![[ SET-C ] Roll No](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
[ SET-C ] Roll No. Total No. of Printed Pages-36 715 R/715 E/Distance Edu. ( Regular/Ex-Regular ) HIS ( Arts ) Section—A ( As per 2014 Syllabus ) Section—B ( As per 2011-2013 Syllabi ) ( Students are required to give their answers from any one Section according to their Syllabus ) 2014 (A) ARTS HISTORY Full Marks : 100 Time : 3 hours The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks Q&I 0146.9 VI MI gl 9 ClOWG° 6'ig0 all the Groups as directed Answer the questions of &&1.e0169 Wig '-'glOG) gt90-Qa Q99 C'El 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Turn Over ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) SECTION—A (b) Which one is not an archaeological ( As per 2014 Syllabus ) source of history? 6Q466115 Q521216) 1c w91q9 QQ V62'? GROUP-A (i) Monument Q—§Q161 914gC1 1. From the given four alternatives in each (ii) Coin question, choose and write serially the 95;1 correct answer along with its serial number. All questions are compulsory : (iii) Purana 1X15=15 9910 g694Q giisc) 'e.iisaicael.91, 91616611; §Qii cieri2 2IN Qii)Q Q16 6'1'61 SIN? CM 2166? g4:1q211661 (iv) Inscription 661611 clog gii 6'le.146'19,99 : ?1916Qq1 (a) Which is the earliest of the Vedas? (c) Who did write history first? 66'Q411GIG° M1%6169466115 g1919441? 6Q&1169 gam Q52121616191 QGekscy?- (i) Sama Veda (i) The Romans 010 GQQ GQ1c1R0169 (ii) Atharva Veda (ii) The Greeks aa4 GQQ glgclIGG' (iii) Yajur Veda (iii) The Germans Cli.8 GQQ 99NI91169 (iv) Rig Veda (iv) The Indians QC? €QQ Q1619161c1I69 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Turn Over ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) (d) Where did Gautama Buddha attain Mahaparinirvana? (f) What was Rantaka Sodhana' ? G6-119C1 6940166) 91210614?6'161 `QIC? 6Q169' 9'61 qQi? (i) Military Administration (i) Kapilavastu (211c16)9 01'219 (ii) Council of Ministers (ii) Kusinagara 91q1 01-E1Q 211Q616) (iii) Court of Justice (iii) Uruvilva \916)16,0* (iv) Sarnath (iv) Land Revenue q1109121 T-6)199 (g) What are the devotional songs of (e) Who did write Brihat Samhita? Kabir called? pvq Gf°i39/ §1 62991 QksQ ? QQ161q 61996P2 Q'61 ? (i) Aryabhatta (i) Guruvani alZILIQ9 6129101. (ii) Varahamihira (ii) Bijaka Q6)12ffiG) 9196? (iii) Brahmagupta (iii) Doha S/953 6Q121 (iv) Vishnusharma (iv) Pir NOcil 016) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Turn Over ) ( 6 ) I 7 1 (h) Who is considered as the real founder (j) When did the Jallianwala Bagh of the Delhi Sultanate? Massacre occur? 9121i QCa1661 c219914? 6)196) g?,9 Ogg 9liziqclio QIGI 294191G 6969 igiejpt ? Q169 1161 9Q1C1N ? (i) 6th April, 1919 (i) Ala-ud-din Khilji ecieci 4N alQIQQ §W1 (ii) 13th April, 1919 (ii) Balban e ci e ci As) e91 99c'' (iii) 23rd November, 1919 (iii) Qutb-ud-din Aibak i99,Q , alQQR e ci e-ci 9Gc192.61 9q1 (iv) Iltutmish (iv) 20th June, 1920 G1920(21 e 0 9 o 9 90 (i) When did Krishnadevaraya ascend the (k) Who did introduce postal system in throne of Vijayanagar? India? 