0 MMaleale ReproducReproductivetive SSystystemem MMaleale RepReprodroductiveuctive PPrimrimarar SSystystemem yy SSexex OOrgrganan TestTestiiss Accessory Sex Organs Genital Ducts: External Genitalia Genital Glands: Epididymis Penis: Organ of Prostate Vas deferens Copulation Seminal vesicle Ejaculatory duct Scrotum Bulbourethral Urethra FFuuncnctiontion ofof thethe MMaalele RRepeproroduduccttivivee SSyysstteemm Primary sex organs: Gonads (testes): produced: Gametes: sperms Sex hormone: testosterone Genital Ducts: store sperm &transport sperms Accessory glands: secrete substances that nourish the sperms External genitalia: Penis: organ of copulation Scrotum: protect testis TTestesestes They are the 1ry1ry sesexx oorrggaann which produce: spermatozoa (exocrine function) & testosterone hormone (endocrine function). Location: small oval organ located in the scscroturotumm suspended by sperspermatmaticic ccoorrdd CCovoveeriringsngs OfOf TheThe TTesestetess Each testis has the following coverings: 33 cacapsupsules:les: tunica vasculosa tunica albuginia: fibrous layer, which thickened posteriorly to form mediastinum testis tunica vaginalis: serous layer ,which has visceral & parietal layers 33 ccooaatsts derived from anterior abdominal wall: Internal spermatic fascia: derived from the fascia transversalis Cremasteric muscle and fascia: derived from the internal oblique muscle External spermatic fascia: derived from the external spermatic aponeurosis TThehe CovCovereriinngg OOff TheThe TTesestitiss ((FFromrom OOututsideside TToo InsInsiidde)e) 1) Skin (scrotum) 2) Dartos muscle 3) Colle's fascia 4) External spermatic fascia 5) Cremasteric muscle & fascia 6) Internal spermatic fascia 7) Tunica vaginalis: – parietal layer & visceral layer 8) Tunica albuginea (fibrous capsule) 9) Tunica vasculosa TThehe CovCovereriinngg OOff TheThe TTesestitiss ((FFromrom OOututsideside TToo InsInsiidde)e) IntInterernanall SStructtructururee OfOf TThehe TTestestiiss From the medistinum testis septa arise and dividing the testis into 250 lobules each lobule contains 1-4 convoluted seminiferous tubules(60 cm in length) • Connective tissue between the tubules contains interstitial cells of Leydig which secrete testosterone • Spermatogenic cells: produce sperms • Sertoli cells: supporting • The seminiferous tubules join to form straight tubules called tubuli recti • Which break into a network of canaliculi called rete testis. BlooBloodd SSupupplplyy AArrteriateriall supsupply:ply: TTestesticuicularlar arterarteryy which is a branch from abdominal aorta at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. VVenenououss draindrainageage:: pampiniform plexus of veins, becomes: The righrightt testtesticuicularlar vein &drains into the ininfferioeriorr venvenaa cavacava,, lleeftft testtesticuicularlar vein drains into the lefleftt rrenenalal veinvein LLyymmphph DDrainagerainage ofof thethe TTesestistis && ScrotScrotumum • The lymph drainage of the testis and epididymis is into the lumbar or paraaortic lymph nodes at the level of the first lumbar vertebra. • The lymph drainage of the scrotal wall is into the superficial inguinal lymph nodes. ClClinicinicalal NotNoteess::1-1-VVarariiccoocceleele A varicocele is a condition in which the veins of the pampiniform plexus are elongated ,dilated and tortuous. It is a common disorder in young adults, with most occurring on the left side. This is thought to be because the right testicular vein joins the low-pressure inferior vena cava, whereas the left vein joins the left renal vein, in which the venous pressure is higher. CrypCrypttororchidchidismism:: UUndendescenscendedded TTestis:estis: • One of the testes may fail to descend into the scrotum during development. ImpImperfeerfectct dedessccenentt ((CCryryptptoorcrchidishidism)m) • Incomplete descent: • in which the testis, although traveling down its normal path, fails to reach the floor of the scrotum. It may be found within • The abdomen, within the inguinal canal, at the superficial inguinal ring, or high up in the scrotum. • It is necessary for the testes to leave the abdominal cavity because the temperature there retards the normal process of spermatogenesis. If an incompletely descended testis is brought down into the scrotum by surgery before puberty, it will develop and function normally. A maldescended testis, although often developing normally, is susceptible to traumatic injury and, for this reason, should be placed in the scrotum. The incidence of tumor formation is greater in testes that have not descended into the scrotum. • Hydrocele: This is an accumulation of fluid within the tunica vaginalis. • The indirect inguinal hernia: the protrusion of part of the abdominal contents into the inguinal canal &scrotum • It is congenital in origin (the remains of the processus vaginalis). The