SHETLAND’S SIGNPOSTING BOOKLET 2010 Introduction This information source is to signpost you directly to services. Acknowledgements Funding provided by The Scottish Government Wider Role Grant and Shetland Islands Council Department of Educa- tion & Social Care - Housing Service. 3 Emergency Contacts Emergency Services Dial 999 for Police, Fire or Ambulance Lerwick Police Station ☎ 01595 692110 Shetland Islands Council Emergency Numbers (outwith office hours) Duty Social Worker: ☎ 01595 695611 Homelessness: ☎ 01595 695611 Repairs: ☎ 01595 693972 Safer Shetland Action Line ☎ 01595 694544 Text: 07921 00 99 22 Post: PO Box 11683, Lerwick, Shetland Sexual Abuse Survivors ☎ 07747 097160 (answerphone) 4 National Helplines Alcoholics Anonymous ☎ 0845 769 7555 Childline ☎ 0800 1111 Cruse Bereavement Care ☎ 0844 477 9400 Depression Alliance ☎ 0845 123 23 20 Email: [email protected] Web: www.dascot.org/ National Drugs Helpline (Talk to Frank) ☎ 0800 77 66 00 5 NHS 24 ☎ 0800 22 44 88 NSPCC Child Protection ☎ 0808 800 5000 Parentline Plus Scotland ☎ 0808 800 2222 Rape and Abuse Line Freephone: 0808 800 0123 (Answered by women) Freephone: 0808 800 0122 (Answered by men) Refuge Domestic Violence ☎ 0808 2000 247 Re Solv (Solvent Abuse) ☎ 07505 000024 Samaritans ☎ 0845 790 9090 6 Scottish Child Law Centre Freephone (under 18s): 0800 328 8970 ☎ 0131 667 6333 Senior Line ☎ 0808 800 6565 Victim Support Contactline ☎ 0845 603 9213 7 Local Contacts 1 Advice & Advocacy 9 2 Housing and Homelessness 10 3 Health Care & Support 15 4 Community Development 39 5 Access 44 6 Leisure Services 45 7 Education and Careers 49 8 Young People’s Support 55 8 1. Advice & Advocacy Advocacy Shetland Citizen’s Advice Bureau Market House Market House 14 Market Street 14 Market Street Lerwick Lerwick ZE1 0JP ZE1 0JP Tel: 01595 743929 Tel: 01595 694696 Fax: 01595 696787 Fax: 01595 696776 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: www.cas.org.uk Opening hours: 9.00am - 5.00pm Mon-Fri, voicemail Opening hours: service outside office hours 9.30am -12.30pm & 2.00pm - 4.00pm Mon-Fri; 10.30am to 1.00pm Saturday Advocacy Shetland offers independent professional advocacy to all users Welfare rights & money advice by of health and social care services in appointment only. Free, confidential, Shetland to enable them to have their independent advice on issues including voices/opinions heard. In addition, it consumer rights, debt, welfare benefits, offers specialist advocacy services to: housing, employment, relationships, clients with Mental Health issues; clients immigration etc. with Housing/Homelessness issues; and Care in the Community clients and their Carers. 9 2. Housing & Homelessness SIC Housing made here. This Service also provides 6 North Ness Business Park advice and assistance for homeless Lerwick people. Shetland ZE1 0LZ Hjaltland Housing Association 2 Harbour Street Tel: 01595 744360 Lerwick 01595 744399 (Council House ZE1 0LR Repairs) 01595 693972 (out of hours) Tel: 01595 694986 01595 695611 Fax: 01595 692229 (Homelessness – out of Email: [email protected] normal working hours only) Web: www.hjaltland.org.uk Fax: 01595 744395 Email: [email protected] Opening hours: Web: www.shetland.gov.uk/ 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri housing An independent housing agency providing Opening hours: homes for rent, shared ownership and 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri for purchase. Application forms available at the office. Also advice on rural home This Service provides local authority ownership grants. housing and housing advice. Applications are available at the office, and requests One Stop Shop for Council housing repairs should be 2 Harbour Street 10 Lerwick Opening hours: Shetland 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri ZE1 0LR A range of practical energy saving advice Tel: 01595 741368 and services, including heating and Fax: 01595 692229 insulation advice and free insulation Email: [email protected] surveys. Web: www.hjaltland.org.uk Shetland Tenants Forum Opening hours: 1a Water Lane 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri Lerwick ZE1 0AG Help with housing grant applications. Any advice requested and the basic level of Tel: 01595 695197 service is provided free of charge. Fax: 01595 695197 Email: [email protected] Shetland Heatwise Web: www.shetland.gov.uk/ Staneyhill Offices housingoptionsguide/ Staneyhill tenants-forum.asp Lerwick Shetland Opening hours: ZE1 0QW Mon-Thurs 10.00am - 3.30pm Tel: 01595 696508 Supplies information to tenants and Fax: 01595 696568 residents in Shetland, helps with tenancy Email: shetlandheatwise@hotmail. and landlord issues. com 11 Tenants Associations SIC Finance (Revenues) Charlotte House 01595 694787 Commercial Road (Annsbrae Tenants Forum) Lerwick ZE1 0LX 01806 242226 (Community Learning & Resident Centre) Tel: 01595 744603 Fax: 