1 Volume LII Number 3 Cliff Island, Maine Summer 2004 President’s Report The summer 2004 season is about to kick off if we creases – anyone with complaints should contact could get something other than cold damp the assessor’s office for an appointment to discuss weather! We did have some good weather on their particular situation. What is truly needed in Memorial Day Weekend. The season was started Maine is a total revamping of the tax system. The with a Chili Dinner to benefit the “Save Casco property tax has come to bear the brunt of govern- Bay” organization. While we have won some mental funding resulting in an unfair burden being LNG battles to date, “it ain’t over yet”. It be- placed on many residents. With the recent passage hooves us all to stay on top of this issue so we of a referendum forcing the state to pay a larger don’t end up with a dangerous, ugly monstrosity in share of education costs we have a start. However, our neighborhood that could have severe negative we must let our elected officials know that the sav- impact to the way of life on the island and ings to the City from this referendum should be throughout the bay. This is going to take a lot of used to lower property taxes, not just seen as a effort and a lot of money. So, when asked to help, windfall for the city to spend as they see fit. please lend a hand. If you can make a donation, don’t wait for someone to come to you. Go to the In August, the CIA Executive Board will be look- SAVECASCOBAY.ORG web site to learn how to ing to elect some new members. Bobby Howard’s donate. second term is up this year, as is Chrishawk Fer- rin’s teen representative term. Additionally, all Of- The other hot topic coming up is the barge ramp -- ficer terms are one-year slots, so anyone interested the City of Portland will host a public meeting at in running for such a position is asked to make the CIA Hall at 7:30 p.m. on June 29th. The current their wishes known to a member of the board (or rumor mill has it that the City is leaning towards our nominating committee once formed). the south point (LA #2) site after taking a second Lastly, as the summer season starts in full swing – look at alternatives. No one wants this necessary we all enjoy community dinners and breakfasts at ramp to be any more intrusive than minimally pos- the CIA Hall. They are great chances to sit and sible --- this meeting will be the time to bring up chat with friends and neighbors and not have to issues and concerns about the actual layout of the cook at home! Anyone wishing to take the lead to ramp. Additionally, we should be prepared to dis- organize a meal at the hall is encouraged to contact cuss the rules under which the ramp can be used. the CIA Board. We have plenty of expertise to Please attend if you have any concerns along those share to make your event a success. lines and make your voices heard. Steve Little All islanders should have received their property President - CIA tax update information by now. The increases, while in some instances shocking, were not unex- pected. The City will listen to appeals to the in- 2 CBITD Update: 1. New Vessel Update The construction of the Cliff Island new vessel is well underway at Steiner Shipyard. You can track the progress by either going to Chairs theSteiner website at www.steinershipyard.com or By Tahna the Casco Bay Lines website at www.cascobaylines.com and click on Hull 430 and check out the progress for week 3 and 4. As promised, Steiner Shipyard has been working For information with vendors from Maine in order to give them an 766-2316 opportunity to bid on supplying equipment. Recently, Steiner signed a contract with New England Detroit Diesel to supply the engines, in the CBL Conference room. All are welcome to reverse gears, controls etc. for the new vessel. attend. The Agenda for the Board meeting will be NEDDA supplied the equipment for the Maquoit available on Friday, June 11th via e-News update, re-powering project and through their Warren on our website www.cascobaylines.com and Avenue facility in Portland which supplies posted in the terminal and on the boats. maintenance and repair services to CBL. 4. Summer Sailing Schedule The Summer Sailing CBITD General Manager, Patrick Christian and Schedule will begin on Saturday, June 19, 2004 Operations Manager, Nick Mavodones traveled to (Not June 18,2004). Schedules are now available Steiner on May 24th and 25th. Construction of the and also posted on our website. new vessel is progressing well. The shipyard, which has built more than 400 boats and the last 5 ferries for the North Carolina Dept. of Transportation, appeared to be well managed and Thank You well maintained. We anticipate receiving an I would like to say Thank you to all the Cliff excellent boat in March 2005 when it is delivered Community volunteers who helped me teach the to us in Maine. students this past 2003-2004 school year. I had so many of you stand up and meet the challenge with Key members of our New Vessel Technical Team, me it was inspiring. It truly does take a village to which includes Captain Gene Willard, Captain Bill raise a child, and I'm proud to be part of a Wanzer, Captain Larry Legere and Maintenance community who cares so much about 'our' Manager Howard Woodside, will be making children. You all shared in the growth of our kids regular trips to the shipyard with Nick Mavodones and you have my wholehearted gratitude. Together during the construction period. The District has we made a difference! hired a local Alabama marine surveyor company, Judy W.T. Ames & Associates, to provide construction oversight and owner's rep services on a regular basis. ALL use of the Hall 2. Returning Summer Employees Some familiar faces have returned to Casco Bay Lines for the MUST be scheduled summer. We have some new employees for the And if your usage will extend for more than one summer too. Be sure to welcome them. Our day, each of the days (and time of day) it will be used must be scheduled and approved. This helps employees swell to over 100 employees during the us keep tabs on the condition of the Hall as well busy summer season. as avoid double bookings. Thanks. 3. CBITD Board of Directors meeting The Board Please call Ruth Mistark for scheduling. of Directors will meet on June 18,2004 at 745 a.m. 3 Cliff Island Historical Society The Stone Library The Cliff Island Historical Society volunteers were busy this winter. With help from the Island Institute, CIHS Thanks to a grant from MBNA, the library now has an interactive website. This website, which will was heated and open during the winter. be hosted on Bob Howard’s site cliffisland.com, During that time, the children’s room of the library provides basic information about the historical society. It was updated. Visitors may immediately notice a also includes an extensive collection of current and new book organization. All books are shelved by historical photographs of island homes. There will be a categories, including Picture Books, Early presentation in the middle of June to officially show it to the community. Readers, Chapter Books, and Reference materials, among others. This will make finding books much In addition to viewing the CIHS website, visitors easier and more enjoyable for everyone. Some are welcome to come to the historical society office to books that were outdated, in poor condition, or search our computer database of images. Over the winter, many pictures, postcards, and documents were duplicates were removed from the collection. electronically scanned and preserved on the CIHS These will be sold at a book sale fundraiser for the computer. These images are easy to view. Visitors can library later in the summer. (More information search for specific subjects as well. If you are interested about this can be found at the library.) in looking at the CIHS images, come to the historical In addition to reorganizing the children’s society any time it is open. room, all children’s books were electronically The Historical Society is able to offer these catalogued. Each book has a unique bar code that electronic resources to visitors because of the generous can be scanned in to the library computer. Patrons people who have donated or loaned documents. The will still be able to sign books out using cards in CIHS can scan and electronically preserve any two- the back of each book. For this pilot year, dimensional material, allowing individuals to retain their however, children’s books will also be checked out original documents once a duplicate copy is created. If electronically. This allows the library to keep track you have photographs, postcards, or historical documents relevant to your house on Cliff Island, please of books more effectively. It also means we now consider sharing them with the Historical Society. Any have a searchable catalogue of all children’s materials, resources, or information you can provide or materials on the library computers. If you are loan will benefit the long-term collection of the looking for a specific book or a general subject, Historical Society. you can find what you are looking for.
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