![Statistics of Public High Schools 1927-1928](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
- - - - - 411IMp . UNITEDSTATESDEPARTMENTOFTHEINTERIOR ii RAY LYMANWILBER.Secretary . OFFICEOF EDUCATION WILLIAMJOHNaPPER.Commissioner - 1 o BULLETIN,1929,No. 35 STATISTICSOF PUBLICHIGHSCHOOLS 1927-1928 PREPAREDIN THEDIVISIONOF STATISTICS BY ANDUNDERTHE SUPERVISIONOF FRANKM. PHILLIPS CHIEF I [Advancesheetsfrom theBiennialSurveyof Education in the UnitedStates, 1926-1928j Alb I w e :el 1 r . I . -.ILie I :t r,1l % 11. 'Q'S go 0,Amoll,fie :11kfl.,1 I \ > %. ' D. ft _ UNITEDSTATES Ntb o GOVERNMENTPRINTINGOFFICE 4, WASHINGTON:1929 _ , of ...11 Dacumenta ,Vailington.D. C. StiPsrimsndent Ptios20cods :.. STATISTICS OF PUBLICHIGHSCHOO! 1927-28 INTRODUCTION CONTENTS.IntroductionEnrollment bysubjectLanguagesMathematicsScienceAgriculture-- Home economic9Art and drawingIsianualtrainidgOccupationsand vocationalguidance Vocational related subjectsHistoryand socialsciencesCommercialsubjectsTeacher training Physical training and militarydrillSummaryof subject enrollmentsSizeof high schoolSizeof communityOraduattoPublic high-schoolproperty Thisreport includes data from18,11t public highschools which furnished informationto the Bureau of Educationconcerningtheir activities for theschool yeattending in June,1928. The tabulations include the nu.nberof schoolsof varioustypes, the number of admin- istrators, thenumber ofteachers, thenumbercifpupils enrolled,the subjects taughtand the enrollmentin each, thenumber ofgraduates and whetherornot they wentto collegeor to someother institution after graduation,anda statementofproperty valuations. Although thefirst public highschoolwasorganized in1821, this type of school didnot enroll to exceed10per centof the childrenof high-schoolageuntil about1905or1906.Within thenext 10years another10per cent were enrolled, and the30per centmarkwas reachedabout1921.No generalcensushas beentaken inthis country since 1920, butacareful estimateindicates that40per cent of thechildren ofages15, 16, 17, and18 yere enrolled inpublic high schoolsabout.1923, and50per centi1928.The rapidgrowth whichwasexperiencedhetween1915 and 1925seems tobe followed byaperiodofgrowth that isdecidedly slower,somuchso,that it is difficultto forecast howsoon anadditional10per centof the children of high-schoolagewill be etifolledin public highschools. The rapidadditionof largegroupsof pupils ofatype which the traditionalhigh schooldidnot provide for, broughtsecondary school interests faceto face withnewdifficulties.To aid inmeeting the situation,the high-schoolcurriculum has beenchangedfromone Almostclassicaliin ctiaract;ir,to several-cuiriculawhich contain Nuchof vocationaland industrialiwörk.Table59 givesareview of subjectenrollmentswhich reveal/changesand Addition'sto the sub- ject matter offeredby these schoolssince189(1Further relief%vas soughtin thereorganizationof the regularhigh schoolinto junior adsenior,levelqwhich includesomeof the elementarygrades. A figdiscussionof these pointsis At within thescopeof this publica-- tia,buteach willbe given attention. th. 44. 