w Facebook.com/ Twitter.com Volume 59, No. 107 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 BrooklynEagle.com BrooklynEagle @BklynEagle 50¢ BROOKLYN SUNY Campuses TODAY Primary EPT Receive Grades S . 11 State University of New Good morning. Today is York (SUNY) Chancellor the 254th day of the year. It Nancy L. Zimpher on Tues- Votes is the anniversary of the day commended 36 SUNY Sept. 11, 2001, “Attack on campuses on being recog- America,” when terrorist nized as “military friendly” members of Al Qaeda hi- by a top-rated national mil- Cast jacked four jet planes. They itary publication, G.I. Jobs PROBLEMS Magazine, and more than crashed two of the planes with the city’s into the World Trade Cen- 20 campuses were ranked ter and one into the Penta- among the nation’s top col- old-style lever gon (the fourth plane leges and universities by voting machines crashed in Pennsylvania U.S. News & World Report. that were after passengers attempted “SUNY is a leader in as- brought out to overcome the hijackers), sisting military personnel again for this killing more than 2,900 in the transition to civilian life after their service to our year’s primary people. Several Brooklyn were seen across firehouses, most notably country, and we take great the Middagh Street fire- pride in providing New the borough on house in Brooklyn Heights, York’s returning service Tuesday. This the Red Hook firehouse and men and women with high- photo was taken Squad One in Park Slope, er education,” said Zim- in Crown were devastated after many pher. Heights. See of their members were More than 20 SUNY campuses were ranked story by Mary killed in the collapse of the Frost, page 2. Twin Towers. among the top colleges and Well-known people who universities in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. AP Photo by were born today include Kathy Willens singer-dancer Lola Falana, singer-pianist Harry Con- nick Jr., rapper Ludicris, TODAY IS THE 12TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE TERRORIST ATTACKS actress Amy Madigan and on the World Trade Center, which led to the collapse of the Twin rock singer Moby. Towers and damaged the Pentagon. As much of Lower Man- hattan was in chaos, a steady stream of Manhattan residents and office workers headed across the Brooklyn Bridge that day Today at 3 p.m., Fort for Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights. Several com- Hamilton will hold a cere- memorative events are planned in Brooklyn today. AP Photo mony to remember those who perished in the terror- ist attacks of 2001. It will take place at the flagpole in front of Building 113. ... Council Member Erik Mar- tin Dilan will host a renam- ing ceremony at the corner of Fountain and Pitkin av- enues in East New York. The corner will be renamed for brothers Felix and Ivan Vale, who worked for Can- tor Fitzgerald, a company inside the World Trade Center, and lost their lives during the attacks. B’KLYN-BASED AUTHOR AVRA Wing earned critical acclaim OOK BEAT with her first novel, “Angie, I B Says,” which was made into movie “Angie.” In her second novel, "After Isaac," she again wins the hearts of her read- ers. See Book Beat, page 8. NEWLY NAMED ISLANDERS captain John Tavares will be skating at Barclays Center on Thursday for a training-camp workout. Barclays will also play host to Brooklyn's first THIS PHOTO SHOWS THE EXTERIOR OF HINSCH’S NHL game on Sept. 21, when in Bay Ridge, an diner and ice cream parlor known to genera- the Isles host the New Jersey tions of local residents. Now, the restaurant has reopened Devils for an exhibition con- with a new owner for the second time in three years. See Image courtesy of the author of courtesy Image test. See Sports, page 11. story, page 2. Eagle file photo by Marc Herrmann Wednesday, September 11, 2013 • Brooklyn Daily Eagle • 1 Problems with Voting Machines Seen Across Brooklyn Board of Elections Used Twitter as Sounding Board By Mary Frost ron spokesperson Amy Spitalnick are a regular voter your name IS in Brooklyn Eagle told supporters early Tuesday af- the system and your vote counts!” The New York City Board of ternoon, “We’re hearing that some Earlier in the day, it was re- Elections (BOE) was putting out voting machines may not be per- ported that Democratic mayor- fires all over the city on Tuesday fectly adjusted. Make sure an `X’ al candidate Anthony Weiner as a number of the old mechanical appears next to Daniel’s name [for discovered that his name wasn’t lever-style voting machines failed public advocate] when you pull listed on the voting rolls when he to function properly on Prima- the lever.” went