B u l l e t i n The North American Paul Tillich Society Volume XXXV, Number 2 Spring 2009 Editor: Frederick J. Parrella, Secretary-Treasurer Religious Studies Department Santa Clara University Kenna Hall, Suite 300, Room H Santa Clara, California 95053 Associate Editor: Jonathan Rothchild Production Associate: Benjamin Petrick Telephone: 408.554.4714 FAX: 408.554.2387 Email: [email protected] Website: www.NAPTS.org _________________________________________________________________________ In this issue: Annual Meeting in Montreal New Publications on Tillich The Spring Paul Tillich Lecture at Harvard “Tillich’s Indebtedness to Kant: Two Recently Translated Review Essays on Rudolf Otto’s Idea of the Holy” by Chris L. Firestone “Tillich and King on Love and Justice and the Significance for Models of Restorative Justice” by Jonathan Rothchild “‘Symbol is the Language of Religion.’ The Conditions of Tillich’s Theory of Symbol in His Early Writings” by Christian Danz “Looking at the Truth of Art in Tillich and Marion: Symbolic Depth and the Saturated Phenomenon” by David K. Miller “Symbol, Sacrament, and Spirit(s): Paul Tillich in Recent Pentecostal Theology” by Christopher A. Stephenson “What Would Tillich Do?: A Tillichian Contribution in Evangelical Ethics” by David Barbee “Paul Tillich and the Gospel of Prosperity” by Nathaniel C. Holmes, Jr. ___________________________________________________________________________ Saint John’s University. He is the author of the Annual Meeting award-winning book, A Blueprint for Humanity. Paul Tillich’s Theology of Culture. A reminder: The annual meeting of the North The AAR Group, Tillich: Issues in Theology, American Paul Tillich Society will be held in Mont- Religion, and Culture, will meet on Saturday and real, Quebec, Canada, on Friday, 6 November 2009, Sunday at the AAR meeting. The Fall Bulletin will in conjunction with the meeting of the American print the entire schedule for both meetings. Academy of Religion. The annual banquet will be For information and registration, see: held at a local restaurant Friday evening. Our http://www.aarweb.org/Meetings/Annual_Meeting/C speaker this year will be Raymond F. Bulman of urrent_Meeting/default.asp New Publications Paul Tillich Lecture Tillich, Paul. “El Derecho a la Esperanza.” Transla- n Monday, 4 May 2009, at 5:15 p.m. in the tion of “The Right To Hope.” [Originally pub- O Memorial Church of Harvard University the lished in The University of Chicago Magazine Spring 2009 Paul Tillich Lecture, “The Open Uni- 58, 2 (1965): 16–21. In Presencia Ecuménica verse and the Sacred, ” by Stuart A. Kaufmann, Vis- (Caracas, Venezuela) 65 (Enero-abril 2009): 9– iting Professor of Science and Religion, Harvard 15. Divinity School (Spring Term), and Director, Insti- Tillich, Paul. Berliner Vorlesungen III (1951-1958): tute of Biocomplexity and Informatics, University of Ontologie (1951), Die menschliche Situation im Calgary, Canada. Lichte der Theologie und Existentialanalyse Professor Kauffman, MD (BA Hons., Oxford) (1952), Die Zweideutigkeit der Lebensprozesse holds joint appointments at the University of Cal- (1958). Herausgegeben und mit einer his- gary in biological sciences, physics and astronomy torischen Einleitung versehen von Erdmann and is an adjunct professor in philosophy. A gradu- Sturm (Ergänzungs- und Nachlassbände zu den ate of Dartmouth College (1960) with his medical Gesammelten Werken von Paul Tillich, Band degree from the University of California, he has XV). Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter taught biophysics, biochemistry, and theoretical bi- Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 2009. ology at the University of Chicago and the Univer- Les Peurs, La Mort, L’Espérance autour de Paul sity of Pennsylvania. A MacArthur Fellow (1987- Tillich, eds. Lucie Kaenel and Bernard Rey- 1992), Professor Kauffman is a founding scientist mond. XVIIe Colloque International de and an external professor at the highly interdiscipli- l’Association Paul Tillich d’Expression Fran- nary Santa Fe Institute, where he has done pioneer- çaise, 3-5 May, 2007, Fribourg, Switzerland. ing visionary work in complexity science. With im- Münster and London: LIT Verlag, 2009. portant applications of his work in management the- Fante, Ryan. “An Ontology of Health: A Characteri- ory, he has founded four companies, including zation of Human Health and Existence.” Zygon Genesys Molecular, Inc. and the Bios Group LP, 44, 1 (2009): 65-84. [Editor’s note: this paper Santa Fe (acquired in 2003 by NuTech Solutions). was originally written while Mr. Fante was an Professor Kauffman has published 250 articles undergraduate at Santa Clara University. He is and four books, including The Origins of Order currently in his third year of medical school at (1993), At Home in the Universe (1995), and Rein- the University of Colorado. The Bulletin is seek- venting the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason, ing permission from Zygon to reprint his paper and Religion (2008), selected as one of the finalists in