Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 2003 4-11-2003 Daily Eastern News: April 11, 2003 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2003_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 11, 2003" (2003). April. 9. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2003_apr/9 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2003 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .. .-11.• .FRIDAY ,:;:.~~;.t:: . Clean sweep + T:I.1E DAILY Both of F.ast.em's teonis teama defeat Ttn.nessee State 7-0. EASTERN NEWS ..... 12 Summer school to see cuts ., Jam a.ntalrl AOIUlllS TRATIOll EDITOR Two of the three solutions to Eastem's current fis- cal callback relate to summer school Eastern now has to give back 29 percent, or $1.5 million.~ from a forecasted 8 percent reserve Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced in February. The first solution is cutting classes in the summer curriculum with low enrollments. .. The university named $800,000 in summer school cuts last in the list responding to the govemor·s February request. The cut proposed eliminating the summer P1'08J'8Dl. "'We will not have to execute this step," saJd Bl.a.tr Lord. \rice president for academic affairs. .. We will however, be looking very closely at small classes and canceling those which are not financially viable be<:ause of small enrollments." The look at enrollment only starts with the sum- mer and decisions on which classes will be cut could be finalized by the end of this month. he said. It beiins with deans lookioi over bolh Q.U'l'Ult and past enrollments of summer classes. " I would expect that there will be some classes affected at each level." Lord said. Eastern could face more than 8 percent, or $4 mil- Uoo. in cuts for Fiscal Year 2004 beginning July 1. Testing the sky "What the effect will be on that part of the sum- Men._. ol the EMeln'I ...,.. UtW9i lily ROTC P8r1'her Baltlllon liAel'l to their pel9Agllt Mdety instructions 1lU'adlly llf'8moof 1 on mer session which takes place after July 1, 2003 is the 1n1rwrrU111 ~ tWda. 1Wo ~ flown by members of Compm1y A of the Anrf'/ Nlltional Glwd's First Baltlllon 108U'I still to be determined... Lord said. "Wh.i.le still ~ DMlion, ~ In o.c:.tur, WIM9d e.a.n to glvie the students.~~ In the aira'aft. SH au••u • Pllgl07 Ex-General Cougill enjoys mayoral life IJJlllllHO ,, Rockwell-type story," Cougill said. ~a strong~~ STAFF WR ITE R "People kept uking me to nm for Q)ugill than mcli in the mayor and I k.ept telling them I did- Mayor Dan Cougill said the last n 't want to." -s~, McNrtt says thing a military guy wants to be is a On ChristnllaS Day, nine years politician. Howe'(er, nine years ago ago. Couglll ~ot bis sign. ., Couaill aomebow managed to find '"Santa came. my aon was playing Hospital. There are plans to create CA.,.I...... UITOll himadf a. the mayor of Cbarieston. in the band. lit started to mow the a lifespan oenter for senior citizens. Couaill was born and raiaed in bige8t snowf1ak.ea you ever saw eoucm uid it would be an upgrade Charleston and after be graduated and the coa:rtbome dock WU rina- trom the cunwt ..... oenten ol from Eastern in 1963, be joined the 1.ng all at the! same time," Cougill Cbarte.ton and Mattoon. - Air Force. said. "I tb.inll; that was my aigoa1 After the meeting, Cougill sat at While in the Air Force. Cougill that I was :~upposed to run for bis desk and went over llOIDe paper- shot up through the rank5 and even- mayor." worit and took a couple or phone tually became a general. Tbe bi&h Cougill said be wouldn't want to calls. ranking gave him the opportunity be anywhere else. "I hate answering machines," to meet Colin Powell and Norman '"Th answei· the question. 'ii you Coua:W said as he bung up the Sdrtranzkopf. could bave 11oy job ln the world phone.. "We moved a lot In my 28 years in what would it be?' implies that you Occasionally, Cougill. would get the Air Force," Cougill said. "When don't like whi8t you're doing right out of bis chair, leave rus'omce and I knew I was getting cloee to ~ DOW," Cougill said. walk tbrouab the balls while stop- rnent, I told my wife to th.ink or a " rve enjoy1ed every job I've ri'er ping in hi.a <»-workers' omc:ea. plllce abe wanted to settle down in. bad." Eastern atudeota bring plenty or "When I went to the Middle F.ast 'The town where Cougill U8e<l to good to O>arleston, but COuaill said ror Deaert Storm I gave ber run pick st:rawbc:rries ror a penny a there