Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A JTA News Briefs ........................ 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 42, NO. 44 JULY 6, 2018 23 TAMUZ, 5778 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Second annual Men’s Night Out coming this November Last year’s Men’s Night Out with a bit of an edge (i.e., when was such a success that there asked what her income is, she will be a second such event replies “I put it on the credit in November. Organized by card.”) She has also been de- the Men’s Clubs of Congrega- scribed as the most politically tion Beth Am, Temple Israel, balanced stand up comedian Congregation Ohev Shalom, (i.e., her son asked her what Congregation of Reform the difference between a Judaism, and South West Democrat and a Republican Orlando Jewish Congrega- was and she explained that a tion (in conjunction with the Democrat is like a nice aunt Jewish Federation of Greater who promises to take you to Orlando), the evening will Disney World, but never fol- once again have an open bar, lows through. A Republican is stupendous prime rib dinner like a grumpy uncle who tells catered by Arthur’s, and fan- you he can’t afford to take you tastic entertainment. to Disney World, but then you Michael Soll, vice president find out he went without you). Comedian Cory Kahaney and immediate past president Kahaney was a grand finalist of the Federation Board of and runner-up in the first sea- comedy show at 8:30 p.m. The Directors, explained this event son of NBC’s reality TV show cost for the evening is $100 and is different from other events Last Comic Standing. Since can be purchased at www.jfgo. because it’s open to all men in then she has been on almost all org/MNO. Proceeds from the the Jewish community. the late shows, including Late event will benefit the Jewish “Last year’s event was a Show with David Letterman, youth education programs. success because it was multi- The Late Show with Stephen Prime sponsors of Men’s generational and not unique Colbert, and The Late Late Night Out are Alan Gins- to a specific group, but drew Show with Craig Ferguson. burg and Aaron Gorovitz. together men from all corners She has even been on Next Other sponsors include the of the Jewish community, Food Network Star (don’t Harriett Lake Foundation, which allowed for rekindling worry, she isn’t preparing the the Heritage Florida Jewish of lifelong relationships,” he dinner for the evening). News, Universal Engineering told Heritage. Men’s Night Out will be Sciences, Nelson Financial Comedian Cory Kahaney held Nov. 8 in the Congrega- Planning, and Beth Shalom will keep the audience in tion Ohev Shalom Ballroom, Memorial Chapel and Dr. Cote. stitches as she shares her beginning with cocktails at 6 Sponsorships are still avail- everyday experiences in life p.m.; dinner at 7 p.m. and the able at www.jfgo.org/MNO. Students file criminal complaints Jordan Miles holding Hamsa-Chai-Dove artwork created by Judith Segall. against anti-Israel disruptors By Edwin Black Their statement promised, “For those outsiders who Sister City presents art to Criminal complaints are disrupted the event, we will now being filed by students refer all evidence of wrong- following the belligerent doing to local prosecutors to disruption of a May 17, 2018, determine whether they have US Embassy in Jerusalem Students Supporting Israel broken the law.” By Diana van den [SSI] event at University of Bolstering the chancel- Boogaard California Los Angeles. At lors, university spokesman least a half-dozen students Tad Tamberg confirmed, COCOA—Standing in the announced they would visit “the off-campus people who crowd on the day the US the UCLA police department have been identified... have Embassy opened in Jerusalem to file formal complaints been arrested previously and was Theresa Miles, former reporting criminal disrup- are known to the police here director of The Sister City tion of a meeting, as well and have been referred to the Program of Cocoa (Florida), as disturbing the peace and prosecutor’s office.” He added and her family. She was in Is- conspiracy. that a proper police investiga- rael to celebrate the country’s The move follows media tion had already been done. StandWithUs 70th anniversary and enjoy a disclosures that UCLA was “You don’t send something Justin Feldman after filing reneging on the public pledge to the prosecutor’s office police report June 11. by two chancellors in the without first investigating it,” Daily Bruin—bolstered by a Vogelstein and three law stu- he stated. statement for the record by dents in the UCLA Brandeis The involved UCLA stu- a university spokesman—to chapter, dispatched a letter dents were to be referred to Art title plaque refer the belligerent May 17 to the university asserting university discipline rather incident to prosecutors. that the disruption crossed than prosecutors, the