1949 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3773 The following-named officers for perma­ Gustave "A" Sund- Charles W. Hubbell.- the name as previously nominated and con­ nent appointment to the grade of com· quist, Jr. William H. Neal III firmed: mander in the Supply Corps of the Navy: Max P. Bauersfeld, Jr. William H. Bolt, Jr. Barron G. Lowrey Donnelley S. Embree Raymond F. Parker Frank W. Ayers Harry R. McRae, Jr. Pierre D. Colllns Robert H. Northwood Orazio Simonell1 Harry D. Metke The following-named officer for permanent Charles L. LaBonte William J. Held Herbert C. Rand Charles E. Gainor appointment to the grade of captain in the Robert F. Lynch William M. Porter Raymond G. Wyll1e Karl H. Imholte Medical Corps of the Navy to correct the Frederick F. Fallis Charles Stein, Jr. Harold M. Sanderson Gaylord B. Lyon spelling of the name as previously nominated William A. Evans John W. Neel Russell L. Reiserer Merle J. Randleman and confirmed: Bernhard II. Bieri, Jr. Donald v. Wengrovius Richard G . .AugenblickRichard H. Mllls Paul Vaughan The foll9wing named officers for perma­ Robert S. Schreiber Robert D. Oakley, Jr. The following-named officers for perma­ nent appointment to the grade of com­ Percy E. Kedigh Robert c. Cochran nent appointment to the grade of com­ m ander in the Chaplain Corps of the Navy: Frank P. Morrison Edward A. Arnold, Jr. mander in the line of the Navy to correct Richard P. Howe Robert J. Daniels, Jr. Irving W. Stultz the spelling of the names as previously nom­ William B. WhitehurstJohn A. H. Torry, Jr. inated and confirmed: Walter S. Peck, Jr. Colin J. Ricketts Millard J. ·Wooley The following-named officers for perma­ George A. Hall William J. Morran Malcolm C. McGrath nent appointment to the grade of comman­ Stanley A. Wood Frank R. West Brendan J. Moynahan der in the Civil Engineer Corps of the Navy: Edward M. Volz Harold R. Thompson, Harold L. Haworth Stephen H. Payson Will1am K. Wardall Jr. Harrison F. Thrapp- Palmer W. Roberts Robert J. Clinton Michael C. Argento Earl G. Dobbins Harry C. RowE) Harry E. Sorenson Leo B. Blocker SENATE Richard E. Slattery Joseph C. Luppens Wade W. Lape Armistead B. Smith, Lloyd E. Root Arthur P. Gardiner Nathaniel D. McClure Jr. MONDA y' APRIL 4, 1949 William M. Gordon Bernhard 0. Roessler III Donald M. L. Hager John H. Cain Mark H. Jordan Edward J. Drozctz Donald N. Brown <Legislative day of Friday, March 18, Robert S. Stewart Herbert J. Hartman John W. Shong Jon E. Thomas Garland M. Inscoe Perry M. Boothe Roy M. Voris Edward c. Monroe 1949) Carl H. Plumlee Harlan F. Winn John H. Pfeil Francis Tofalo Loys A. Johnson William C. Owens Marcel N. Piller ) Henry C. Field, Jr. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., Deane E. Carberry George T. Swigrum Bruce A. McGraw John W. Crawford, Jr. on the expiration of the recess. The following-named officers for perma- · Donald H. Johnson Maximilian W. Munk The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown nent appointment to the grade of comman­ Delmar Walker, Jr. Frank A. Andrews Harris, D. D., offered the following der in the Dental Corps of the Navy: Alfred R. Lyngby Theodore L. Appel- prayer: James E. Miller quist Clifford H. Rice William A. Newman God of the nations, with the hush of c·yde H. Walsworth Kenneth L. Longeway Lloyd D. Ruth William P. Willis, Jr. Burnell W. Vincent Davis Henderson John Q. Carter William R. Kurtz reverence upon our spirits, we bow before Jolin H. McEachren William L. Strangman . The following-named officer for perma­ Thee with the deap gratitude of our George C. Rader Donald E. Cooksey nent appointment to the grade of lieutenant hearts that through days of preparation The following-ni:.med officers for perma­ commander in the Medical Corps of the Thou hast brought _!!S by Thy good grace nent appointment to the grade of comman­ Navy: to this day of destiny where again the der in the Medical Service Corps of the Navy: William C. Mulry Liberty Bell which once rang for 13 John J. Engelfried · The following-named officers for perma­ States is heard this April day by as Allen F. ·Bigelow nent appointment to the grade of lieuten­ many imperiled nations around the The following-named officers for perma­ ant commander in the Supply Corps of the threatened earth. In this momentous nent appointment to the grade of lieutenant Navy: hour when, with a new realization that commander in the line of the Navy: Edward J. Hagen Thomas W. Klinefelter in union there is strength, the forces of Robert L. Thienes Harold E. Vita Ned L. Thomas Rudolph M. Peterson freedom are mobilizing against the f et­ Mayo A. Hadden, Jr, Archibald W. Curtis Michael Mittrick Frederick D. Harrison ters and chains of coercion, grant unto Eric