ATHARVA VEDA CHAPTER 1 thus makes me stay above. He grants ATHARVA VEDA me the divine revelation of the audi- ble sound and makes me stay above. 4. Imbued with the sound current, CHAPTER I (the Saint) draws me up. Imbued with the sound current, (the Saint) draws me inside (me). He grants me Hymn 1 the divine revelation of the audible sound and thus gives me enlighten- Rishi: Atharva ment. Devta: Vachaspati 1. He (the Saint) grants (me) three Hymn 2 categories of eternal divine revela- tions. He unfolds all the divine forms Rishi: Atharva (to me). Imbued with the sound cur- Devta: Prithvi rent, (the Saint) gives (me) strength with the divine revelations. Imbued 1. Residing inside (me), (the Saint) with the sound current, he always gives me the nourishing divine reve- gives me the divine revelations. lations and makes me beatific. He makes the divine revelations flow to 2. Imbued with the sound current, control the devotee. Residing inside, (the Saint) in meditation makes me the Saint is like a mother to the devo- beatific. The wise Saint with the di- tee. He makes the audible sound cur- vine revelations makes me mighty. rent flow to make the devotee beatif- The virtuous Saint grants me the di- ic. vine revelation of the audible sound. He grants me the divine revelation of 2. The living Saint meets me by the audible sound and makes me stay himself. He makes me (the son) be- above. atific. With the ever-flowing divine revelations of sound, he destroys 3. The living Saint grants the devo- (my) evil thinking and malice. tee meditation as the string of a bow. Imbued with the sound current, (the 3. Imbued with the sound current, Saint) gives (me) the divine revela- (the Saint) grants the divine revela- tion of the audible sound well and tions in the devotee’s lifetime. With the 3 ATHARVA VEDA CHAPTER 1 conscious, mighty divine revelations, 3. Residing inside (us), the Saint he guides the devotee to stay inside gives (us) the nourishing divine rev- (him). The Saint grants us the divine elation of the audible sound and de- revelations and unites me with God. stroys malice. He controls the devo- tee with the divine revelations. He 4. The image of God, (the Saint) makes the purifying divine revela- gives the devotee the divine revela- tions flow and makes the devotee tions of light and sound, makes him stay inside (him). stay inside (him) and gives (him) ex- cellence. With the ever-flowing di- 4. Residing inside, the Saint makes vine revelations, he destroys malice. the divine nectar flow and purifies He purifies the devotee and makes the devotee. He controls the devotee him stay above. with the divine revelations. He makes the purifying divine revela- tions flow and makes the devotee Hymn 3 stay inside (him). Rishi: Atharva 5. Residing inside, the Saint grants Devta: Parjanya the devotee the nourishing divine revelations, destroys malice and 1. Residing inside (me), (the Saint) unites him with God. He controls the grants (me) the nourishing divine devotee with the divine revelations. revelations and makes me beatific. He makes the purifying divine reve- He makes the purifying divine reve- lations flow and makes the devotee lations flow. He controls the devotee stay inside (him). with the divine revelations. He makes the purifying divine revela- 6. He makes the devotee absorb the tions flow and makes the devotee divine revelation of the audible stay inside (him). sound (inside him). He makes the au- dible sound flow in the home abode. 2. Residing inside, the Saint gives He thus destroys malice. In the Tenth the devotee the nourishing, excellent Door, he destroys all malice. divine revelations and purifies him. He controls the devotee with the di- 7. The living (Saint) makes the di- vine revelations. He makes the puri- vine revelations flow well. He fying divine revelations flow and makes the divine revelations flow to makes the devotee stay inside (him). destroy the coverings (on the soul). 4 ATHARVA VEDA CHAPTER 1 He thus destroys malice. In the Tenth 3. In meditation, the omnipresent Door, he destroys all malice. Saint gives (me) the divine revela- tions. He gives (me) the soma-drink. 