OF MISIMA, JAPAN August,1964 N / 嚇 磁コO k『邑 P 幻図囮唖 口認1● 己コ:5 珍M吻・ 吻T 目關OZ 、 L 口 ノ 1’ L 隠 膨 L w L 目 1 - 4,800 F G目ゴ 唖G 田一G G Plan of the Site A Old Building N Poultry House B Adjoining Building and Library O Testing House C Glasshouse P Colony Houses D Transformer Substation Q Radio-isotope Laboratory E Air-conditioned Greenhouse R Second Mousery F Garage S Isolation Greenhoug. e G Residences T Rice Laboratory H Barn u Special Silkworln I」aboratory I Sericultural Laboratory V Mulberry Greenhouse J First Mousery W Main Building K Pump House X γ・Greenhouse L Experimental Fields Y Operation Room M Field Workroom Z Short・day Paddy Fields CONTENTS Location and Campus...........,,,.........,____、__.._ 1 History....◆亀....、................................................... 1 0、ganization and Staff .............................................. 2 Buildings and Equiprnents ...................... 4 Research Activities........ 9 Stocks Maintained...................................................23 Publications..........................∋...............台...............27 NATIONAL 1NSTITU’「E OF GENETICS (JAPAN) Location and Campus The National Institute of Genetics is fact, Misima is located at the center of the located in a suburb of the city of Misima Fuji-Hakone-lzu District, which is one of in Sizuoka Prefecture, about a hundred the rnost beautiful spots in the country, kilometers west of Tokyo. It takes two with beautiful Mt. Fuji in the background hours by express train and two and half of the city. The countryside is known for hours by local trains from Tokyo Station various kinds of vegetables of good quality, to Misima Station, and ten minutes by car and for the abundance of dairy products. from Misima Station to the Institute. The campus of the Institute is part of a Misima in feudal days was famous as a slnall foothill on the western slope of the post town at the entrance to the Hakone Hakone Range. It has an area of 811 passage on the T6kaidδHighway. Nowa- ares;350 ares are covered by buildings, days it is noted for the springs and brooks 161ares are occupied by roads and yards, which are fed by the melting snow of and 300 ares by experimental fields. The Mt. Fuji. Within a few kilometers from Institute also has a separate piece of land of the town are several hotspring resorts: 51ares in the neighborhood of the maill Nagaoka, Kona, Ohito, Syuzenzi, Hatake, campus. It is used as a nursery for rare etc. The prosperous hotspring city of varieties of cultivated plants, and is at the Atami can be reached in twenty minutes same time the site of residences. It also by train through the Tanna Tunnel, and includes a paddy field for experilnental Lake Ashi within one hour by bus. IIl purposes. History The National Institute ()f Genetics was others, that the institute should be desigll・ of6cially organized on June lst,1949. Pre. ed on a fairly large scale. The first formal vious to this, the demand for a national announcement of such demands was ex- institute devoted to the study of genetics pressed in a resolution unaniinously passed had been expressed by Japanese geneticists at the Thirteenth Getieral Meeting of the on various occasions. It has been taken Genetics Society of Japan held ill♪ ust for granted from the beginning that such 1940in SeouL A Iittle later, a special an institute should be an independent one, committee for the study of,genetics was instead of being a part of a university or orgaロエzed wiモ;hin、七he Jξ1pa血 SO《?i ety other institution. It had also been agreed 七he PromO七ion of SCience.for、 upon, in view of the extensive field covered Many senior gelleticists of our country by genetics and the intricate relation bet- became members of this committee which ween this branch of science and matly paved the way for the establishlnent of a :} 11atiollal cellter for the study of genetics Genetics, Cytological Genetlcs an⊂l Physio- il)Japan. In addltlon a foundation for the logical Genetics. To these were gradually promotion of theoretical and applied ge- added slx departments;for Biochemlcal netics,“The Genetics Research Institution’,, Genetics in 1953, Applied Genetics in 1954, was organized, in May,1947. Practically, Mutational Genetics(presently Department the same group of geneticists have joined of Induced Mutation)in 1955, Human also this foundation and have cooperated Genetics in 1960, Microbial Genetics in in its research activities. This foundatioi’i 1962and Population Genetics in 1964. The became the forerunner of the NatiOIla1 number of regular lnelnbers of the staff Institute of Genetics. increased froln 16 at the beginning to the In July. 1948, the bill for the cst:lblish. presellt 41(August 1964). This number 《)laT);lti《)nal institute・1’genet i(’s W:ISment does Ilot inclu(le the Adlninistrative De- thC G{}VCrnlllellt、PreSCn{Cd |《} {h(・ 1 )iet by 1)artmcIlt and the part-tiIne staff and as- slart 《,f the and 1)itS scd. Th(・ 1’・rmal I11- sociates in the Research Departments. The was m;1(1c on.jt川e lst,1949, UllderstltutC almual expenditure steadily increased from No. 146. On thethe GoVCr川n(・nt Law ¥14,759,000for 1950 to¥102,837,000 for the Institute wass:ulle (1ay, the ofl’ice of 1964.The equipment of the Institute has of Education with《)per)c}d ill the Ministry been in the meantime a great deal improved Director of the HigherMr. K. KENNOKI, and enlarged. An active development of Bureau, as theEducation and Science research work was launched in all depart- Acouncil responsible forActing Director. ments and soon a considerable number of principles of thesetting up the basic reports bore the evidence of a vigorous lfunctions of the InstituteOrgan1Zat10n anC progress. To this auspicious development was formed on the same day. At its first the interest and assistance of the authori- meeting held on July 30th,1949, the council ties of the National and Prefectural Govern- nominated Dr. Kan OGuMA, Emeritus Pro- ments have largely contributed. fessor of Hokkaido University, as the In a short time the Institute has become Director of the Institute. He was o伍cial- the center of our country’s genetic research. ly appointed to this o伍ce on August 10th, Agreat part of national and international 1949.Within a few months the rest of symposia and meetings are organized here the staff was chosen, and by the middle and geneticists from all parts of Japan are of 1950, nearly all of the members had here gathering, reporting on their results been apPointed. and exchanging views. The whole Institute moved into the At present, in the view of progressing present main campus in Misima on October specialization, the Institute still lacks 29th,1949. several representative departments of the Dr. Kan OGuMA resigned from the di- new branches of genetics, such as molecular rectorship October lst, 1955, and Dr. genetics, fine genetic structure, and bio- Hitoshi KIHARA was appointed on the same physical genetics. Also, most of the exist- day to replace him. ing departments need to be enlarged and At the start, the Institute had three their research staff increased. Research Departments, for Morphological Organization and Staff Director Hitoshi KIHARA, D. Sc., M. J. A., Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University 3 Department of Human Genetics Members Ei MATsuNAGA, M. D., D. Sc.(Head) Department of Morphological Genetics 1st Lab. Ei MATsuNAGA,M.D.,D.Sc.(Head); Yataro TAzlMA, D. Ag.(Head) Hidetsune OIsHI, M. Sc.; 1st Lab. Yataro TAzIMA, D. Ag.(Head); Tomotaka SHINoDA Kimiharu ONIMARu 2nd Lab. Akira ToNoMuRA, D. Sc.(Head) 2nd Lab. Bungo SAKAGucHI, D. Ag.(Head); Department of Microbial Genetics Toshihiko SADo, D. Ag. Hitoshi KIHARA, D. Sc.(Head); Department of Cytogenetics 1st Lab. Tetsuo IINo,Ph.D.,D. Sc.(Head); YO TAKENAKA, D. Sc.(Head) Masatoshi ENoMoTo, M. Sc. 1st Lab. Tosihide H.YosIDA, D.Sc.(Head); 2nd Lab. Tetsuo IINo,Ph.D.,D.Sc.(Head); ワ Kazuo MoRIwAKI, D. Sc. Hideho SuzuKI, M. Sc.; 2nd Lab. YO TAKENAKA, D. Sc.(Head); Jun-ichi IsHIDsu, M. Sc. Yoshiaki YoNEDA, D. Sc. Department of Population Genetics Department of Physiological Genetics Motoo KIMuRA, Ph. D., D. Sc.(Head) Chozo OsHIMA, D. Sc.(Head) 1st Lab. Motoo KIMuRA, Ph. D., D. Sc. 1st Lab. Chozo OsHIMA, D. Sc.(Head); (Head); Toshifumi TAIRA, D. Sc. Yuichiro HIRAIzuMI, D. Sc. 2nd Lab. Hitoshi KIHARA, D. Sc.(Head); Department of Administration Koichiro TsuNEwAKI, Ph. D.; Norihiro MoRINAGA(Head) Sadao SAKAMoTo, M. Sc. General Affairs Section Department of Biochemical Genetics Toyotaka MINAMIGucHI(Head); Mitsuo TsuJITA, D. Ag.(Head) Hiroko NAKANo;KyOji OYAMA 1st Lab. Saburo NAwA, D. Sc.(Head) Finance Section 2nd Lab. Yoshito OGAwA, M. D.(Head); Mutsuo TANAKA(Head); T6ru ENDO, D. Ag. Shigeru TsuRuMI;Asakichi MANo 3rd Lab. Mitsuo TsuJITA, D. Ag.(Head); Research Associates..............13 Susumu SAKuRAI Assistants............ .5 Department of Applied Genetics Laboratory technicians .38 Kan-lchi SAKAI, D. Ag.(Head) Fiekl Laborers........ ..8 1st Lab. Kan-Ichi SAKAI, D. Ag.(Head); Clerks and Typists .. .12 Takatada KAwAHARA, D. Ag.; Librarian ........................1 Tohru FuJlsHIMA, M. Ag. ChauffeUr ........................ 1 2nd Lab. Kan-Ichi SAKAI, D. Ag.(Head); 4 Janitors, etc. ........ .。3 Shin-ya IYAMA, D. Ag.; Akira MIYAzAwA Honorary Members and 3rd Lab. Hiko-Ichi OKA, D. Ag.(Head); Parレtime Staff Hiroko MoRIsHIMA, D. Ag. Yoshinari KuwADA, D. Sc.,M. J.A.,Emeritus Department of Induced Mutation Professor of Kyoto University Seiji MATsuMuRA, D. Ag.(Head) Kan OGuMA, D. Ag., Ex-Director, Emeritus 1st Lab. KiyoshiTuTIKAwA(Acting Head); Professor of Hokkaido University Terumi MuKAI, Ph. D., D. Sc.
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