Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79134-2 - From Luminous Hot Stars to Starburst Galaxies Peter S. Conti, Paul A. Crowther and Claus Leitherer Index More information Object index 2S 0114 + 065, 141 Circinus (ESO 097–G 013), 263 4U 1700–37 (HD 153919), 140, 141 Crab Pulsar (PSR B0521 + 21), 116 4U 1907 + 097, 141 CXO J164710.2-455216, 126, 142 9 Sgr (HD 188001), 37 Cyg X-1, 141 10 Lac (HD 214680), 51, 52 Cyg X-3, 143–146 30 Doradus, see LMC Deneb (α Cyg, HD 197345), 25 α Cam (HD 30614), 63, 139 β Cep (HD 205021), 97 G5.89–0.39, 158 γ Vel (HD 68273, WR11), 18, 32, 62, 65, 132, 147, G10.30–0.15, 161 149, 151 G29.96–0.02, 157–160 ζ Oph (HD 149757), 19 G49.49–0.37 (W51A), 157 ζ Ori (HD 37742), 48 G70.29 + 1.60 (K3–50A), 163 ζ Pup (HD 66811), 18, 19, 56, 63, 83, 91–93, 139 G75.78 + 0.34, 156, 158 ζ 1 Sco (HD 152236), 64 GG Car (HD 94878), 29 η Car, see Carina nebula GRB 970228, 287 θ1 Ori C, see Orion nebula GRB 050509B, 293 µ Cep (HD 206936), 27, 29 GRB 050709, 293 ρ Cas (HD 224014), 27, 29 GRB 050904, 293 ρ Oph cluster, 165 GRB 060614, 291 τ Sco (HD 149438), 19, 46 GRO J1655–40, 139, 140 ω Cen, 248 Gum nebula, 184 GX 301–2, 140, 141 AF star, 44 AG Car (HD 94910), 25–27, 59, 64, 192, 193 Haro 11 (ESO 350–IG 038), 227, 228 Antares (α Sco, HD 148478), 29 HD 16523 (WR4), 66 Antennae galaxies (NGC4038/9), 167, 175, 176, 179 HD 45677, 28 Arches cluster, 166, 174, 175, 247 HD 50896 (WR6), 48, 75 HD 64760, 90 ◦ BD + 40 4220, 130 HD 93129A, see Carina nebula Betelgeuse (α Ori, HD 39801), 29, 58–61 HD 96548 (WR40), 56 Bubble nebula (NGC 7635), 191–192 HD 152408, 44 ◦ BD + 60 2522, 191–192 HD 160529, 27 HD 164270 (WR103), 56, 57, 66 Carina nebula (NGC 3372), 170, 198, 199 HD 165763 (WR111), 31, 87 η Car (HD 93308), 6, 26, 28, 58, 192, 193 HD 168625, 193 Collinder 228, 129 HD 188001 (9 Sgr), 37 HD 92740 (WR22), 132 HD 191765 (WR134), 41, 42, 97 HD 93129A, 37, 130 HD 192103 (WR135), 41, 97 HD 93131 (WR24), 42 HD 192163, see NGC 6888 Homunculus, 26, 192 HD 192641 (WR137), 41 Trumpler 14, 129, 170, 174, 232–233 HD 193793 (WR140), 149, 152 Trumpler 16, 129, 170, 174, 232–233 HDE 316285, 28 Cen X-3, 141 HE 0107–5240, 269, 270 311 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79134-2 - From Luminous Hot Stars to Starburst Galaxies Peter S. Conti, Paul A. Crowther and Claus Leitherer Index More information 312 Object index HE 1327–2326, 269, 270 M82F, 176, 178 He 2-10 (ESO 495-G 021), 224, 225 M82 MGG-11, 177 He 3-519, 78, 193 M83 (NGC 5236), 33, 245, 246 Homunculus, see Carina nebula M101 (NGC 5457) HR Car (HD 90177), 25–27, 193 NGC 5455, 199 HR 8752 (HD 217476), 29 NGC 5461, 199 NGC 5471, 199 IC 10, 22, 33 M1-67, 195, 196 IC 10 X-1, 143 WR124 (BAC 209), 196 IC 1613, 22 Melnick 42, see LMC IC 1805, 129 Milky Way, 4, 11, 12, 22 IC 2944, 129 MS 1512-cB58, 253, 275–278, 280–283 IRC + 10420, 27, 