1 2 BIENNIAL SURVEYOF EDUCATION,1926-1928 The junior highschool movement.startedabout the beginningof the present century.In 1922 thebureau had reports from387 separately organizedjunior high schools.The numher increasedto 704 in 1924, to 1,109in 1926, and to 1,403in 1928.The numberof junior high schoolteachers increasedfrom 8,105in 1922to 31,939 in PER CENT OF CH1LDREN OF AGES 15,16, 17 AND 18 ENROLLEDIN PUBLICHIGH SCHOOLS,1900 DATE. 60 r. 50 . IBM 40 , p- Z 30 1 cc 4 hi Q. 20 ..mo I. 10 o _ 1900 1910 1920 '26'28 1930 )0 Cal FIG. 1928. During this timethe enrollmentincreased from206,158 to 839,388.Figure 2 shows theseincreases. The junior-seniororganization hasincreased from1,088high schools in M2 to 1,316in 1924, andthen to 1,949in 1926. In 1028 reports werereceived from 2,429such schools, ofwhichnumber765 areof the 3-3 type,568 ofthe 2-4 type; 16of the 2-3 type,904 oftiki undivided 6-year type,and 176 ofthe undivided 5-yeartype. Thesejunior-senior highschools employed31,117teachersin 1928, and enrolled 741,941pupils. In 1928 reports werereceived from 494senior highschools.Thee hundred andsixty-one of these are3-yearschools followingjUnia 10 Oi - JAM PUBLIC HIGHSCHOOLS 3 high schools whichincludethe firstregular high-schoolyear,and 133are..4-year schoolsfollowing j uniorhigh schoolsthat donot include the first regularhigh-schoolyear.The enrollmentin senior GROWft-1OF JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOLS. 1922'24'26'28. 1,500 NUMBER I. 1,1 00 4 OF SCHOOLS 700 1.6 110 300 32,0 0 0 111 NUMBER 24,000 OF TEACHERS 16,000 C. 8 0000- M.. MEE EMOI.EI _a--.01. ea. ,000,000-; =Ai 800,000 NUMBER OF 600,000 - PURILS rl 400,000-- 200,000a 114. MM. ow 1922 1924 1926 1926 rJ == II - FIG, 2 highschoolsfor 1928 was 379,518 pupils, and16,060 teacherswere II employed. These4,326 reorganizedschools enrolled1,960,850 pupils,or46.5 Per cent ofthe total 61- public high-schoolenrollment for theyear.Of r.,`; .. , .... "f .1-.. , .-. "1;11 ....... 11111?;'' . .b, ...i....4.-il __ - 4:- ... ,..... _2- , -.------...- ._-_,,1-__ E. .....-_IL _......____- --...._.,.... _-,v,.....L - -.-- ; . -..,..." ---- ,_,... t . - ,.- .._ _,_.. ,-,_ ., . _,. .:,..-.. 4 BIENNIAL SURVEY*OF'EDUCATION;1926-1928 this number, 862,840 areenrolled belowthe Erstregular high-school year,588,947in junior highschools, and 273,893in junior-senior high schools. Thejunior schoolshave, therefore, 70.16 percent of their enrollment belowthe traditionalhigh-schoolyears,and the junior- schools have 36.92 per centbelow the firstregular high-school yea:- The juniorhigh schoolsand thejunior-seniorhigh schools senior.weconsider the last have 1,238,263pupils in juniordepartmenti, if threeyearsof the undividedfive and sixyearschoolsasseniorye'ars. Reportswere,received from 13,790regular highschools of which number 11,555offered fourfullyearsof work.Of the totalViumbers4 of regularhigh schools, 11,479follow 8yearsof elementary school work, 2,272follow 7years,and.39 follow 9 yearsof elementaryschool work.These schoolsenrolled 2,256,463pupils andemployed 62020 teachersin 1928. The totalenrollment inall publichigh schoolsreporting for 1928 is 4,217,313,20.5percentof whichenrollment isin'grades below the last fouryearsof thesecondary school.Theenrollment in tberegu-- larUgh-schoolyearsis 3,345,473.The correspondingenrollment for 1922is 3,065,009.State departmentsofeducation reportatotal publicsecondary schoolenrollment in thefour regularhigh-school Tiarafor 1928of 3,911,279. The foregoing statementsreview thepublichigh-school situation atthe presenttime, andgiveabrief outline ofthe expansionof reorganization movements asfarasnumber ofschools andenroll- mentsareconcerned.The followingtable givesasumithary of enrollments bysexand gradein 43different types ofpublic high schools. 