the Summer or Fall issue.] for the prestigious 2009 Warwick Writer’s Prize Wariboko, Nimi. “Emergence and “Science of (UK, $90,000). Professor Kauffman has recently Ethos”: Toward a Tillichian Ethical Frame- addressed two international conferences on science work,” Theology and Science 7, 2 (2009): 189- and religion, the May 2008 Qoha, Qatar conference 206. on “Science, Cultures and the Future of Humanity” Abstract: Gordon Kaufman has recently inter- and the March 2009 five-day Vatican Conference on preted emergence (“serendipitous creativity”) in Science and Evolution. religious terms as “ultimate mystery,” “the di- A dinner in Professor Kauffman’s honor was vine,” or ultimate point of reference. Using Til- held following the lecture at 7:15 p.m. in the Library lich notion of ethics as “science of ethos” or of the Harvard Faculty Club. “science of culture” this paper attempts to work out some of the ethical implications of this theo- [Editor’s Note: William Crout, Founder and Curator logical naming of emergence. The implications of the Paul Tillich Lectures, is pleased to announce are brought to light in an ethical framework that that the Lectures have moved from sponsorship of not only traces and clarifies the lure of the mys- the Harvard Divinity School to Harvard's Memorial tery at work in the culturally creative functions Church, warmly welcomed by the Reverend Profes- of persons and social groups, but also shows sor Peter J. Gomes, Plummer Professor of Christian how the creative functions of human life can ex- Morals and Pusey Minister in The Memorial Church. press the unconditional eros of serendipitous The 2008-2009 Lecture by Professor Kauffman is creativity. the 34th in the series. The lecture is available for Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society, vol. 35, 2, Spring 2009 3 MP3 download at: http://www.memorialchurch.har- scending Kant. We all try to do this.”3 In Tillich’s vard.edu/ef/education.shtml#tillich.] earliest work on Schelling, the influence of Kant’s philosophy on his student years is undeniable. Victor Nuovo, in summing up this influence in his “Intro- Editor’s Note: a complete report of the duction” to the English translation of the first disser- APTEF Colloque in Paris, 15-17 May, tation, writes, “Tillich’s [Ph.D.] dissertations may be viewed as attempts, through Schellingian concepts, will appear in the Summer Bulletin to overcome the Kantian antithesis of historical faith and moral religion, and to provide a metaphysical Tillich’s Indebtedness to Kant: basis for Kant’s doctrine of radical evil and the self- 4 Two Recently Translated Review Es- estrangement of the autonomous moral will.” says on Rudolf Otto’s Kant’s influence on Tillich was surely profound Idea of the Holy and foundational, but was it such that it can be what I am calling “constitutive significance” to Tillich’s thought in the way Schelling’s is accepted to be? In Chris L. Firestone other words, did Kant’s philosophy help form some of Tillich’s basic concepts and bring shape to the Introduction overall structure of Tillich’s thought? My answer to common way of approaching the theology of both of these questions is “Yes.” Yet, there is a sense A Paul Tillich is to show its relationship to and in which this answer might rightly be viewed as reliance on the philosophy of Friedrich W. J. something of a truism or non-falsifiable thesis. One Schelling. It is common knowledge, for instance, of the distinguishing features of the German Idealists that Tillich attributed his theological awakening to generally is that they all saw themselves as the true his first encounter with the writings of Schelling in a heirs of the best of Kant. They were all in one way bookstore as a university student and that or another responding to problems left in the wake Schelling’s work provided a model for how philoso- of Kant and they relied on Kant’s writings for intel- phy and theology could be synthesized and fruitfully lectual resources for help in resolving them. In other employed to meet the conceptual challenges of the words, it is not all that surprising nor is it all that th 20 century. In reference to his early struggles with risky to suggest that Tillich’s work is likewise reli- the doctrine of justification and the inadequacy of ant on and responsive to Kant’s philosophy. If that strong-handed applications of orthodoxy for over- were my only argument, I would not be saying all coming them, Tillich writes, “It was the work of that much. No “constitutive significance” would Schelling, particularly his late thought, which helped thereby be shown. me relate these basic theological ideas to my phi- The argument I want to sketch out and defend in losophical development. Schelling’s philosophical brief, however, is a little more sophisticated than this ideas opened the way, I thought, to a unification of and I think does point to the constitutive significance 1 philosophy and theology.” Tillich, of course, goes of Kant’s philosophy for Tillich’s theology.
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