Xavier University Exhibit Course Catalogs University Archives and Special Collections 5-1931 1930-1931 Xavier University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Course Catalog Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/coursecatalog Recommended Citation Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, "1930-1931 Xavier University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Course Catalog" (1931). Course Catalogs. 224. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/coursecatalog/224 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Course Catalogs by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. XAVIER UNIVERSITY BUI.-LETIN PUBl.ISHEO MONTHl.Y FROM MAY TO OCTOBER BY XAVIER UNIVERSITY, CINCINNATI. OHIO NEW SERIES. VOl.. XV. MAY, 1931 No.. l THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES CATALOGUE 1.930..1931 ANN 0 U NeE MEN"SF 0 R 19 31 ~ 1932 Entered as second-cla.ss matter July 26, 1917. at the post ollice at Cincinnati, Ohio. under the Act.of August 24,1912. Acceptance for walling at special rate of postage provided for In Section ·1103, Act of OctQber 3, 1917,a1tthorlzed JUly 8, 1918. Xavier University is accredited by: The North Central Association The National Catholic EducationalAssociation The New York Board of Regents The State Departments of Public Instruction in Ohio and Kentucky for issuing State High School Certificates Xavier University is a member of: The Association of American Colleges The American Council on Education NINETY-FIRST CATALOGUE OF XAVIER UNIVERSITY FOUNDED 1831 INCORPORATED 1841 CINCINNATI, OHIO THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Senior and Junior Year Scholarships Founded by REVEREND WILLIAM F. POLAND, S.]. R. I. P. CATALOGUE 1930-1931 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1931·1932 PRELIMINARY APPLICATION· (For All Students) I desire to enroll in Xavier University for . (Year of Entrance) I understand that actual enrolment depends upon my graduating, with 8atisfactory credits and notes, U from a first grade high school or other recognized preparatory school. Immediately after graduation I shall ask my Principal or Super­ intendent to send you an official statement of my high school credits. In case I should change my plans, I shall notify you at once. Name '" "..........•.•...... '" .•..• Last First Middle Address ..................................•.•...............• High School. ..........................•....•.......•.......• Address of High School. .•..........•.....................•... Year of Graduation.....................•.....•.............•. Date..........••......•... Mail to Registrar *Students ranking in the upper two-thirds of their graduation class will be accepted In order of application In case credits and recommendations are satlsfaelory. Applications from students ranking in the lowest third of their class will be con· sidered for acceptance on trial after July first In case vacancies occur in the ac:­ cepted list. **An average of 80% in Fourth Year; not less than 80% in English. (PLEASE SEE OTHER SIDE) CALENDAR HIGH SCHOOL RECORD 1931 Upon graduation from ..........................•.. High School FiTst Semuter I shall have the following credits: No. of Units Sept. 1-5, Registration days for local Freshmen. 1. English ..............................•.... Sept. 8-12, Registration days for local Higher Class­ Group 2. Latin . men. Sept. 14-15, Monday and} Registration days for out of town students. I. 3. French...................................• Tuesday An additional fee of $5.00 is required 4. German , . for other registration. 5. Spanish . Sept. 16, Wednesday, First Semester begins. 1. Mathematics . Sept. 18, Friday, Sodality reorganizes. Freshman placement tests. a. Algebra ..................•.............. Sept. 21, Monday, Debating and literary societies reorganize. b. Plane Geometry........................• Sept. 23, Wednesday, Late registration closes. c. Solid Geometry . Sept. 23, Wednesday, Mass of the Holy Ghost. d. Trigonometry . Sept. 26, Saturday, Conditional examinations. Oct. 19, Monday, Subjects for Senior theses approved. Group 2. Science . Oct. 27, Tuesday, Intra-semester tests. II. a. General . Nov. 2, Monday, Debating Team preliminaries. b. Botany . Nov. 13, Friday, Masque Society performance. c. Geology . Nov. 20, Friday, Verkamp Debate preliminaries. d. Physics . Nov. 25, Wednesday, Requiem Mass for deceased professors, alumni and benefactors. e. Zoology , ....................•.•...• Nov. 26, Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. f. Chemistry . Nov. 27, Friday, Patron's Day (transferred from Dec. 3). History Nov. 28, Saturday, President's Day. 4, Friday, Verkamp Debate. a. General ...............................