SPORTS Raise Your MENU TIPS EAST SIDEny NEWS VOICE- VOTE ISSUED TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Thesday, May 5, 1998 Easy Feasting Jimmy Biyins On The Bounty SERVING LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, Recovery In Hospital Don't Forget MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD -LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY Mother's Day CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGE-OF SeePage9 May 10,1998 SeePage 10 FREE - IDGHLAND IDLLS AND EAST CLEVELAND READ ON - WRITE ON Thesday, April14, 1998- Friday, April17, 1998 ' Vol. 19, No. 4 "COVERING 'THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW" ENDORSEMENTS Elect Ann Mannen for judge of court EAST SIDE DAILY a former magistrate and judicial ENDORSEMENTS NEWS encourages all voters in clerk in the Cuyahoga County Cuyahoga County to elect Ann Common Pleas Court and a .Elect Thbbs Jones, Saffold for ·11th Congress District Mannen for judge to the Court of former Assistant Cuyahoga Common Pleas in the May 5th Two well known pol­ County Prosecutor. Inc., which specializes in con­ Democratic Primary Election for the itical figures are running for the Mannen is a former lec­ tracting, remodeling and reno­ unexpired term ending January I, II th District Congressional seat turer with the Cuyahoga County vation. 2001. being vacated by Rep. Louis Bar Association and is a member Mannen received her high school Stokes. Saffold is also Chief of the Cleveland Bar Association, diploma from Beaumount High EAST SIDE DAILY Executive Officer of the Ohio the Alpha SigmaNu National Je­ School and earned her bachelor's NEWS is endorsing Democrat Minority Contractors Associa­ suit Honor Society and the Cuya­ degree from John Carroll Univer­ Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Re­ tion Inc. and is an ordained hoga Women's Political Caucus. sity and her doctorate of Jaw de­ publican Robert E. Saffold in the minister. EAST SIDE DAILY gree from the Cleveland State Uni­ Law. M a n n e n ' s May 5th primary election. NEWS encourages all voters in One of Saffold's main versity- John Marshall College of work expe-rience includes being Tubbs-Jones made his­ goals if he is elected will be to Cuyahoga County to elect Ann Mannen for .judge to the Court tory in Ohio when she became the create job -training programs first African-American woman to Elect Teddy Sliwinski for judge of Common Pleas in the May 5th Thbbs -Jones Saffold with serve as Judge of the Court of Democratic Primary Election. Public Schools, she' earned a early childhood educational pro­ local, county and state funding EAST SIDE DAILY Common Pleas after serving as bachelors degree and law degree grams and supporting health NEWS encourages all voters in .Muncipal Court Judge. and develop jobs in the district . from Case Western Reserve Uni­ care for seniors . Cuyahoga County to elect Teddy Forum held She continued making including several low-income versity. Republican candidate Sliwinski for judge of Common ·history when she was elected to areas on Cleveland's East Side If elected, Tubbs- Jones Saffold has been a successful Pleas Court in the May 5th Demo­ for resident serve as Cuyahoga County EAST SIDE DAILY main objectives will include ex­ businessman in Cleveland for the cratic Primary Election for the full By CLAUDE STARKS Prosectuor in 1991. NEWS encourages lith Dis­ tending affirmative action for past 30 years. term commencing January 2, 1999. After Tubbs-Jones trict registered voters to choose minorities and women; expanding Currently, he is presi­ Sliwinski, who is the A community meeting graduated from the Cleveland after school youth programs and dent of the Saffold Companies ·Tubbs-Janes and Saffold on founder of Slavic Village, has a was recently held at East End May 5th. doctorate of law degree from the Neighborhood House, 2849 Elect O'Malley for Recorder Elect Dimora for Commisssioner Cleveland State University-John Woodhill Rd. to discuss with Marshall College of Law and is a Ward Six residents planned im­ EAST SIDE DAILY EAST SIDE DAILY graduate of the National Institute provements for the area. NEWS encourages all voters in NEWS encourages all voters in of Trial Advocacy and the · been admitted to practice Jaw be­ The meeting was con­ Cuyahoga County to elect Cuyahoga County to elect U .S .M.C. Officer Candidates fore all courts in Ohio and has ducted by East End Neighbor­ Patrick J. O'Malley in the May Bedford Hts. Mayor Jimmy School. also been an arbitrator in the hood House, the city . of 5th Democratic Primary Election Dimora for Cuyahoga County Sliwinski has more than Common Pleas Courts. Cleveland's Department of Devel­ for Cuyahoga County Recorder Commissioner for the full term 23 years of experience appearing EAST SIDE DAILY opment and CMHA. for the un expired term beginning commencing January I, 1999 in in