Stock Indices Main Indicators Equity Daily Turnover And

Stock Indices Main Indicators Equity Daily Turnover And

MKF MONTHLY KEY FIGURES Statistics on the Markets of Borsa Italiana June 2010 Year 13 - n. 6 EQUITY DAILY TURNOVER AND FTSE ITALIA MIB STORICO INDEX EVOLUTION Equity Turnover FTSE Italia Mib Storico eur m (base 2.1.1975 = 1 000) 9 000 18 250 8 000 17 500 7 000 16 750 6 000 16 000 5 000 15 250 4 000 14 500 3 000 13 750 2 000 13 000 1 000 12 250 0 11 500 Apr May Jun MAIN INDICATORS 30 DEC 2009 31 MAY 2010 30 JUN 2010 TRADING MAY 2010 JUNE 2010 JAN-JUNE 2010 Listed companies Trades Turnover Trades Turnover Trades Turnover MTA Domestic 275 271 270 Shares Number eur m Number eur m Number eur m of wich STAR 72 72 72 MTA Domestic 7 052 767 103 153.9 5 423 513 75 109.2 31 572 431 400 864.1 MTA Foreign 5 5 5 of wich STAR 329 033 1 056.7 277 048 904.7 1 714 692 5 405.5 of wich STAR 1 1 1 MTA Foreign 313 237 2 722.9 278 592 2 691.0 1 889 636 18 490.9 MIV Investment Companies 5 5 5 of wich STAR 854 5.8 524 2.6 5 528 31.1 MTA International 36 36 36 MIV Investment Companies 5 831 9.6 2 599 3.4 55 140 105.2 AIM Italia 5 8 8 MTA International 40 051 201.9 27 899 135.1 184 468 1 015.5 MAC 6 7 7 AIM Italia 1 448 1.4 516 0.5 25 160 37.9 MAC 2 0.0 4 0.1 40 0.5 Total 332 332 331 Total 7 413 336 106 089.8 5 733 123 77 939.3 33 726 875 420 514.1 Listed shares FTSE MIB Shares % Sh. tot. 79.9% 93.4% 78.5% 93.9% 74.5% 91.6% MTA 312 308 307 Securitised Derivatives total 166 364 1 016.5 134 083 913.3 803 004 6 558.9 MIV Investment Companies 5 5 5 Warrant 16 571 14.3 18 437 10.1 131 958 136.1 MTA International 36 36 36 Warrant AIM Italia 8 0.001 6 0.003 177 0.2 AIM Italia 5 8 8 MIV Closed End Funds: 2 796 12.8 2 261 8.8 18 048 81.2 MAC 6 7 7 ETF 307 972 8 266.3 226 239 5 989.7 1 413 950 35 928.3 Total 364 364 363 ETC 72 272 1 120.9 64 888 893.0 368 047 4 495.3 Securitised Derivatives 3 289 3 946 3 402 Convertible Bonds: 10 767 155.4 7 684 102.04 54 363 743.2 Warrant 20 24 23 Subscription rights: 8 511 1.15 121 067 28.77 651 950 841.3 Mot total 366 960 23 013.1 340 827 20 254.5 1 935 160 121 083.3 Warrant - AIM Italia 1 1 1 Mot - Government Bonds 248 814 20 299.6 247 361 18 400.2 1 270 610 106 682.6 MIV Closed End Funds 26 26 26 Mot - Bonds 93 929 1 963.8 76 602 1 315.2 542 843 10 557.0 ETF 333 420 440 Mot - Eurobonds and ABSs 24 217 749.7 16 864 539.2 121 707 3 843.7 ETC 67 67 67 ExtraMOT 4 259 203.5 2 841 122.2 20 576 966.0 Convertible Bonds 13 16 16 Daily average Mot - Government Bonds 91 95 97 Shares 353 016 5 051.9 260 597 3 542.7 267 674 3 337.4 Mot - Bonds 289 322 329 Securitised Derivatives 7 922 48.4 6 095 41.5 6 373 52.1 Mot - Eurobonds and ABSs 227 244 246 ETF 14 665 393.6 10 284 272.3 11 222 285.1 Mot - Total 607 661 672 ETC 3 442 53.4 2 949 40.6 2 921 35.7 ExtraMOT 103 150 150 MOT 17 474 1 095.9 15 492 920.7 15 358 961.0 ExtraMOT 203 9.7 129 5.6 163 7.7 Capitalisation (Domestic Companies - eur m) MTA 456 301 394 361 388 855 of wich STAR 16 448 15 464 15 321 STOCK INDICES MIV Investment Companies 207 213 197 AIM Italia 