29 I Zw 18, 113, 114, 219, 220, 236, 239 NGC 253, 251, 252, 263 NGC 300, 25, 33, 62 Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), 22, 23, 33, 181, 182, NGC 300 X-1, 143 201, 202 NGC 604, see M33 30 Doradus (NGC 2070, Tarantula nebula), 13, 24, NGC 1068, 257, 263 185, 197, 199, 200–208, 210, 219, 235, 239, NGC 1313, 33 263 NGC 1569, 236, 237 HD 32125 (BAT99-9), 65 NGC 1569–A, 176, 207 HDE 269698, 52, 53 NGC 1705, 226, 227, 253, 254 Hen S134, 28 NGC 1705–1, 176, 207, 226 Hodge 301, 203 NGC 1741, 224–226, 236, 239, 260 LMC X–1, 141 NGC 1741–B1, 207, 226 LMC X–4, 141 NGC 1818, 107 Melnick 42 (BAT99-105), 42, 44 NGC 2244, 129 R71 (HDE 269006), 27 NGC 2264, 165 R110 (HDE 269662), 27 NGC 2366, 208, 209 R127 (HDE 269858), 25–27, 45, 64, 193 NGC 2363-V1, 58 R136 (HD 38268), 24, 131, 165, 174, 176, 202–207, NGC 2366A, 199 235, 236, 240 NGC 2403 R143 (HDE 269929), 27 NGC 2403A, 199 S119 (HDE 269687), 143 SN 1954J, 28 S Dor (HD 35343), 25–26 NGC 3049, 246 ◦ Sk-69 202, 120, 136, 137 NGC 3125, 211 SN 1987A, 27, 120–122, 125, 136–138 NGC 3603, 24, 170, 174, 175, 198, 199, 244, 245 Sher 25, 138 M13 (NGC 6205), 248 NGC 3621, 62 M16 (NGC 6611, Eagle nebula), 129, 165, 170 NGC 4214, 208, 209, 227 M17 (NGC 6618, Omega nebula), 171, 173 NGC 4214-1, 207 M31 (NGC 224, Andromeda), 22, 33 NGC 4569, 261 M31A, B, C, 199 NGC 5253, 236–239 M33 (NGC 598, Triangulum), 22, 33, 178 NGC 6181, 214, 215 NGC 592, 199 NGC 6231, 129 NGC 595, 199 NGC 6822, 22, 33 NGC 604, 197–200, 208, 219 NGC 6822A, B, C,199 M51 (NGC 5194, Whirlpool) 178 NGC 6888 (Crescent nebula), 194, 195 SN 1994I, 125 HD 192163 (WR136), 194, 195 M74 (NGC 628) NGC 7130, 260 SN 2002ap, 123 NGC 7714, 208, 229–231, 244 SN 2003gd, 122–123 M81 (NGC 3031) Orion nebula (M42, NGC 1976), 24, 184–186, M81A, 199 208 M82 (NGC 3034), 230, 231, 236, 237, 251, 252, 257, θ1 Ori C (HD 37022), 24, 48, 184 263 Orion nebula cluster (ONC, Trapezium cluster), 10, M82A, B, 199 13, 165, 170, 175, 179 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79134-2 - From Luminous Hot Stars to Starburst Galaxies Peter S. Conti, Paul A. Crowther and Claus Leitherer Index More information Object index 313 P Cygni (HD 193237), 28, 76, 81, 110, 193 SN 1954J, see NGC 2403 Pegasus, 22 SN 1987A, see LMC Phoenix, 22 SN 1994I, see M51 Pinwheel nebulae, 152, 153, 176 SN 1994W, 125 WR104 (Ve 2-45), 150–153, 196 SN 1998bw ( = GRB 980425), 119, 125, 127, Pistol star, 26, 58, 176 288, 289 PSR J0537-6910, 116 SN 1998dh, 125 PSR B0540-690, 116 SN 1999em, 125 PSR B1509-58, 116 SN 2002ap, see M74 PSR 1916 + 13, 143 SN 2002ic, 125 SN 2003dh ( = GRB 030329), 119, 127, 289 Q1307–BM1163, 282, 283 SN 2003gd, see M74 Quintuplet cluster, 175, 176, 247 SN 2005gj, 125 SN 2006aj ( = XRF 060218), 290 R136, see LMC SN 2006gy, 124, 125 Rigel (β Ori, HD 34085), 25 SN 2008D, 119 RX J185635–3754, 125 Tau-Aur cluster, 