0 /x .16 Summary of enrollmentsin18,118 public high schools by sex, grade, and type of school, 19137-28 Num-Seventh gradeEighth grade First high- Second high- I Th:rd high- Fourth high-Postgraduate Total Type report-berheob of I , schoolyear schoolyear schoolyear schoolyear 1 ing I BoysGirlsBoysGirls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys GirlsBoysgirls Boys I Girls a J 1 a e 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 1 14 13 16 -17 18 3-year junim,Junior,colored,white, 12 12 grades grades___ 4, 070943'119,5, 888800117,3, coui331115,4, 869803104,2, 38898810R,3, 857037 348,9, 7995343,14, 614me 3-Iretr2-year junior,unier,white, 1112 grades_grades__OD, mi. 9927i124,IM34 12,4, 019 31011,4, 18374311,4, 81967611,4, 971743 4,260 4,559 23,13, 389606 23,13, 486713 2-year junior,colored,white, 11 12 grades grades 2114,11 388 461 3,2 0296413301 3,Z 521115388 3, 13118901 2,3, 98492'4' - 115. 5, 77718A 6, 849013 2-year junior,white, 12 grades 2, h. 5, 919 8, 097 2-year junior,oo1ored,,12 grades 54 48 55 . t 1 105 _ _ 11*, - 4-7ear4-year junior,,junior,white,Moved, 1112 12 grades grades_ _ _ _ _ 133179 Z 9932931 3, 065271 29 659124993 3, 023628253 2,54858185 2780548148 1, 25110660 1, 46412577 _ 9,1, 441604 10,1, 797341513 % Total juniorgitighn.hools 1, 4031149;188145,673 146, 7 147,3641201 893126, 465 1, 417 1, 666 418, 421, 168 /4164 * Junior-senior,Junisrlenior, 3-3,3-3, white,whitb,colored, 1211 1 grades_grades__grades__ ..... 724291 27,1, 56163813127,1, 564598593 204,438592757726,1, 529487 28, 849383571 :t0,1, 213646298 23, 811377596 26,1, 751443116 17, 11415418 20, 477444814 14, 31935311247, 621627370a. ab ao191 - a do a 794a a 4a 135* t1197 838 1.!,3, 03048012:11 Juvior-senior,Junior-senior,Junkittsenfor, 2-4,2-4, colored,white,white, 1112 12 grades_grades grades_______ _ __ 52815913,00438351312,3857.44828 11, 41540350712, 7114 13, 403404934 15,479871215 10, 308513260 1l,jÏSIs1 8, 075251201 9, 352620277 8, 697162150 8, 343216289 1441171 32131 63,78W21. 1 V 70,3,2057 406350 Junior-senior, 3-4,3-4, colored, ',bite, 13 11 grades grades__ 124 467188 2057 211559 861197 499166 9032001. 41112 721104 24576 49475 23178 437108 01 liE 2, 41848 4, 890178 Junior-senior,Undivided'Undivided 6-year,&year, 2-3, Wilts,colored,white, 11 1211 12 grades_ gradesgrad grades__ _ _. 85636181 22,1, 87365017_ -21,8111, 6613 A: 20,59179878820,1, 381624758 23;472739230843 23,1, 2765786S5116 1 794136s4444 19, 82552132613, 681360298401 14, 4499685241483 10, 784260217223 12, 358418320649 37463 41513SI 108,2,3, 71551403483 112,3,5,Z 723705056800 'UndividedUndivided 5-year,5-year,5-year, colored,white,colored,white, 1211 1211 grades grades_grades _ _ __ 1185181_____e_ _ _ _ _e _____-- e 3, 58979718164 4, 3098340894 4, 68057717692 ft,325723519171 3, 21150144 t419858'420159 2, 41171916132 3, 535402r555 2,132J308106321 2, 4179430043 350 86I 16,2, 746845,264533
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