univer- family reunion with her sons, the director of the American The disruption and nose- the line into misdemeanor sity stated. Jordan and Brandon. She also Center, where the art will be to-nose intimidation of the violations of the California It was not clear why UCLA carried a framed artwork that on display. The Center serves students attending the May 17 criminal code. They cited students, who potentially Rabbi Joel and Tali Fox of as an educational and cultural SSI event at UCLA was docu- Title 11, section 403 (which broke the law, would not B’nai Shira in Cocoa Beach center with activities aimed at mented in a video. Disruptors covers deliberate disruption receive the same referral to had commissioned Orlando the Israeli public. suddenly and loudly stormed of a public meeting—suc- prosecutors as outsiders for artist Judith Segall to create The art, “Hamsa-Chai- into the room mid-session. cessfully used to convict the the same conduct. for the new embassy and to Dove” by Segall, uses symbols One person tore down a flag, so-called Irvine 11), section The case then took a strange honor Israel’s 70th birthday to express a hope for “Peace, demonstratively pulled away 415 (which covers malicious and unexplained twist. Three on May 14, 2018. Life, and Divine Protection.” a desk placard, and cursed disturbance of the peace), and weeks after the event, in an Praising the close ties be- Segall said her creative pro- threateningly close to the face section 182 (which forbids email, Tamberg clarified, tween Cocoa and Beit Shem- cess “goes beyond the basic el- of a panelist. With bullhorns, any conspiracy to violate the “There were no arrests, nor did esh, Israel, Jordan Miles, 21, ements of color, composition whistles, staged dancing, and other sections). from Merritt Island and now and form in order to provoke slogan shouting, the event was At the same time, two UCLA Complaints on page 14A living in Jerusalem, presented thought and evoke emotion.” shut down. chancellors, Jerry Kang and the gift to the US Embassy in Segall is deeply appreciative The Louis D. Brandeis Cen- Monroe Gorden, penned an Jerusalem on June 25, 2018. of those who commissioned ter for Human Rights Under official denunciation of the Lisa Bess Wishman ac- her to do this artwork. “I Law, led by attorney Alyza incident that was published cepted the art on behalf of Lewin, along with Director in the Daily Bruin campus the U.S. Embassy. She is Art on page 15A of Legal Initiatives Aviva newspaper. PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, JULY 6, 2018 St. Augustine Jewish Historical Society receives award Leonard Stein, PhD, of the Inquisition and in the years volume, Caribbean-Jewish University of Toronto’s Centre since. Crossings: Atlantic Literature for Comparative Literature Dr. Stein is a Connaught In- and Theory (University of and President of the Society ternational Doctoral Scholar Virginia Press), and The New for Crypto-Judaic Studies for the Centre for Compara- Literature of Hip Hop Music has announced the awarding tive Literature in a collab- for the forthcoming Oxford of a 2018 “Mini-Conference” orative program with the Handbook of Hip Hop Music to the St. Augustine Jewish Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Studies. Historical Society. Jewish Studies at the Univer- The Society for Crypto- The one-day Conference, sity of Toronto. His research Judaic Studies, an interna- to be held on Sunday, Dec. compares medieval Jewish- tional academic and secular 9 at the World Golf Village Iberian identity with modern association, fosters research, Renaissance St. Augustine literature from the Sephardic networking of people and Resort will focus on “Telling diaspora. He currently serves ideas, and the dissemination the Story of Crypto-Jews in as the President pro tem and of information regarding the the Southeast US.” Scholars program chair for the Society historical and contempo- from many disciplines are for Crypto Judaic Studies rary developments involving expected to share in their and editor for the University crypto-Jews of Iberian origins research to help develop a of Toronto Journal of Jewish and other hidden Jewish com- common understanding of Thought. His newest publica- munities around the world. Dr. Leonard Stein the presence of the descen- tions include Jubanidad and The St. Augustine Jewish dants of Jews in the conti- the Literary Transmission Historical Society promotes experience in the oldest St. Augustine in September help tell the story of the rich nental southeast Colonial of Cuban Crypto-Judaism greater knowledge and un- European city in the United 1565 to the present. SAJHS history and heritage found on Spanish America under the for the forthcoming edited derstanding of the Jewish States, from the founding of actively recruits partners to Florida’s First Coast.
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