GIA Publications, Inc. Embellish Series distinctive music The Resounding for the Faith Series handbell community Handbell Music for the Church worship concerts education s n o Michael W. Joy i Executive Editor T A d n u o fundAmental Music for developing ringers developing Music for fundAmental F Contains complete music scores and a full performance CD performed by Embellish Handbell Ensemble GIA Publications, Inc. 7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, IL 60638 800.GIA.1358 – email: [email protected] – www.giamusic.com Handbell Music Catalog 2015-2016 Catalog Music Handbell Greetings handbell musicians! It’s a pleasure to present 22 new handbell titles for 2015-2016. The editions showcased in this catalog covers the spectrum of handbell music from contemporary to traditional; easy to demanding; and originals to arrangements. As you look and listen to the music, take note of the different styles and textures, the gentle melodies and spirited rhythms. In addition to our acclaimed Resounding Faith Series: Handbell Music for the Church, we offer music for use in education through our Foundations Series: Fundamental Music for Developing Ringers. Michael W. Joy is the Executive Editor for this series. We also have a new series that targets community ensembles and groups in search of exciting repertoire for concerts. It’s the Embellish Series: Distinctive Music for the Handbell Community. The current titles available from these two new series are listed below. Again, we are pleased to feature Embellish Handbell Ensemble of Grand Rapids, Michigan, directed by Stephanie Wiltse, as our recording artists. Their musical excellence enables GIA Publications, Inc. to provide clear, remarkable recordings for your listening pleasure. I invite you to carefully consider the music in this catalog, as well as the many other titles from GIA Publications, Inc. Check all of them out at www.giamusic.com. Philip L. Roberts Foundations Series: Fundamental Music for Developing Ringers: For use with elementary grades 3 through 7, this series of original handbell music ranges in difficulty from Level 1 to Level 2+ and is arranged for either 2 to 3 octave or 3 to 5 octave choirs. Each piece includes teaching and/ or performance notes by the composer and exercises that will aid in the preparation for learning the piece. All of the composers in this series are recognized and highly respected in both music education and in working with youth handbell ensembles. Aka Tombo (G-8962) . L2 + . 3, 4, 5 oct. bells / opt. 3, 4, 5 oct. chimes Celebration Fanfare (G-8963) . L2 . 3, 4, 5 oct. bells / opt. 3, 4, 5 oct. chimes Fanfare in Three and On the Shore (G-8990) . L1 . 3 oct. bells Follow Me and Follow Me, Too! (G-8979) . L1 . 3 oct. bells Oona Foona (G-8710) . L2 + . 3, 4, 5 oct. bells Three Traditional Tunes, Volume 1 (G-8767) . L2 . 2, 3 oct. bells or chimes The Parade and the Calling (G-8768) . L1 . 3 oct. bells Embellish Series: Distinctive Music for the Handbell Community: Designed for handbell ensembles looking for exciting new music, the Embellish Series is intended for groups searching for high quality, unique, and programmable music for performance. These secular, classical, and original works range in difficulty from Level 3 through 5 and are for octave ranges 3, 4, and 5+. A New Dawn (G-8881) . L4 . 4, 5, 6 oct. bells Bell Nimble (G-8766). L4 – . 3, 4, 5 oct. bells / 2 oct. chimes Carol of the Bells (G-8732) . L3 + . 4, 5, 6 oct. bells Cluster of Stars (G-8895) . L3 + . 5 oct. bells Hop, Skip, and a Jump (G-8773) . L4 – . 3, 4, 5, 6 oct. bells / 3 oct. chimes Jovano, Jovanke (G-8964) . L3 + . 5, 6 oct. bells / 3, 4 oct. chimes Spheres (G-8931). L4 + . 5, 6, 7 oct. bells / 5 oct. chimes Vivace con spirito (G-8941) . L4 . 3, 4, 5 oct. bells / 3, 4, 5 oct. chimes 3 Track 1 Title Track Page We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes . 01 . 03 Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah . 02 . 05 We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes Brother James’s Air. 03 . 07 Prelude on DUKE STREET . 04 . 09 arr. Andrew Duncan Rejoice, the Lord Is King . 05 . 10 Reflections from Iona . 06 . 11 Let All That Hath Breath . 07 . 12 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling . 08 . 14 Sussex Carol . 09 . 16 Still, Still, Still . 10 . 20 G-8942 A Christmastide Gigue. 11 . 21 Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone. 12 . 23 3, 4, or 5 octaves handbells In Silent Pain, the Eternal Son . 13 . 25 L4 • $4.75 Celebration Fanfare. 14 . 26 Aka Tombo . 15 . 28 There aren’t many handbell arrangements of this Follow Me and Follow Me, Too!. 16 . 30 venerable 19th hymn tune. The title refers to John 9:4— Fanfare in Three and On the Shore . 17 . 32 “As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who Jovano, Jovanke . 18 . 35 sent me.” Andrew Duncan’s arrangement embraces this theme in a joyful, exuberant manner. Liberal use Vivace con spirito . 19 . 38 of stopped-sound techniques along with a brisk tempo A New Dawn. 20 . 41 enable the listener to visualize our working till Jesus Cluster of Stars. 21 . 44 comes. This is an uplifting piece full of hope and promise. Spheres . 22 . 46 2 for the Handbell Ensembles of Fountain City Methodist Church, Knoxville, Tennessee WE’LL WORK TILL JESUS COMES 3 4 and 5 octave choirs ring up-stemmed notes O LAND OF REST William Miller, . 19th c. Arr. 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