Cambridge University Press 0521772672 - Greek Sculpture: Function, Materials, and Techniques in the Archaic and Classical Periods Edited by Olga Palagia Index More information INDEX abrasion, 18 alloy, xv–xvii, 215, 234, 236, 240nn 37–38, abrasives, 19, 25, 102, 260 242nn53 and 56 Achilles, 164 Amazon, 182–183, 191, 205n44 acrolith, 102–104, 117nn126–127, 122, Amazon frieze, 180, 181–184, 186–187, 262, 276nn98–99 190–192, 199–200, 205n45, 206n63 acrolithic technique, xv, 117n127, Amazonomachy, 65 122–123, 125 Amsterdam, Allard Pierson Museum Ada, 191 8946, sphinx, 216–217 (Fig. 66) Adam, Sheila, 101, 182, 243, 251, 253 anathyrosis, 55, 82, 111n32, 123–125, adhesives, 24n26, 52, 55, 102–103, 199 169–170, 178 Angelitos, 121 Afrati, 27n5 aniconic, 12 Agorakritos, 124–126, 144, 266 Antiope, 65 Agrigento, Museo Archeologico Regionale Aphaia pediments. See Aphaia sanctuary head of Telamon, 105 (Color pl. 3) storeroom, Athens, National AG 1275, 113n60 Museum, Munich Glyptothek AG 2077, warrior, 102, 107, 115n101 Aphaia sanctuary storeroom C 1837/S 51, kouros head, 95 S 152, fragment of Aphaia pediments, Agrippa, 284 275n86 Aiakes, 49 S 225, fragment of Aphaia pediments, Aigina, 50, 59, 61, 65, 222 275n86 Ajax, 65 Aphrodite, 87, 104, 117n32, 134, Akragas, 77–78, 90–91, 93, 95, 105, 107 161n215, 282 Akropolis, 42, 44, 50, 60, 63–64, 120–121, in the Gardens, 127 124, 126, 132, 138, 146–148, 215, Apollo, 18, 29n32, 36, 38, 42, 48–49, 222–223, 226, 231, 239n27, 247, 261, 52, 57, 90, 102, 104, 130, 161n215 282, 284 Epikourios, 160n193 Alexander the Great, 236, 264 Ismenios, 211–212, 264 Alkamenes, 125–127, 146 Lykeios, 107 Alliata Collection Patroos, 218, 260, 275n75 70/853, marble lamp, 114n80 Sosianus, pediment, 276n96 313 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772672 - Greek Sculpture: Function, Materials, and Techniques in the Archaic and Classical Periods Edited by Olga Palagia Index More information 314 efh Index Apollonas quarry, 33, 69n36, 286, 296 S 373, akroterion, 143 unfinished statues from, 33–34, S 654, Athena, 127 116n107, 122, 151n33, 244, 247, 252, S 741 and 797, clay molds of kouros 272n21 (Fig. 79) head, 218–219 (Fig. 68a,b) Arbinas, 164, 203nn6 and 8 S 1882, Aphrodite, 127 Archedemos of Thera, 273n32 S 2089, Eubouleus, 252, 260, 267 Ares, 130 (Fig. 85) Ariantes, 209 S 2154, Apollo Patroos, 260, 275n75 Aristion of Paros, 64 S 2452, repaired herm, 127, 155n86, Artemis, 26, 29n32, 48–49, 52, 61, 130 249 Agrotera, 138 Athens, Akropolis Museum Brauronia, 161n215 Archaic limestone pediments, 45–46, arula, 78–79, 86, 110n21 60, 63, 65 Asandros, 233 Old temple of Athena pediment, 65–66, Asia Minor, xvi, 88, 163, 205n17, 260, 267 261 Ashmole, B., 31n55 122, 70n40 Asklepios, 146–147, 263, 276n97, 278n132 140, Angelitos Athena, 121 Astritsi, 28n14 143, dog, 73n77 Athena, 48–49, 65, 90, 98, 102, 104, 144, scribe, 46, 49 120–121, 124, 126, 130, 132, 140, 146, scribe, 46, 49 146, 148, 262, 277n122 160, dice player, 50 Areia, 122 168 dice player, 50 from east metope 4 of Parthenon, 129 269, Lyons kore, 44, 47–48 (Fig. 18) from Hephaisteion frieze, 137–138 369/442, kore, 