8. With the divine revelations, he He gives (me) divine food to unite opens the door to the Kingdom of me with (the ocean) God. God. He makes them flow to unite the devotee with God. He thus de- 4. The omnipresent Saint gives me stroys malice. In the Tenth Door, he the divine revelations inside. He destroys all malice. gives (me) the divine revelations as medicament and thus destroys mal- 9. The image of God (the Saint) ice. The Saint gives the devotee makes the divine revelations flow strength. well in the Tenth Door. He thus de- stroys malice. In the Tenth Door, he destroys all malice. Hymn 5 Rishi: Sindhu Dipa Hymn 4 Devta: Apa Rishi: Sindhu Dipa 1. The omnipresent Saint alone Devta: Apah gives (us) the blissful divine revela- tions. With the divine revelations, he 1. The omnipresent (Saint) gives gives us might. The omniscient Saint (us) the divine revelations to make makes the divine revelations flow in (us) worship God. Coming in a hu- (our) struggles of life. man body, (the Saint) guides us to worship. Living in a human body, 2. The well-wisher, the Saint, gives (the Saint) gives us the soma-drink. (us) the divine revelations in medita- tion. He makes the divine revela- 2. Always coming, (the Saint) in tions flow and gives (us) excellence. the Tenth Door unites me with God. The excellent Saint gives (us) the Living in a human body, the Saint loving divine revelations. protects the devotee by merging him into God. The Saint guides the devo- 3. With the divine revelations, he tee to worship God with the divine gives (us) excellence. He gives the revelation. devotee divine food and makes him stay inside (him). The om- 5 ATHARVA VEDA CHAPTER 1 nipresent Saint reveals himself to thus controls me. He grants (me) the the devotee. divine revelations and destroys the coverings on my soul. The Saint 4. The controlling Saint makes the grants the divine revelation to con- divine revelations flow inside the trol the devotee. He unites me with devotee and gives (him) divine God for my welfare. virtues. The omnipresent Saint gives (us) the divine revelations as medicament. Hymn 7 Rishi: Chatan Hymn 6 Devta: Agni Rishi: Sindhu Dipa 1. The enlightened (Saint) grants Devta: Apa (us) the adorable divine revelations to destroy (our) ignorance. The Saint 1. The Saint controls the devotee controls the devotee’s mind with the with the divine revelations and divine revelations and destroys mal- unites him with the Desirable (God). ice. The omnipresent Saint gives (him) divine food. The living Saint con- 2. The wise (Saint) makes the ex- trols the devotee with the ever-flow- cellent divine revelations flow in- ing divine revelations. side the devotee (the son). The en- lightened Saint gives the devotee di- 2. He gives me the divine nectar in- vine food to make him beatific. He side. He gives (me) the divine reve- unites the devotee with God. lations as medicament. He gives the devotee the divine revelation of fiery 3. The mighty Saint destroys the light and is his well-wisher. coverings (on the soul). He destroys (our) ignorance. The everlasting 3. The omnipresent Saint gives me Saint gives the devotee the divine the divine revelation as medicament revelation of fiery light, thus gives in (my) struggles of life. He purifies (him) food and draws him up. me and merges me into God. 4. The enlightened Saint gives (us) 4. Residing inside (me), (the Saint) the eternal divine revelations to give gives (me) the divine revelations and (us) divine virtues. The Saint guides 6 ATHARVA VEDA CHAPTER 1 the devotee with the divine revela- food. He appeases the devotee with tions. With the divine revelations, he the divine revelations. The divine always gives (him) the entire divine revelation purifies the devotee in knowledge. meditation and guides him to wor- ship God. 5. The wise (Saint) with the divine revelations makes me mighty. The omnipresent Saint grants me the 2. The devout Saint grants (us) the mighty divine revelations. One with divine revelations. He grants (us) the God, the Saint gives (me) all the di- attractive divine revelations. The vine revelations to make (me) per- wise Saint grants the devotee the di- fect. The living Saint grants the vine revelations to give (him) excel- devotee the divine revelations to lence. He gives the devotee the di- make him stay above. vine nectar. 6. The wise Saint gives me the vir- tuous divine revelations to (make 3. The ocean of divine grace (the me) achieve (my) aim of life. The en- Saint) with the ever-flowing divine lightened Saint gives me the divine revelations destroys malice. He message. With the mighty divine guides the devotee with the divine revelations, he destroys the cover- revelations. He protects the devotee ings on my soul. to (make him) worship God. He makes the excellent divine revela- 7. The enlightened Saint draws me tions flow. up and grants (me) the mighty divine revelations in meditation. With the divine revelations, the Saint always 4. The enlightened Saint grants destroys malice in the Tenth Door. the divine revelations. The wise Saint grants the purifying divine revelations in the cave (in the Tenth Hymn 8 Door). The wise Saint makes the divine revelations flow inside the Rishi: Chatan devotee. The enlightened Saint Devta: Brihaspati with the divine revelations destroys malice.
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