INDEX Images are indicated by italicized Anderson, Tom, 33–34 page numbers. Andes Mission: J. Vernon Sharp called to, 241–42; division A. B. Dick Company, 153–55 of, 242–43; indigenous A. Delbert Palmer School, 310 population and, 243–48; J. Abarcherli, Lionel, 140 Vernon Sharp released from, Abrea, Angel, 228 248–49; David Tuttle called activities, public relations, 321 to, 252–53; organization of, adversity, 129–31, 323 296–98 advocate, Elder Tuttle as, 12–14 Area President and supervisor, Alianza Popular Revolucionario Elder Tuttle serves as, 330 Americana (APRA), 238 Arequipa, Peru, 281 Allen, Arthur, on building Argault, Eduarda, 161, 163 program, 209 Argault, Jeanne Seguín, 161 Allen, James, on stakehood, 172 Argentina: construction programs Allen, Rufus, 102 in, 24; Elder Tuttle tours, Allred, Cohen, 220 71–76; political concerns Allred, Verle, 293–94 in, 85–86; Andrew Jensen Almack, Dr. John C., 47 recommends sending Anderson, Leland, 32 missionaries to, 103–4; South Anderson, P. K., 277, 279 American Mission opened Index in, 104–6; Melvin J. Ballard mission president to Wilford leaves, 106–7; Reinhold Woodruff Whitaker, 36; Stoof’s hope for, 114; history Wilford Woodruff Whitaker of, 187–90; Church opens in, asks advice of, 37; J. Vernon 190–92; work of Reinhold Sharp replaces, 78; on Stoof in, 192–94; Church missions in South America, growth in, 194–95; chapels 101; opens South American to be improved in, 196–201; Mission, 104–6; leaves chapel construction in, 201, Argentina, 106–7; begins 203–12; Church buildings missionary work in Argentina, to be improved in, 201–2; 191; returns to United States, first mission home in, 201–2; 233; on Peru, 238–39; unique architectural needs prophesies on Church growth in, 219–20; geography and in South America, 241–42; politics of, 264; improving visits Bolivia, 254; dedicatory public relations in, 270–72. prayer of, 337–41 See also Argentine Mission, Bangerter, Cory, 120–21 North Argentina Bangerter, Geraldine (Geri): Argentine Mission: C. Laird visits Machu Picchu, 4–5; Snelgrove called to, 187; C. serves in Brazilian Mission, Laird and Edna Snelgrove 67; reaction to mission call, leave, 228–29; Arthur Strong 108–9; with William Grant called to, 229–30. See also Bangerter, 109; travels to Argentine North Mission Brazil, 117; helps maintain Argentine North Mission: balance between work and organization of, 228, 264–69; family, 121; helps with Ronald V. Stone called to, missionary health, 121–23 261–63; using music for Bangerter, Mildred, 67 public relations in, 275–79; Bangerter, William Grant: shares Ronald V. Stone improves feelings on Huayna Picchu, public relations in, 285 4–5; mentioned, 23, 82; Artigas, José Gervasio, 158–59 called to Brazilian Mission, Asociación Educacional y 67–68, 108–10, 116–21; Cultural de La Iglesia de meets Elder and Sister Tuttle, Jesucristo de los Santos de los 84; attends mission president Últimos Días, 309 conference, 88; on mission Avila, Juan Carlos, 228 president conference, 89; attends worldwide mission Ballard, Melvin J.: dedicates presidents’ conference, 94, continent of South America, 95, 131–32; meets Tuttle 5–6; as second missionary family, 99; with Geri, 101; in South America, 8, 9; as to help with missionary 347 A Land of Promise and Prophecy work, 107; meets Asael T. Bello Union chapel, 224 Sorensen, 126; encourages Belo Horizonte Branch, 328 challenging investigators to Benson, Ezra Taft, on Elder baptism, 127–29; expands Tuttle, 334 Brazilian Mission, 134–35; Bentley, Joseph, 293–94 focuses on convert retention, Berrett, William E., 48, 81 137; encourages member Bingham, Hiram, 3 organization, 138–45, 319; blessing, for preaching gospel in released from Brazilian South America, 5–6 Mission, 144; Wayne Beck block maker, 222–23 meets, 145; on Wendell Bolívar, Simon, 237 B. Mendenhall’s changes, Bolivia: history of Church in, 204–5; on church building 254–56; Spencer W. Kimball program, 205; in sugarcane visits, 258 field, 325 Bonneville International baptism(s): Elder Tuttle favors Corporation, 284 whole families for, 21; Book of Mormon: promises made challenging investigators to to Lamanites in, 54–55; accept, 127–29; Elder Tuttle Chileans find and show challenges Finn Paulsen to interest in, 290–92 increase, 133; fellowshipping Boren, Samuel: on meeting members after, 136–37; in houses in Argentina, Uruguay, 161–62; James 198–99; as building program E. Barton emphasizes administrator, 207, 209 requirements for, 183–84; Borges, Juan Martín, 226–27 being selective with, 270–71; Bowers, J. Alden, 115 for men and families, 317–18 Box Elder High School, 46–47 Barker, James, 195 Boxer, Charles, iii Barton, James E.: mentioned, 24; Boyce, Dora Edith, 36–37 and family, 183; called to branches, church administration Uruguayan Mission, 183–84 in, 65 basketball, 272–75 branch presidents: challenges with Battle of Iwo Jima, 41–43, 334 member, 