6969 9q€99Q1rA - 9C19616) 47°21419 ''''l c116)966) 919 94Qill g999 912)..6Q? al69Q61 92J_6C1? (i) Lord Cornwallis (i) 1505 AD Q4 94cli" -(4 e So$ q18E.18 (ii) 1509 AD (ii) Sir Thomas Munro E So C q18E18 Cll Galas 4B6611 (iii) 1510 AD (iii) Warren Hastings e 8 Q o 6J18E18 (1 166142' G246rct (iv) 1514 AD (iv) Lord Dalhousie ES e2S j18E18 Q4 69S214s1211 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Turn Over ) ( 8 ( 9 (n) When was Bihar-Odisha province (1) When did Mangal Pandey ignite the Revolt of 1857? created? g€Q0 6159 62IGI2jQ1? 69GQ O 19 4)I6C1 89 69,1261 EIQ 69GQ 2161-(301 47°60191 9621661? (i) 1903 AD (i) 29th March, 1857 0 131 g1838 '1- 89 014 9CI (ii) 1912 AD (ii) 10th May, 1857 gun FS9 GO' eo (iii) 1936 AD 18?.18 (iii) 11th May, 1857 ('fl 'Q. 1- 139 (iv) 1917 AD 6518218 (iv) 21st September, 1857 S 9 661672.61 9'Q (o) Whom did Kharavela defeat in Magadha and brought back the image (m) Which Garhjat did merge in India of Kalinga Jina from Magadha? first? 611616Q9 cl6leiGG 91212 4:16)I g. Q° 694 619919 gaso 916)9G61 Nieko? 9GIGT 919 9:4 G4'61141 EllaeJ_GQ? (i) Ranapur (i) Satakarni c)ocic) (211994 (ii) Nilagiri (ii) Vidyadhara 919161 (iii) Mayurbhanj (iii) Demetrios 41$16)Cla §Goqi,ER- (iv) Talcher (iv) Brihaspatimitra 9196961 ?2.0C19, ( Turn Over ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( 10 ) ( 11 2. Complete each sentence filling in the blank : 1 xl5=15 (f) The number of members in the military council of Chandragupta Vigl9 4196191- g€949 QI94 QPItd 9Q : Maurya was —. 9g61g, 606.1q° ClIc199 sZl9c:161661 Q9C14Q' (a) The treasurer in the administration of 41N141 ej_QI — I later Vedic Age was called —. 06)941 G6'x'9 szpc) 01(4966) 69101eNeli (g) At the time of Srichaitanya's visit to 221211Q26111 Puri, — was ruling over Odisha. gi0999Q fjpi nom Q4'10t661 (b) Hiuen-Tsang visited India during the (390166) 011Q19 9v 6Q 1 reign of . ---Q° 6119 Cl41fa661 m cal° 611619 8410661 (h) The head of a Pargana during the a itiejsc) 1 period of Delhi Sultanate was called 1cil1661 4j61919 6119q Q910166) 19 06)61016) (c) wrote the book, What is History. 9914F — 22101Q26111 VIG,' Q 0 CNN 61991 946c) (i) Kondavidu was occupied by (d) — was the first Tirthankara of Vijayanagar in the year . Jainism. — 91Ca2166) 6'90,96161 9,16)1 691C111-2 - 6g9e1c161 gao 91e.Q6) eisQ I 3e.e9 621c;12)_911 (e) had assumed the title of (7) Laxman Nayak led the Quit India `Kaviraja'. Movement at . - W6119' gaq 616161 96e6Q 1 —01661 AP 91009 c11699 IV 31601996) Gwii 69Q46G11 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Turn Over ) ( 13 ) ( 12 ) GROUP—B (k) The Permanent Settlement was qi--4gici introduced in the year . cg94)'9 — 91Q2166) §gillfa1 Q60IQ% Answer any eleven questions. Write each 3. 2x 11=22 621Q26)11 answer within 2 sentences : Gra€0161ti 161161 1 gip Q96) lz, I g6949 wc) (1) The revolutionaries of Meerut requested — to take up the 96' QI94 cleNGQ 6C161 : leadership of the Revolt of 1857. Chakra (a) What is Dharma 1616%) )c61191169 q e C 89 §621261 Pravartana' ? GGvq 6991 tad EI.V. 66)16 961e16Q 1 `eici g gc,d9' 9'61? (b) What were Sabha and Samiti (m) — attended the First Round Table respectively during early Vedic Age Conference as a representative from and how was each of them Odisha. constituted? QQI (3 0141§ 21211?Gc1 9'0 — (3012- gNekgisQ gao G6IIQ en 0.. 