Annalina Kristina Pfeil Kandidatspeciale Roskilde Universitet Studienummer: 61743 Kandidatspeciale i Historie Annalina Kristina Pfeil Studienummer: 61743 Kronborg slot vakt til live En analyse af historisk levendegørelse Vejleder: Tilde Strandbygaard Gabriel Jessen Afleveringsdato: 02. september 2019 Page 0 of 79 Annalina Kristina Pfeil Kandidatspeciale Roskilde Universitet Studienummer: 67143 Formalia: Institutnavn: Roskilde Universitet Afdelingsnavn: IKH: Historie Forfatter: Annalina Kristina Pfeil Studienummer: 61743 Titel: Kronborg Slot vakt til live – En analyse af historisk levendegørelse Title: Kronborg Castle comes to life – An analysis of living history Vejleder: Tilde Strandbygaard Gabriel Jessen Afleveret den: 02. september 2019 Antal anslag: 179.399 Sider i alt 74,7 Annalina Kristina Pfeil Kandidatspeciale Roskilde Universitet Studienummer: 67143 Dedikation og tak Min familie er hele årsagen til, at jeg har været i stand til at skrive dette speciale. Det er takket være dem, at min interesse for historie og formidling blev vækket gennem mine utallige besøg på Kronborg Slot, diverse museer og andre historiske steder både i Danmark og andre lande. De har givet mig blod på tanden til at udforske mine interesser og finde min rette hylde som historieformidler. Tusind tak til mine forældre, Kristina og Jesper, og min lillebror, Linus og ikke mindst mine bedsteforældre, Bert og Gullmaig. Dette speciale er dedikeret til jer. I har været en uundværlig støtte i hele mit liv, men især under denne lange specialeproces. Dette speciale er ligeså meget jeres, som det er mit. Tak for alt! Til slut vil jeg sige tak til de ansatte på Kronborg Slot, Laura Kiel, Jane Korsbæk Nielsen og de kvindelige slotsværter, som har taget sig tid til at besvare alle mine spørgsmål samt ladet mig følge dem rundt på deres omvisninger. Også tak til Peter Holst-Beck og Barry McKenna, skaberne af Hamlet Live, som ligeledes har taget tid ud af deres travle skema for at lade mig interviewe dem og lade mig læse deres manuskript til Hamlet Live. Uden alle dem var det aldrig lykkedes at indsamle så meget data, og dette speciale ville ikke have været blevet til noget. Annalina Kristina Pfeil Kandidatspeciale Roskilde Universitet Studienummer: 67143 Abstract: This master’s thesis is about how Kronborg Castle uses living history to mediate the castle’s history and focuses on the translation from manuscript to praxis regarding believability. The castle was built by King Frederik II of Denmark between the years 1574-1585 and is internationally known from William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Kronborg Castle has chosen three personas to mediate the castle’s history: King Frederik II of Denmark, Hamlet and Holger the Dane, of which the latter two are fictional. At Kronborg Castle they use living history in the form of dramatized guided tours to bring the castle to life. As such, I have chosen the dramatized guided tour The Royal Banquet as my focal point in my analysis. The Royal Banquet is performed by one of the female castle hosts dressed as the Mistress of the Robes, Beate Bille, who is based on the aforementioned historical person. The character guides the guests through the Royal Apartments and tells them about how King Frederik II is about to receive the Honorable Order of the Garter from Queen Elizabeth of England. The character also goes into details about the king’s relationship with his wife, Queen Sophie. Based on the different kinds of authenticities as conceived by Saxton & Handler, Edward Bruner and Ning Wang, I will focus on how the castle hosts portray the character of Beate Bille and what kind of choices they make to better create a story and character that seem believable to themselves and their perceived audience. I will also incorporate the concept of Hamlet Live into the analysis, to illustrate how a fictional story realizes living history at the castle. Hamlet Live runs throughout the summer months at Kronborg Castle and invites the guests into the fictional world of Shakespeare’s Hamlet with asynchronous dramatized sequences and audience interactions. The thesis concludes, that believability has many layers at Kronborg Castle; the castle hosts and Kronborg Castle each have their unique perspectives on the matter, and these do not always match. When it comes to the believability of the castle’s living history, two different authorities thereby become apparent; Kronborg Castle and the castle hosts. It is furthermore based on whether the audience is willing to accept the guided tour and the characters as being believable. Annalina Kristina Pfeil Kandidatspeciale Roskilde Universitet Studienummer: 61743 Indholdsfortegnelse FORMALIA: ................................................................................................................................... 