Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05065-5 - The Social Life of Hagiography in the Merovingian Kingdom Jamie Kreiner Index More information INDEX Abraham, 56 biblical references Acta Sylvestri , 126 Judges 17:6, 80 Adalgisel-Grimo, 195 Psalms 69:2, 118 ; 80:11, 116 Afra, Saint, see Passio Afrae Proverbs 3:27, 67 ; 21:1, 76 Agatha, Saint, 256 , 257 , 259 , 262 Matthew 5:15, 125 , 157 ; 5:44, 66 ; 19:21, Agnes, Saint, 256 , 257 , 259 , 262 93 ; 19:29, 192 ; 21:19, 107 ; 22:21, 68–9 ; Agrestius, 83–4 , 107 , 218 25:14–30, 157 ; 25:31–40, 181 , 217 , 221 Alaman duchy, 46 , 73 Luke 12:49, 192 ; 20:25, 68–9 Albinus of Angers, see Fortunatus, Venantius: John 14:2, 158–9 ; 18:14, 150 Vita Albini Acts 4:32, 212 Alcuin, 29 , 269 Romans 13:1–2, 67 Vita Vedasti , 238–43 , 259 , 261 , 262 1 Corinthians 3:10–15, 158 ; 7:27, 101 alms, see donations 2 Corinthians 6:7, 37 Amand, Bishop, 14 , 137 , 238 , 269 , see also Vita James 2:13, 85 Amandi antiqua ; Vita Amandi prima Revelation 11:3–4, 56 Ambrose of Milan, 161 Bilichild, Queen, 77 , 78 Ammianus Marcellinus, 97 bishops antithesis, 54–5 elections, 41 , 74 , 177 Antony, Saint, 93 in Late Antiquity, 160–2 aristocracy, see elites political participation, 164–5 , 176–8 , 182–3 , Arn of Salzburg, 46–7 , 265 184–5 , 253–4 , 265 Arnulf (Arnoul) of Metz, 14 , 15 , 68 , 84 , 265 , residences, 170 , 173–5 , 185 see also Vita Arnulfi responsibilities, 159 , 163–5 , 170–1 , 180 , 182–3 , asceticism, see renunciation 184–5 , 265 audience, hagiographical, 10–18 , 21 , 89–92 , 100–1 social status, 162 , 165–6 , 168–70 Audoin (Ouen) of Rouen, 14 , 53 , 56 , 82 , 137 , wealth, 163 , 170–1 159 , 265 , 269 , see also Vita Audoini weapons, 179–80 Vita Eligii , 4 , 15 wives, 167–8 Augustine of Hippo, 55 , 104 , 106 Blandinus Boso, 191 , 208 Aunarius of Auxerre, 90–1 Bobolenus Vita Germani , 14 , 15 , 67 , 136 , 217 Balthild, Queen, 72 , 157–8 , see also Vita Bonitus (Bonnet) of Clermont, 76–7 , 210 , Balthildis see also Vita Boniti baptism, see liturgy: baptism boredom, 91 barbarus , 126–8 Brunhild, Queen, 37 , 63 , 150 Baudonivia Burgundian kingdom, 62 Vita Radegundis , 84 , 117 , 119 , 218 , 221 Bavarian duchy, 46–7 , 73 , 265 Caesaria, abbess of Saint-Jean of Arles, 112 Bertram of Le Mans, 171 , 205 Caesarius of Arles, 181 Bible, rhetorical uses of, 36–7 , 56 , 124 , 151–2 Carloman, 184 324 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05065-5 - The Social Life of Hagiography in the Merovingian Kingdom Jamie Kreiner Index More information Index Carolingian continuity, 46–7 , 52 , 76 , 137 , 184 , Dagobert I, 40 , 44 , 67 , 69 , 70 , 72 , 78 , 85 , 137 , 232 , 243 , 253–4 , 265 , 266 , 270–1 , 273–4 147–8 , 150 , 176 , 190 , 208 , 225 , 228 Cassian, John, 117–19 , 122 , 167 , 176 , 214 Dagobert II, 135 causation, 21–31 , 141–2 , 149 Defensor Grammaticus, 112–13 Cecilia, Saint, 256 , 257 , 259 , 262 deixis, 95 , 102 celibacy, 167 , 208 dependency, 50–1 , 129 , 171 , 227–8 Charlemagne, 46 , 258 , 269 , 271–2 Desiderius (Didier) of Cahors, 66 , 85 , 108 , Charles Martel, 72 , 73 , 81 , 153 , 207 , 269 109 , 195 Childebert II, 149 , 224 Desiderius (Didier) of Vienne, 62 , 107 , 164 , Childeric II, 51 , 77–83 , 183 , 251 see also Passio Desiderii ; Sisebut: Vita vel Childeric