CENSUS OF INDIA 1.961. VOLUME V, PART V-B, No.2 ETHNOGRAPHIC SERIES GU.JARAT ~reli1'fl:ina_ry1 V. A. DRAGIA 'lnVeS't'bgatloonJ Ta.bulation Officer and . draft : .... ~ Office of the Director of Census Opera-tiolls~ Gujarat. THE SH_ENVAS B. M. PATEL Senior Technica.l Assist.ant,. A SCHEDULED CASTE OF Office of the. Dil."e.cto'l:' of Census Ope:ration'S, Guja.rat. GUJARAT Supplement;ary B. I. PATEL investigation : Tabulation Officer Office of the Director of Census Operations, Gujarat M. L. SAH Junior Investigator Office of the Registrar General:> India. P ..eUminary V. A. DRAGI", draft : Tabulation Officer Office of the Director of Census Operations, Gujarat. Lay om and SAYED HASHIMALI printing Printing Inspector. Re-investigation Kr. FATER SINGH JABOL, I.A.S. and final draft Deputy Director of Census Operations, Guj~ra.t. Technical Dr. B. K. Roy BURMAN Oonsultant : De:.puty Regiat-rair Gene-rM, India (Social Studies). Editors: C. C. DOCTOR, I.A.S. c. C. DOCTOR, I.A.B. Director of Census OperationB. Director of Oensus Operations, Gujarat. Gujarat. N. G. NAg Officer on Special Duty. Office of the Registra.r General, India. Y-S41 (ii) _- V!LLAGE' TALUKA' -' LUNASAN . KADI DISTRICT'• MEHSANA. I \ I ) ! LEGEND I I A TEMPLE HiM Pr:tA .JAPAT. ITIII.TI T"'i;t; KAR DA ~.Lo._,_ SCHOO f---1 RABARI ~BP.},\H .... r .. Q L 6> WEt-\. ~ BANIA ~ SEN!VA ~ VALAHO CENSUS OF INDIA 1-961- LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CBNTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS CeDSUB of India. 1961 Volume V-Gujarat is being published in the follo"W"1ng parts "I-A(i) General Report *I-A(ii)a. *I-A(ii)b *I-A(iii) Genera.l Report-Economic Trends and Projections *I-B Report on Vital Sta.tistics and Fertility Survey *I-C Subsidiary Tables * [I-A General Population Ta.bles *II-B(l) General Economic Tables (Tables B-1 to B-IV-C) *II-B(2) Gene7."al Ec::>nomic Tables (Tables B-V to B-IX) *II-C Cultura.l and Migra.tion.. Ta.bles *III Household Economic Ta.bles (Tables B-X to B-XVII) *IV-A Report on Housin.g and Esta.blishmen.ts *IV-B Housing a.nd Esta.blishment Tables *V,--A Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes TV-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Ca.st Scheduled Tribes _ (including reprints) ~... ~;:_R~~ 0" --~ ""VI Village Survey Monog_raphs ~rr- -'-<:;Y>~ tVII-A Sel~ted Cra.fts ~f GUJarat I ::::~ _ '" _\'_:{ , - -" .~\,\ *VII-B Farrs a.nd FestIvals I\~·{ " •. -".-:,_ -' J II) *VIII-A Adm.in.istra.tion Report-Enllm.er~~~ ~- -i~ _))J.i;,)J "- -)- Not -f.._. ~a.le *VIII-B Administration Report-Ta.bulation~;_A'-'j ~Je~ ~'! "'IX Atlas Volume ~-=--- <~_. * IX(A) Atlas Volume (Abridged) *X-A(i) Special Report on Ahmedabad City *X-B Special Tables on Cities and Blook Directory *X-C Specia.l Migrant Tables for Ahmedabad City STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS *17 District Census Handbooks in English *17 District CeDBuB Handbooks in Gujarati "published TSiddi~A Negroid Trihe of' Gujarat. is published . • • Village Survey Monogra.phs .for t.hirteen. villagos~ Pachha.t.a.rdi. l\.Iagda.lla.. Bhira.n.dia.ra~ Ba.:t:nanbore.. Tavadia. Iea.:n.pur. Ghadvi.. SutrD.pa.da.~ Jamhur.. Ambav. Nuna Banja.,. Velavada.r an.d Abha.pur are published. -tKonographs on Aga.te Indl.Jstry of Cambay,. Wood Carving: of' Gujarat.. Patara. Making a.t Bhavnagar,. Ivory W-ork of Ma.huva.. Padlock l\1a.king a.t Sarva., Sca.le Making of Savarkundla.. PerFumery at Palanpur. Crochet Work of' Jamnagar. Suja.:r:.--i "7"e~ving 01' Bro.a.ch. Soa.p Making a.t Kapadv-anj. Mashru "\,Veaving of Pa.ta.n. Gla.se "'W"ork a.t KapadvanJ Ja.r] Lldustry o£ Burat., Transparent. Lacquer "Work of Sankhed.a... Tradi_ tional Silver Ornan:::t.ents.. Brass Qnd Coppervvares at. Sihor.. Snuff Making at Sihor~ Penknives,. ~u~~~~:~~er:ndn~~~~~:'Si C;;r ~~t~~dan~;~a~:;ig~~~ .r~~c:a.~~g;':~:i~:t~~s~:J~ap\lr,. Block and Screen Printing OOIllTE lilTS PAGBS FORE.WORD vii-:z: 1. Introduction 2. Name and Identity 1 3. Origin and History 2 4. Distribution a.nd Areas o£ Concentration D. Distribution in othor State@; 3" 6. Physical A"'Peots of Aroas of Concentration 3 7. Population by Age-groups and Sex 8. RurG.j fUrban Distribution • 9. Population Variath'll in 1901~1 • 10. Physical Characteris~ics • 11. Family, Clan. Kinship and other Ana.logou~ Divi.lons • 12. Clan and Kinship 6" 13. Settlement 6 14. Dwelling 7 15. Dress 8 16. Ornaments g 17. Tattooing 9 18. Food and Drink 9 19. Eyuipmellt for Recording Time and the Measurement of 'Veight and Space 10 20. Environmental Sanita.tion 11 21. DiseaBes a.nd. Treatment 11 22. Language and Literature 1: 23. Economic Life 12 24. Sectoral Dist.ribution or Percentage of Working Population of Scher1.ulcd Castes awl Shenvas. 1-4 25. Equipment and Goods 15 2(',_ Life Cycle 16 Rirth 16 Marria.go 19 Death 21 27. Religion 23 28. Leisure. Recrea.tion and Child Play 2. 