are always some bad apples. power of attorney. She took advan- plot, oow reoophes him as mayor. "I would adopt 97 percent of tqe of it and bought a house in 1'be best 1>an of my job Ls mak- Eastern studeota," Couglll said. Charleston... ing things halppen, .. Couglll said. "l "The other 3 percent I would like to Cougill said be was more than get In my car.. drive around and just nm out of town. It's tboee 3 percent happy to come back to bis home- look what's happened since I've of students that give 100 percent of • town. However, after spending been here." them a bad name." sc>me time in Cl!arlestoo be realized Cougill enjoys the sights of Cougi.U said be doesn't have much it wasn't the same town that be left Kiwanis Park;, the bike trail and the free time, by bis own choo.1ing. some time ago. new brick vralla in troot of Old "It's a part-time job, but I o~ "I thought I had made a mi.state," Main. this town an awful lo«," Cougill said. CoualU said. "l'bese an: things I look at and "It gave me an education and my cOugib WU not shy about voicing tell myself, 'You know you are malt· work ethic." his opinion about bow Charleston Ing A little lbit of a difference.,"' CougllJ 80UDded oft on his pet changed. Because of this, many Cougill said. peeva and thinp along tboee lines. staned asking him to run for Cougill ltalrted Wedne8dlly with a "My blgest pet peeves are mayor. meeting oooc:ernhtg the annexatioo rumon1 and people who believe "This is really a Norman or some land by Sarah Buab Uncoln everythina they bear," Cougill aid. Today Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Mostly sunny Partly cloudy Mostly sunny Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Mostly cloudy Scattered stonns -~ .....' ,,,, PAGE - - ~- .~~ Friday, 0 0 700 67° 39° 65° 38° 65° 51° 76° 56° 76° 56° 58° April 11, 2003 TWO HIGH LOW HIGH LOW HI GH LOW HIGH LOW HI GH LOW HIG H LOW HIG H LOW Volunteers to paint area homes •Bucket Brigade will work on homes Sunday By Lea Erwin Tabernacle Church; Weller Hall STAFF WRITER Council; Alpha Kappa Delta; McKinney Hall Council; Mortar Bucket Brigade, a new com- Board; Wesley United Methodist munity service project, ls a one- Church; Eastern's School of day effort to paint the houses of Business; United Otterbein those within the Charleston com- Methodist Church and the munity who are financially or Panhellenic Council. physically unable to do so. "We have received $900 thus Student Body President far," Mormino said. "This should Alison Mormino has been plan- cover cost, hopefully, if we only ning the project all year, and it have to use the $900. However if will finally take place Saturday. it goes over, we will go into the Mormino got the idea for the Student Government account." project from Alton, her home- Brice Donnelly, chair of the town. Student Senate Tultlon and Fee "This project ls an annual Review Committee, said he ls event there," she said. volunteering and he wants "to Mormino said nine homes make sure we (Student were selected. The homeowners Government) do a good, quality were nominated by churches, job." local citizens and the city man- "It ls great getting out to the ager's office. community," Donnelly said. "It The Bucket Brigade will begin will help to smooth out any neg- at 8:30 a.m. at the Martin Luther ative feelings the community King Jr. University Union to may have towards the students, pick up supplies. The project ls and it will help to further expected to conclude at 3:30 or 4 involvement in the community." p.m., and a picnic may take place One of the homeowners who ls afterward for the donors, home- allowing the students to paint his owners and volunteers. house ls Russel Hill. "I have at least 110 to 120 vol- "It's going to help the commu- unteers, mostly student organi- nity and it's going to depend zations on campus," Mormino more so on how the students feel said. about doing this," Hill said. "And Some such organlzatlons what frame of mind are they in include the University Board, to be doing this? Student Government, Lincoln "It's more of the sincerity of Hall Council, Pre-Law honorary doing a good job on this chal- society, Alpha Sigma Tau, lenge, and not just doing it to get Service Learning from it done, and how well they are Charleston High School, Epsilon going to be working together to Sigma Alpha, Beta Alpha Psi, get the goal accomplished," he Alpha Phi, Phi Epsilon Mu, and said.
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