The TATE FAMILY . ,: . Timothy T. Tate - Nancy Delaware Ross From ENGLAND To TENNESSEE By: Roy C. Schild Dola S. Tylor ~"'-". - <'LL,;;::~:~;~j":~<;';~~~;~~~~~~~~'i;~][r::. -,c~..:;=-:;::",·;: "__ ;--. • 1 . i ! ','.'•• t;.;.·~ i~; .... ':'"'-- ~ t· /~i'~~ '~:( ;~·,:;,~·f:i!~!>~,.~;;:;. ';, ". 9;~ 1i 9 ~ • :. :-~'!j>it' '~I"'; ;.' t~4 'b itt, 1[: ~"l',' \;;..t :~- ¢ ~.m:(l;'::' .¥ !i, iii i' '4 c- ., •. > ,,,,,. ,:,,,:,,:. '? ,.~ ~ ~;._~.:~ <; .:.: <\ ';,., ~i;t ,~; ':f:h :'J,..rc'l(#.,~';W, 11 ~ ~ ,<!<, ~ :,r, ;lo ~ ri ;, ~ , : '\' .,. ". , : II :~' '" '~: • •:?<i.l;.' ';~..jIf ,~•. 'o\'.ii. f# :0 lle '':; ~ ';;i~:p:~ 10, ~ Ii fff ,,-'''''' r;~ '~ ~t •• {t ~ ,7l :t '0 :' f 0; :0 Q'I1 to ;i. '. :.. ,> ~' ,'.i ',,0 '} .iii :'f:":·~-'iil'/!·"i/~. ~"-W')~' ;~,,' t,:J.J:t ,;1-" ~'i* i' '/\ fi ~ ., ~ '# 11'1 J l1. (1 't ~' fl' .~' "t~, -, ! fj ~ y ~ .., !! ~ fI ~! '!! "'''::~'' V1l';!' 7P; • ," ',,(,!~ to,»~ ~'\:,J~-> fiiq*,' ~.~ ~i :t>- ~ f{i' ~,.;J ,:"t.! 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" '" ..; ;:. -u ;:- r.l' i' 'i ~ ..... iI '* '7 f1 ~ l.\, !?iJi~~~ilgj;/~S~:~ ~·,#'r.~~ ~ .... r,1 , "':' ~ ~ i: 4 '<' '.;':-; " ~~, , ... 1 !'. :, ,<j -> ~ !H ,,''; ~ 'l!' ~',!I ~ ~ 1·<Ii·il,~·' ~'~)f t-~,'iI-)n;~:,f.' ~ Oi.'~';I,I!:k 4iU' _ "" . • , ,; ,0; ;l C} ji. :::- .\ ~ li ..,. '10 ,,. !';r.1 ~ 4:,U, it b .. '1·i6-'''''.lf~.t.~f;-?r'''ftl.'.; (. "/ l"~: ~ • r.;Jj ~ ~ f, ;'~1-" ji-;;;:;,r~t. ofl ~11dUI"':jJl ~ jtijt,ifl'fi)t*<1 ft n,," -:. .... :n, (> ~ W:J)A-~. ii.~:;f.:~Aff~,f~ilj,:~,"'·;n~~tl!; - ~ li~.i&'f; 6,41!·,!,;,e'}'!ii .,.'ii-' l~!j -'h' . .. ..:;:.' .: .. - Ii ~i1i;U ~l THE EARLY TATES The origin of the name Tait, Taite, Taitt, Taitte, Tate, Tatte, Tayt, Tayte, Teat, Teate, Teit, and Teite was a personal namae in Norway in the eleventh century. The Scots made a favorite of this ancient English name for both boys and girls. It is an Anglo-Saxon name meaning the cheerful; and Tatum is a variation simply meaning one of the Tates; the word Tate is Norweagian meaning younger or son of. The family settled in England in the ninth century; the original Tates reported their holdings in Northumbria, the land north of the Humber River which was settled by the Scandinavian sea pirates, as reported to William the Conqueror and his agents when he checked all land titles in England. The family was mentioned in deeds in Coventry as early as 1207. In the Church of St. Michiel in that city w~s a chantry founded by one of the name, called "Tate's Chantry." JOHN TATE of Coventry held lands in the reign of Richard 11th. A descendent, Sir. Robert Tate, was Lord Mayor of London in 1488 and his bro. Sir John Tate of de Ia prey Abbey in 1496 of Northampton, Sir William Tate, a gt. gr. son of Sir John Tate, of de la prey Abbey, was a member of the British Parliament in 1592. Genealogists claim our family descended through this lineage, though I have found no documentary proof. NICHOLAS TATE, appeared in the records of Cambridgeshire, England as early as the year 1273; the most notable of the name was Sir. Henry Tate, trustee of the National Gallery, who presented to the British Nation the famous Tate collection and picture gallery. Now called the "Tate Gallery." ref. Diet. of Family Names of Briton, History of Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland by Burke, Vol. 11 p. 75, 488, Time Magazine Dec. 9, 1957. Like many other names, our early scribes spelled it as the fancy moved them, frequently it was spelled Taite; my branch of the family spell the name Tait, Tate. In 1635 JOHN TATE was in St. Andrews parish Va., owning land and slaves. Before 21 Ap~. 1656 one JOHN TATE of Charles City Co. Va. md. the widow of John Harrison and before 3 Feb•. 1665 one JOHN TATE of Westover Parish, was married to the relict of Capt. John .Wall; possibly the same person married one or both of the widows mentioned. On 20 Oct. JOHN TATE had a patent of 80 a.(acres) on No. side of Jamaes River in Charles City Va. He lived in the section of the upper James River where in 1676 Nathaniel Bacon, of Bacon's Rebellion, resided; John Tate joined Bacon in the ~truggle. Ref. List. of Pe.-sons of Quality from
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