H2048 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 8, 2008 Tiahrt Walsh (NY) Westmoreland Whereas Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns Tibetans and incite ethnic nationalism is ex- Tiberi Walz (MN) Wexler in and around Lhasa were blocked by Chi- acerbating ethnic tensions and is counter- Tierney Wamp Whitfield (KY) nese authorities from staging peaceful dem- productive to resolving the situation; Towns Wasserman Wilson (OH) onstrations on this anniversary date and Tsongas Schultz Whereas the United States Department of Wilson (SC) were met with excessive force by the Chinese State included the People’s Republic of Turner Waters Wittman (VA) authorities; China among the group of countries de- Udall (NM) Watson Wolf Whereas protests by Tibetans spread inside Upton Watt Wu scribed as ‘‘the most systematic violators of Van Hollen Waxman Wynn the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Ti- human rights’’ in the introduction of the 2006 Vela´ zquez Weiner Yarmuth betan areas of China; Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Visclosky Welch (VT) Young (AK) Whereas the accumulated grievances of al- and in previous Human Rights Reports, but Walberg Weldon (FL) most six decades of cultural, religious, eco- Walden (OR) Weller Young (FL) did not do so in the 2007 Human Rights Re- nomic, and linguistic repression of the Ti- port, despite no evidence of significant im- NAYS—1 betan people by the Government of the Peo- provements in the human rights situation in Paul ple’s Republic of China has resulted in China in the past year; and resentments which are at the root of the Ti- Whereas it is the policy of the United NOT VOTING—37 betan protests; States ‘‘to support the aspirations of the Ti- Abercrombie Flake Pryce (OH) Whereas resentment of the Chinese Gov- betan people to safeguard their distinct iden- Boucher Gonzalez Radanovich ernment by the Tibetan people has increased tity’’ and ‘‘to support economic develop- Braley (IA) Gordon Renzi sharply since 2005 as a result of Chinese poli- ment, cultural preservation, health care, and Brown, Corrine Granger Rohrabacher cies, laws, and regulations that have reduced education and environmental sustainability Buyer Hall (NY) Rothman economic opportunity for Tibetans and se- for Tibetans inside Tibet’’, in accordance Crenshaw Johnson (GA) Rush Cubin Langevin verely eroded the ability of Tibetans to pre- with the Tibetan Policy Act of 2002 (22 U.S.C. Sali serve their distinctive language, culture, and Diaz-Balart, L. Markey Sires 6901 note): Now, therefore, be it Diaz-Balart, M. McDermott religious identity; Udall (CO) Resolved, That the United States House of Emerson McIntyre Whereas the response by the Chinese Gov- Wilson (NM) Representatives— Engel Mollohan Woolsey ernment to the Tibetan protests was dis- (1) calls on the Government of the People’s Feeney Payne proportionate and extreme, reportedly re- Ferguson Peterson (PA) Republic of China to end its crackdown on sulting in the deaths of hundreds and the de- nonviolent Tibetan protestors and its con- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE tention of thousands of Tibetans; tinuing cultural, religious, economic, and The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Whereas there have been reports that some linguistic repression inside Tibet; the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Tibetans engaged in rioting that may have (2) calls on the Chinese Government to resulted in the destruction of government begin a results-based dialogue, without pre- ing. and private property, as well as the deaths of conditions, directly with His Holiness the civilians; b 1917 Dalai Lama to address the legitimate griev- Whereas His Holiness the Dalai Lama has ances of the Tibetan people and provide for a So (two-thirds being in the affirma- used his leadership to promote democracy, long-term solution that respects the human tive) the rules were suspended and the freedom, and peace for the Tibetan people rights and dignity of every Tibetan; Senate bill, as amended, was passed. through a negotiated settlement of the Tibet (3) calls on the Chinese Government to The result of the vote was announced issue, based on autonomy within the context allow independent international monitors of China; as above recorded. and journalists, free and unfettered access to Whereas six rounds of dialogue between A motion to reconsider was laid on the Tibet Autonomous Region and all other the table. representatives of the Dalai Lama and Chi- nese officials have not resulted in meaning- Tibetan areas of China for the purpose of f ful progress; monitoring and documenting events sur- Whereas the Chinese Government has rounding the Tibetan protests and to verify ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER that individuals injured receive adequate PRO TEMPORE rebuffed calls by the President of the United States, the United States Congress, and medical care; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- world leaders to respond positively to the (4) calls on the Chinese Government to im- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Dalai