Available online at www.aNNclinlabsci.org Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 44, no. 4, 2014 437 Implication of Globin Gene Expression, Hemoglobin F and Hemoglobin E Levels on β-Thalassemia/Hb E Disease Severity Suwimol Siriworadechkul1, Sumalee Jindadamrongwech1, SuporN Chuncharunee2, and Saranya Aupparakkitanon1 1Department of Pathology and 2Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Abstract. One of the factors affecting the degree of severity in β-thalassemia disease is the presence of un- matched α-hemoglobin chains. Thus, the expression levels of globin genes in reticulocytes of β-thalassemia subjects were measured using quantitative RT-PCR, demonstrating that α/β globin mRNA ratio, as well as levels of γ-globin mRNA and Hb F, increased with progressing degree of β globin synthesis defect. The levels of γ-globin mRNA and Hb F could not be directly correlated with severity of β-thalassemia/Hb E disease due to a low statistical power of this analysis. Higher levels of Hb E were present, however, in clini- cally mild patients, as compared to moderately severe β-thalassemia/Hb E subjects. This suggests that in β-thalassemia/Hb E disease, elevation of Hb E level through enhancing correctly spliced βE-globin mRNA offers another approach in ameliorating disease severity. In addition, co-inheritance of α-thalassemia 2 trait in β-thalassemia/Hb E subjects was associated with milder outcome compared with those with the same β-thalassemia genotypes, confirming the notion of the beneficial effect of a more balanced α:β-globin chain ratio. Key words: Globin gene expression, Hemoglobin E, Hemoglobin F, β-thalassemia, modifying factor. Introduction Pathogenesis of thalassemia is mainly due to an im- balance of α-and β- globin chain synthesis. With β-Thalassemia is an important autosomal recessive β-thalassemia, the presence of unpaired inherited disease in regions where malaria is or has α-hemoglobin chains results in their precipitation been endemic, causing anemia of variable degrees onto red blood cell membranes, causing oxidative of severity [1,2,3]. Most defects are due to point damage leading to ineffective erythropoiesis and re- mutations or small deletions leading to reduction duced lifespan of circulating effete red cells [11-13]. in or absence of β-globin chain synthesis [4,5]. Heterogeneity in disease severity of β-thal/Hb E Heterozygotes have only a few numbers of micro- disease has been attributed to the types of β- thalas- cytic hypochromic red blood cells but no clinical semia mutations, co-inheritance α-thalassemia, symptoms. The homozygous state causes and persistence of Hb F production [14-17]. In the β-thalassemia major, and compound heterozygosi- expected severe β0-thal/Hb E genotypes, milder ty of β-thalassemia and Hb E (β26 Glu>Lys)(β-thal/ forms have been reported to be associated with Hb E) can result in mild to severe anemia. The lat- more elevated levels of Hb E [15]. However, a sig- ter of which is often comparable to that of nificant negative correlation of age of onset with β-thalassemia major [6-8]. This type of Hb E was determined, but no correlation with Hb β-thalassemia is a major health problem in regions F was found [14]. Although a wide range in α/non where both genotypes are prevalent, such as certain α-globin mRNA ratios was found in β-thal/Hb E regions of Southeast Asia, including Thailand patients, there is no difference between mild and [9,10]. severe phenotypes, but interestingly, elevated cor- rectly spliced βE mRNA was detected in one-third Address correspondence to Assist. Prof. Dr. Sumalee Jindadamrongwech, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, of mild patients, suggesting that proper splicing of Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok 10400, Thailand; phone: +662 E 2011076; fax: +662 2011445; e mail: [email protected] β mRNA may contribute to disease outcome [18]. 0091-7370/14/0400-437. © 2014 by the Association of Clinical Scientists, Inc. 438 Annals of Clinical & Laboratory Science, vol. 44, no. 4, 2014 Table 1. Primers and probes used in qRT-PCR. Gene Primera Sequence (5’-3’)b α-globin HBA1:F GGAGGCCCTGGAGAGGAT HBA1:R CGTGGCTCAGGTCGAAGTG HBA1:P FAM-TGTCCTTCCCCACCACCAAGACCT-BBQ β-globin HBB:F CTGACACAACTGTGTTCACTAGC HBB:R GGTAGACCACCAGCAGCCT HBB:P YAK-CCCACAGGGCAGTAACGGCAGACT-BBQ βE-globin HBE:R AGCCTGCCCAGGGCCTT γ-globin HBG:F GACTTCCTTGGGAGATGCCAC HBG:R ATTTCCCAGGAGCTTGAAGTTCT HBG:P LC610-AGCTTGTCACAGTGCAGTTCACTCAGC-BBQ GAPD GAPD:F GAAGGTGAAGGTCGGAGTC GAPD:R GAAGATGGTGATGGGATTTC GAPD:P LC670-CAAGCTTCCCGTTCTCAGCCT-BBQ aF: forward primer, R: reverse primer, P: probe. bBBQ: Black Berry quencher, FAM: 6-carboxy-fluorescein, YAK: Yakima yellow, LC610: Light Cycler-Red 610, LC670: Light Cycler-Red 670. GAPD, glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. The involvements of β-thalassemia genotypes, Human Rights Related to Research Involving Human α-thalassemia