
Selbyana 17: 76-8 1 THE IMPORTANCE OF PTERIDOPHYTES IN THE EPIPHYTIC FLORA OF SOME PHOROPHYTES OF THE CAMEROONIAN SEMI-DECIDUOUS RAIN FOREST DCpartement de Biologie et Physiologie VCgCtales, UniversitC de YaoundC I, B.P. 8 12, YaoundC, Cameroun Fax: (237) 23 53 88 Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de Phankrogamie, 16, Rue de Buffon-F-75005 Paris, France. The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, 8 1 1 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, Florida 34236, USA. -.- . ABSTRACT. Epiphyte diversity and abundance were surveyed in trees that were felled by a logging operation in the Cameroonian semi-deciduous rain forest to determine the importance of pteridophytes. Six host tree species were surveyed, including 150 individual phorophytes. Triplochiton scleroxylon hosted the greatest number of pteridophytes while Canarium schweinfurthii and Terminalia superba hosted the fewest. Of the 78 epiphytic species recorded, the largest groups were the monocotyledons (5 1 species) and the pteridophytes (20 species), while the dicotyledons (7 species) were the smallest. Regardless of the host, pteridophytes represented over 25% of the epiphytic flora. More than 5 pteridophytes were always hosted by each of the individual host trees. Within the pteridophytes, Polypodiaceae (8 species) was the most diversified family, followed by Davalliaceae (5 species) and Aspleniaceae (4 species). Factor analysis showed no strict specificity between tree species and pteridophytes. Pteridophytes are a characteristic feature of This study was conducted in the semi-decid- forest in tropical regions. They are used as a bio- uous rain forest located in the southern part of indicator of different types of forests. In the flora Cameroon, between longitudes 1 1°E and of Cameroon, Tardieu-Blot (1964) recorded 256 12'1 5'W, and latitudes 4'1 5'N and 2'30's. This species belonging to 6 orders, 25 families and 69 site was situated between Biafran and Congolian genera. In the semi-deciduous rain forest, more forests and the grass land of the northern region than 40 epiphytic pteridophytes were recorded (Letouzey 1968). Six tree species were selected (Zapfack 1993). in 8 timberyards. They were the most abundant In this paper, we studied the importance of species within this region, and subsequently also pteridophytic flora in the canopy of 6 host the most exploited by timber companies. Epi- species: Gossweilerodendron joveri, Triplochiton phytes were surveyed in timber camps for two scleroxylon, Detarium macrocarpum, Canarium reasons: access to the canopy was easy, and errors schweinfurthii, Terminalia superba and Erythro- in the determination of species were very low. phloeum suaveolens. The tree trunks of most in- Epiphytes were collected from 25 individuals dividuals had low numbers ofepiphytes. The few of each tree species that had been felled. The species observed belonged to the families of Hy- number of pteridophytes in the epiphytic flora menophyllaceae (genera Hymenophyllum and was then determined. On the 25 individuals of Trichomanes), Lomariopsidaceae (genera Lo- each timber species, the presence or absence of mariopsis) and Aspleniaceae (genera Asplenium). the different pteridophytes was noted. Only pho- We documented the pteridophyte species on each rophytes with D.B.H. (Diameter at Breast Height) of the six host tree species; determined the per- > 60 cm were considered. centage of pteridophytes in the epiphytic flora of Frequencies were determined for all pterido- these host species; and assessed the relationship, phyte species observed, first by tree species and if any, between pteridophytes and phorophytes, then on all 150 individuals. The percentages of and between pteridophytes and tree species. each epiphytic group and family were calculated. 19961 ZAPFACK ET AL.: FERN EPIPHYTES IN CAMEROON 77 The mean number of epiphytes per tree was also phytes: Phymatosorus scolopendria, Asplenium determined. In this way, we determined the laurentii, Arthropteris orientalis, Drynaria lau- number of the most common species and of pte- rentii, and Asplenium africanum. The pterido- ridophytes that were related to a specific tree phytes represent 27.9% of the flora. species. Data were subjected to factor analysis in The following species were collected: Arthrop- order to determine the affinity between pterid- teris orientalis, Asplenium africanum, A. lauren- ophytes and host species. tii, Drynaria laurentii, Microgramma owariense, Microsorium punctafum, Phymafosorus scolo- pendria, Platycerium angolense, P. sfemaria, Pyrrosia mechowii and Viffariaguineense. Pte- ridophytes were the second commonest group of Gossweilerodendronjoveri epiphytic flora of this host species (TABLE1 C). Forty-nine epiphytes were recorded on 25 in- dividuals, of which 14 epiphytes