Lama’s willingness to be personally in- mediately release all Tibetans who are im- will postpone further proceedings volved in discussions with Chinese leaders on prisoned for nonviolently expressing opposi- the future of Tibet; tion to Chinese Government policies in today on the motion to suspend the Tibet; rules on which a recorded vote or the Whereas the Chinese Government has deni- grated the Dalai Lama, labeling him as ‘‘a (5) calls on the United States Department yeas and nays are ordered, or on which splittist’’ and ‘‘a wolf in monk’s robes’’, of State to publicly issue a statement recon- the vote is objected to under clause 6 of thereby further alienating Tibetans who con- sidering its decision not to include the Peo- rule XX. sider the Dalai Lama their spiritual leader; ple’s Republic of China among the group of Any record vote on the postponed Whereas the Dalai Lama was recognized countries described as ‘‘the world’s most sys- question will be taken tomorrow. for his contribution to world peace when he tematic human rights violators’’ in the in- received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989; troduction of the 2007 Country Reports on f Whereas the United States Congress, in Human Rights Practices; and CALLING ON THE GOVERNMENT recognition of the Dalai Lama’s outstanding (6) calls on the United States Department OF CHINA TO END ITS CRACK- moral and religious leadership and his advo- of State to fully implement the Tibetan Pol- DOWN IN TIBET cacy of nonviolence, awarded him with the icy Act of 2002 (22 U.S.C. 6901 note), including Congressional Gold Medal on October 17, the stipulation that the Secretary of State Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I 2007; ‘‘seek to establish an office in Lhasa, Tibet move to suspend the rules and agree to Whereas the Chinese Government has to monitor political, economic and cultural the resolution (H. Res. 1077) calling on failed to honor its commitment to improve developments in Tibet’’, and also to provide the Government of the People’s Repub- the human rights situation in China as a consular protection and citizen services in lic of China to end its crackdown in condition for Beijing being selected as the emergencies, and further urges that the site for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games; agreement to permit China to open further Tibet and enter into a substantive dia- diplomatic missions in the United States logue with His Holiness the Dalai Whereas the Chinese Government has im- peded the access of international journalists should be contingent upon the establishment Lama to find a negotiated solution to Tibetan areas of China and distorted re- of a United States Government office in that respects the distinctive language, ports of events surrounding the Tibetan pro- Lhasa. culture, religious identity, and funda- tests, thereby violating the commitment it The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- mental freedoms of all Tibetans, and made that ‘‘there will be no restrictions on ant to the rule, the gentleman from media reporting and movement of journal- for other purposes. California (Mr. BERMAN) and the gen- ists up to and including the Olympic The Clerk read the title of the resolu- tlewoman from Florida (Ms. ROS- tion. Games’’; Whereas for many years, the Chinese Gov- LEHTINEN) each will control 20 minutes. The text of the resolution is as fol- The Chair recognizes the gentleman lows: ernment has restricted the ability of foreign journalists and foreign government officials, from California. H. RES. 1077 including United States Government offi- GENERAL LEAVE Whereas March 10, 2008, marked the 49th cials, to freely travel in Tibetan areas of anniversary of a historic uprising against China, thereby curtailing access to informa- Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I ask Chinese rule over the Tibetan people, which tion on the situation in Tibetan areas; unanimous consent that all Members forced His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, to Whereas the Chinese Government’s use of may have 5 legislative days to revise escape into exile in India; propaganda during the protests to demonize and extend their remarks and include VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:58 Jun 26, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 J:\CRONLINE\2008BA~2\2008NE~2\H08AP8.REC H08AP8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE April 8, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2049 extraneous material on the resolution the situation in Tibetan areas in China jing responded with an iron fist. In im- under consideration. and ensure that those injured in the plementing a bloody crackdown, Bei- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there protest receive adequate medical treat- jing ignored its past pledge to the objection to the request of the gen- ment. International Olympic Committee to tleman from California? In addition, the resolution urges Bei- improve the human rights situation in There was no objection.
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