CALENDAR LISTINGGUIDELINES •Tolist an eventinPasa Week,send an email or press release to pasa@sfnewmexican .com or [email protected]. •Send materialnolater than twoweeks prior to thedesired publication date. •For each event, provide the following information: time,day,date, venue/address,ticket prices,web address,phone number,and brief description of event(15 to 20 words). •All submissions arewelcome; however, events areincluded in Pasa Week as space allows.Thereisnocharge forlistings. •Return of photos and other materials cannot be guaranteed. • Pasatiempo reservesthe righttopublish received information and photographs on TheNew Mexican's website. •Toadd your eventtoTheNew Mexican online calendar,visit santafenewmexican.com ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR andclick on the Calendar tab. •For further information contactPamelaBeach: [email protected], November 2-8, 2018 202 E. MarcySt.,Santa Fe,NM87501, phone: 505-986-3019. CALENDAR COMPILED BY PAMELA BEACH &PATRICIA LENIHAN FRIDAY 11/2 Galleryand Museum Openings Andrea Fisher Fine Pottery 100 W. SanFranciscoSt.,505-986-1234 Dayofthe Dead,sgraffito potterybyHector Javier Martinez; reception and demonstrations 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Back PewGallery First Presbyterian Church of SantaFe, 108 GrantAve., 505-982-8544 Wings,group show of mixed-media works; reception 6:30-7:30 p.m.; through November. Eye on the Mountain ArtGallery 614 Agua Fría St., 928-308-0319 Dayofthe Dead group showand community pot-luck meal; 5-9 p.m.; through November. Georgia O'KeeffeMuseum 217 Johnson St., 505-946-1000 Echoes,photographic installation by Jo Whaley; throughFeb.24, 2019 (see story, Page 28); TheCandidCamera,photographsfromthe museum's collection; throughApril 22,2019; reception 5-7 p.m. Manitou Galleries 123 W. PalaceAve.,505-986-0440 AnnualSmall-Works Show,miniaturepaintings and sculpture; reception 5-7:30 p.m.; through December. Meyer Gallery 225 Canyon Rd., 505-983-1434 Enhanced Expressions,landscapes by Brad Price; reception 5-7 p.m.; through Nov. 15. Molecule Design Common Ground (314 S. Guadalupe St.)shows photographs by Carl Moore. 1226 Flagman Way, 505-989-9806 Group showofdigitally fabricatedworks Vivo Contemporary Tiho Dimitrov The Haze and 3-D printeddesigns by FabLab Hubcreators; 725 Canyon Rd., 505-982-1320 Paradiso SantaFe, 903 Early St., 505-930-5073 Tank Garage Galleries,Centerfor ContemporaryArts, reception 5-7 p.m.; through November. Untitled,interactivegroup show;reception Local blues/rock singer/songwriter,with Mo 1050 Old PecosTrail,505-982-1338 Patina Gallery 5-7 p.m.; through mid-January2019. Roberts on drums,Justin Bransfordonbass, Heather Marlowe's autobiographical solo 131 W. PalaceAve.,505-986-3432 Classical Music and BrantLeeper on keyboard; 7:30 p.m.; performanceabout rape cases; 6p.m.; $10. Season of the Surreal,mixed-media sculpture $15 at the door. Music BetweenUs by Betsy Youngquist; reception (food driveand art TGIF organrecital Center Stage,505 Camino de los Marquez, First Presbyterian Church, 208 GrantAve.,505-982-8544 Theater/Dance raffleheld in supportofchildren in need) 5-7 p.m.; 505-501-2606 Kimberly Marshall; musicofSweelinck,Correa Arsenic andOld Lace through Dec. 3. (See story, Page 26) Adramatic reading of TalRayman's play, de Arauxo, and Couperin; 5:30 p.m.; by donation. SantaFePrepTheater, 1101 Camino de Cruz Blanca, PopGallery 505-920-1561 directedbyKathi Collins; 7:30 p.m.; 125 Lincoln Ave.,505-820-0788 $10 suggested donation; Saturdaymatinee. In Concert Astudentproduction of Joseph Kesselring's POP Femme Sugar-Coated Strange;group show; Carmela Rappazzo 1939 darkcomedy;7p.m.; $10 at the door, Reclaiming Wholeness: Journeys reception 5-7 p.m.; through December. Museum Hill Café,710 Camino Lejo,505-984-8900 no charge forstudents; runs through Sunday. of Masculine &Feminine Reconciliation Sorrel Sky Gallery Jazz vocalist,with pianist John Rangel,bassist David Mamet double bill RailyardPerformanceCenter, 1611 Paseo de Peralta, 125 W. PalaceAve.,505-501-6555 505-982-8309 Jon Gagan, and percussionist John Trentacosta; Oasis TheatreCompany, 3205-ACalle Marie, 10th National PleinAir Painters of New Mexico 7p.m.; $25 in advance, 505-946-7934, 917-439-7708 Dance,comedy,spoken-word, and theatrical show; reception 5-7:30 p.m.; through Nov. 25. santafemusiccollective.org. performancepieces presentedbyTransformational TheSanctityofMarriage,a1979dialogue-sketch Theaterfor TurbulentTimes;7:30-9:30 p.m. tonight Vista Grande Public Library Freedy Johnston about amarriage on the rocks; TheShawl, and Saturday; $5-$20 at the door;proceeds benefit 14 Avenida Torreon, Eldorado,505-466-7323 TheKitchen Sink Recording Studio,528 JoséSt., a1988four-act,three-characterdrama involving SolaceRape Crisis Center andReel Fathers. From PlatetoPrint to Collage,mixed-media 