~1istoric-0.l R . /'. :_·, ,. n r· ,. 0 t j_rn 1. ll · street :30 ~ns s ~cns T 02906 Pro~.~:_c.enc~ ' R.:.. THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R I AND SO UTHEAST MASS ~: VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 49 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1982 30e PER COPY ' ' --------------------- : I AD LUrges Probe Of Reported Use ·~1I Of UNRWA Facility By PLO J i tee, said that if the inquiry turns up ~ I NEW YORK (JTA) - The United ! States should demand an independent in­ evidence of links between UNRWA and ' .' vestigation of the reported use of the Un­ the PLO, the U.S. should withhold finan­ . ited Nations Relief and Works Agency's cial support for the relief agency. --: ; facilities by PLO terrorists in Lebanon, the The ADL's call for an investigation Anti-Defamation -League of B'nai B'rith came in the wake of a report issued by UN - said Tuesday. Burton Levinson, chairman RW A that one of its trade schools near :i Beirut was used by the PLO to provide ' ' of the ADL's national executive commit- ; I systematic military training for more than , . 700 students over the past two years. Israel's Operations A resolution calling for the inquiry was passed unanimously at the closing session •: In Lebanon Helped of ADL's national executive committee, the agency's policy-making body, which U.S., Schindler Says met Oct. 28 through Oct. 31 at the Westin MONTREAL (JTA) - Israel's opera­ Galleria Hotel in Houston, Texas. By law, tion in Lebanon has given the United the ADL resolution noted, " the United States "a political victory of overwhelming States is prohibited from making con­ proportions," it was asserted here 1ast tributions to the United Nations Relief weekend by Rabbi Alexander Schindler, and Works Agency unless it 'takes all president of the Union of American possible measures to assure' that no funds FIRST FULL-TIME JEWISH CHAPLAIN aboard USS Enterprise, Navy Chaplain Hebrew Congregations. reach persons receiving military training Cmdr. Bernard Ftankel conducts the concluding Neilah service of the High Holy Days Addressing the 100th anniversary by the PLO or any other terrorist organiza­ in the ship's chapel. Rabbi Frankel is the first Jewish chaplain to be assigned aboard a meeting of Temple Emanu-E l-Beth tions." ship for a full tour of sea duty. JWB provided the shofar, prayer shawls, yarmulkes Sholom, Schindler declared that "the In 1982, $67 million was provided by the (kipot) and religious literature. In the picture, from left, are Ensign Craig B. positive benefits of the Lebanese war to United States for UNRWA operations, ac­ Schlesinger, Ensign Eric L. Mann, Chaplain Frankel, Ensign Herman Shelanski, and America and to the possibilities of Middle cording to the ADL. The resolution called Ensign Lowell Bernheimer. East peace and stability should not be for legal action to recover any funds " im­ obscured by the tragedy that occurred in properly diverted from public use by . .. Non-Israeli Witnesses Testify the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila." officers who violated their public trust and He listed five direct results oflsrael's entry those groups or individuals who assisted or into Lebanon that he said were reasons abetted such diversion." Before Commission Of Inquiry why " the United States owes Israel a JERUSALEM (JTA) - Two British time hristian Phalangist units had been tremendous debt." They were: doctors and an American nurse testified ordered out of the camps by the Israelis. "American influence in the Middle East Plans For Parade Monday before the commission of inquiry The massacres occurred Thursday and is at an all-time high, and Soviet influence investigating the west Beirut massacres. Friday, Sept. 16 and 17. correspondingly low; Lebanon has been Stir Controversy They were the first non-Israeli witnesses to The witnesses were Dr. Su Chai Ang, a given the opportunity to establish its JERUSALEM (JTA) - Israel's in­ appear before the panel. All were volun­ Malaysian-born British subject, Dr. Paul sovereign independence and serve as a cen­ dependence Day is more than six months teers working at the Gaza Hospital in Morris, and nurse Ellen Segal from the ter of stability in the area; the PLO, center away but a controversy is already boiling Beirut where Palestinians from the Shatila U.S. who is Jewish. They said they had not of international terrorism and Soviet pup­ over Premier Menachem Begin's desire for and-Sabra refugee camps were treated for witnessed the massacres directly but saw pet, has·been crushed; Jordan is now seek­ a military parade next April 18 to celebrate wounds. many Palestinian men, women and ing ways to come to the peace table; and the 35th anniversary of the Jewish State. -Their testimony covered events in the children brought to the hospital suffering priceless information on captured Soviet Opinion is split along party lines. camps from Wednesday, Sept. 15, just from wounds, beginning