E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2019 No. 170 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was ship as superintendent at Pharr-San Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, last called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Juan-Alamo Independent School Dis- week the biggest news in Congress was pore (Mr. EVANS). trict, the annual dropout rate has been overshadowed by an impeachment cir- f reduced by more than 90 percent, and cus. The Republican Study Committee the overall high school completion rate and our task force introduced a frame- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO now surpasses the State average. He work for personalized, affordable TEMPORE also helped establish the College 3 pro- healthcare. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- gram which aims to offer every single Mr. Speaker, our current healthcare fore the House the following commu- student the opportunity to earn at system is broken. It is simply not nication from the Speaker: least 12 college hours before high working. Healthcare costs are out of school graduation. WASHINGTON, DC, control, and it is time we modernize it. October 28, 2019. This year PSJA named its newest We promise to all of America that we I hereby appoint the Honorable DWIGHT early college campus the Dr. Daniel P. will deliver personalized healthcare EVANS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this King College & University Center in where you and your doctor will remain day. recognition of his accomplishments. in control of your healthcare. This is NANCY PELOSI, Prior to his role at PSJA ISD, Dr. phase one of a two-phase plan which Speaker of the House of Representatives. King was superintendent at Hidalgo will protect vulnerable Americans with f Independent School District where he preexisting conditions, chronic ill- led the development of the first early nesses, and serious health issues while MORNING-HOUR DEBATE college school district in the Nation. In reducing premiums, deductibles, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 2006, Hidalgo ISD earned the H-E-B Ex- overall healthcare costs. ant to the order of the House of Janu- cellence in Education Award. And in Personally, I can’t wait to continue ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- 2007 U.S. News & World Report named working on these important issues to nize Members from lists submitted by Hidalgo High the 11th best high school improve the lives of Kansans and de- the majority and minority leaders for in the Nation and number one in Texas. liver for America. He also earned the State Super- morning-hour debate. NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION intendent of the Year Award in 2006 by The Chair will alternate recognition Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, today the Texas Association of School between the parties. All time shall be dozens of Kansas FFA members, Fu- Boards. equally allocated between the parties, ture Farmers of America, are in Indi- and in no event shall debate continue Dr. King is an influential educator, and his numerous accomplishments anapolis, Indiana, for the start of the beyond 1:50 p.m. Each Member, other 2009 National FFA Convention. They than the majority and minority leaders have paved the way for continued stu- dent success in south Texas. Our com- will be joining students from Pennsyl- and the minority whip, shall be limited vania to California and more than a to 5 minutes. munity is thankful for his contribu- tions, and I am grateful to have had dozen high school students from my f the opportunity to work with him. own district will be competing in var- ious competitions, including Clay Cen- RECOGNIZING DR. DANIEL P. KING As we honor Dr. Daniel P. King, I also want to acknowledge his wife, ter, Kansas, FFA member Garrett The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Sara, who is a PSJA faculty member, Craig who will be competing for a posi- Chair recognizes the gentleman from and their six children who have sup- tion as a national FFA officer. Texas (Mr. VELA) for 5 minutes. ported Dr. King in achieving his profes- Good luck to you, Garrett. Mr. VELA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today sional goals. While it is known for agriculture to recognize Dr. Daniel P. King for his Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to education, Kansas FFA chapters are service to the Rio Grande Valley in the join his family, our community, and thriving in rural America as well as State of Texas. me in wishing him a happy retirement urban school districts and have intro- Dr. King is a proven leader in the and thanking him for his service. duced thousands of new students to ag- 34th Congressional District of Texas. f riculture and ag-related career oppor- As a public school superintendent for tunities. the last 14 years, he has guided dis- AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE I want to wish all Kansas FFA stu- trict-wide initiatives to improve stu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dents participating in Indianapolis this dent performance and graduation rates Chair recognizes the gentleman from week the best of luck and trust that across south Texas. Under his leader- Kansas (Mr. MARSHALL) for 5 minutes. Kansas will continue its long legacy of b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8463 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:19 Oct 29, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28OC7.000 H28OCPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8464 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 28, 2019 premier FFA leadership and achieve- RURAL ENERGY are reprehensible. In fact, his last cow- ment. Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, this ardly action on Earth was to detonate USMCA morning I want to stop and say thanks a suicide vest as he was being hunted Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, this to Mother Nature for all the blessings down by some of our specialized mili- morning I want to applaud the efforts she has given Kansas, in particular the tary dogs as well as our personnel. of my colleagues across the aisle on fact that we are an energy rich State. Great work. In doing so, with his sui- their efforts and the United States She has given us oil, natural gas, eth- cide vest, he also took the lives of trade team for getting closer to ap- anol, wind, and solar production. three of his own children. proving the USMCA trade agreement. I We want to stop and applaud the ef- U.S. Special Operations Forces didn’t remain very optimistic that we can get forts of what the USDA and the De- kill just a noble religious scholar as this passed in Congress and that we can partment of Energy formally did last was headlined. They actually killed a get this done this fall. week as they began working together deranged, radicalized madman who was It is time to deliver the USMCA to facilitate energy-related invest- directly responsible for the brutal mur- agreement for Kansas. We have waited ments in America’s rural communities ders of countless people: Americans over a year, and it is now time to pass to encourage investments in our new and his own country people from that this agreement. This agreement will and improved rural energy production part of the world as well. mean thousands of jobs and hundreds and infrastructure. While the headline has since been of millions of dollars of increased ex- Additional focus on cybersecurity changed by the Washington Post, they ports for Kansas. and grid improvements to secure our should be ashamed of themselves. We Today I want to remind the Speaker rural energy networks are also hap- don’t mourn the loss of terrorists in of the importance of the USMCA deal pening. This work builds upon Presi- the United States of America. and to please bring it to the floor dent Trump’s energy task force on ag- Now, this victory doesn’t mean the where we can vote on it and deliver for riculture and rural prosperity. war against terror is won by any America. Mr. Speaker, I thank the President means, but it should send a loud, clear, so much for making rural America CHINA TRADE WAR and unmistakable message to the rest Mr. MARSHALL. Mr. Speaker, I stronger today. of the world that the United States want to applaud the administration’s f will root out evil wherever it is and effort on the China trade war. I want to ABU BAKR AL-BAGHDADI IS NO wherever it hides. Our enemies are not applaud President Trump and his trade MORE safe, and they never will be. team led by Ambassador Bob The SPEAKER pro tempore. The We celebrate this evil’s removal from Lighthizer for all their hard work. It Chair recognizes the gentleman from the Earth embodied by al-Baghdadi. Anyone who is willing to commit these seems like just yesterday they signed California (Mr. LAMALFA) for 5 min- an agreement with Japan. But they utes. types of atrocities should understand didn’t rest on their laurels and have Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise one thing: We will not rest as a Nation quickly moved on to the significance of today to highlight the tremendous and as a military until they are wiped a Chinese trade agreement. news we all received over the weekend out from the face of the Earth.
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