505-699-4323 swindlers andaninheritance;7:30 p.m. Thursdays- work by Mary Gray McGee; reception 5-7 p.m.; Pop-rock singer-songwriter;8p.m.; $25 in advance, Saturdays;3p.m. Sundays through Nov. 18; $20, through Nov. 29. thekitchensinkstudio.com. theoasistheatre.com. (See story, Page 24) PASATIEMPOMAGAZINE.COM 47 LosMagueyes Mexican Restaurant Music BetweenUs ChatNoir Cabaret, with pianist/vocalist Center Stage,505 Camino de los Marquez, 505-501-2606 Charles Tichenor;6-9 p.m.; no cover. Adramatic reading of TalRayman's play, directed The Mine Shaft Tavern by Kathi Collins; 2p.m.; $10 suggested donation. Lani Nash Trio,Americana/rock;8p.m.; no cover. Reclaiming Wholeness,Journeys The PalaceRestaurant&Saloon of Masculine &Feminine Reconciliation DJ Elvis karaoke; 10 p.m.-1 a.m.; call forcover. RailyardPerformanceCenter, 1611 Paseo de Peralta, Second StreetBrewery 505-982-8309 TheAlpha Cats jazz ensemble; 6-9 p.m.; no cover. Dance,comedy,spoken-word, music,and theatrical performancepieces presentedbyTransformational Taberna La Boca Theaterfor TurbulentTimes;7:30-9:30 p.m.;$5-$20 Guitarist Jésus Bas; 7-10 p.m.; no cover. at the door; proceeds benefitSolace Rape Crisis TumblerootBrewery andDistillery Centerand Reel Fathers. Americana-rock singer Stephanie Hatfield; The Revolutionists 8-11 p.m.; call forcover. Adobe Rose Theatre, 1213-B ParkwayDr.,505-629-8688 Vanessie Lauren Gunderson's comedic playset during At thePiano Bar:Doug Montgomery, 6p.m.; the French Revolution; 7:30 p.m.; $25, discounts BobFinnie,8p.m.; no cover. available; brownpapertickets.com; closes Sunday. The Women of Lockerbie SATURDAY 11/3 NewMexicoSchool forthe Arts,275 E. Alameda St., 505-310-4194 Galleryand Museum Openings Studentproduction of Deborah Brevoort's Santa Fe Public LibrarySouthside Branch drama about the aftermathofthe 1988 6599 Jaguar Dr., 505-955-2810 downing of PanAmFlight103; 2p.m.; Confinement in the Land of Enchantment,stories $10 at the door,students $5. of WWII Japanese American internmentcamps in New MexicobyNew MexicoJapanese American Books/Talks Freedy Johnston performsatThe Kitchen Sink Recording Studio on Friday. Citizens League members; speakers' forum AmyA.Wallen 1:30 p.m.; reception 3:30 p.m. Op.Cit.Books,DeVargas Center, 157 Paseo de Peralta, The Revolutionists 505-428-0321 Events Classical Music Adobe Rose Theatre, 1213-B ParkwayDr., CoeCenter for the Arts open house Theauthor reads from When We Were Ghouls: 505-629-8688 1590-B PachecoSt.,505-983-6372 AScottish Adventure AMemoir of Ghost Stories;2p.m. TheLensic LaurenGunderson'scomedic play aboutrebellious Free behind-the-scenes view of global indigenous Cynthia Grady SantaFePro Musica, with violinist Ariel Horowitz; women in theFrench Revolution; 7:30 p.m.;$25, artcollections,1-4 p.m. on the first Friday SantaFePublic LibraryOliverLaFarge Branch, 1730 Llano St., music of Mendelssohn, 4p.m.; $12-$80, 505-988-1234, discountsavailable;brownpapertickets.com; of the month, coeartscenter.org. 505-955-4860 final weekend. ticketssantafe.org; Sundayencore. El Díadelos Muertos(Dayofthe Dead) Theauthor discusses WritetoMe: Letters From The Women of Lockerbie CommunityCelebration In Concert Japanese American Children to the Librarian They NewMexicoSchool forthe Arts,275 E. Alameda St., Teatro Paraguas,3205 Calle Marie, 505-424-1601 Diet Cig Left Behind;11:30 a.m.; in conjunction with the 505-310-4194 An annual eventwith livemusic,apuppet play, Meow Wolf,1352 Rufina Circle,505-395-6369 exhibit Confinement in the Land of Enchantment. Studentproduction of Deborah Brevoort's staged storytellers presenting cuentos,and ashort New York-based punk duo Alex Luciano Spies,Lies &Nukes drama about the aftermathofthe 1988 comedic playwritten in 1914 by Joaquinand and Noah Bowman; RedLightCameras open; La Fonda, 100E.San Francisco St., 505-982-5511 downing of PanAmFlight103; 7p.m.; $10 SerafinAlvarez Quintero titled ASunny Morning; 8p.m.; $13 and $15, meowwolf.com. Aconferencewith former CIAofficerValerie Plame at thedoor, students $5; Saturdayencore. 7p.m.; $5-$10 suggested donation, call for Santa Fe Men's Camerata and several of her colleagues; topics include Books/Talks reservations; continues through Sunday. 20th Anniversary Celebration countering weapons of mass destruction, how August Wilson's "King Hedley II": First Friday artactivityatO'KeeffeMuseum United Church of SantaFe, 1804 Arroyo Chamiso foreignspies arerecruited by the agency, and An American Oedipus? 217 Johnson St., 505-946-1000 LedbyC.Allen Green; 3p.m.; $20,students $5, covertaction and theWhite House;registration GreatHall,Peterson StudentCenter, St.John'sCollege, An all-ages eventled by photographer Jo Whaley; call 505-412-7289 formoreinformation; and exhibits open at 8a.m.todayand Sunday; 1160 Camino de Cruz
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