.\-f 1. SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1963 ATtraga Daily Net JPress Run PAGE TWELVE \ 'For the Week Ended Thd Wdsther jianirl;?0ti^r ^ti^nUtg l|m lb March 7, IMS Poiaeast of U. s. Waather Bansii ,aaam««1 to-be. two cov.eca.on the iM iU lchpfitP T lE u P lttltD l I p T J t l h book. It turned out to be true, be­ Winninjr Exhibit in tHyision 2 Vote to Build 10,939 fair, eold tonight. Partly ckmdy,' jUniutTown cause there wiu a front cover Member of the Audit little chnage In temperature Taea- Heard Along Main Street where the back cover should be and Bureau of Circulations day. vice versa. The pictures and titles >^nr.r- New Church Manchester^A City of yWage Charm Mortd«y night, Mianlonoinoh were' different. Opening to the . •..... .. - ' • .... -... ■( .......... i.i —, t......................................................... ,L____ *rrtb« NO. 58, Improved Order of And on Some of Manchester's Side Streets^ Too pages, we found the tqil end chap­ Red Men, will observe Past Sa- ters printed upside down. Turning VOL. LXXI^, NO. 134 (ClasMfisd Advurtlsliif Pag* ^ ) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1953 chems’ night. The board of great the book around, the same thing St. Mary’i Will Start (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE 'C EN lf chiefs will also make their annual ■^know, Angus, If I wasn’t an Eng­ visitation. The refreshments com­ She Agrees happened. : ^ 4 Construction Next ... ................ Heard Along has received some lishman, I think I would enjoy It soon dawned on us that some­ ’il'"'''' * ’' mittee will serve a turkey supper support for a thesis presented in being a Scotsman.” thing new was added to the mar­ Year, Planning Drive at the conclusion of business. a few paragraphs run here a week To this Angus replied, "Aye, and ket' Two stories were printed in The Manchester Fire Depart­ ago. That piece took the po,sltion i if I wasn’t borrl a Scot, I would the same book for a double fea­ A special meeting of the congre­ that the big bank rolls and big pay | like to be an Englishman,” ture. They had been printed and gation of St. Mary’a Episcopal ment will hold a drill tomorrow then hound together in reverse up­ morning at 10 o'clock at the fire­ checks that interest some modem i Since he sipped away without Church voted last night to itart young women who are examining | offering a comment, the Irishman side down. That was the way it the new church building not later house on the comer of Hilliard the qualifications of a prospectiveTwas-ftirailyr asked by one of the was planned. Malenkov Pledges to Build Soviet Forces and Main streets. than next year and (to rttaln lha ' husband are not so Important after • companions what he would like to Now. what would be the solution Welle* Organizations', with head­ all. be if he wasn’t an Irishman. if fl customer derided to purchase quarters in the Empire State The Children of Mary Sodality TTie support for that thesis came j "If I wasn’t an Irishman, I one. of the stories and not the of St. James’ parish will receive BuUdlng, New York, a* fund rais­ in a letter from a woman who was ! would be ashamed of meself,’; he other? Perish the thought of rip­ ing counsel. The latter will direct Communion in a body tomorrow at married at the age of 16 and who | replied, ping the books In half and leaving the » a. m. Mass at St. James’ a campaign soon, ^ now has almost 10 years of happy ’ one on the shelf, without a back Four motions were presented to’ Church. All members arc re­ married life behind her. She writes | Mall Bag cover. It’s like buying a music quested to be present at 8:45 in record with a pre.sent hit tune on the meeting by Gordon G. Fogg, Dulles Says Staling Death Raises Hope for World Peacd that, after reading Romantic In- - To Heard Along Main Street chairman of the special committee the lower church. The monthly terest In this department last Concerning last week's interest­ one side and one of .the older melo­ meeting of the Sodality will be dies put together in a modern ver­ to consult with such counsel. The held at 2 p. m., at St. James’ week, she. felt that those girls re­ ing item about names—oftentimes vote on all four was made unani­ ported to be looking for men with names are misleading. 'Tis obvious sion .to fill the "B” side of the mous before adjournment. The School. Plans for the mother and $4,000 in the bank and $80 in his that our neighbor. East Hartford, platter. 