"' ... \ Thursday, March 25, 197Q THE JEWISH POST \ About Breira Chief Jusiice Attending Breira, the self-described alternative voice "Breira is deeply concerned that the taco Yael Dayan Will calling for talks by Israel with any Arab' tical decision of the Israeli government to Hebrew U. Board Meeting Address CJA Women (100..... ,.eelcJy In the Inte..... of ,l..... h Communlt>' activit!.. group, including the Palestine Liheration say that the Palestinian question must be tu WlDDiPea and W4II1tem. C··eet.) . Organization, plans to take its case more dealt with in an overall settlement but not 11_ of J .....h Chronicle N---, .... and Feature ServIce, London, E ...: vigorously to both the unaffiliated Jews and to recognize openly the national rights of PDbllahed evOl'7 Thar0da7 by ElIPIRB I'BINTBIIS LTD. to non-Jews. the Palestinians potentially could have a dis­ WINNIPEG, C,UfADA "We will be reaching out to non-affiliated astrous impact on American public opinion," segments of the Jewish community. as well Saperstein said Breira did not believe a BAIlOLD MARKtrSOFJI' HARTIN LEVIN PubUsher ' Editor as the non.Jewish community in North Am­ Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza Head OffIee: P.O. Bos 1717. Station '8', WJULIJIeSI'. Canada. R2~aR. erica through public exposur!l in some of would pose a great threat to Israel. He noted Plioae 833-S571i " Subacr1pUon: "'.00 per 8DDWD Eve. PhODe 339-SS'1S the important components of the general that the Arab nations,' heavily armed, have S-nd 01 ... Mall BItrIotratlDn No. ,0517 media •.•," said Rabbi David Saperstein, not destroyed Israel. "To think of a small The tePJoduetfon 01' t .... nsmiulon of all or :DArt of this P1Ibllcation .". &117 associate director of the Union of American Palestinian state, without these kinds of mea... ..heto...- 10 forbidden, without JI'Ior _Ion of tho ""b1loh... Hebrew Congr.egations' Religious Action armaments. being a serious military threat Center in Washington and a Breira executive. -' there is. a position Breira opposes." "We have chosen now to widen our public Rather, he said, proximity would encour· Mexico ,and France exposure for two reasons," Saperstein said. age "economic comerce and' interaction" be­ One of the more celebrated aspects, of the Zionism­ "One, we believe that the possibility for tween Israel and an adjoining Palestinian Racism resolution's aftermath' was the way in which the a diplomatic stalemate, which would be dis· state, and "set the groundwork for a con­ frustrations and resentments of North American Jews were astrous to Israel, is closer at hand now in the structive peace." .. direotedagainst Mexico. ' Middle East than ever before...• We want The sovereignty of Jerusalem will have ,It is entirely natural that an l,mbattled people will lash to encourage movement and develop the kind to be negotiated, he said, but Breira ,believes out at any betrayer, ,a role which fit Mexico neatly. As a of alternative base that would allow the it should "remain a municipally-unified city long.time supporter of Israel" it was unseemly for her to Israeli government to make this diplomatic with free access." accord even tactical' 'recognition to' the resolution. Third initiative with the support of the North Ani­ Denying that Breira's aotivity could under. CHIEF JUSTICE World solidarity and the advancl=ment of the ambitions of erican Jewish community. mine a hard bargaining position by ISrael, SAMUEL FREEDMAN · President Luis Echeverria, who has made no secret of his "Secoridly, we believe that there, are a Saperstein said: number of misconceptions that the American "I can tell you from off·the·record discus. Honorary president of the Win­ I , ambition to succeed, Kurt Waldheim as UN Secretary· nipeg Chapter of the Canadian General and who cannot alford to alienate his prospective public has, as for eX\lmple, on the Palestinian sions that we have had with leading figures electors, are insufficient reason, even in the politically question . • . that we must correct. in the Israeli government that they welcome Friends of the Hebrew University, I "We must make people understand that our efforts.' The HOlLOUl'able Samuel Freedman, I, cynical UN.' '\ Chief Justice of Manitoba, is at· ,Jewish furY against Mexico did, a~ whirlwinds will, die they can and will continue to be strong sup­ "The Israeli government is under enOr. , "down, and the tourist boycott, which cost M"xicim hotels porters of Israel even if they feel morally , mous pressure from conservative elements tending the Hebrew University I'\'j bOOi1'd of governors an:nual meeting alone some $10 million, was ratluer abashedly lifted amid they must speak out for the national righbi to take a hard line on the issue. They don't in Jerusalem, Mar. 27 to Apr. 1. mutual 'prote$tatio!ls of' misunder'standing and gestures of of the Palestinians." • have a political' base in the North American reconciliation. ' Saperstein indicated' Breira would move. Jewish commUnity that might support a more Cbief Justice :F1reedman, ana' tional vice-president of the Oana· _' .:Me~rdco ,was a~andy and vulrlerable target for Jewish beyond its newsletter, speakers' bureau and liberal approach to tI,ese problems. wrath,' but 'there has been a warm relationship between book service - all essentially reactive to "They welcome with open arms the deve· dian Flriends of the Hebrew Uni· versity, is a leading member of MeXico and Israel Which tl).e Ismelis were reluctant to requests-and start to foster its views through lop~ent of Breira, and hope for the growth disturb. 