on Thursday weapons is being freely given by Israel to Sources close to the Premier say he before the Israeli army occupied west night. And testified that about 30 corpses our country," Schindler said. (Continued on page 19) Beirut, until Saturday, Sept. 18 by which (Continued 011 page 4) Bur:eau Of Jewish Education Announces Scllolarshii!S , -The Israel &tu,dy{Jlravel Committee of" the Bureau of Jewish Edu,cation an­ nounces th'e Ii of: gen;eroua sc~li\tship,; .coll"'1e relationships and usually provides a tem­ punishment. A punishment will result in a porary solution to diminishing behavioral sharp decrease or end of the behavior. The problems. Punishments which are un­ word 'punishment' often connotes images predictable and are based more on paren­ like walking on a bed of nails, going for a Parents Plights tal exasperation than logical consequences week without food, or simply being locked are at best ineffective and at worst in one's room for the next ten weeks. However, an effective punishment can be And Rights destructive. sitting quietly in a chair for two minutes, Discuss specific expectations for ap­ by Dr. Steve Imber propriate behavior with your daughter. delaying a rewarding situation or losing a You may find it effective to ask a series of special privilege. Often, short and im­ questions to"help your daughter verbalize mediate punishments are more effective behaving. rather than behaving. She has what she is expected to do. Such a discus­ than longer or- severe ones. Dear Dr. Imber: If your daughter continues to behave in­ I am having a problem disciplining also learned to verbalize the apparentinef­ sion will probably be more effective if it oc­ fectivPness of any .. neg.ative consequences curs when she is behaving appropriately. appropriately you may need to become my five-year-old daughter. When she even more systematic in your observations was younger, I would promise her - you decide to invoke. Praise her for her ability to verbalize ex­ Most children will respond positively to pected behavior as well as her ability to and analysis of what specific behaviors oc­ something special like candy or a small cur, how often and under what cir­ toy if she would stop misbehaving. Then t heir parents' praise. Consistent and demonstrate such behavior. specific praise for demonstrating ap­ But what, you may ask, should I do cumstances. If you can successfully I felt like I was bribing her. Now when c hang~ your own behavior, your she misbehaves I try to talle away propriate behavior is usually a sufficient when she misbehaves? If the behavior, in motivator to establish and maintain ap- your opinion, is not interfering with other daughter's behavior will probably improve something she likes. The problem is that as well. nothing I take a way seems to make 1 propriate behavior. Sometimes, however, family members, then consistently ignore much of a difference. She says she more tangible reinforcements such as that behavior. Expect the behavior to con­ Dr. Imber is a professor of Special _ doesn't care if she can't watch T. V. or if desired foods, special play times with tinue (and possibly intensify) before it Education at Rhode Island College and a she doesn't get to have candy. I'm not parents, or tokens (stickers, stars, praise decreases. If the behavior is destructive or private psychoeducational consultant. sure what to do anymore. Help!!! notes) are needed. This is especially true particularly disruptive, then you will need Questions about learning or behavioral Atta Loss when children have learned t!iat in some to quickly and firmly state that the problems of children or adolescents can be Dear Atta: cases inappropriate behavior is a far more behavior is unacceptable and verbalize the addressed to him at 145 Waterman St., It is obvious that your daughter has marketable attention-getter t han ap­ expected behavior. Continued inap­ Providence, R.I. 02906 or discussed with studied effective parent-management propriate behavior. Threatening to take propriate behavior (fighting with siblings, him by telephone (40/-521-5387). All com­ techniques. She has achieved mastery in away special rewards or privileges often playing destructively, screaming in the munication is kept strictly confidential. attracting attention_ to herself by mis- produces n egative p arent-child house) should result in an immediate ,. Cohen Foundation Camps Announce Registration The Eli and Bessie Cohen Foundation sponsors of Camp Pembroke, Pembroke, Ma.; Camp Tel Noar, Hampstead, N.H. and Camp Tevya, Brookline, N.H. an­ nounce the opening of registration for the 1983 season. All three camps are located on lakes within a one hour distance from Boston and boast of modern up-to-date facilities. The camps feature a complete program of waterfront activities accredited by the American Red Cross which include swim­ ming, sailing, boating, canoeing and waterskiing.
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