474 329 308 30 DEC 2009 31 MAY 2010 30 JUN 2010 VAR. % VAR. % VOLATILITY MAC 145 247 260 MOM 2009 END JUNE 2010 Total 457 126 395 151 389 619 FTSE Italia Mib Storico (base 2.1.1975 = 1 000) 17 652 15 236 15 009 -1.49% -14.97% 24.5% Capitalisation (% GDP) FTSE Italia All-Share (base 19.12.2008 = 20 000) 23 653 20 150 19 869 -1.39% -16.00% 28.1% MTA 30.0% 25.3% 25.0% FTSE Mib (base 31.12.1997 = 24 402) 23 248 19 544 19 312 -1.19% -16.93% 29.6% of wich STAR 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% FTSE Italia Mid Cap (base 19.12.2008 = 20 000) 24 841 23 011 22 344 -2.90% -10.05% 22.9% Total 31.1% 26.4% 26.0% FTSE Italia Small Cap (base 19.12.2008 = 20 000) 23 915 21 650 21 207 -2.04% -11.32% 15.8% Capitalisation (% Tot.) FTSE Italia Micro Cap (base 19.12.2008 = 20 000) 23 268 21 478 21 068 -1.91% -9.46% 9.9% FTSE MIB Shares 81.2% 80.3% 80.5% FTSE Italia Star (base 28.12.2001 = 10 000) 11 248 10 434 10 426 -0.07% -7.30% 18.3% Borsa Italiana June 2010 MKF • 2 SECTORAL EVOLUTION INDICES CAPITALISATION 31 MAY 2010 30 JUN 2010 VAR. % VAR. % 30 DEC 2009 31 MAY 2010 30 JUN 2010 MoM 2009 END EUR ML % TOT. EUR ML % TOT. EUR ML % TOT. - FTSE ITALIA SECTORAL (BASE 19.12.2008 = 20 000) Industry Supersector Consumer Goods Food & Beverage 33 151 32 362 -2.38% 0.57% 6 046.0 1.32%6 246.1 1.58%6 127.7 1.57% Consumer Goods Automobiles & Parts 34 478 33 296 -3.43% -12.23% 16 812.0 3.68%15 213.6 3.85%14 749.2 3.79% Consumer Goods Personal & Household Goods 26 935 26 897 -0.14% 3.99% 16 711.3 3.66%17 651.6 4.47%17 728.0 4.55% Basic Materials Chemicals 14 635 15 814 8.06% -13.55% 460.3 0.10%474.9 0.12%475.6 0.12% Basic Materials Basic Resources 41 073 38 505 -6.25% -4.74% 153.5 0.03%157.3 0.04%159.3 0.04% Oil & Gas Oil & Gas 19 727 19 679 -0.24% -11.99% 85 807.6 18.77%75 624.4 19.14%75 203.1 19.30% Financials Insurance 15 606 15 046 -3.59% -23.52% 39 473.2 8.64%31 061.5 7.86%29 641.8 7.61% Financials Banks 18 831 19 267 2.32% -22.75% 119 854.7 26.22%92 182.2 23.33%94 603.2 24.28% Fiancials Real Estate 18 308 18 036 -1.49% -16.97% 2 751.8 0.60%2 378.5 0.60%2 396.0 0.61% Financials Financial Services 28 442 28 434 -0.03% -10.21% 8 165.5 1.79%7 522.8 1.90%7 618.1 1.96% Industrials Industrial Goods & Services 21 724 21 599 -0.57% -13.56% 31 459.1 6.88%27 855.9 7.05%27 678.8 7.10% Industrials Construction & Materials 19 480 18 313 -5.99% -22.39% 10 401.9 2.28%8 340.0 2.11%7 885.7 2.02% Health Care Health Care 41 494 40 824 -1.61% 13.87% 3 999.2 0.87%4 562.4 1.15%4 486.4 1.15% Consumer Services Retail 33 492 32 302 -3.55% 6.29% 1 411.6 0.31%1 610.6 0.41%1 573.2 0.40% Consumer Services Media 22 410 20 741 -7.45% -20.22% 10 960.7 2.40%9 307.0 2.36%8 577.4 2.20% Consumer Services Travel & Leisure 21 636 21 898 1.21% -3.43% 5 276.5 1.15%5 210.6 1.32%5 146.1 1.32% Utilities Utilities 19 960 18 852 -5.55% -11.37% 73 248.1 16.02%68 701.1 17.39%65 190.3 16.73% Technology Technology 23 900 24 170 1.13% -2.58% 2 206.0 0.48%1 701.4 0.43%1 650.1 0.42% Telecommunications Telecommunications 16 571 15 868 -4.25% -16.84% 21 308.7 4.66%18 772.2 