th Mon. 10th ASP PAST PRES IDENTS 7:00 18 BREAKfAST 8:00 0 ;;.- w li Zll'l p.39 I ,.._~- w.rt.l.l ; i j QllllC -.> J\,;:) :!5< >g J:u ~d ~! 8 ASP&AAVP g ... 0 <;:;J - ~ :s u::J::J""" 9:00 1,)~ 0~ w.r..d SPECIAL AWARDS ... o 0 p.23 ..du.t p.l1 lSI p. 39-40 o- -z ~w lol.l~o~.. ....ow ;::) >- - l!::~ w.r...l ~u 0 ~~ .... ASP MVP a: ~ 0 10:00 ... }] ~5:.... ~ ~ J:O ::a: BUSINESS BUSINESS ~~ iii£ i 11:00 23 12:00 1:00 .... ~= ASP/AAVP ~- JOINT 2:00 POSTER R.B. McGHEE LECTURE p.37 27 SESSION 3:00 p. 41-46 1-----t INDUSTRIAL LIAISON P. 27 SYMPOSIUM 4:00 CHEMOTHERAPY-Ill 5:00 6:00 7:00 ASP/AAVP PFIZER STUDENT 8:00 RECEPTION PARTY 9:00 FOR EVERYONE ASP/AAVP WELCOME! 10:00 p.29 p.39 AUTHOR INDEX pp. 47-54 p. = page in Program ADDENDUM: AAVP PRESIDENT'S SYMPOSIUM & EQUINE PARASITIC WORKSHOP, pp. 55-57 ABSTRACTS pp. 58-end 8 FOR YOUR INFORMATION COFFEE • All coffee breaks: Regency Foyer • Friday, July 7, 3:00-3:15 p.m. Saturday, July 8, 10:00-10:15 a.m. & 3:00-3:15 p.m. Sunday, July 9, 10:00-10:15 a.m. & 3:00-3:15 p.m. NEED TO PRACTICE YOURTAUd Ballroom I will be available for previewing your slides from 8:00 a.m.--4:00p.m., Friday through Sunday, and from 8:00-11:00 a.m. on Monday. SETTING UP A POSTER? If you have a poster, Plaza A-B will open at 8:00a.m. on Monday, July lOth. Please give yourself enough time to set up before the actual session begins at 1:00 p.m. Thanks for your cooperation. PARKING? • Parking in the hotel garage: $8jday (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) • Civic Arena, across from hotel: $4/day. • Hotel guests, 24-hr. parking: $10/day self-parking, • $15/day valet parking. lATE BREAKERS This session is specifically designed for brief presentations of important, new data/discoveries obtained after this Program went to press. LATE BREAKERS will be held on Sun­ day, July 9th, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in Regency C. Present­ ations are restricted to five minutes with five minutesfor discussion. Submit your abstract of 200 words or less no later than 5:00p.m._, july 7th to: Dr. Darwin Murrell (Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Room 223, Bldg. 003, BARC-West, Beltsville, MD 20705; Telephone: 301/504-6070, FAX: 301/504-5474). 9 MATCH THE fACES While you're previewing auction items, Friday, July 7th Match the Faces to the names of''famous" 6:30-7:30 p.m. parasitologists. Win a great prize. Ballroom 2-3-4 ASP PAST PRESIDENTS BREAKFAST Saturday, July 8th 7:00-8:00 a.m. Ballroom 6 POLITICAL ACTION NElWORK (PAN) lUNCHEON Saturday, July 8th Noon Ballroom 6 STUDENT BUSINESS MEETING Sunday, July 9th 5:30-6:30 p.m. Ballroom 6 A MULTIMEDIA A HAS Dr. A.K. Prestwood will demon- Friday-Sunday strate a compact-disk she has authored, Regency Foyer "A Multimedia Atlas of Internal Parasites of Horses," lavishly illustrated with animated life cycle diagrams. Peruse at your leisure. CHILD CARE A list of state-certified day-care providers is available from the Front Desk at the Hyatt Regency. In addition to the list provided by the Hyatt, AVMA has contracted Kiddie Corp. If interested, call Kiddie Corp. directly (619/455-1718). 10 8:00 a.m.-1 :00 p.m. ASP COUNCil MEETING (working breakfast & lunch), Ballroom 2. Officers, committee chairpersons, past presidents and affiliate representatives may attend. 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. AAVP COUNCil MEETING (working breakfast & lunch), Plaza A. Officers, committee chairpersons, past presidents and affiliate representatives may attend. 2:00-4:15 p.m. EIGHTH ANNUAl ASP STUDENT WORKSHOP, Regency B. Presiding: S.D. SNYDER E.J. WETZEL University of Nebraska Wake Forest University LincolnNE Winston-Salem NC Theme: GETTING STARTED IN ACADEMIC PARASITOLOGY PAPER TIME NO. 2:00 Introouction. E.J. WETZEL. 2:05 1 Getting that teaching job at a smaller comprehensive university. D.D. WITTROCK, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire WI. 2:30 Discussion. 2:35 2 Teaching an introouctory course in parasitology to undergraduates. H.D. BLANKE­ SPOOR, Department of Biology, Hope College, Holland MI. 3:00 Discussion. 3:05 3 Field parasitology at Cedar Point: The design of a course. J. JANOVY, JR., School ofBiological Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE. 3:30 Discussion 3:35 4 So you have your own lab. M.E. SCOTT, Institute of Parasitology, McGill Univer­ sity, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada. 4:00 Open discussion and dose. ll 7:00- ©-" p.m. ASP/AAVP WElCOMING PRESIDENTS' RECEPTION, BUFFET & ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT, Grand Ballroom. 8:00 a.m.-11 :00 a.m. OPENING PlENARY SESSION, Regency A-C. Presiding: P.M. SCHANTZ L.S. MANSFIELD Centers for Disease Control Michigan State University AtlantaGA East Lansing MI Theme: INTESTINAL HELMINTH INFECTION & GROWfH & DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE FOR INTERVENTI ON. PAPER NO. 8:15 Introduction. P.M. SCHANTZ, DPD, NOD, CDC, Atlanta GA. 8:20 5 Intestinal helminth infections inhibit growth and development: The evidence from animal models supports intervention. L.S. MANSFIELD, College ofVeterinary Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI. 8:50 6 Impact of intestinal helminth infections in humans:Effects, mechanisms and recom­ mendations. L.S. STEPHENSON, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca NY. 9:20 7 Allergy, intestinal helminths and nutrition: The good, bad and the ugly. N.R. LYNCH*, I. HAGEL and M. DiPRISCO, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. 9:50 8 A healthy body and a healthy mind: The relationship between parasitic helminth infection and cognitive function/educational achievement in school-age children. C. NOKES* and D.A.P. BUNDY, Department of Zoology, Oxford University, UK. 10:20 9 Intestinal helminths and malnutrition: A global perspective. R.J. STOLTZFUS, Division ofHuman Nutrition, School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD. 10:50 Closing remarks, discussion. 12 11 :00 a.m.-noon STOLL-STU NKARD LECTURE, Regency A-C. Presiding: G. CAIN University oflowa IowaGtyiA PAPER NO. 11:00 10 Molecular genetics of development and behavior in C. elegans. P.W. STERNBERG, Division of Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute(CalTech, Pasadena CA 1:00-4:45 p.m.
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