CCCG 2013, Waterloo, Ontario, August 8{10, 2013 Bounding the Locus of the Center of Mass for a Part with Shape Variation Fatemeh Panahi A. Frank van der Stappen ∗ Abstract these variations [8, 9] is that actions that are computed on the basis of a CAD model of a part may easily lead The shape and center of mass of a part are crucial pa- to different behavior when executed on a manufactured rameters to algorithms for planning automated manu- incarnation of that part, and thus to failure to accom- facturing tasks. As industrial parts are generally manu- plish the higher-level task. It is important to note that factured to tolerances, the shape is subject to variations, the shape variations not only directly affect the behav- which, in turn, also cause variations in the location of ior of the part but indirectly as well because they also the center of mass. Planning algorithms should take cause a displacement of the center of mass of the part. into account both types of variation to prevent failure To extend the planning algorithms to imperfect man- when the resulting plans are applied to manufactured ufactured incarnations, it is important to understand incarnations of a model part. the effects of variations and take them into account We study the relation between variation in part shape during planning. Larger variations in part shape and and variation in the location of the center of mass for center-of-mass location inevitably result in a larger a convex part with uniform mass distribution. We con- range of possible part behaviors, which reduces the like- sider a general model for shape variation that only as- liness that a manufacturing task can be accomplished. sumes that every valid instance contains a polygon PI Therefore we will study how variations in part shape while it is contained in another polygon PE. We charac- influence the location of the center of mass. (Note that terize the worst-case displacement of the center of mass variations in shape and center of mass are not the only in a given direction in terms of PI and PE. The charac- sources of uncertainty in robotics. Additional uncer- terization allows us to determine an adequate polygonal tainty can result from the inaccuracy of the actuators approximation of the locus of the center of mass. We and manipulators [11] and sensors [10].) also show that the worst-case displacement is small if Several geometric approaches have been proposed to PI is fat and the distance between the boundary of PE overcome the problems occurring in the presence of un- and PI is bounded. certainty and to smooth the effects of errors. Among the existing approaches are the model of −geometry 1 Introduction [14], tolerance and interval geometry [15, 16] and region- based models [17]. Generally, in all these models an Many automated part manufacturing tasks involve ma- uncertain point is represented by a region in which it nipulators that perform physical actions|such as push- may vary. The model of −geometry assumes that a ing, squeezing [1], or pulling [2]|on the parts. Over the point can vary within a disk of radius . Tolerance and past two decades, researchers in robotics in general and interval-geometry take into account coordinate errors algorithmic automation in particular have thoroughly which results in an axis-aligned rectangular region in studied the effect of physical actions as well as their which a point can vary. In general, region-based models potential role in accomplishing high-level tasks like ori- represent a point by any convex region. After model- enting or sorting. It is evident that shape and|in many ing uncertainty as a point surrounded by a region, it is cases (see e.g. [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])|location of the center possible to study worst (and best) cases for a problem of mass are important parameters in determining the under the specific uncertainty model. effect of a physical action on a part. As observed before, variation of the shape causes vari- Industrial parts are always manufactured to toler- ation of the center of mass of a part. The locus of the ances as no production process is capable of deliver- centroid of a set of points with approximate weights has ing parts that are perfectly identical. Tolerance models been studied by Bern et al. [19]. Akella et al. [18] es- [12, 13] are therefore used to specify the admitted varia- timated the locus for a polygon under the −geometry tions with respect to the CAD model. A consequence of model [18]. The problem of finding the locus of the center of mass of a part with shape variation and uni- ∗Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht formly distributed mass has been mentioned as an open University, PO Box 80089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands, problem [9, 18]. Akella et al. [18] studied rotating a con- email:fF.Panahi,[email protected] F. Panahi is sup- ported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research vex polygon whose vertices and the center of mass lie (NWO). inside predefined circles centered at their nominal loca- 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2013 tions. The problem of orienting a part by fence has been studied by Chen et al. [9]. They define disk and square regions for the vertices of a part and proposed a method for computing the maximum allowable uncertainty ra- dius for each vertex. They also discussed in a more general way the key role of the center of mass and the successfulness of part feeding (or orienting) algorithms in a setting of shape variation. Chen el al. [20] pre- sented algorithms for squeezing and pushing problems. Figure 1: A family of shapes specified by a subshape P Kehoe et al. [21] explored cloud computing in a context I and a supershape P of a model part P , along with a of grasping and push-grasping under shape variation. E M valid instance P 2 V (P ;P ). All the previous models for shape variation only allow I E the vertices to vary. In this paper we use a more gen- eral model for shape variation. For given convex shapes words, the boundary @P of an instance P 2 V (PI ;PE) PI and PE such that PI ⊆ PE we consider the family should be entirely contained in Q = PE −int(PI ) where of shapes P satisfying PI ⊆ P ⊆ PE. In the practical int(P ) denotes the interior of the set P . The region setting of toleranced parts the shapes PI and PE will be Q is referred to as the tolerance zone. The objects PI fairly similar. We will show in Section 3 that the valid and PE are assumed to be closed polygons with a to- instance that yields the largest displacement of the cen- tal of n vertices. (Figure 1 shows and example of a ter of mass in a given direction is a shape that combines model part PM , shapes PI and PE, and a valid instance a part of PI with a part of PE. The corresponding dis- P 2 V (PI ;PE).) We denote by COM (PI ;PE) the set placement is computable in O(n) time where n is the of all centers of mass of instances P 2 V (PI ;PE). complexity of PI and PE; it can be used to obtain a We let Xc(P ) denote the x-coordinate of the center k-vertex outer approximation of the set of all possible of mass and A(P ) be the area of the object P . The loci of the center of mass in O(kn) time. x-coordinate of the center of mass of an object with In Section 4, we will study the size of the set of pos- uniform mass distribution satisfies sible center-of-mass loci. Fatness of the objects under 1 Z consideration has led to lower combinatorial complexi- X (P ) = xdA; c A ties and more efficient algorithms for various problems, A including union complexities [24], motion planning [22], where A is the area of the object. A similar equality hidden surface removal [25], and range searching [26]. holds for the y-coordinate of the center of mass. In the We show that fatness of PI together with the assump- case of uniform mass distribution the center of mass tion that no point in PE has a distance larger than to corresponds to the centroid of the object. We will often PI leads to a bound on the distance between the cen- decompose an object P into sub-objects Pi (1 ≤ i ≤ n) ters of mass of any two valid instances of a part which and then express its center of mass as a function of the is proportional to and the fatness of PI . centers of mass of its constituents, through the equation Pn i=1 Xc(Pi)A(Pi) 2 Preliminaries Xc(P ) = Pn : (1) i=1 A(Pi) In this section, we first present a general model for shape We conclude this section by defining useful objects. variations, then review the notion of a center of mass, Disks play a prominent role in Section 4. We denote by and finally introduce a few notions that allow us to char- Dr(p) the closed disk with radius r centered at p, and acterize the shapes that maximize the displacement of use the abbreviation Dr = Dr(O) where O is the origin. the center of mass. Let PM be the model part. The For an object P and a value m we define its right + + part PM has a uniform mass distribution.
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