III, 72 , 230 passio Desiderii Chilperic I, 40 , 45 , 59 , 143 , 144 devotio , 113–14 , 116 Chilperic II, 152–3 Dionysius (Denis), Saint, 35 , 262 Chimnechild, Queen, 75 , 78 direct speech, see scenic style Christianity, see also identifi cation, forms of: dogs, 174–5 Christianity donations as cultural process, 16–18 , 64 , 156 , 192–3 motivations for giving, 171–2 , 181–2 , 197–8 , as orthopraxy, 112–14 , 116–17 , 119–20 , 136 , 216–17 , 221–2 , 225–6 167 , 217 rescinded, modifi ed, or contested gifts, 50 , as professional separation, 68–9 , 167–8 , 206 , 227–8 208–9 , 210 Donatus of Besançon, 208 , 212 , 219 as scriptural tradition, 56 , 110–12 , double-scope representation, see narrative: 119–20 , 124 double-scope representation historiography of, 194–8 Chrodigild (Clotilde), Queen, 154–5 Ebroin, 77–83 , 154 , 244–5 , 249–51 Chrodobert of Tours, see Frodobert of Tours Echternach, 28–9 , 180 , 206–7 churches, see sanctuaries education, 41 , 46 , 107–8 , 111 , 164 , 242–3 civil war, 37–8 , 51 , 62 , 75 , 149–50 , 153 Eigenrede, 100 Clothar I, 59 , 84 , 101 Einhard, 72 , 230 Clothar II, 37–8 , 41 , 45 , 46 , 50 , 51 , 62 , 74 , 84 , Eleutherius, Saint, 35 , 262 153 , 166 Eligius (Eloi) of Noyon, 56 , 92 , 137 , Clovis I, 39 , 65 , 153 , 156 , 241 , 262 see also Audoin (Ouen) of Rouen: Vita Clovis II, 35 , 65 , 71 , 72 , 109 Eligii codicology, 236–7 , 254–73 elites cognition, see also memory ; narrative and the court, 38 , 74–6 , 79 , 209 , 252–3 and behaviour, 22–3 , 105 , 121 , 124–5 , 212 , competition between, 146–7 , 165–7 , 178–9 218–19 hagiographical characters, as, 14–15 , 64 and blending, 23–4 , 28 , 140–1 heterogeneity of, 16 , 147 , 159 , 162 , and body, 121–3 165–6 , 222–4 and concentration, 117–20 , 148–9 , 191 resources of, 16–17 , 108 , 146–7 , 161–2 , 179 , and empathy, 105 , 112–14 192–3 , 201–2 , 226–7 as a social process, 28 , 115–16 , 123–4 England, 29 , 121–2 , 275 theories of mind (modern), 23–4 , 95 , 115–16 , Eucherius of Lyon, 10 , 277 121 , 140–1 Passio Acaunensium martyrum , 68 , 98 , 280–1 Columba, Saint, 257 Eufemia, Saint, 256 , 257 , 262 Columbanus, 14 , 85 , 167 , see also Jonas of Eustasius, abbot of Luxeuil, 14 , 107 , 190 , 218 Bobbio: Vita Columbani Eutropius of Orange, see Verus of Orange: Vita consensus, 38 , 45–6 , 51 , 74–6 , 79 , 129–31 , 152 , Eutropii 226 , 252–3 , 266 exemplum , 16 , 35–6 Constantine, 48 , 65 , 126 Constantius of Lyon fabulae , 109 , 122 Vita Germani , 58 fama , see law: public knowledge counsel, 44 , 74 , 78 , 165 Felix of Limoges, 108 Crispin and Crispinian, Saints, 256 , 259 , 262 fi scal policy, 70–1 , 147 , 151 , 156 , 226 culture, modern concepts of, 20–31 , 138–9 Florentius ‘cultus religionis’, 114 , 116 , 159 , 217 , 241 , 242 Vita Rusticulae , 65 , 84–5 , 91 , 102 , 207 325 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05065-5 - The Social Life of Hagiography in the Merovingian Kingdom Jamie Kreiner Index More information Index Fortunatus, Venantius, 54–5 , 57 , 59–60 , 98–102 family, 201–2 , 207 , 208–9 Vita Albini , 59 kingdom, 200–1 , 226–7 , 272 Vita et virtutes Hilarii , 99 , 100 language, 106–12 , 230–1 Vita Germani , 59–60 marginality, 223–4 Vita Radegundis , 99 , 101–2 , 217 , 218 multiplicity, 24–6 Francia , 134 , 254 property, 