139–40; training Bean, Clarise Montez, 29–31, 29 conference for, 171–72 Beck, Wayne: mentioned, 23; Brazil: Elder Tuttle tours, member organization and, 67–71; comparison between 143; with Sister Beck, 145; Argentina and, 71; political called to Brazilian Mission, concerns in, 85–86, 129–30; 145–47; organizes São Paulo unique aspects and history Brazil Stake, 148; released of, 110–13; Church opens in, from Brazilian Mission, 149 113–16; population of, 118; Beecroft, Carl and Helen, 309 unique architectural needs in, 348 Index 219–20. See also Brazilian on visit of, 280–81; supports Mission establishing schools in Chile, Brazilian Mission: William Grant 305, 307–8; meets Chilean Bangerter called to, 108–10, student and Dale Harding, 116–21; organization of, 310; letter from Elder Tuttle 115–16; missionary health to, 315; visits South America, in, 121–23; challenge of 321, 322; with Elders Paulsen growth in, 127–32; northern and Tuttle, 322 expansion of, 134–35; Brown, Zina, 322 challenges in, 135–37; Buenos Aires, Argentina, 190 member organization in, building program, 203–5 138–45, 319; William Grant Bangerter released from, Cabot, John Moors, 84 144; Wayne Beck called Cabral, Pedro, 111 to, 145–47; Lloyd Hicken callings: member organization called to, 149; presidents of, and, 138–45; of Uruguayan 151–52. See also Brazil South missionaries, 162–63 Mission Camargo, Hélio da Rocha: Brazil South Branch, presidency on member organization, training, 319 140–41; called to mission Brazil South Mission: Elder Tuttle presidency, 142–43, 145–46; visits, 69–70; creation of, reports on training session 124–25; Asael T. Sorensen in Salt Lake, 146; on called to, 125–26; Finn organization of São Paulo Paulsen called to, 132–34; Brazil Stake, 148 C. Elmo Turner called to, Canada, missionary work in, 101 150–51 cancer, Elder Tuttle’s 331–34 Brigham City, Utah, Elder Tuttle Cannon, Hugh J., 60 teaches in, 46–47 Capital District, 181–82 Brigham Young University: Castro, Fidel, 85 Elder Tuttle attends, 33, 35; Catholic Church: Elder Tuttle’s Marné Tuttle attends, 39; negative feelings toward, 79; Elder Tuttle speaks at, 81–83; influence in Chile of, 102, basketball team, 274 289, 290; support of Dom Brown, Harold, 195, 199, 301 Pedro II for, 113; Uruguayan Brown, Hugh B.: annual tours of, views on, 157, 159; buildings 10; tours Spanish American of, 196–97; influence in Peru Mission, 27; meets with of, 236–37, 244–45; influence missionaries in Brazil, 144; in Argentina of, 263, 270; on indigenous population opposes Mormon Boys, 279; of Peru, 251–52; visits schools run by, 306; influence Paraguay, 256; press coverage of Satan and, 323–24 349 A Land of Promise and Prophecy Catron, Hugo, 228 Delbert Palmer establishes, Cazier, Donald, 253 302–4 cement blocks, 222–23 Christian, Lewis E., 264–65 Central America: Elder Tuttle Christiansen, Elwin T., 162 tours, 66–67; nineteenth- Christmas decorations, 282 century missionary work Church Building Committee, in, 101–6. See also Central 203–5 American Mission Church communication, 284 Central American Mission, Elder Church Educational System, 48 Tuttle oversees, 299 Church Lamanite and Minority Channel 5 program, 166, 184, 249 Committee, 260. See also chapels: construction of, 15, Lamanites 133–34, 219–24, 230–31, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- 327–28; construction of, day Saints: early growth in in Argentina, 24, 201, South America, 7–11; Elder 203–12; in Isla Patrulla, 162; Tuttle’s influence on growth accelerated construction of of, 11–12; Elder Tuttle as Malvín Branch, 179–81; to advocate for, 12–14; Elder be improved in Argentina, Tuttle implements programs 196–201; construction of, 18; decentralization of missionaries and, 212–17; administration of, 19; Elder construction supervisors for, Tuttle improves image of, 21; 217–19; public relations and, growth in South America of, 270, 320–21; dedications of, 28, 327–28, 336; David O. 282; construction of, in Chile, McKay called as president 299 of, 61; organization in South Chase, Darrel, 176 America of, 95; established in Chile: Elder Tuttle tours, 78; Brazil, 113–16; challenges in influence of Catholic Brazil for, 127–32; history of, Church in, 102–3; unique in Uruguay, 157–64; hopes architectural needs in, for Uruguay as center of, 219–20; Church schools 185; established in Argentina, in, 253, 304–10; history of, 190–92; growth of, in 288–90; history of Church in, Argentina, 194–95; in Peru, 290–95; Church offers relief 238–41; in Bolivia, 254–56; aid in, 298. See also Chilean challenges in Northern Mission Argentina for, 265–66; public Chilean Mission: organization of, relations for, 270–72, 320–22; 100–101, 107, 243, 299–300; established in Chile, 290–95; members at organization of, effect of schools on, 306–7; 101; A. Delbert and Mable changing South American Palmer called to, 286–88; A.
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