hernial sac enters the inguinal canal through the deep inguinal ring and lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels. The hernial sac Scrotal swelling: Varicocele, may extend down into Inguinal hernia, Hydrocele or the scrotum testicular tumor TheThe SScrotcrotumum • It is a sac of dark & wrinkled skin • It is divided by a septum into right & left compartments, each of which enclose: • a testis • The epididymis • The lower end of the spermatic cord • The wall of the scrotum has the following layers: • Skin; dartos muscle; Colles’ fascia; external spermatic fascia; cremastric muscle &fascia; internal spermatic fascia& tunica vaginalis • the dartos muscle is innervated by sympathetic nerve &contraction of ddartartooss muscle wrinkles the scrotum & redreducinucingg hheateat loloss.ss. The external location of the testis in the scrotum brings the tests in an environment with a temperature less than the body by 1.5-2 degree, a condition necessary for the developdevelopmmenentt && ststoorragagee ooff thethe spersperms.ms. SSpermpermatiaticc CCordord • The spermatic cord is a collection of structures that pass through the inguinal canal to and from the testis. • It is covered with 3 concentric layers of fascia derived from the layers of the anterior abdominal wall. • It begins at the deep inguinal ring& ends at the testis. • Structures of the Spermatic Cord: Vas (ductus) deferens Testicular artery testicular vein (Pampiniform plexus) Testicular nerve (Autonomic) Testicular lymph vessels Remains of processus vaginalis TThehe CovCovereringsings OfOf TheThe SSpermaticpermatic CorCordd External spermatic fascia: is derived from the external oblique aponeurosis Cremasteric muscle & fascia: derived from the internal oblique muscle Internal spermatic fascia: is derived from transversalis fascia Pathway of Sperm • Seminiferous tubules • Rete testis • Epididymis • Vas (ductus) deferens • Ampulla of vas deferens • Ejaculatory duct • Prostatic urethra • Membranous urethra • Penile (spongy) urethra GeGenitalnital DuDuctscts • CCoondnductuct ththee spermssperms frofromm tthehe testitestiss toto tthehe uurretethra.hra. • TheyThey alallowlow thethe matumaturarattiioonn && stostorragagee ooff spsperermatomatozozoaa • TTheyhey includinclude:e: Tubuli recti. Rete testis. Efferent ductules. DDuctuct ofof EEpidipididymidymiss VVaass ddeferenseferens EEjjacacuullatatoryory duductscts uurretethrahra • It is a highly cocoilediled ttuubebe EEpidipididdymymiiss 6 meters) • Forms a comcommama- shaped structure in relation to the popoststerioeriorr pparartt ooff ttestis.estis. • It is formed of the following parts: • Head: the upper part that forms a cap around the upper pole of the testis. • BBodody:y: the middle part behind the testis. •The spermspermss ststoorreded & • TTaiail:l: the lower part complete their maturation in which is continuous with epididymis until ejaculation. the vas deferens. VVasas DeDeferensferens • It Is a cord like structure 45 cm tube with thick muscular wall • It transmits the sperms from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct. • 1-It begins in the scrotum as a continuation of the tail of the epididymis behind the testis. • It ascends in the spermatic cord • 2- It enters the inguinal canal • At the deep inguinal ring, it hooks around the lateral side of the inferior epigastric artery to enter the pelvis. 3-Then, it passes on the side wall of pelvis crossing the following from above down: • External iliac vessels • Umbilical artery • Obturator nerve & vessels – Then, it passes medially crossing over the ureter and descends behind the base of urinary bladder medial to seminal vesicle where it forms the ampulla of vas. • It join the duct of seminal vesicle to form ejacuejaculatlatooryry duductct.. • Vasectomy: male sterilization is done by vasectomy, where a short segment of vas is cut through an incision in the upper part of the scrotum . EEjaculatjaculatororyy DuctDuct Formed by union of the ampulla of the vvasas ddefeefererensns with the duct of the sseminaeminall vveessicicllee. It opens in the proprossttaatictic uureretthhrara. UUreretthhrara:: Is a common passageway for urine and semen. AcAccessocessorryy GlandsGlands • Are the glands that secrete substances into the passageways that transport sperms. • These substances contribute to liquid part of semen. • TTheyhey inincluclude:de: • Seminal vesicle • Prostate • Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands SSemieminnalal VVesicleesicle TTheheyy areare iinn thethe formform ofof sacculatsacculateded glanglandsds 55 cmcm lonlongg lying behind the urinary bladder, lateral to the amampullapulla ofof vvaass && aanternteriioorr toto thethe recturectumm.. Formed of highly coiled tube Its duct joins the vas deferens to form
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