VOLUME 14 NO. 23 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION OCTOBER 26 – NOVEMBER 1, 2018 VETERAN OWNED BUSINESS SUBMIT STORIES TO: [email protected] GUAM.STRIPES.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE INSIDE INFO GEORGE WASHINGTON TOPS GUAM HIGH PAGE 2 EXPLORING GUAM’S PLAZA DE ESPANA PAGE 14 BewareBeware ofof VISITING ancientancient islandisland JAPAN VISITING JAPAN • KYOTO PAGES 16-18 • HIROSHIMA PAGES 19-20 spiritsspirits Page 6 Art courtesy of Guampedia LESSONS YOUR CHILDREN LEARN FROM TRAVELING PAGE 23 TWO LOVERS POINT Pages 10-11 Photo courtesy of Marie N. Guerrero and Terry Debold, Two Lovers Point 2 STRIPES GUAM A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION OCTOBER 26 − NOVEMBER 1, 2018 Max D. Lederer Jr. Publisher STARS AND STRIPES semifinal at George Washing- had four catches for just 26 Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic Published: Oct. 20, 2018 ton. yards, including the Pan- Commander Four long snaps sailed thers’ lone touchdown, along MANGILAO – Spe- Michael Davidson over the head of Pan- with 10 tackles. Revenue Director cial team errors and thers kickers, allow- Ruben Ramirez had 10 Marie Woods a slick, muddy turf Publishing and Media Design Director ing the Geckos to score tackles and one fumble re- made wet by week- three times by moving Chris Carlson long rain combined covery, and Evan Cavenell Publishing and Media Design Manager the ball just 28 yards, added seven tackles, four of to doom Guam helping George Monte Dauphin High in Oct. 20 them sacks. Guam Area Manager Washington beat island playoff With the win, the Geckos Kentaro Shimura Guam 27-6 at (6-1) advance to meet un- Production Manager Geckos Field. beaten Father Duenas (8-0) “We dug a Rie Miyoshi in the Oct. 27 Bamboo Bowl Member Services Manager hole that we championship game, site Ian Waddick couldn’t get and time to be determined. Publishing and Media Design Editor ourselves Publishing and Media Design Writers George Washingtonout of,” tops TheGuam Panthers (6-3) were Shoji Kudaka relegated for the fourth time Takahiro Takiguchi Panthers in six seasons to the Oct. 26 Layout Designers coach Jacob Ayako Kamio Dowdell said. Guam High’s Jalen Thach, left, third-place game at home Yukiyo Oda “Too many rook- struggles for yardage against a George against John F. Kennedy, 49- Yuko Okazaki Washington defender. Kayoko Shimoda ie mistakes that 21 losers to the Friars in the other semifinal played Oct. Multimedia Consultants killed us. At the Max Genao Doug Johnson end of the day, the and scored when lesser teams 19. Jason Lee Hans Simpson kids fought back would have given up.” “The two best teams will Chae Pang Yi Gianni Youn Robert Zuckerman Travon Jacobs was 9-for- play for the championship,” 30 for 70 yards and a touch- Graphic Designers Dowdell said. Kenichi Ogasawara Yosuke Tsuji down and rushed three times Sales Support for 25 yards. RaSean Jacobs Kazumi Hasegawa Hiromi Isa Guam HIgh quarterback Ichiro Katayanagi Yoko Noro Travon Jacobs eludes Yoichi Okazaki Yusuke Sato George Washington Chae Yon Son Saori Tamanaha pressure and looks for Distributors room to run. Photos by Joe Guzman Donna Rhodes, Special to John Wesley Stripes EXCLUSIVE NEWS FROM: For feedback and inquiries, contact [email protected] To place an ad, call 355-5160 guam.stripes.com/contact OCTOBER 26 − NOVEMBER 1, 2018 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION STRIPES GUAM 3 4 STRIPES GUAM A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION OCTOBER 26 − NOVEMBER 1, 2018 Student vets winners as court unchains Obama loan protection BY TOM PHILPOTT, D. Moss dismissed legal argu- DeVos and Trump administra- automatic forgiveness of bil- degree. Ngowaki said he as- SPECIAL TO STARS AND STRIPES ments from an association of tion attorneys. lions of dollars in federal student sumed his Post-9/11 GI Bill ben- for-profit colleges, which suc- In that case, two student- loans associated with failed for- efit would cover all costs so he undreds, perhaps thou- ceeded for more than a year to borrowers and a coalition of 19 profit colleges. resisted a push from DeVry’s sands, of student veter- block Obama administration states and the District of Co- Consumer advocacy groups financial aid office to complete a ans, despite having ro- H rules to bring financial relief to lumbia filed separate lawsuits for students, including veterans, financial aid application. Finally, bust GI Bill education benefits, to invalidate the department’s praised Moss’ recent rulings. he relented when told it was a re- contend they were deceived into defrauded student borrowers stay order on Obama loan rules, “It’s really positive news,” quirement for enrollment. racking up federal loan debt and to strengthen federal protec- which had been set to take ef- said Walter Ochinko, research Soon, he received a $5,000 through abusive practices of cer- tions against deceptive school practices. fect in July 2017. Moss