53 (Fig. 43) 386, kore, 72n71 from west pediment of Parthenon, 552, 70n40 128–129, 134, 157nn141 and 147, 554, 70n40 258 (Fig. 38) 577, Athena relief, 70n40, 121 Hephaisteia, 125 590, Rampin Rider, 50 Nike, 145. See also Athena Nike temple 592, perirrhanterion, 50 Parthenos, 122–124, 153n56, 270 593, Pomegranate kore, 46–47, 252 Polias, 151n30, 187 594, kore, 58 Promachos, 49, 122, 226 597, hippalektryon, 50 Velletri, 126 599, warrior torso, 121 Athena Nike temple, 138–141, 146, 258 606, Persian rider, 59 (Figs. 44–45) 619, 69n36 Athens, xv–xvi, 13, 25–26, 32, 43, 49–50, 624, Moschophoros (Calf-bearer), 46, 119–120, 122–127, 138, 141, 144, 50, 55–56, 253 (Fig. 24) 147, 208, 234, 247, 270, 281, 291 625, Athena, 59 Athens, Agora Museum 629, scribe, 46, 49, 52 A 3001, base in Eleusinian limestone, 633, 49 perhaps from Mother of the Gods, 643, head, 58 124 661, Athena head, 52 B 30, bronze head, 230–232 (Fig. 75a,b) 669, kore, 58–59, 71n56 B 1382–5, fragments of bronze 670, kore, 47, 52–53 horseman, 230, 233 672, kore, 58 S 37, repaired goddess, 249 (Fig. 80) 673, kore, 58 S 182, akroterion group, 143 675, kore, 58 S 211, herm, 121 677, 69n36 S 312, akroterion, 143 679, Peplos kore, 58–59 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772672 - Greek Sculpture: Function, Materials, and Techniques in the Archaic and Classical Periods Edited by Olga Palagia Index More information Index egh 315 681, kore of Antenor, 42, 57, 260 Athens, Epigraphical Museum 682, kore, 47–48, 52, 57–58 (Fig. 19) 6286, chariot base of 507/6, in 683, kore, 261 Eleusinian limestone, 124 684, kore, 53 6595, record relief of 426, 148 685, kore, 52 6598, record relief of Athens and 686/609, kore of Euthydikos, 42 Neapolis, 148 689, Blond Boy, 121 7862, record relief of treasurers, 148 690, Nike of Kallimachos, 49–50, Athens, National Museum 59 Dipylon ivories, 27n6 695, “Mourning Athena,” 121 kouroi from Sounion, 13, 18, 38, 41, 698, Kritios Boy, 57, 120–122 43 699, head of athlete, 121, 256 1, Nikandre’s dedication, 13, 16, 24, 701, 70n40 31n58, 34, 253 (Fig. 7) 720, Centaur, 128, 256 10, kouros from the Ptoon, 39, 40, 722, Lapith, 128, 256 43–44 (Fig. 14) 864, hydria-carriers, 274n56 14, unfinished kouros from Naxos, 880, 127 116n107, 252, 272n21 (Fig. 79) 888, 127 22, Leto from Delos, 47–49, 52, 58 926, 126 (Fig. 20, Color pl. 2) 928+7310, “Barberini Suppliant” 29, stele of Aristion, 46, 55, 61 (Fig. 23) prototype, 126 30, stele of Lyseas, 46 1071, figures of Erechtheion frieze, 38, discus stele, 46, 62 159nn193–194 (Fig. 46) 40, relief from Dikaia, 160n201 1263, figure of Erechtheion frieze, 81, Phaidimos base, 46, 68n33 160n194 89, grave relief with Hermes, 62 1293, figure of Erechtheion frieze, 126, Great Eleusinian Relief, 146 160n194 128, Lenormant Athena, 270 1329, Herakles relief, 146 (Fig. 48) (Color pl. 8) 1332, potter stele, 62 176, Kore from Piraeus, 126 1333, record relief of 403/2, 148 177, head with ivory eyes, 152n43, 1340, horse relief, 57 275n90, 276n99 1358, Prokne, 126 199, Lysikleides’ dedication, 126 1363, seated goddess, 260 (Color pl. 5) 2381, head of Hera (?), 133–134 (Fig. 40) 245, unfinished table support, 269–270 2861, Aphrodite, 127 332, herm, 252 3763, Euenor dedication, 42 468, herm, 127 4303, helmeted head, 140, 159n182 558, helmeted head from Sounion, 136 6504, Dexitheos dedication, 42 (Fig. 42) 6507, Kalis dedication, 42 715, “Salamis” stele, 145, 257 (Fig. 87) 6692, “Olympias Albani” prototype, 1558, kouros of Melos, 96 126 1604, Aphrodite from Daphni, 127 6712, Peplos Figure Wegner, 157n141 1660, youth from Delos or Rheneia, 269 6713, 127 1661, sphinx from Delos, 267, 269, 13641, Athena (?), 154n74 271n6 (Fig. 77) 18140, north frieze of Nike temple, 141 1662, unfinished athlete, 258 (Fig. 88) (Fig. 45) 1732, akroterion, 143 19808, torso from pediment of Athena 1780, Ilissos frieze, 138 Nike temple, 139–140 (Fig. 44) 1783, relief of Echelos and Basile, Athens, Benaki Museum 154n75, 161n212 33097, herm, 121 1904, kouros of Keratea, 46 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521772672 - Greek Sculpture: Function, Materials, and Techniques in the Archaic and Classical Periods Edited by Olga Palagia Index More information 316 efh Index Athens, National Museum (cont.) Athens, Third Ephoreia 1906, kouros of Volomandra, 34–36, 4521, grave relief, 275n83 39–40, 43–44, 48 (Fig. 13) M 4608, bronze head from Metro 1938, head from Aphaia pediments, 222 excavations, 224 (Fig. 72) attachments, 52–55, 57–58, 65, 82, 2348, akroterion from Rhamnous, 144 102–103, 126–127, 131, 134, 141, 2569, seated Nemesis, 54 (Fig. 22a,b) 167–170, 174, 198, 262 2756, relief of Xenokrateia, 154n75 metal on stone, 58–59, 61, 65, 71n56, 2823, grave relief with Hermes, 62 72n74, 82, 102, 119, 121–122, 2826, grave relief with Hermes, 62 128–130, 137–138, 146, 172–173, 2866, 2867, 2869, 2870, reliefs from 176–178, 183–184, 194, 199–201, 262 Mycenae, 28n16 Attalos of Athens, 276n98 3071, warrior stele, 46 Attica, 13, 32, 36, 44–45, 47–48, 50, 62, 65, 3072, Dionysos of Ikaria, 54 120, 122, 127, 132, 138, 144, 146, 3188, unfinished Aphrodite, 269 247, 284 3344, relief from Sounion, 121, Audoleon, 233 161n220 Augustus/Octavian, 143, 238n11, 244, 284 3372, Dipylon head, 21, 247 3476, statue base, 273n39 Baia Castle, Museo Archeologico di Campi 3606, head of Gaius Caesar (?), 271n9 Flegrei 3686, kouros of Keos, 38, 40, 43 (Fig. 15) plaster casts, 263 3687, kouros from the Ilissos, 52 Basel, Antikenmuseum 3709, double-sided relief, 144 236, physician relief, 62 3851, Kroisos of Anavyssos, 44, 68n33 245, Bulgaridis head, 52, 57–58 3938, Aristodikos, 34, 37–38, 42, 44, 59, (Fig. 21a, b) 122 (Figs. 16, 17a,b) Basile, 145, 154n75 3941, Ilissos frieze, 138 Bassai, 160n193 4472, grave stele, 62 Berlin, Antikenmuseum 4485, lekythos of Myrrhine, 145 A2,75n119 4486, Athena, 126 F 2159, amphora by the Andokides 4502, base from Kallithea, 145 Painter, 65 4889, Phrasikleia, base, 64, 68n28 F 2294, Foundry Cup, 225, 227–228 6439, bronze boxer from Olympia, 230 F 2415, Attic red-figure oinochoe, 262 (Fig. 74, Color pl. 7) Sk 308, Sabouroff head, 276n100 6440, bronze head of Zeus from Sk 578, kore, 96 Olympia, 220–221 (Fig.
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