. r 5759 • February 1999 . $4.50. VOL XXXII/NO. 2 Chareidi- . Chiloni Religious­ Secular Gap PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT COMMERCIAL QUALITY • INSTITUTIONAL & RESIDENTIAL • WOOD • STEEi.. • PLASTIC • SWINGS • SL.IDES • PICNIC TABLES • SCHOOi.. & CAMP EQUIPMENT • BASKETBALi.. SYSTEMS • RUBBER FLOORING • ETC. • Equipment meets or exceeds all ASTM and CPSC safety guidelines CURRENT PROJECTS • Site planning and design services with state-of-the-art Auto CAD TO ENABLE SPRING INSTALLATION, ORDERS SHOULD • Stainless steel fabrication for BE PROCESSED BY THE END OF FEBRUARY. ultimate rust resistance LEAD TIME: Planning & Design: 4 WEEKS Fabrication: 6 WEEKS Installation: 2 WEEKS better 5302 New Utrecht Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11219 health Phone: 718-436-480 l Adar 5759 • February 1999 U.S.A.$3.50/Foreign $4.50 ·VOL XXXII/NO. 2 THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly except July and August by the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Periodicals postage paid in New York, N.Y. Subscription $24.00 per year; two years, $44.00; three years, $60.00. Outside of the United States (US funds drawn on a US bankon!y) $12.00 surcharge per year. Single copy $3.50; foreign $4.50. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Observer, 84 William Street, THE CHAREIDI-CHILONI/RELIGIOUS-SECULAR GAP N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Tel: 212-797-9000, Fax: 212-269-2843. 7 Avoiding the Trap of Mutual Animosity Printed in the U.S.A. Rabbi Yosef Harari-Raful RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR 9 The Onus is On Us ... Overtones and Undercurrents EDITORIAL BOARD Rabbi Zev Leff DR. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER Chalrman 11 Of Scrolls and Souls RABBI ABBA BRUDNY Rabbi Shmuel Dishon RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS JOSEPH FRIEDENSON I 6 The Media Battleground: Image vs Essence RABBI YISROEL MEIR KIAZNER Yonason Rosenblum RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN PROF. AARON TWERSKI MANAGEMENT BOARD AVI FISHOF 24 HONORING REB YAAKOV'S LEGACY NAFTOLI HIRSCH ISAAC KIRZNER Coming Home to Yiddishkeit RABBI SHLOMO LESIN 2 7 NACHUM STEIN Esther Brander RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING 29 Developing Leaders for the Immigrant Community Business Manager Malky Lowinger Published by Agudath Israel of America 3 I Purim and Prayer U.S. TRADE DISTRIBUTOR ISRAELI DISTRIBUTOR Feldheim Publishers Nechemia Rosenberg Jeremy Kagan 200 Airport Executive Park Kiryat Telshe Stone. 108A Spring Valley, N.Y. 10977 D.N. Harei Yehuda. ISRAEL 3 S A Time To Keep Silent, A Time To Speak, EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVE AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTOR Chana Nestlebaum M. T. Bi be Iman Gold's Book & Gift Co. Grosvenor works 36 William Street 3 9 Second Looks Mount Pleasant Hill Balaclava 3183, Vic., London ES 9NE. ENGLAND AUSTRALIA Directives From Washington Yosef Gesser THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not Encountering the 'Image' of Moshe Rabbeinu assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service 44 Books in Review advertised In its pages Cactus Blossoms/Rachel Pomerantz ©Copyright 1999 Lisa M. Hermon 45' Letters to the Editor FEBRUARY 1999 VOLUME XXX!l/NO. 2 Photos on cover • Bottom right: Part of 300,000 Chareidi Jews at historic Tefilla Assembly in Downtown Jerusalem, Feb. 14 '99. AP WideWorld Photo. Upper right: Secular Jews in counter-demonstration at Gan Sacher, Jerusalem, Feb. 14, '99. AP WideWorld Photo. Do You Need People Who·can Hit the Ground Runni today's business battleground you need ·\ In. well-trained, experienced personnel. But \ where do you find them without spending a \fortune? Professional Management and E}llployment Services is the answer. 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Hnrav Rinyon1in Horav :3h111ud Horav i\\1~~011 Horav A vrohom Kame11d~hy ~"~•7::i Kamcnd~hy W't17t:i Kamenel~l~y ~"t'7t' K1mcnd~l~y l'\:"~'7::-' 'lliE BE'ERHAGOLAH 20TH A~NlVBRSARY REPRESENTING THE ROSH YESHIVA 7"~i's ThUvllDfM D1NNER GUE:ST 01: HONOR 1--,,-,:i-l,-p:i-lO_p_:-py-,,-:,-i1-)-,~-Ji1-)-iO-l-"l_7 __ I-Iorav Avroh0111 Chaim Spitzer ~ 11 ~ 1 ?tv 25 ADAR 5759/MARCH 13, 1999 Ateres Chaya Hall 1411 54th St., Brooklyn, NY BE'ER HAGOLAH HONOREES: 8:00 PM PARENTS OF OCR DEDlCATED TEACHERS Rabhi and Mrs. Moshe Grossman Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Lerman Rabhi and Mrs. Shimon Lichtenstein Mr. and Mrs. Sbulem Zicherman KTRl'V IYOVOS AWARD Dovid and Ester Melber B E'ER HAGOlAH INSTITUTES Hol!i\I' J'.