B. Bower Howard c. Flatau John A. Donehoo George W. Peterson, all who guide our destiny and shape our Willard W. Olson Hugh R. Everett Rodney N. Gray Jr. public policy, and to the whole body of James C. West James W. Guy John P. Allen Theodore S. Stern Frederick D. Forger William B. Krause Edward R. Kingman Claude A. Olefton the Commonwealth, that, having pro- · Helmuth E. Hoerner William F. Krantz Jack E. Nettles Charles A. Kasdorf, Jr. fessed with our lips devotion to the cause Charles C. Aikins Charles F. Weiss Homer C. Thiele Lloyd C. Emerson · of libertJ and democracy and the welfare Nathan F. Waters Edward S. Buchanan Robert W. Mullins JOhl'l V. Cassidy of all :Peoples, we may not fail our own Landis E. Doner Virgil A. Erwin, Jr. Fred I. Mather Robert B. Edwards best selves, or our fell ow men, or Thee, Martin D. Carmody Vernon E. Scholer Philip Troth as we go forward· pledged to a better Harry A. Haszard James B. Cain The following-named officers for perma­ world, fearing Thee and nothing else. Winfred R. Prescott Robert W. GUlette nent appointment to the grade of lieuten­ Ernest S. Park Robert R. Sparks Amen. ant commander in the Chaplain Corps of THE JOURNAL William R. Hazlett Joseph E. Sheehan the Navy: Chester L. Dillard Edward P. Stafford On request of Mr. CONNALLY, and by William C .. Adler, Jr. George Worthington, Alden A. Read Elwood B. Faust Jr. Cyril Best unanimous consent, the reading of the William N. Janes Robert T. Rutzel Joseph D. McDonald Journal of the proceedings of Sat.urday, Gordon J. VanderfordRobert E. Merchant The following-named officers for perma­ _April 2, 1949, was dispensed with. Jae~ Arnold John W: Fair r.ent appLir.. tment to the grade of lieuten­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Winfield S. Munro, Jr. Richard W. Hyde ant commander in the Civil Engineer Corps Aldo A. Cipolat Frederick W. Oliver of the Navy: Messages in writing from the Presi­ LeRoy B. Fraser, Jr. Eugene R. Hanson Charles Allegrone Xavier S. Hutchins dent of the United States submitting Richard M. McLemore John L. Butts, Jr. James C. Castanes Charles A. Reilly, Jr. nominations were communicated to the James W. Fewell Jonathan Q. Ras- The following-named officers for perma­ Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ Malcolm C. Friedman mussen taries. Herman J . Harders Donald W. Mac- nent ~ppointment to the grade of Ueuten- · ant commander in the Dental Corps of the COMMITTEE MEETING DURING SENATE Paul D. Halpin Kiernan Navy: · Eldridge Hord, Jr. Robert D. Flynn SESSION Nils W. Boe Armand C. Crossen Edward R. Hildreth Eugene W. Seitz Edwin S. Thomas, Jr. William J. Harrison Mr. CONNALLY. Mr. President, I ask Theodore Feuerbach JO§eph W. Philippbar, Eugene A. Walsh unanimous consent that the Committee Paul D. Culver Jr. The following-named officers for perma­ on the Judiciary may be permitted to William B. Troendle Leo W. Nelson nent appointment to the grade of lieuten• meet during the session of the Senate to­ George T. Lillich Raymond W. Glasgow ant commander in the Medical Service Corps day. James D. Copeland Edgar L. Margolf of the Navy: James W. Smith Carl B. Irwin The VICE PRESIDi,:NT. Without ob· Charles L. Crawford jection, leave is granted. Charles c: Stamm Merlin H. Staring Harry F. Mccullah Edward W. Auster- Edward D. Schrader CALL OF THE ROLL muehle, Jr. William A. Spalding, The following-named officer !or permanent Thomas B. Harrison Jr. appointment to the grade of captain in the Mr. CONNALLY, I suggest the ab· Raymond L. Ettinger James D. Billo line of the Navy to correct the spelling of 1ence of a quorum. 3774 CONGRESSIONAL' RECORD-SENATE APRIL 4 The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk PRIVILEGE OF FLOOR FOR ASSISTANT tives, and a copy to each member of the will call the roll. SECRETARY OF STATE DURING CON­ Oklahoma' delegation in Congress. The legislative clerk called the roll, SIDERATION OF ECA BILL "Adopted by the senate the 3d day of and the following Senators answered March 1949. to Mr. CONNALLY. Mr. President, I ask "JAMES E. BERRY, their names: unanimous consent that Mr. Ernest A. "President of the Senate. Aiken Holland Mundt Gross, Assistant Secretary of State and "Adopted by the house of representatives Anderson Humphrey O'Conor the 8th day of March 1949. Baldwin Hunt O'Mahoney liaison officer of the State Department, Butler Ives Pepper may be permitted to be on the floor of the "WALTER BILLINGSLEY, Chapman Jenner Reed Senate during the consideration of the "Speaker of the House of Representatives." Conn,,ally Johnson, Tex. Robertson pending measure. Cordon Johnston, S. c. Saltonstall THE HARDWOOD LUMBER INDUSTRY Donnell Kem Smith, Maine The VICE PRESIDENT.
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