April17, 1986 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8015 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS able for national designation by virtue of natu­ waukee is celebrating its 100th year of-service ADDITION OF THE KINGS RIVER ral characteristrics; rather, it deferred its pro­ to the workers and families in our community. TO THE NATIONAL WILD AND fessional judgment until economic and political The week of April 20 through April 26 has SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM decisions are made about the Rodgers Cross­ been designated "Brewery Workers Week" in ing Dam. Wisconsin. HON. RICHARD H. LEHMAN The Kings River Conservation District Today, I would liked my colleagues to join [KRCD] is the primary proponent of a hydro­ me in extending our own congratulations to OF CALIFORNIA electric project at Rodgers Crossing and is a local 9 and its 5,000 active and retired mem­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES group I have great respect for in its sincere bers in this special centennial year. Thursday, April17, 1986 and legitimate efforts to secure additional Although there had been sporadic efforts to Mr. LEHMAN of California. Mr. Speaker, water for agriculture. Currently, a 300,000 organize brewery workers in the 1850's, the today I am introducing legislation to add 92.5 acre-feet overdraft exists in the Kings River first genuine brewery union was founded in miles of the Kings River to the National Wild service area. I agree with KRCD on the prob­ Cincinnati in 1879. It, and a similar New York and Scenic River System. Named the "Holy lem; I disagree with KRCD only with regard to City union formed in 1881, however, were River of Kings" by early explorers, the Kings the solution. If built at its most economical shortlived. River continues to live up to its name begin­ height of 420 feet, the Rodgers Crossing Dam The organization that would come to repre­ ning at its headwaters in Kings Canyon Na­ would generate only about 33,000 acre-feet of sent workers in the brewing industry was tional Park and flowing unimpeded to Pine yield for irrigation. Rodgers Crossing is a hy­ founded at a Baltimore convention in 1886. Flat Reservoir in Fresno County, CA. The droelctric generating facility, not a water Originally called the Brewery Workers National Kings River today is still a majestic Sierra project. This project was studied in 1972 by Union, it grew to more than 4,000 members Nevada waterway. In the spring, the canyon the Army Corps of Engineers and determined during its first 4 months. On March 4, 1887, slopes are blanketed with purple wildflowers, unsuitable for Federal development because an American Federation of Labor charter au­ and against this backdrop the Kings River of a negative benefit-cost ratio. Although it thorized the new group to "proceed with the sweeps down through the Sierra. The Kings can be argued that a more favorable benefit­ organization of the trade." River, however, is in danger of losing its natu­ cost ratio could occur with declining interest Over the last century, local 9 has grown ral character unless Congress adds it to the rates and more emphasis on electric genera­ larger and stronger. It has always been an ef­ National Wild and Scenic River System. tion over irrigation, it is also true that the fall­ fective and important voice for its members. The river is threatened with a dam at Rod­ ing prices of oil in today's market act as a Today, under the leadership of President Ted gers Crossing above Pine Flat Reservoir If the counterbalance to decrease the benefit-to­ Witkowski, local 9 members can be proud of Kings River is dammed at this point, from 9 to cost ratio. their record of service to the brewing industry, 13 miles of the main fork of the river will be There are alternatives for water develop­ to the Milwaukee community, and to the inundated destroying its scenic beauty, dimin­ ment for the Kings River Conservation District, Nation. They have given the city and its ishing its natural wildlife and devastating its and I stand ready to work with KRCD to sup­ people a strong sense of pride. current recreational uses for wild trout fishing, port other options. I have already introduced Because of local 9, Milwaukee and fine whitewater rafting, and camping. For me, pro­ H.R. 3182 which would authorize the Mid­ beer are synonymous in the minds of all tecting the Kings River is a personal commit­ Valley Canal System to deliver approximately Americans. Today, I am pleased to salute the ment. I have simply walked alongside the 650,000 acre-feet of additional surface water brewery workers who've made Milwaukee Kings for too many years to let her go without to the Central San Joaquin Valley. In addition, famous. a fight-1 know her splendor firsthand-the I am willing to take a hard look at whatever rough and the smooth places alike. legislation would be necessary to authorize Portions of this mighty river have already the raising of the existing Pine Flat Dam. BOMBING LIBYA WON'T STOP been recognized for their special characteris­ As a longtime proponent of numerous Cali­ TERRORISM tics. The California Department of Fish and fornia water projects from New Melones to Game designated the main and the South Auburn Dam, I firmly believe the Kings River HON. GEORGE E. BROWN, JR. Forks of the Kings River as wild trout streams. provides us with an opportunity to both pro­ OF CALIFORNIA A designated national recreation trail runs tect the river and allow new water develop­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES along the Kings from Garnet Dike to Spring ment. Alternative water development projects Thursday, April17, 1986 Creek, and Kings Canyon National Park takes are far preferable to damming the Kings River its name from the river. The California Wilder­ above the Pine Flat Reservoir. Mr. BROWN of California. Mr. Speaker, ness Act of 1984 placed the land alongside The Kings River stands on its own merits as Monday's military strike against Libya may the Kings River from the confluence of the deserving Federal protection, and I urge my have provided emotional satisfaction for those Middle and South Fork Kings into wilderness colleagues to join with me in designating the who felt it was time for the United States to and land on both sides of the main fork of the main fork of the Kings River above Pine Flat retaliate against the wave of terrorism that Kings River is being studied for wilderness Reservoir, the Middle Fork and the South Fork has occurred over the past few years. But re­ designation. of the Kings as part of the national wild and taliation is not a policy against terrorism. This In 1985, the Sequoia National Forest as scenic river system. attack against Libya will not end terrorism; it part of its land and resource management will not even diminish it. Indeed, I think we all plan found that the South Fork of the Kings sense that terrorist incidents are likely to in­ River was suitable for status as wild in some BREWERY WORKERS WEEK crease during the weeks and months ahead segments and recreational in other portions. and, indeed, we already have evidence of that The Sequoia plan then looked at 18 miles of HON. JIM MOODY increase. The military strike showed the Liby­ the main fork of the Kings and determined OF WISCONSIN ans that the United States could respond to that 5 miles could be classified as wild. On IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES violence with violence, but where will this the 13 miles of the Kings directly above Pine process take us? Where will the spiral end? It Flat Reservoir, the Forest Service simply de­ Thursday, April17, 1986 will not end, in my view, unless the United clined to take a position. The Forest Service Mr. MOODY. Mr. Speaker, this year, the States pursues a policy aimed at the roots of did not find this portion of the Kings unsuit- Brewery Workers Union Local 9 U.A.W. in Mil- terrorism. I e This .. bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 8016 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April17, 1986 I am convinced that our only viable long­ Israelis and Palestinians exchange military against Libya are viewed by the Arabs as at­ term policy to combat terrorism is one that in­ reprisals on a continual basis, at a rate diffi­ tacks against all Moslems and the Islamic volves diplomatic-and not military-actions. cult to even document. Daily incursions occur world as a whole. The moderate Arab nations Specifically, I feel we must strike at the root of Palestinians into Israeli-occupied territory. have been forced to distance themselves from causes of terrorism in the Middle East by re­ There have been bus bombings, air raids, kid­ the Reagan administration, and the more radi­ doubling our efforts aimed at reaching a just nappings and five full-scale wars between cal Arab factions have rallied in opposition to and lasting settlement between Israel and the Israel and its Arab neighbors over the past the United States. This is not a constructive Arab nations. Only when such a peace accord four decades, yet none of these actions have development in the context of reaching a is reached will we begin to gain the relief from brought these parties any closer to a resolu­ Middle East peace accord; further American terrorism that we so desire.
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