4.75%18 161.3 4.66% Total (Domestic share) 456 508 99.86%394 574 99.85%389 052 99.85% AIM Italia Total (Domestic share) 474.0 0.10%329.2 0.08%307.6 0.08% MAC Total 144.7 0.03%247.5 0.06%260.2 0.07% Total (Domestic share) 457 126.2 100.00%395 150.7 100.00%389 619.4 100.00% FTSE MIB SHARES (BASKET UPDATED AS FROM 21.06.2010) PRICE (eur) CAPITALISATION (eur m) TURNOVER (eur m) 30 JUN 2010 VAR % MOM VAR. % 2009 END 31 MAY 2010 30 JUN 2010 JUNE 2010 JAN-JUNE 2010 A2A 1.1214 -6.9% -23.6% 3 772.5 3 513.4 549.5 1 857.5 Ansaldo Sts 13.1840 7.8% -0.5% 1 223.3 1 318.4 180.3 1 109.1 Atlantia 14.5013 0.5% -16.7% 8 658.4 8 705.1 770.0 5 962.1 Autogrill 9.7613 7.4% 11.0% 2 311.6 2 483.3 291.6 1 790.1 Azimut Holding 6.8443 -4.4% -25.7% 1 025.6 980.5 178.2 1 243.0 Banca Monte Paschi Siena 0.9306 2.9% -24.4% 5 013.9 5 161.3 570.2 2 982.0 Banca Popolare Milano 3.4188 -1.2% -31.3% 1 436.7 1 419.0 314.4 2 674.1 Banco Popolare 4.5687 1.8% -10.1% 2 873.4 2 926.2 628.4 4 653.9 Bulgari 5.9445 -2.8% 3.0% 1 843.1 1 791.1 273.8 1 909.0 Buzzi Unicem 8.3241 -7.3% -26.2% 1 485.4 1 376.4 286.3 1 834.5 Campari 4.0241 -1.1% 10.2% 2 363.6 2 337.2 194.1 1 088.9 Cir 1.3868 -4.4% -23.3% 1 148.9 1 098.5 113.3 828.4 Enel 3.4992 -6.7% -13.7% 35 250.6 32 904.4 9 949.5 29 293.2 Eni 15.1565 -0.7% -14.9% 61 104.4 60 707.2 7 938.2 47 858.5 Exor 13.9050 3.4% 3.0% 2 154.2 2 228.4 192.3 972.0 Fiat 8.5409 -3.8% -16.8% 9 696.0 9 328.8 4 094.0 36 635.3 Finmeccanica 8.5743 -0.9% -22.9% 5 003.7 4 957.2 734.3 5 063.3 Fondiaria - Sai 7.7346 -5.2% -30.4% 1 015.3 962.8 216.5 1 751.0 Generali 14.4064 -3.5% -23.7% 23 241.3 22 428.9 2 628.2 16 784.8 Geox 3.6984 -5.5% -23.5% 1 014.7 958.7 111.4 842.1 Impregilo 1.9014 -2.9% -23.6% 788.4 765.2 253.3 1 579.5 Intesa Sanpaolo 2.1735 1.4% -31.3% 25 410.1 25 754.4 6 414.6 34 068.7 Italcementi 6.3008 -9.3% -34.4% 1 230.5 1 116.0 145.6 1 056.0 Lottomatica 10.6322 -12.7% -24.0% 2 095.2 1 828.9 159.1 1 371.2 Luxottica Group 19.9244 1.9% 9.8% 9 094.9 9 263.3 443.4 2 681.3 Mediaset 4.6692 -7.3% -18.7% 5 950.3 5 515.4 841.2 5 352.6 Mediobanca 6.1692 -0.6% -25.8% 5 343.1 5 312.3 565.7 3 905.5 Mediolanum 3.2405 -4.9% -26.0% 2 491.1 2 372.5 178.6 1 361.8 Parmalat 1.9135 -2.5% -2.0% 3 393.2 3 307.1 364.1 3 789.6 Pirelli & C 0.4577 7.0% 8.7% 2 238.8 2 395.1 573.7 3 208.4 Prysmian 11.9213 -5.0% -2.1% 2 285.1 2 169.9 606.3 5 131.3 Saipem 25.2663 -0.2% 5.2% 11 173.5 11 149.1 2 160.5 12 418.5 Snam Rete Gas 3.2753 0.0% -5.3% 11 694.4 11 695.4 841.3 5 618.6 STMicroelectronics (foreign) 6.6010 2.7% 4.9% 5 850.6 6 009.0 947.7 6 388.3 Telecom Italia 0.9161 -4.5% -16.1% 12 830.9 12 258.6 1 900.2 15 067.7 Tenaris (foreign) 14.3739 -5.8% -3.8% 18 009.9 16 968.9 1 647.8 11 200.2 Terna 2.9566 -3.4% -1.2% 6 134.5 5 924.6 1 887.8 5 770.4 UBI Banca 7.1062 -2.6% -29.4% 4 661.7 4 541.9 543.2 3 549.2 Unicredit 1.8384 6.9% -18.4% 33 144.6 35 431.5 22 913.2 98 040.6 Unipol 0.5524 -9.9% -34.9% 1 024.4 817.5 167.2 967.2 Official prices are rounded to 4 decimal places, performances are computed with no-rounded prices.

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