165 S119, see LMC Trapezium cluster, see Orion S Dor, see LMC SBS 0335–052, 113, 219 V444 Cyg (HD 193576), 94, 148 SGR 0526–66, 125 Vel X-1 ( = HD 77581), 140, 141, 143 SGR 1806–20, 125, 126, 142, 293 VX Sgr (HD 165674), 27 SGR 1900 + 14, 125, 142 VY CMa (HD 58061), 27 Sher 25, see NGC 3603 Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, NGC 292), 22, 23, 33, W31 (G10.2–0.3), 171, 172 178, 181, 182 W43 (G30.8–0.2), 171, 174, 175 HD 5980 (AB5), 58 W49, 171, 172, 198, 199 Hen S65, 28 WR20a, see Westerlund 2 N19, 199 WR104, see Pinwheel nebulae NGC 330, 112 WR147 (StRS 378), 149–151 NGC 346 (N66), 21, 60, 199 Westerlund 1, 29, 30, 126, 176 R4, 29 Westerlund 2 R40 (HD 6884), 27 WR20a (SMSP2), 132 SMC X–1, 141 WLM, 22 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79134-2 - From Luminous Hot Stars to Starburst Galaxies Peter S. Conti, Paul A. Crowther and Claus Leitherer Index More information Subject index abundances, 5, 62–64, 283–289 luminosity active galactic nuclei, 257–268 stellar, 18, 53, 54, 57–59, 74 atmospheres luminous blue variables, 6, 25–28 LTE, 49, 50 non-LTE, 50–59 magnetar, 143 magnetic fields, 47, 48, 116, 127 B[e] supergiants, 28, 29 magnitudes, absolute, 17, 18, 20, Be stars, 28, 38, 47, 98, 141 74, 119 binaries mass high mass X-ray, 140–144 stellar, 62, 131–133, 164, 166 interacting, 134, 135, 137–140 mass-loss rates, 58, 74, 81, 84–86 statistics, 130, 131 clumping, 93–96 blue supergiants, 21, 24, 25, 35–38, 40 IR/radio, 81, 83 bolometric correction, 18, 19, 61 optical, 82–84 bubbles (wind blown), 188–190, 192 UV, 89, 90, 93 convection, 105, 106 Population III stars, 15, 242, 269, 270, distances, 19–21 272–275 dust, extinction, 181–185 pulsar, 125, 127, 141–143, 146 dust formation pulsation, 26, 90, 92, 98, 106 supernovae, 122, 123 W-R stars, 150–154 radiation pressure, 2, 68 red supergiants, 29, 30, 58, 59, 61, 90 Eddington limit, 58, 69, 88, 96 runaways, 140 galaxies star clusters, 11, 166–168, 171–180, HII, 221–229 209, 235 Lyman-break, 15, 16, 275–283 superbubbles, 252 starburst, 231–233, 239, 243–251, 275, 279, supernovae, 117–121, 192, 220, 281, 282, 281 290, 291, 294, 297 ultraluminous infrared, 268 electron capture, 108 gamma ray bursts, 16, 128, 146, 147, 289–297 pair-production, 124, 125, 128, 274 gravity progenitors, 123, 124 flux weighted, 62 superwinds, 252–255, 257 surface, 61, 62, 69 HII regions, 157, 185–187, 201, 210 temperature, effective, 2, 18, 54, 56, 57, 61, 69, giant, 199–210 86, 87 ultracompact, 156–164 H-R diagram, 1, 2 velocity escape, 72, 76 initial mass function, 11, 164–166, 233, 234, 236–239, rotation, 45, 96–99, 112, 294 241–243 terminal wind, 38, 72, 74–77, 81 314 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-79134-2 - From Luminous Hot Stars to Starburst Galaxies Peter S.
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