29. IntBr-community Helationship 25 30. Structure of Socia.l Control, Prestige and Leadorship 25 31. Social Reforms ant! Welfare 27 Annoxure I Framework for Et,}l_nogl"~phi~ S~udy 29 Annexure II-Glossary uf Loca.l T("rms. 35 Annexure III (a) (i) Ta.bulated Results of Survey (of 20 Houeoholds) Concerning Housing Conditions, Income. 36 Property a.nd Struoture of F a.mily Annexure III (r::r) (ii) Tabulated Re8ult~ of Survey (of 20 Households) Concoruing a'.)u',\ing Com.litil"H1S 37 Annexure III (b) (i) Tahulated Result~ of Hurvey (of 20 Households) Concerning Persona.l Posse~Biol1S of Male Members 0 f Household. 38 Annexure III (6) (ii) Tabulated U,3sults of Survey (of 20 Households) Concerning Family PosscI;;sio03 a.nd Per80Jlai Possessions alllung Fema.le Member. of Households 39 Annexure III ("J) (iii) Ta.bula.tod H.~"ult90fSurv8y(of 20 Tlouseholds) Concerning: Family Pos,,;p::l~iona 40 Annexure-IV Extracts (rom the Print<.,d Constitution of the Shunvus n[ ~Ch!lalla. Distric," 41 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Village L1ID.alan Fron~i.pie~ I (i) Y(}ung Shenva male, front and profile. Facing page 4 (ii) Middle aged Shenva male, front and profilo. " 4 II (il Young Shenva females, pr(}fiJe and front. Between pagef 4-5 (ii) Elderly Shenva females, profile and front 4-5 III (i) Head of young Shenva female, side viell'. Between pagt. 4-5 (ii) Shenva youth, front. " " 4-5 (iii) Head (}f young Shenva female, rear view. .. " 4-5 IV Exterior views of Shenva houses. Facing page 6 V :(i) Interior of a comparatively well to-do Shanva house. Facing page. 7 (ii) Interior of lower inoome group Shenva house. 7 (tii) Quilts and storage veseels. " 7 VI Group of Shenva males, females and ohildren. Facing page S VII Artioles (}f iewellary commonly used lim(}ng Shenva females. Facing page 9 VIII Making a rope. Facing page 13 IX (i) Clay temple conseorated to Melm Mata. Facing page 22 (ii) A miniature temple in stone. 22 X Clay temples of Bhut Mata, Ii family deity of the Shenvas (Vithalgadh Village, Between pages 2~-23 Surendranagar) XI Ramji Mandir, Sidhpur. a temple of the ShenvaB. Between pages 22-23 XII Photograph of a wall poster. l1aoing page 28 FOREWORD The Constitution lays down that "the State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interest of l.he weaker sections of the people and in particular of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation". To assist States in fulfilling their responsibility in this regard. the 1961 Census provided a series of special tabulations of the social and economic data on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The lists of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are notified by the President under the Constitution and Parliament is empowered to include in or exclude from the lists. any caste or tribe. During the Census Operations. the enumerators frequently face the problem of identifying the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. In the President's notification. though in some cases. the names of the sub-castes and sub-tribes and synonyms are given. there are tnany cases where such names have not been provided. in the list_ The Census enumerators. therefore. require guidance about the acceptance or rejection of claims that they come across during the operations of some communities to be treated as sub-castes or sub-tribes of the notified Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes. For this purpose, the Census Organisation has thought it wise to undertake detailed ethnographic studies in respect of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of India. This is also in conformity with the past Census tradition of presenting authentic ethnographic accounts of Indian communities. For conducting the ethnographic studies, a number of ancillary operations are under­ taken by the Social Studies Unit of the Office of the Registrar General, India. as well as the staff of the Directors of Census Operations in the various States. These ancillary operations include: (i) compilation of available information on each Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and preparation of bibliography in respect of them; (ii) preparation and interpretation of maps showing distribution of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes over time and space; and (iii) special studies on cultural. technological and economic changes taking place among the various tribal communities. Dr. B K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrar General; Handicrafts and Social Studies Unit, assisted by N. G. Nag, Officer on Special Duty is co-ordinating all these studies at the Cent!Cal level.
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