• Dec. Dec. 8, Tuesday, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. b. Ancient . Dec. 14, Monday, Reception into the Sodality. Group c. MediaevaL . Dec. 15, Tuesday, Intra-semester tests. III. d. Modern . Dec. 16, Wednesday, Christmas Chapel Assembly. e. English . Dec. 21, Monday, Christmas recess begins. f. American ,. 1932 My average grade to date is . Jan. 4, Monday, Classes resume, 8:30 A.M. The passing grade is . Jan. 15, Friday, Oratorical preliminaries. I intend to enroll for the Course-Degree. Jan. 25, Monday, Semester examinations. 5 1932 Second Semester OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION Feb. 1, Monday, Second Semester begins. Semester pay- ments due. Feb. 1,2,3, Annual Retreat. Feb. 8, Monday, Ora torical semi-finals. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Feb. 19, Friday, Oratorical approvals. HUGO F. SLOCTEMYER, S.]., A.M., M.S., LL.D., President Feb. 21, Sunday, Oratorical Contest. JOSEPH P. DE SMEDT, S.J., Vice.President Feb. 22, Monday, Washington's Birthday. GEORGE R. KISTER, S.]., Chancellor EDWARD CARRIGAN, S.]., Secretary March 15, Tuesday, Intra-semester tests. FRANCIS J. MYERS, S.]., Treasurer March 24-28, Eas ter recess. MICHAEL J. RYAN, S.J. March 29, Tuesday, Classes resume, 8:30 A.M. ALPHONSE L. FISHER, S.]. March 30, Wednesday, Intercollegiate Latin Contest. MARTIN]. PHEE, S.]. April I, Intercollegiate English Essay Contl!st. EDWARD J. BABBITT, A.B., LL.B., Counsel for the Board May 5, Thursday, Ascension Thursday. May 30, Monday, Decoration Day. May 31-]une 4, Semester examinations. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS June 5, Sunday, Baccalaureate exercises. EDWARD CARRIGAN, S.J., Dean, College of Liberal Arts 8, Wednesday, Graduation exercises. June GEORGE R. KISTER, S.]., Director, Summer School June 13, Monday, Entrance examinations. THOMAS A. NOLAN, S.J., Dean of Men June 20, Monday, Summer session. FERDINAND A. MOELLER, S.]., Chaplain ALFRED ]. GALLAGHER, S.]., Director of Campus Activities c. RAYMOND FELLINGER, A.B., Registrar ·.... PAUL J. SWEENEY, S.]., Director of Library MISS ELEANOR M. CRONE, A.B., Librarian FRANCIS X. NEBRICH, S.J., Reference Librarian RAYMOND B. WALSH, S.J., Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings MRS. CATHERINE A. McGRATH, Bursar ]OHN ]. SULLIVAN, S.J., Pastor, Bellarmine Chapel ALPHONSE 1. FISHER, S.]., Faculty Director of Athletics JOSEPH MEYER, Director of Athletics WALTER S. SCHMIDT, A.M., President of the Athletic Council CHARLES MURRAY, A.B., M.D., Physician GEORGE TOPMOELLER, M.D., Physician WESLEY L. FURSTE, M.D., Physician 7 Instructor in History, 1920-1921; Instructor in. Philosophy, St. Mary's Col1ege, St. Mary's Kansas, 1925-1926; Instructor in Philosophy, Xavier OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION* University, 1927-1930. MURTHA BOYLAN, S.]., A.M., Ph.D _ Hinkle Hal1 HUGO F. SLOCTEMYER, S.]., A.M., M.S., LL.D. Profusor of Philosophy and Director of the Departmen.t (1928). President of the University (J93l) A.B., Campion College, Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1900; A.M., 1903; Ph.D., Ignatius Kolleg, Valkenburg, Holland, 1910. A.B., St. Louis University, 1907; A. M., 1909; M.S., 1913; LL.D., 1931. Xavier University, 1896-1902; St. Stanislaus Seminary, 1902-1906; St. Instructor in Philosophy, Xavier University, 1919-1925; President, John Carroll University, Cleveland, 1925-1928. Louis University, 1907-1910, 1914-1918; St. Stanislal.l,s Novitiate, 1919. 1920; Marquette University, 1909 (Summer); Armour Institute of Tech­ nology, 1912 (Summer); Member St. Louis University Geological Expedi­ ]OHN P. BURKE, S.]., A.M..·..· Milford, Ohio tions, Summers of 1910, 1911, 1913, 1915. Instructor in English (1929). Instructor in Latin and Mathematics, Marquette Academy, 1906­ A.B., Loyola University, Chicago, 1914; A.M., Catholic University 1907; Instructor in Physics and Mathematics, St. John's Col1ege, 1910­ Washington, D.C., 1915. ' 1914; Professor of Physics, University of Detroit, 1918-1919; Professor of Loyola University, Chicago, 1910-1914; Catholic University, Washing­ Physics, St. Louis University, 1920-1922; Vice-Dean, St. Louis University, ton, D.C., 1914-1915; St. Louis University, 1919-1923, 1925-1929. School of Philosophy and Science, 1920-1929; Dean of Men, St. Louis Instructor in English, University of Detroit, 1923-1925. University, School of Divinity, 1922-1929; President St. Ignatius High School, Chicago, 1930-1931. WILLIAM T. BURNS, A.B HoteI Anderson Instructor in Accounting (1912). HUBERT F. BROCKMAN, S.]., A.M., LL.Dt A.B., Xavier University, 1892; Commercial Diploma, Commercial President of the University (1923-1931). College of Kentucky University, 1894. A.B., Xavier University, 1896; A.M., St. Louis University, 1902; LL.D.) Commerce Department, Xavier Univ~rsity, 1895-1908; Instructor in Marquette University, 1923. Mathematics, St. Xavier Academy, Avondale, 1911-1912; Registrar Xavier University,
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