called the director for Veterans Educa- check, which a woman in tain for-profit colleges. Trump team’s effort to protect tion Success (VES), an advocacy The Trump administration’s DeVry’s financial aid office said On Oct. 16 these students, for-profit schools, and to avoid group formed to protect veter- Department of Education also was grant money. “I kept telling along with thousands of non-vet- billions of dollars in loan forgive- ans and their education benefits had fought the Obama reforms her, ‘I don’t need the money,’ ” he erans, gained an easier path to ness for borrowers, “arbitrary from fraud and deceptive prac- loan forgiveness from a federal until a month ago when the same said. and capricious.” tices. By his third semester he got court ruling in Washington, D.C. judge rejected legal arguments Together the dual rulings The Obama rule went into a lender notice, and realized U.S. District Judge Randolph from Education Secretary Betsy force DeVos — who is still critical effect at noon Oct. 16 and is to he was $15,000 in debt with di- of the Obama rules, saying they be implemented immediately. rect federal student loans. The are too expansive — to imple- “But the devil is in the details,” money made life easier but he ment them even as her depart- Ochinko said. The judge didn’t didn’t need it for education costs, ment prepares more stringent give the department detailed in- Ngowaki said, and ordered the regulations. Given the statutory structions on how to implement loan arrangement stopped. schedule for rulemaking, the De- the many provisions. Vos rules can’t take effect before “It’s so easy for an adminis- Ngowaki’s theory is that July 2020, the department con- tration that doesn’t want to im- DeVry wasn’t confident, as the firmed. That creates a window plement something not to do it,” Post-9/11 GI Bill began, whether for borrowers with loan debt said Ochinko. “We’ll just have to student payments would arrive tied to fraudulent or deceptive see how it plays out. … Advocacy on schedule. Perhaps to ensure schools to apply for relief under groups will be watching very steady cash flow it pushed stu- more liberal rules in effect from closely.” dent veterans into federal loans. the Oct. 16 court decision. He contends the processing of DeVry in time helped Ngowaki The department likely must borrower defense claims by the with some debt, he said, but most update information on filing bor- department “grounded to a halt” of the $15,000 he repaid himself. rower defense claims. Here’s during the first half of Trump Whether and how the new reg- a link to what’s available now: administration, a slowdown ulations might deliver more loan https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/re- that can’t entirely be blamed on relief to a veteran like Ngowaki pay-loans/forgiveness-cancella- having old rules in place. But is still unclear, Ochinko said. tion/borrower-defense Tuesday’s court ruling creates Many student veterans end Obama’s Education Depart- “a window of opportunity that’s up needing loans because they ment designed its rules to bet- going to last until July 2020 to haven’t served long enough on ter protect student borrowers apply for loan forgiveness under active duty to qualify for full against misleading and preda- terms much more favorable to Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits. The tory practices by postsecondary the student than if the [DeVos al- loans become bad investments institutions; to clarify a process ternative] had gone into effect.” if for-profit schools close or for federal loan forgiveness in The Department of Education don’t provide promised degrees cases of institutional miscon- has been criticized in the past or transferable credits or if em- duct; to allow group actions to for not doing enough to inform ployers don’t view the degrees as replace thousands of individual students about borrower defense desirable. loan forgiveness claims, and to claims. The number of student One attorney for student hold for-profit colleges account- veterans who might be eligible plaintiffs who helped unleash able for harmful practices. isn’t known, Ochinko said. The the Obama rules, Adam R. Pul- The department decided VES data base holds 4,000 com- ver, said an Obama change re- its 20-year-old regulation on plaints of deceptive practices by sisted by for-profit schools bans so-called “borrower defense for-profits schools. them from requiring students to claims” needed updating after a “Certainly, many of those vet- accept arbitration in settling all deluge of claims from students erans will be eligible,” he said. complaints. with federal loans following “How many have applied [al- “It’s been pretty much exclu- closure of a mega for-profit en- ready] I don’t know.” sive to for-profit schools that to terprise, Corinthian Colleges, in As part of the Forever GI Bill enroll you have to sign an agree- April 2015.
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