DOCUMENT RESUME ED 335 590 CG 02a 583 TITLE Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue.Joint Hearing before the Senate Committee on theJudiciary and the House Committee on the Judiciary on AnEntertaining Way nf Enlightening Children about the Dangers ofSubstance Abuse. One Hundred First Congress,Second Session. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington,D.C. House Committee on the Judiciary.; Congressof the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. REPORT NO Senate-Hrg-101-1220 PUB DATE 19 Apr 90 NOTE 56p.; Serial No. J-101-70;Serial No, 139. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC20442. AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of Documents, CongressionalSales Office, U.S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) F.DRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Cartoons; *Childrens Television;*Drug Education; Hearings; Mass Media Role;*Substance Abuse; Television IDENTIFIERS *Cartoon :,11 Stars to the Rescue;Congress 101st ABSTRACT This document presents witnesstestimony and supplemental materials from a Congressionaltearing called to examine Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, acartoon designed to teach children about the danger of substance abuse.Opening statements are included by Senator Joseph Eiden, Jr.,chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and by Senators StromThurmond, Howard Netzenbaum, Char_es Grassley, Paul Simon, Patrick Leahy,Orrin Hatch, and Arlen Specter and Representatives Jack Brooks,Hamilton Fish, John Conyers, Jr., and Craig James. Testimony isincluded from: (1) Richard Frank, president of Walt Disney Studios;(2) John Agoglia, chairman of the Academy of Television Arts andSciences campaign against substance abuse steering committee, executivevice president of TV business affairs, NBC, executive vice president,NBC Productions; (3) Roy Disney, vice chairman of the boardof directors, the Walt Disney Company; and (4) Kenneth Barun,vice president and executive director, Ronald McDonald Children'sCharities, McDonald's Corporation. Mr. Frank discusses someof the activities, especially the half-hour animated antidrugprogram, Cartoon All-Stars totlie Rescue, that aired on a Saturdaymorning on all channels and all networks simultaneously; Mr.Agoglia tells how the cartoon special evolved; Mr. Disney describes theproduction of the cartoon; and Mr. Barun explains how and why theMcDonald's Corporation became involved in the project. (NB) ****************************WW***************************************** * * Reproductions supplied by EDRS arethe best that can be made * * from the original document. *********************************************************************** S. HIM. 101-1220 CARTOON ALL-STARS TO THE RESCUE JOINT HEARING BEFORE THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON TIE JUDICIARY AND THE HOUSE COM1TTTEE ON TIE JUDICIARY ONE HUNDRED FIRST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON AN ENTERTAINING WAY OF ENLIGHTENING CHILDREN ABOUT THE DANGERS OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE APRIL 19, 1990 Senate Judiciary Committee Serial No. J-101-70 House Judiciary Committee Serial No. 139 Printed for the use of the Committees on the Judiciary U.S. DEPARTMENT OP EDuCATION Offce or Educes' Oriel Research and improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERIC) iV.-his document ruts been reproduced as ec ve0 from the porton or organization originating it E Minor changes hare been made to improve reproduction quality BEST COPY AVAILABLE Points of view or opinions stated in this docu- mem cto not necessarily represent official OE RI Position or Policy U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 34-981 WASHINGTON : 1991 For sale by the Supermtendent of Documents. C ngressional Sales Office U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington. DC 29402 SENATE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY JOSEPH R. BIDEN, Ja, Delaware. Chairman EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts STROM THURMOND. South Carolina HOWARD M. METZENBAUM. Ohio ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah DENNIS DLCONCINI, Arizona ALAN K. SIMPSON, Wyoming PATRICK J. LEAHY. Vermont CHARLES GRASSLEY, Iowa HOWELL HEFLIN, Alabama ARLEN SPECTER, Pennsylvania PAUL SIMON, Illinois GORDON J. HUMPHREY, New Hampshire HERBERT KOHL, Wisconsin RONALD A. KLMN, Chief Counsel DIANA HUFFMAN, Staff Director JEFFREY J. Prat. General Counsel TERRY L. WooTEN, Minority Chief Counsel and Staff Dirrctor HOUSE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY JACK BROOKS, Texas, Chairman ROBERT W. KASTENMEIER, Wisconsin HAMTLTON FISH, JR.. New York DON EDWARDS, California CARLOS J. MOOR.HEAD, California JOHN CONYERS. Ja., Michigan HENRY J. HYDE. Illinois ROMANO L. MAZZOLL Kentucky F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, Ja., WILLIAM J. HUGHW, New Jersey Wisconsin MIKE SYNAR, Oklahoma BILL McCOLLUM. Florida PATRICIA SCHROEDER, Colorado GEORGE W. GEKAS. Pennsylvania DAN GLICKMAN, Kansas MICHAEL DZWINE. Ohio BARNEY FRANK, Massachusetts WILLIAM E. DANNEMEYER. California GEO. W. CROCKETT. JR., Michigan HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina CHARLES E. SCHUMER, New York D. FRENCH SLAUGHTER, JR., Virginia BRUCE A. MORRISON. Connecticut LAMAR S. SMITH. Texas EDWARD F. FEIGHAN. Ohio CHUCK DOUGLAS, New Hampehire LAWRENCE J. SMITH, Florida CRAIG T. JAMES. Florida HOWARD L. BERMAN, California TOM CAMPBELL, California RICK BOUCHER, Virginia HARLEY O. STAGGERS, JR., West Virginia JOHN BRYANT. Texas MEL LEVINE. California GEORGE E. SANGMEISTER, Illinois CRAIG A. WASHINGTON. Texas WILLIAM M. JoNgs, G.neral Counsel ROUST H. BRINK, Deputy General Counsel ..