to his polling place. A cam- ry Day. Many of the problems oc- One out of four machines was paign staffer called BOE, which curred in Brooklyn. out of commission at Congre- verified that Weiner is a regis- When machines were not func- gation Mount Sinai on Cadman tered Democrat, and he was per- tioning, voters were told to use pa- Plaza East in Brooklyn Heights. mitted to vote. per ballots. But some voters said DNAinfo.com reported that even One of the more troubling they were turned away altogether. Republican mayoral candidate Joe complaints came from Robin C. BOE said there were 5,059 ma- Lhota had problems voting at the McClary, who reported that “elec- chines set up throughout the bor- synagogue, and had to use a paper tion inspectors” in Fort Greene on oughs on Tuesday. By mid-after- ballot. DNAinfo also reported ma- Adelphi Street were sitting right noon, roughly 200 incidents of chine troubles at P.S. 256, J.H.S. 142, next to BOE staff and asking vot- machines not working were re- and J.H.S. 257 in Park Slope. ers their party affiliations. “That ported. BOE used Twitter as a Assemblywoman Joan Mill- ain’t right,” she said, adding, “The complaint board, and directly re- man (52AD) reported machine young lady ID’ed herself as a GOP sponded to reports of problems. problems at 240 Jay St. in Down- election inspector.” City Councilmember Jumaane town Brooklyn. “Please send me- McClary was advised by BOE, Williams (D-Flatbush-East Flat- chanic,” she tweeted. She also re- “Please speak with the coordina- bush) reported a number of prob- ported one machine down at P.S. The old mechanical voting machines caused a variety of problems across Brook- tor at the site to discuss the Poll lems at polling sites in Brooklyn, 32 on Hoyt Street in Boerum Hill. lyn in Tuesday’s Primary election. Eagle photo by Mary Frost watchers inappropriate behavior.” including the P.S. 235 Annex on Voter Jonathan Rosen com- In another tweet, she was told, Ditmas Avenue and at P.S. 269 on plained, “[BOE] running 3rd world broken machine at 100 Clermont er Abraham Riesman complained “Workers in a Primary sometimes Nostrand Avenue — the busiest election. Every machine at Park Ave. in Brooklyn. “Levers wouldn’t that he was told by the BOE rep- need to ask your party affiliation poll site in the district — where at Slope Armory broken.” In anoth- pull, a vote for comptroller nearly resentative he spoke to via tele- if they cannot find your name in one point all four of the machines er tweet, he said, “Machines were undid my vote for mayor,” he said. phone, “There are no primary elec- the book.” were down. Williams also report- out from 6 a.m. til I left at 9 a.m.” Jill Cornell reported that a ma- tions in your district today. BOE officials received some ed that the only voting booth at BOE responded directly to his com- chine was broken at Bishop Ford “I corrected her by pointing out praise for taking complaints via St. Therese Church on Troy Ave- plaint. “We apologize for any in- High School in Brooklyn. A card- that there are multiple city- and Twitter and responding to them nue was having problems. convenience. Our Executive Direc- board box “privacy booth” was borough-wide primaries today and live. State Senator Brad Hoylman All of the voting machines tor and Director of Public Relations erected, she said. she said, ‘Ohhh, you’re right.’” (D-Manhattan) wrote, “Glad to see were out of order on Tuesday personally went to the site.” The Personnel problems also Campbell Brown said, “Just [BOE] using Twitter to catalog and morning at Concord Village in machines were eventually fixed. plagued some polling sites. Vot- tried to vote and they don’t have respond to poll site problems.” Downtown Brooklyn, voters re- Michael Bascombe said that er Elana tweeted that there was my name. I’m registered and vot- For those who can’t tweet, ported. State Sen. Daniel Squad- the voting machines were down no poll site coordinator at 4th Av- ed at same place in last election. BOE advised, “You should be ron’s team also reported troubles at P.S. 219 on Clarkson Avenue and enue and 30th Street in Brooklyn What’s up?” BOE responded, say- able to get through if you call at I.S. 71 in North Brooklyn. Squad- E. 94. Thomas Dollar reported a “Never showed up!” Fellow vot- ing, “Vote via standby ballot. If you 866-VOTE-NYC.” Hinsch’s in Bay Ridge Reopens Yet Again Marty: `If You Want the Real Thing, Come to Hinsch’s’ By Paula Katinas Hinsch’s for historical value. large prints of photos of Bay Ridge Brooklyn Eagle The original name of the restau- taken in the 1940s.
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