civil and criminal courts and is a NEWS encourages all voters in Paul Hill director of East January I, 1999. the May 5th Democratic Primary former adjunct professor of real Cuyahoga County to elect Teddy End Neighborhood House, O'Malley was appoint­ Election. estate Jaw at Cuyahoga Community Sliwinski for judge of the Com­ opened the meeting by saying ed to the office in February Dimora said that he has College. mon Pleas Court in the May 5th East End Neighborhood Houses ofl997, when Frank Russo re- an "edge,., over the other candi­ Sliwinski has previously Democratic Election. embarked on a $1.4 million capi­ signed. dates because they lack the ad­ tal improvement program and The County Recorder's ministrative experience of dealing 16. Janet Burney for judge of Juvenile Court provided services to 3,700 senior office responsibilty is to keep the with issues concerning a city Dimora said that since O'Malley said that dur­ EAST SIDE DAILY citizens, adults and children last documents which list the owner such as improving the becoming Cuyahoga County ing his tenure as the county re­ NEWS encourages all voters in year in a myriad of activities in­ of each building in Cuyahoga infrastructure,crime and educa­ Democratic Chairman in 1994, he corder he has modernized the Cuyahoga County to elect Janet cluding meals on wheels, arts and County. tion which he has acquired dur­ has resolved a debt which was crafts and day care. computers to the extent that the Burney for judge ofJuvenile Court 0' Malley said that be­ ing his 17 year tenure as mayor. owed by the party of approxi­ Hill introduced Ward Six office is considered to be on in the May 5th Democratic Primary cause of the experience he earned Dimorais also chairman mately $80,000, mstalled a new Councilwoman Patricia Britt who the"cutting edge," when com­ Election for the full term commenc­ during the past 15 months while of the Cuyahoga County Demo­ computer ystem in the offices said "the purpose of the meeting pared to other county recorder's ing January 2, 1999. working in the county recorder's cratic Party and is a former mem­ and has reduced the party's was to give Ward Six residents offices located throughout the Burney has a bachelor's office, he believes that he is the ber of the Cuyahoga County budget by laying off staff and an opportunity to give their in­ country. degree from Skidmore College and one candidate who can give the Board ofEiections. relocating the party's head­ a doctorate of law degree from the put on identifying problems and taxpayers of Cuyahoga County If elected to a full term, Dim ora said his accom­ quarters. to a cheaper facility. Cleveland State University- John areas which need to be devel­ the " best bang for their buck." 0' Malley said he will continue plishments sin ce becoming EAST SIDE DAILY oped and implemented within the Marshall College of Law. A native of Cleveland, the improvements he has imple­ mayor include the construction NEWS encourages all voters in ward. 0' Malley obtained a bachelor of Burney was formerly em­ mented, while providing new ser­ of an 80,000 square foot recre­ C uyahoga County to elect Dealer and should serve well in arts degree in political science ployed as a nurse with the Cleve­ vices for the citizens of Cuya­ ation center and the relocation of Jimmy Dimora for Cuyahoga that position if elected. from Kent State University, a hoga County. major businesses, ( Coca Cola, land Clinic and with the city of County Commissioner in the EAST SIDE DAILY masters degree in human servi c~s MaJestic Steel and Sisko Foods) Cleveland as an assistant law di­ 0' Malley has received May 5th Democratic Primary NEWS encourages all voters in from John Carroll University and endorsements from the following into the city. rector and is presently employed Election. Cuyahoga County to elect Janet a Juris Doctorate Degree from the in a private law practice. orga~izations: The Cuyahoga Burney for judge of Juvenile (:level and State University- John County Democratic Party, The Elect Warren for 12th District Burney has been en­ Court in the Democrati c Primary Marshall College of Law. Blac k Elected Democrats of EAST SIDE DAILY dorsed by the Cleveland Plain Election on May 5th . 0 ' Malley's work expe­ Cleveland Ohio, The Suburban NEWS encourages all voters in rience includes being an in­ Black Caucus, T he Call and the 12th District to structor at Cuyahoga Commu­ Corrigan for Court of Appeals Post,The Crusader, East Cleve­ electHenryWarren to the Ohio nity College; director of Opera­ EAST SIDE DAILY land Mayor Emanuel Onunwor House of Representatives in the tions in the clerk's office of the NEWS endorses John E. Corrigan and each African-American M ay 5th Democratic Primary Cleveland Municipal Court and fa~ election in the May 5th Demo­ council person from the city of Election.
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