'Mexico had not, after all, given any indication of advertising as well as news interviews. of Breira in order to give them some strength the board of governors of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. se~~ring relations, Illerely of adhering to an expedient line Breira is as committed as the major orga- ' outside of Israel." at the 'UN, however distasteful that might be. n'izations are to the survival, of Israel, he Saperstein added that if Israel maintains " ' Amid all this brouhaha it is curilous that a country far less said, and "the ~elief that the best hope for its current position--,except for recent steps, Israel's survival and creativity lies in achiev­ w~lI.disposed to tsrael., namely F'r~ce, was escaping our which he praised, of fosteri'ng indigenous Hebrew in High School YAEL DAYAN ••• distinguished guest " ing peace in the Middle East." , , silngsaJ;1d arroWs. Or ,perhaps'we dad not expect any more West' Bank leadership - "we've gone as far Starting this fall, students in from. nation 'which, in itsvolte./ace froD,l vast colonialist "It's how to achieve that peace that makes as we will go diplomatically in the Middle FolI{)wing the start of concerted th'e home of Mns, David Pearlman, for divergent views," he observed. East." W~nnipeg high schools can take power' to friend, of national ,liberation groups ("Vive Ie Hebrew courses as patrt of a regular canvassing activity, the camP>lign 30 Tanoak Park Drive, ,I Although Saperstein believes, along with of Women's Division, Winnipeg Category chair)l1en: Golden Cil"" Quebec libre'''), has. long since found Zionism ,to be ideo- He stressed Breira's belief that "if the school program, Up to now, He· " logically .unsound., ' ' some Israelis, that Israel should talk with the PLO sees there are other responsible people bre;'" has only been available in Combined Jewish Appeal enters its cle (Sou1h). Mrs, R. Selby, Mrs. L, MRS. 0, (SHEILA) BRODOVSKY MRS. M. (SONDRA) COHN PLO if the Arab group first agrees to, recog­ ... coffee party' hostess .•. coffee party hostess " Given~e consistent hostility to Israel emanating from with whom the ISraelis are negotiating who juninr high school grades, most intensive phase Apr, 5 and 6 Shearer; Golden Circle (North) · the ':Palais de. Justice the 'Iast 20 years or so, it is a little nize Israel's right to exist, Breira poses no might supplant them as responsible leaders with four separate coffee parties, Mrs, L, Zelcer, Mrs, S. Ostrove and crafts. United Jewi!rh Appeal of the USA, surPrising that North American J ~'wish leaders have failed such pre.condition. of the Palestinians, they would be forced to This is one of the re,sults expecl- covering major donation categories, Mrs. 'J, Shwemer; Pace', Setters An experienced campaigner, Yael the United ISiI'ael Appeal of Oan" ·to exploit whatever propaganda advantage they might have, , Breira ,believes, and he agrees, that "it is compromise their position.' , ed kom a Department 04' Education to b e a ddressed 'yb d"[stmgUls 'hA~ "" (Nth) 01' , Mrs, B. R11 b er, Mrs, L, Ilave failed to dQ the appropriate "J,'accuse" bit. : to Israel's advantage to clarify precisely what If Israel sets out, its requirements for committee now preparing Hebrew ISTaeH journ'alis!, lecturer and Zimmer and Mrs, M, Kaufmann; Sion has served as an emissary an ada ,and coamlXligns in Great Bri· ·It was Charles De Gaulle, who can be seen'in appro· it. will offer for an overall peace." peace in a "reasonable manner, which every­ courses for Winnipeg schools, The autlror Yael Dayan. Pace Setters (South), Mrs. R. Hamo' a number of 'occasions for the tain and Ireland. priately yellowed photographs p;;lsed with David Ben· The opening of negotiations, he said, one knows that it can .•. it would force the committee is planning curricula for In making the announcement, vich, Mrs, M, Vickar and Mrs. D, , Gurion, who reversed' French support· for Israel, who more "would' prod the emergence o{ moderate PLO to show to the world either that it is Hebrew courses in' Grades 10, 11, Wotnen's Division chairman Mrs. Bell, than once referred .to Jews as "killers of Christ", who, alone Palestinianposi'tions in and out of the PLO, going to remain totally unreasonable or will- ~nd 12, and working on proficiency Lil Mowrskysaid the events would • Top Gift.
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