1 DEDIKATION OG TAK .................................................................................................................... 2 ABSTRACT: ................................................................................................................................... 3 INDHOLDSFORTEGNELSE ............................................................................................................... 1 1: INDLEDNING ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.2: HISTORISK LEVENDEGØRELSE SOM FORMIDLING ................................................................................. 3 1.3: PROBLEMFELT............................................................................................................................ 6 1.4: PROBLEMFORMULERING: ............................................................................................................. 7 1.4.1: UDDYBNING AF PROBLEMFORMULERINGEN: ........................................................................................... 8 1.5: AFGRÆNSNING: ......................................................................................................................... 8 2: FORSKNINGSOVERSIGT ............................................................................................................. 9 2.1: HISTORISK LEVENDEGØRELSE OG SPØRGSMÅLET OM AUTENTICITET ......................................................... 9 2.1.1: DEN POSTMODERNISTISKE-, KONSTRUKTIVISTISKE- OG EKSISTENTIALISTISKE AUTENTICITET............................ 11 2.1.2: REFLEKSION OVER HISTORISK LEVENDEGØRELSE OG AUTENTICITET ............................................................ 14 2.2: DANSKE EKSEMPLER PÅ HISTORISK LEVENDEGØRELSE ......................................................................... 16 2.2.1: HISTORISK LEVENDEGØRELSE I PRAKSIS ................................................................................................ 16 2.2.2: REFLEKSION OVER HISTORISK LEVENDEGØRELSE I PRAKSIS ........................................................................ 22 3: METODE ................................................................................................................................. 23 3.1: KVALITATIVE INTERVIEWS ........................................................................................................... 23 3.2: PRÆSENTATION AF EMPIRI: ......................................................................................................... 24 3.2.1: INTERVIEWS .................................................................................................................................... 25 3.2.2: OBSERVATIONER AF DEN KONGELIGE FEST ........................................................................................... 26 Page 1 of 79 Annalina Kristina Pfeil Kandidatspeciale Roskilde Universitet Studienummer: 67143 3.3: ANALYSESTRATEGI .................................................................................................................... 26 4: ANALYSE AF KRONBORG SLOTS LEVENDEGØRELSE – FRA MANUS TIL PRAKSIS .......................... 27 4.1: PRÆSENTATION AF DEN KONGELIGE FEST OG HAMLET LIVE ................................................................ 27 4.2: RAMMERNE FOR FORMIDLINGEN – DET FYSISKE, HISTORISKE OG FIKTIVE GRUNDLAG ................................. 31 4.2.1: SLOTTET SOM GENSTAND – FORMIDLINGENS FYSISKE RAMMER ................................................................ 31 4.2.2: DET HISTORISKE OG FIKTIVE GRUNDLAG FOR DE TO FORTÆLLINGER ........................................................... 38 4.2.3: DELKONKLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 43 4.3: PERSONIFICERINGEN AF BEATE BILLE ............................................................................................. 44 4.3.1: FRA HISTORISK PERSON TIL FORTÆLLER ................................................................................................ 44 4.3.2: SLOTSVÆRTERNES GESTALTNING AF BEATE BILLE – KARAKTEREN VÆKKES TIL LIVE ....................................... 55 4.3.3: DELKONKLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 66 5: AFSLUTNING ........................................................................................................................... 67 5.1: DISKUSSION ............................................................................................................................ 67 5.1.1: HVEM STÅR I SPIDSEN FOR KRONBORG SLOTS TROVÆRDIGHED? .............................................................
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