\,\KOV KAME:--IETSKY 7"'.:il, Fo1 ·c;1i1:--1c; CH,\lRMX,, V\AD HAc111:-\1n1 67! Louisiana Avenue, Broohlyn, 0.'Y 1LZ39 • 718-642-6800 Fax: 718-642-4/'.+0 CONFRONTING THE CHILONI-CHAREIDI/SECULAR-RELIGIOUS GAP Rabbi Yosef Harari-Raful A CLASH OF VISIONS What prompted this? They appar­ ently woke up one day, and discovered he gap that divides the Chareidi • that the leitmotifof their lives was one and Chiloni co1nmunities in he gap that divides the of"rejecting the bechora- the bless­ TIsrael is 1nore than social or ings of spiritual richness that was their political in nature. It is a matter of two TChareidi and Chiloni birthright," and now they are painful­ Tikvos- two distinct sets of hopes and communities in Israel is ly aware of an aching vacuum with­ aspirations - n1oving on a collision in. This should inspire a mass move­ course. more than social or political ment of teshuva, and indeed, many are Three times a day, every religious Jew returning. There are, however, many says in "Aleinu":" V'al kein nekava lecha in nature. It is a matter of stubborn holdouts among them who, Hashem Elokeinu /iros meheira besifferes instead, are going to tbe other uzecha- Therefore we put our hope in two Tikvos - two distinct extreme - reaching a toxic hatred. You, Hashem our G-d, that we may soon sets of hopes and They are ready to use any means to see Your mighty splendor... and they will achieve their goals of dismissing the all accept upon themselves oh/ aspirations - moving on a Chareidi society to the point of total Ma/chusecha- the yoke of Your King­ negation. ship:' By contrast, the Tikva of the collision course. To demonstrate how potent hatred Chiloniim is "lihiyos am chafshi can be, may I cite a passage from the be' artzeinu - to be a free people in our Zahar in Sefer Bereishis: land;' which has come to mean free of • Reuven's suggestion to save Yosefby burdens and obligations of tradition. without a large measure of patience putting him into the pit with snakes The fulfillment of this hope is contin­ and tolerance. In fact, the tension was deemed life-threatening. Why? gent on the total rejection of oh/ between the two rises or falls in Wouldn't his zechuyos (many merits) Malchus Shamayim. accordance with the patience and save him from the serpents? Not so, These two hopes animate two bat­ tolerance of each group. says the Zahar. In a place poisoned tling societies in Israel. They cannot These past few years have witnessed with hatred, zechuyos offer no pro­ be one, nor can they even co-exist a dramatic deterioration in this tection. Rabbi Hararf-Raful, Rosh .Hay~shi;;a of'Yesl1iv~ patience, especially within the secular­ Such was the verdict in regard to the Ateret Torah in Brooklyn, is a 1nember of the ist domain. They seem bent on tight­ animosity of the holy sons of Yaakov. Nesius (Presidium) of Agudath Israel of Atner­ ening the tension between the two How much more so when the hatred ica. This essay is excerpted from his address at the recent national convention of Agudath groups, and it has reached a dangerous emanates from rishei olam - people Israel of America. point, which should concern everyone. who are genuinely wicked! The Jewish Observer, February 1999 7 A THREE-PRONGED ATTACK eilecha kol rishei aretz - to turn all - and along with this appeasement, offer the earth's wicked toward You ... that tefilla to Hashem. This sina - this far-reaching they all accept the ohl Malchus We should bear in mind that much of loathing - has three avenues of expres­ Shamayim." the instigation in Israel has one purpose: sion. The first is the Israeli media, which to polarize us. Any measure of animosi­ intentionalJy disse1ninates distortions A STRATEGY BASED ON ty that is kindled within us will be a vic­ and disinformation. 'fhe other two are HISTORIC PRECEDENT tory for them. In response, we must set the governmental: 1 the police department, tone: "We are not ready to hate. Nor will which constantly finds ways to oppress truggling with this enmity can be we join you in your agenda 'to be a free Chareidim; and worst of all, the courts, difficult and dangerous, but we nation in our land.' Our fate is to engage which seem determined to disenfran­ Shave history on our side. Yaakov in a rightful struggle, dean and pure. We chise the Chareidirn and dismember the Avinu had to contend with Eisav's hatred will not lose, just as Yaakov Avinu realized longstanding Status Quo agreement.2 from the time he had received Yitzchak's his goal, without the sina of Eisav touch­ Our response to this animosity is Berachos, when he had no choice but to ing him.'' to express our own dream of" lehafnos uproot himself from home, to flee for his Even when Eisav kissed him, Yaakov 1.
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