*.t.s.N F. COFFEY, JR.. Minority Chief Counsel 4 ID 3 CONTENTS OPENING STATEMENTS Page Biden, Chairman Joseph R., Jr 1 Brooks, Chairman Jack 3 Thurmond, Hon. Strom 4 Fish, Hon. Hamilton, Jr 6 Metzenbaum, Hon. Howard M 9 Conyers, Hon. John, Jr 27 Grass ley, Hon. Charles E S1 Simon. Hon. Paul 34 Leahy, Hon. Patrick J 36 Hatch, Hon. Orrin G 37 Specter, Hon. Arlen 38 James, Hon. Craig T 40 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Frank, Richard, president, Walt Disney Studios 10 Agog ha, John, chairman of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences campaign against substance abuse steering committee, executive vice presi- dent of TV business affairs, NBC, executive vice president, NBC Produc- tions 17 Disney, Roy, vice chairman of the board of directors, the Walt Disney Co 21 Barun, Kenneth, vice president and executive director, Ronald McDonald Children's Charities, McDonald's Corp 26 ALPHABETICAL LIST AND SUBMITTED MATERIAL Agog.lia. John: Testimony 17 Prerred statement 19 Barun,enneth: Testimony 26 Disney, Roy: Testimony 21 Prepared statement 23 Frank, Richard: Testimony 10 Prepared statement 13 CARTOON ALL-STARS TOTHE RESCUE THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1990 U.S. SENATE, COMMMTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, AND HOUSE OFREPRESENTATIVES, CommrrrEE ON THE JUDICIARY, Washington., DC. The committees met, pursuant tonotice, at 10:07 a.m., in room SH-216, Hart Senate Office Building,Hon. Joseph l3iden (chair- man of theSenate Judiciary Committee) presiding. Present: Senators Biden, Metzenbaum,Leahy, Simon, Thurmond, Hatch, Grass ley, and Specter; andRepresentatives Brooks, Con- yers,Fish, Sensenbrenner, McCalum,Gekas, Coble, Douglas, James, and Campbell. OPENING STATEMENT OF CHAIRMANBIDEN Chairman BIDEN. The hearing will please cometo order. We are pleased to have with us the distinguishedchairman of the House Judiciary Committee who deigned to come acrossthe hall and be with us today, and I sincerely appreciateit, Mr. Chairman, that you would come overto this neck of the woods: It is anhonor for us, and also, that yourcolleague, the ranking member,Hamilton Fish, would also come over with you.I noticed you came over sepa- rately, but you both came over. We aredelighted to have you both here today, seriously, and the remainderof the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Gekas who is here,and others who will be coming. We convened this special joint sessionof our two committees to hear about a very special effort to educate ourchildren about the dangers of drug abuse. Today, we will seeunveiled here the newest weapon in our so-called waragainst drugs, and I am notreal crazy about that phrase, but in our effort to stemwhat is a serious, seri- ous problemfacing this country.. This new weai;onis not a naval carrier group or a new prison. It isn't a$1 billion research program for cocaine-eating caterpillars. It issomething far more powerful than any of those thiugs. It is a cartoon. Any of us who hold public officunderstand full well the most pc,A-erful weapon that we know in politicsis a cartoon, and we are horeful that one of the most powerful weaponsin the effort to edu- cate our children against thedangers of drug abuse willbe a cartoon. Anyone who doubts the power of cartoons,I don't think knows much about our children and theirhabits. For unless your family has been stranded on a desert islandfor the last 6 months, if you (I) 2 like me with an8-year-old, you knowthat the Teen- are a parent well-known group ofindividuals age MutantNinja Turtles are a of those tur- among8-year-olds, and you knowthe powerful impact tles, along with figureslike Bugs Bunny andWinnie the Pooh and the Smurfs, and Alf,who have all hadimpacts upon ourchildren, and this is a chancefor their impact to be verypositive. Our children imitatethese characters in theirwords and their mannerisms and their games,and often in theiractions. And that nowand I mustacknowledge at the deri- is why for several years encouraging the en- sion on occasion of mycolleaguesI have been tertainment industry to usethose influentialcharacters to produce I drew some laughter antidrug programs. Andthat is why, though the at the time I mustadmit, I called in aspeech last summer at of the talents thatcreated Bambi
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