'Dvo for the price of one, daughter social will be discussed. whether you like it or not. resolutions follow. Stalin Still Dominate the Scene All members are urged to attend. pay check arc foolish. got Its name because it is East of 1, "That the construction of the States U. S. Policy RefreshmenU will be served. Rather, she said, she is more in Hartford. new church be. started not later sympathy with those men in this . Vet, from the map, our neigh­ PresAura Group Sentiment for the inclusion of a than 1954.” Aims for Peace office who reported their financial bor South Windsor looks more 2. “That the present committee The Women’s Auxiliary of St. power at the time of their own east than south from Windsor. swimming pool in the proposed Mary’s Church will meet in the new high school Is growing leaps be empowered to complete nego­ marriages as being very puny com­ Evidently it' got its name from tiations with the Wells Organize- - To Be Unchanged parlA house Monday at 7:30 p. m. and dive.s. pared to what some gal's wanted being south of East Windsor, the tions on behalf of the parish to The speaker will be the curate, nowadays. It ha.s been decided, tentatively Rev. John J. Johnson, whose sub­ town' it w’as set off from. at least, that the question of raise funds for the construction of At Stalin Rites Our correspondent tells us that ject will be "Symbolism." Host- As for East Hampton, Conn., whether the school will or will the new church and the develop­ United Nations, N. Y., a dramatic success through the I when she got married, she and her I it jg definitely ' far west from ment of the site.” Communist civil war which . esHes will be Mrs. Walter Aitkin, husband had $6.1 with whlch^ to | Hampton, Conp Thus direction not have a natatqrlum will be left March 9—(JP)—U. S. Secre­ Mr*. John Fox, Mrs. Wyville to the voters. “That a committ?* on archi­ brought 450 million Chinese under By THOMAS P. WHITNEY Peabpdy, ‘Mrs. Earle Rohan. Mrs. start off. and today, they have two from Hampton had nothing to do If the pupils at Hollister street tecture and building be appointed.” tary of State John Foster Stalin’s away. Moscow, March 9--</P)—Over the bier of Joseph SUIin, hSI" children, their own home and arc naming East Hampton. It 4. "That the Building Fund Trus­ Dulles said today the death’of ”No Stalin is dead. He cannot Randall Toop and Mrs. John Trot­ very happy—and still her husband ^.gg ngmed because of its being have arty influence on their par­ successor Georgi M. Malenkov today pledged the Soviet Union ter. ents, there is a solid bloc of votes tees be authorized to advsmce, as Stalin , had increased the bequeath to anyone hla prestige. “to strenjrthen by every means the mighty Soviet arm d isn’t bringing home the $no settled by people from Eastham, .lined up for the pool. needed, up to the sum of $6,000 world’s chance for peace. ”As Stalin dies. General Eiaen- weekly that some girls want their (jgpg cod. Mass, for the Welles Organizations fees bower, the man who liberated forces,” but declared his foreign policy is one of peace. Botlt ■J Cpl. Edward M. Stlckney of 166 boy friends to be making before Eastford and Westford are in At a meeting of the subcommlt- Dullm, in his first new* con­ Malenkov and Laventi P. Beria,^----------^----------- --------- Bldridge street was aboard the mlttee on the school plans this and up to $3,000 for expenses.” ference a t the UN *lnce becoming western Europe, has become Presi­ even setting a wedding date. proper direction from Ashford The meeting was informed that dent-of our great republic, with a In funeral, orations, prataed the USNS Oen. H. W. Butner whKSj As for those girls, our corres- place that Inspired their names, week. High School Principal Edson Secretary of State, said Stalin’s "Heroic Korean people.” Malenkov arrived at Staten Island, N. Y., M. Bailey submitted a petition - Herald Photo. Wells Organizations advised set­ prestige unmatched in history. A pondent has this to say. They nan southford, though far away from ting the goal of the campaign at death, however, would not bring new erW begins, one in which the said a "mighty camp of peace, de­ Sresterday from Europe. better get those ideas out of tneir g ^^g places is south of them, signed b.v what seemed to be hun­ Thomas Archer of 678 Middle turnpike east is shown with his Division 2 winning exhibit at the Science any changes in U. S. policy. mocracy and aoctaUsm ha* been Court Spl^ dreds of Hollister’s citizenry.
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