01595 744661 01595 830317 Email: [email protected] (Kalliness & Soundside Residents Web: www.shetland.gov.uk Association) Opening hours: 01806 522343 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri (Moorfield Tenants & Residents Association) Deals with all housing benefit payable to claimants, rents for council housing, 01595 694832 income and recovery and local taxation. (Sandveien & Nederdale Tenants and Residents Association) Scottish Agriculture College’s Advisory Service 01595 880610 Agriculture Marketing Centre (Scalloway Tenants & Residents Staney Hill Association) Lerwick ZE1 0NA 01595 695251 (Scheme Three Tenants & Residents Tel: 01595 693520 Association) Fax: 01595 693550 12 Email: [email protected] Opening hours: Web: www.sac.ac.uk 8.30am - 5.00pm Mon-Thu; 8.30am - 4.30pm Fri Opening hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri Provides crofter housing, advice to registered crofters. Information on Provides information on the Croft Building Grants and Loans Scheme is Entrants Scheme, which assists young available here. people (aged 18 – 40) to become registered crofters. They can provide COPE Ltd Shetland Scrap information on how to go about renovating Store & Last Ditchology an old croft or building a new one. Port Business Park Gremista Scottish Government Rural Lerwick Payments and Inspections ZE1 0TW Directorate (S.G.R.P.I.D.) Charlotte House Tel: 01595 693336 Commercial Road Email: [email protected] Lerwick Web: www.cope.ltd.uk/businesses/ ZE1 0HF shetland-scrap-store Tel: 0300 244 9599 Opening hours: Fax: 0300 244 9598 9.00am – 4.00pm Mon-Fri; Email: SGRPID.Lerwick@scotland. 9.00am –1.00pm Sat gsi.gov.uk Web: www.scotland.gov.uk Furniture Recycling Workshop, Charity Shop, Second Hand Goods, repaired furniture, Electrical Repair and Salvage, 13 antique furniture restoration, flat pack assembly, breaking up of furniture for spare components and bags of fire wood, scrapstore for arts and craft materials. 14 3. Health Care & Support Health Improvement, NHS Scottish Health Council Shetland Shetland Brevik House Administration Offices South Road Montfield Hospital Lerwick Burgh Road ZE1 0TG Lerwick ZE1 0LA Tel: 01595 743086 Fax: 01595 696727 Tel: 01595 741260 Email: shet-hb.healthimprove Email: christine.hughson@ [email protected] scottishhealthcouncil.org Web: www.shb.scot.nhs.uk/ Web: www.scottishhealthcouncil. healthcare/shetlandwide/ org healthpromotion/whoarewe. asp Opening hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri Opening hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon-Thurs, 9.00am - For advice, information and support 4.30pm Fri service for patients wishing to comment on NHS service. Improve health and tackle inequalities throughout Shetland by leading and supporting the development of good practice in Health Promotion. 15 Gilbert Bain Hospital General Medical Services, Child Health South Road Surveillance, Maternity Medical Services, Lerwick Minor Surgery, Contraceptive Services, ZE1 0TB Minor Injuries, Children’s Immunisation Tel: 01595 743000 Brae Health Centre Brae Shetland’s General Hospital, contact ZE2 9QJ reception for any advice or information on any of the Health Services. Information Tel: 01806 522543 on opening hours and contacts for district Fax: 01806 522713 nurses and health departments. Email: [email protected] Bixter Health Centre Web: www.shb.scot.nhs.uk Bixter ZE2 9NA Opening hours: 8.00am - 5.30pm Mon-Fri Tel: 01595 810202 01595 746912 (dispensary) General Medical Services, Child Health Fax: 01595 810493 Surveillance, Maternity Medical Services, Email: Minor Surgery, Contraceptive Services, [email protected] Minor Injuries, Children’s Immunisation Web: www.bixterhealth centre. co.uk Opening hours: 8.30am - 5.30pm Mon-Fri 16 Hillswick Health Centre Lerwick Health Centre West Ayre South Road Hillswick Lerwick ZE2 9RW ZE1 0RB Tel: 01806 503277 Tel: 01595 693201 Fax: 01806 503399 01595 743216 (appointments) Email: shet-hb. Prescription Line: HillswickHealthCentre@nhs. 01595 743333 (24 hour net answer machine Web: www.shb.scot.nhs.uk 01595 743232 (cancellations) Fax: 01595 697113 Opening hours: Email: shet-hb.LerwickDoctors@ 9.00am – 5.00pm Mon, Wed, Thurs; nhs.net 9.00am - 6.30pm Tues & Fri; 9.00am – Web: www.shb.scot.nhs.uk 1.00pm Sat Opening hours: General Medical Services, Child Health 8.30am – 5.00pm Mon-Fri; Surveillance, Maternity Medical Services, Closed Sat and Sun (out of hours call NHS Minor Surgery, Contraceptive Services, 24 on 0845 24 24 24) Minor Injuries, Children’s Immunisation General Medical Services, Child Health Surveillance, Maternity Medical Services, Minor Surgery, Contraceptive Services, Minor Injuries, Children’s Immunisation 17 Levenwick Health Centre Fax: 01595 880461 Gord Prescriptions: Levenwick 01595 880690 ZE2 9HX Email: [email protected] Tel: 01950
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