9 szpscl e1p1 Q° 6Q911G)G' 41e14 g€949 -' §C,I) 6169 G6'2Q 009661 6e1161 69Q26C11 GgIcle)_QI ? Whose court did Megasthenes visit (n) — built the Jagannath Temple at (c) Puri. and whose ambassador was he? 912161 QQQ161? nikGQ 16'° 6(21 — cpiois;) 96iR1a ci&) Me Qksgi souiNs 912161 Q14:429 266Q? and (o) Kharavela belonged to dynasty. (d) Who were called Prativedakas what was their main duty? 611616Q9 — 6119Q°06) Zig& eksQ I .4Q. 6944119i O6Q9Q 22101Q261I €0019gQ 9. 14 Q4Q4 9'° e1Q1 ? ( Turn Over ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) ( 14 ) ( 15 ) (e) What was Zakat during the period of When was the Hatigumpha Inscription Delhi Sultanate? discovered and in which language is it N169 q9919 919q IZIOSa69 9199 9'e inscribed? 2491? vgiqm ?iQICQS16969 E11,9 621949149° 421 694 910169 66119 62141; ? (f) What are the two main contributions (k) Why did Gandhiji suspend the Non- of Aryabhatta to science? Cooperation Movement suddenly? "il?192 alk7499Q 9. 9 1 cjpil a9Q19 9'0 ? 9C§ 611&91 E1C126019 E116Q1992 9019 'i1619 6t16969? (g) When did Prataparudradeva sign a When was the railways introduced in treaty with Krishnadevaraya and what (1) was decided by it? India and which two places of India were connected by railways first? 696Q gg1e1926QQ $I169991QQ° Q1 -9 49 2g qua9 961216Q 49° 421 R191 9'0 §q§ 6969 919969 swoei cgQiQ G211 49° 6219491? 91999 €94 259 1 g19 gaso swzia va Cil°q9 6219491? (h) How did language and literature (m) When was the Utkal Sammilani improve due to Sufi and Bhakti formed and who did preside over its Movements? first conference? cfr (3 9§ 41169199 Ge114 9101 (3 Q1§949 929 CA991 696Q 969 6219491 49° 6'4 6n'c19s 990 6919491? 42IQ gm QICR99169 c219147§q Q6121661 ? (n) Which king of Mayurbhanj did refuse N What was the fate of Tantya Tope in to sign the merger agreement and the Revolt of 1857? why? e r89 69,1269 91§01 691609° 910 1169 cl sal.99919 694 9191 41g61 ;)1§Q1c1166) 9109 9'61 Cl6'2191? CgiQl 014 MI 96 6992169 49° 90 ? 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Turn Over ) ( 16 ) ( 17 ) 4. Write short notes on any six of the (f) Administration of Krishnadevaraya following topics within 6 sentences each : 3x6=18 6?(EIGQQGICa9 OIC:19 §4) . 19 gQ1GrclI6IQ' clen 600161(-21 W6611 -1 (ZIORG6) QI°Og "c1611 6Q61, g69Q N611 QIQ4 (9) Condition of Garhjat States before 9164661 61'*9 : merger ,z152 619919 Q194911 9Q tic i (a) Four Noble Truths 928 ad(' q9416' (h) Iram Firing cawl 6fc'9I2 (b) Chaturashrama (c) Position of women in early Vedic society COw16? 9411 '661 91919119Q° (d) Role of Ulemas in the period of Delhi Sultanate 6'5 ,1661 419R c119q Q191SaG61 QGQ9119119q V-19I (e) Proclamation of Queen Victoria 6u1 ac:19, 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Continued ) 14H-43,750x4/2-C ( Turn Over ) ( 18 ) ( 19 ) GROUP—C 9.
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