202 , 205–7 , 208–9 , 212–13 , 222 Frankishness, 131 , 132–6 , 241–2 , 252–3 textuality, 107–8 , 115–16 , 124–5 , 265 Fredegar Chronicle , 52 , 65 , 127–8 , 133 , 143 , imitation, 91 , 92 , 104 , 112 , 115 , 124–5 , 157 144–5 , 147–51 , 153 , 154–5 , 225 , 241 Importunus of Paris, 178–9 Fredegund, Queen, 145 inferentialist rationality, 18–20 free indirect discourse, 102 inheritance, 50 , 182 , 197 , 207–8 , 209 Frodobert of Tours, 113 , 178–9 intertextuality, 15 , 56 Fuscian, Saint, 256 Iran, 275 Irmina of Oeren, 29 Galliae , 134 Isidore of Seville, 96 , 113 , 122 , 123 Gaugeric (Géry) of Cambrai, 159 , 166 , 202 , Italy, 29 , 53 , 171 , 185 see also Vita Gaugerici Geretrude, abbess of Nivelles, 159 , 199 John, abbot of Réome, see Jonas of Bobbio: Germanus (Germain), abbot of Granval, 14 , 67 , Vita Iohannis see also Bobolenus: Vita Germani Jonas of Bobbio, 14 , 35 , 99 , 114 , 160 , 224 Germanus (Germain) of Auxerre, 58 , 257 , 265 Vita Columbani , 14–15 , 53 , 66 , 83–4 , 85 , 107 , Germanus (Germain) of Paris, see Fortunatus, 207–8 , 218–19 , 224 Venantius: Vita Germani Vita Iohannis , 119–20 , 160 , 168 gesta municipalia , see law: gesta municipalia Vita Vedastis , 103 , 157 , 160 , 238 , 239 , 240–2 , gift, 204–5 , 207 , 227–8 258–9 , 262-3 greed, 145 , 148 , 150 , 187 , 212 Julian of Brioude, see Gregory of Tours: Liber de Gregory of Tours, 58–9 , 60 , 96–8 , 100–1 , 167 , passione et virtutibus Iuliani 168 , 177 Juliana, Saint, 257 Liber de passione et virtutibus Iuliani , 58 , 96–8 Justus, Saint, 256 Liber vitae patrum , 56 , 172 Liber historiarum X ( Historiae ), 65 , 96 , 133 , 143 , kagemusha , 120–1 , 125 144–5 , 153 , 155 , 178 , 241 Gregory the Great, 121 , 122 , 123 , 158 , land 164 , 275–6 disputes over, 49–50 , 97 , 171 Gundoin, duke of Alsace, 14 , 190 , 201 , 217 uses of, 153 , 192–3 , 197–8 , 205–6 , 224 Guntram I, 65 Landibert (Lambert) of Maastricht, 77 , 94 , 256 , 258 , 259 , see also Vita Landiberti vetustissima ; hagiography, general approaches to, 2–4 , 17 , Stephen of Liège 195–7 , 233–7 , 274–6 Latin, late Helena, Saint, 56 , 192 Carolingian ‘reform’, 13 , 233–4 , 246–7 Hermenar of Autun, 179 , 244 comprehension, 14 , 90 , 246 Hilary (Hilaire) of Arles, 58 , 176 lexicon, 233 Hilary of Poitiers, see Fortunatus, Venantius: morphology, 247 Vita et virtutes Hilarii orthography, 233–4 , 279–80 Honoratus of Marseille, 58 syntax, 54 , 91 , 233 , 247 Vita Hilarii , 176 , 177 law, see also consensus humility, see selfl essness ambiguity of, 67 , 69 , 70 humour, 3 , 69 , 100 charters, 47–9 , 205 hypo- and hypertext, 235 codes, 39–40 , 42 confi rmations, 51–2 , 182 Iberia, see Spain custom, 42 , 44–5 , 50–1 , 52 , 78 identifi cation, forms of ecclesiastical councils, 40–1 , 164 , anthology, 259 , 261–2 , 267–8 , 272 185 , 243 Christianity, 129 , 131 , 132–6 , 161 , 210 , 226 , enforcement, 43–4 , 78 , 149 , 243 , 272 241–2, 272 formularies, 42 , 50–1 ethnicity, 131 , 132–6 , 241–2 , 252–3 gesta municipalia , 48 , 52–3 326 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-05065-5 - The Social Life of Hagiography in the Merovingian Kingdom Jamie Kreiner Index More information Index interpretive application of, 48 , 54 , 56 , 86 , St.
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