co-inheritance, imbalance of globin Subjects of Ramathibodi Hospital, and written informed chains synthesis, and Hb F and Hb E levels in consents were obtained from subjects prior to collecting β-thalassemia trait (β-thal trait) and β-thal/Hb E specimens. disease were explored in this study. The α/β ratio, γ α- and β- thalassemia genotyping. DNA was extracted (both Aγ and Gγ), and correctly spliced βE globin from blood leukocytes. β-thalassemia mutations were mRNA levels were determined by quantitative re- identified using multiplex ARMS-PCR as previously de- verse-transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR). scribed [19]. α-Thalassemias (– – SEA,––THAI,––FIL, –α3.7,–α4.2 deletions and non deletions Hb Constant Materials and Methods Spring and Hb Pakse) were detected using multiplex Gap-PCR and multiplex ARMS-PCR as described pre- Subjects and measurement of hematological parame- viously [20-22]. ters. EDTA-whole blood samples were obtained from the Department of Medicine and Department of Globin mRNA quantitation. Total RNA was extracted Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, from reticulocyte fraction separated from blood samples Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. A total of 48 using TRIzol® Reagent (Invitrogen, California, U.S.A.) thalassemia subjects, comprising 28 β-thal/Hb E disease [23]. Contaminating DNA was removed by treatment and 20 β-thal trait, and 10 normal controls were en- with RNase-free DNase (Promega, Madison, WI, USA). rolled. Blood samples were investigated for hematologi- Quantity and purity of RNA were measured spectropho- cal parameters and hemoglobin typing using Sysmex XS- tometrically (WPA Biowave DNA-Isogen Life Science 1000i blood cell counter (Kobe, Japan) and capillary instrument). Expression of α-, β-, βE-, and γ-globin electrophoresis (Sebia, Lisses, France) respectively. mRNAs were measured using a one-step qRT–PCR Hemoglobin typings obtained in addition to hemato- method with TaqMan™ probe system [24,25]. Each re- logical parameters were compatible with their diagnostic action of 20 µl contained 40 ng of total RNA, 0.30-0.38 phenotypes: namely, normal (A2A), β-thalassemia trait µM each primer, 0.1-0.125 µM each probe, and (A2A with Hb A2>3.5%), and β-thalassemia disease (EF, LightCycler® 480 RNA Master Hydrolysis Probes EFA, A2F, or A2FA). The percentage of Hb F or HbE (Roche, Berlin, Germany). The primers and probes used from the Hb typing result was calculated with total he- are shown in Table 1. qRT-PCR was performed in a moglobin to yield the absolute amount in g/dl. The LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System (Roche, study protocol was approved by the Committee on Berlin, Germany) using the following thermocycling Role of Globin Gene Expression, Hb F and E on β-Thalassemia Severity 439 Table 2. Hb typing and β-thalassemia mutations of 48 β-thalassemia subjects. Subject (n) Hb typing β-thalassemia mutation β0-thal/Hb E (19)* EF cd41/42 (-TTCT) (n=4), cd17 (A>T ) (n=13), IVSI-1 (G>T ) (n=2) β+(severe)-thal/Hb E (6) EF(A) IVSII-654 (C>T ) β+-thal/Hb E (3) EFA nt-28 (A>G) β-thalassemia trait (20) A2A cd41/42 (-TTCT) (n=8), cd17 (A>T ) (n=2), IVSI-1 (G>T ) (n=1), (high A2) cd27/28 (+C) (n=1), IVSII-654 (C>T ) (n=4), IVSI-5 (G>C) (n=1), nt-28 (A>G) (n=3) *Four cases (3 with cd17 and 1 IVSI-1) co-inherited α-thalassemia 2 trait (3.7-kb deletion). cd, codon. conditions: 3 min at 63°C for reverse transcription, and genotypes of β-thal/Hb E subjects. A remarkably 40 cycles of 15 s at 95°C, 1 min at 60°C, 1 s at 72°C. All higher γ-globin mRNA expression was observed in samples were determined in triplicate, and mRNA levels β+(severe)- (median 119.2, range 39.5-144.9) com- -∆∆CT were quantitated by 2 method relative to glyceral- pared to β+-thalassemia (median 8.9, range 7.0- dehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) mRNA 27.1) (p=0.025). However, in β0-thal/Hb E sub- [26,27]. jects the lower median γ-globin mRNA level Statistical analysis. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney (median=68.6, with a wide range=3.2-404.6) may U tests were used to evaluate the differences among account for the overall lack of significant differ- groups. Correlations among variables were analyzed by ences among the β-thal/Hb E genotypes. These val- Spearman's correlation analysis, with a p-value <0.05 ues correlated with Hb F amounts (median 4.9, considered statistically significant. range 2.7-5.7 g/dl and median 1.2, range 1.0-1.5 g/dl) for β+(severe)- and β+-thalassemia respectively Results (p<0.01) (Figure 1C). β-Thalassemia genotypes identified by PCR-based Expression of βE mRNAs (relative to GAPD methods were as follows: β0-thal/Hb E (19 sub- mRNA) showed no significant differences among jects), β+(severe)-thal/Hb E (6), β+-thal/Hb E (3), β0-, β+(severe)- and β+-thal/Hb E groups (Figure andβ-thalassemiatrait(20)(Table2).
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