were pterido- Canarium schweinfurthii phytes. Some individuals hosted as many as 20 Of 34 epiphytes counted on 25 trees of this ephiphytes, while some as few as 3 (mean 11). species, ten were pteridophytes. Individuals Of the 1 1 most common species, 6 were pterid- hosted between 6 and 13 of the commonest ep- ophytes: Arthropteris orientalis, Asplenium lau- iphyte species; but only one, Drynaria laurentii, rentii, Drynaria laurentii, Microgramma owa- was a pteridophyte. The entire checklist of ferns riense, Phymatosorus scolopendria and Plafycer- collected on this host tree was: Arthropteris or- ium angofense. The pteridophytic flora of .GOS- ienfalis, Asplenium laurentii, Davallia chaero- sweilerodendron ioveri re~resented28.6% of the phylloides, Drynaria laurentii, Loxogramme lan- epiphytic flora (~LE1~j.In order ofdecreasing ceolafa, Microsorium punctatum, Phymatosorus 'abundance, the most common species found on scolopendria, Platycerium angolense, P. stemaria this host tree were Arthropteris orientalis, As- and Viffaria guineense. Pteridophytes represent- plenium africanum, A. laurentii, Davallia chaer- ed 29.4% of the epiphytic flora of Canarium ophylloides, Drynaria laurentii, Loxogramme schweinfurthii (TABLE1 D and 2). lanceolata, flicrogramma owariense, Microso- rium punctatum, Oleandra distenta, Phymato- Terminalia superba sorus scolopendria, Platycerium angolense, Pyr- On 25 phorophytes, 38 epiphytes were record- rosia mechowii, Vittaria guineense and V. schae- ed of which 12 ~ere~pteridophytes.Epiphyte feri. abundance ranged from 4-15, with a mean of 7. There were seven common species, and two were Triplochifon scleroxylon pteridophytes: Phymatosorus scolopendria and Forty two epiphytes were collected on 25 in- Platycerium stemaria. dividuals, and 17 species (among the 42) were Pteridophytes formed 3 1.6% of the epiphytic pteridophytes. Epiphyte abundance ranged from flora of this host species (TABLE1 E). Species col- 3-24 individuals with a mean of 10. There were lected were Arthropteris orientalis, Asplenium a$ 10 common species on this host tree. Among ricanum, A. laurentii, Davallia chaerophylloides, them, 5 were pteridophytes: Phymafosorus scol- Drynaria laurentii, Microgramma owariense, opendria, Arthropteris orientalis, Microsorium Microsorium punctatum, Nephrolepis biserrata, punctatum, Platycerium angolense and P. ste- Oleandra distenta, Phymatosorus scolopendria, maria. The pteridophytes on Triplochiton scle- Platycerium angolense, P. stemaria, Pyrrosia ro-lsylon represented 40.5Oh (TABLE1 B) of the epi- mechowii, and Vittaria guineense. phytic flora. The most common species included: A rthropteris orientalis, Asplenium africanum, A. Erythrophloeum suaveolens laurentii, Davallia chaerophylloides, Drynaria Thirty-eight epiphytes were collected on this laurentii, Lycopodium ophioglossoides, Micro- host tree. Of these, 16 were pteridophytes. Trees gramma owariense, Microsorium punctatum, averaged 5-1 2 epiphytes. Of the commonest spe- Nephrolepis biserrata, Oleandra distenta, Phy- cies, seven were ferns: Drynaria laurentii, Mi- matosorus scolopendria, Platycerium angolense, crogramma owariense, Microsorium punctatum, P. stemaria, Pyrrosia mechowii, and Vittaria gui- Platycerium angolense, Oleandra distenta, and neense. Arfhropferis orienfalis. Pteridophytes formed 42.1% of the flora (TABLE1 F), including Arthrop- Detarium macrocarpum teris orienfalis, Asplenium africanum, A. hem- Of 43 epiphytes counted on 25 individuals of mitomum, A. laurentii, Davallia chaerophyl- this tree species, 12 were pteridophytes. Abun- loides, Drynaria laurentii, Microgramma owa- dance ranged from 7-29 epiphytes per tree. Of riense, Microsorium punctatum, Nephrolepis un- the 13 commonest species, five were pterido- dulata, Platycerium angolense, P. stemaria, 7 8 SELBYANA [Volume 17 TABLE1. Systematic partitioning of species of epiphytes in groups, families and genera: A: Gossweilerodendron joveri, B: Triplochifon scleroxylon. C: Defarium rnacrocarpum. D: Canarium schweinfurrhii; E: Terminalia superba; F: Eryfhrophloeum suaveolens. Number of Number of Groups % Families genera species % species A Pteridophytes 28.6 Polypodiaceae 7 7 14.2 Davalliaceae 3 3 6.2 Aspleniaceae 1 2 4.1 Vittariaceae 1 2 4.1 Monocotyledons r Orchidaceae 16 3 1 63.2 Dicotyledons Begoniaceae 1 3 6.2 Cactaceae 1 1 2.0 Pteridophytes Poly podiaceae 6 7 16.7 Davalliaceae 4 4 9.5 Aspleniaceae 1 3 7.1 Vittariaceae 1 2 4.8 Lycopodiaceae 1 1 2.4 Monocotyledons Orchidaceae 9 20 47.6 Dicotyledons Begoniaceae I 3 7.1 Cactaceae 1 1 2.4 Piperaceae 1 1 2.4 Pteridophytes Polypodiaceae 6 7 16.3 Davalliaceae 1 2 4.6 Aspleniaceae 2 2 4.6 Vittariaceae 1 I 2.3 Monocotyledons Orchidaceae 15 29 67.4 Dicotyledons Begoniaceae I 1 2.3 .. Cactaceae 1 I 2.3 Pteridophytes
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