THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Friday, the December 13, 2013 (99th Session) Volume XI, No. 08 (Nos. 01-13) CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran………………….. 1 2. Questions and Answers…………………………... 2-25 3. Leave of Absence………………………………… 26 4. Point of order on Meeting of Council of Common Interests and Statement of Finance Minister on Different Subjects………………………………… 27-42 5. Calling Attention Notice on Islamabad Police Involvement in Criminal Cases…………………… 43-44 6. Point of order - Closure of Afghan Transit Trade Spoils Business of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Exporters………………………………………….. 45-47 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Volume-XI SP.XI(08)/2013 No.08 15 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Friday, the December 13, 2013 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad, at fourteen minutes past eleven in the morning with Mr. Chairman (Syed Nayyer Hussain Bokhari) in the Chair. ---------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran „ fl‚ Í „ fl‚ fl ‚Í ‡ „ ‡ fl o3· · ∑ï…â∞3· ∑¥·· ¼¾“ `c;øú3· „ fl‚ Í Ó fl‚ ‚Í „ s· · ∑µs· ¼¾“· ≥Ö· · Ë fl fl Ó ‡ fl fl Ó Ó ‡ fl fl flfl fl Ó ‡ fl fl fl Ó fl‚ Ó fl‚ ‡ ‚Í fl Ó fl fl 78 ØÑ;<· ŒÀ§ = ´Öµ»· `¥ M $ `%& ´Ö()· ŒÀ§ ≈µs<fi ∑¥· >`π±∞· · ¼¾“3 2h•»· `¥ ‡ fl Ó Ó ‡ Ó fl fl ‚‡Í fl flÓ Ó ‡ Ó ‡ fl‚ fl ‚ þ ‡ Ó fl ‡ Ó fl Ó fl ‡ fl Ó fl ý A ≥≠…±O ¼¾“3· fµù∏· 3M~S;3 >`π∞3 `Ω»`» ˙¦ Ð ≠KL3· Å»GH∞3· øº M A LzùcÁ · ∑¥· Í fl ‚ fl fl fl ‡ ‚ fl Í Ò flÓ flÓ fl flfl ‚fl ‚ Ó ‡ ‡ ‡ Ó fl ‚Í ‡ Ó fl fl Ó Ó fl bc`§ de øº Œ 3· 783· Œ A A<Œ 3· M -TµÖ∞3· ∑¥··· ≥≠®=~» ¼¾“3 \]† ß∞fi · `w ∑¥ غ ‡ ‡ fl ‡ ‚Í fl fl fl fl Ó › ‡ ‡ ÓÓ‚‚‡ fl fl fl Ó fl ‡‚ Ó fl fl Ó fl Ó‡ ro~gÓ ¼¾“3· bq3· M A ´±· d®Ó ∑¥‚· ØÑ< fc|S fl·· z©§ Høc|≠ ‡ » K3· M ˚¦ Ð Kgh§Xg fl flÓ ‡‚‡ flÓ ‡ fl‚ fl ‡ fl fl fl ›‚ fl ‚‡Í fl Ó fl fl‚ fl‚ fl fl ‡ Ó Œ M t `…∏z∞3fl Oø…KL3͇ ≥≠∏;vg‡ ‚ ŒÀ§ ßs ¼¾“3· zúM K3· >`π∞3 `Ω»`»‚ þ ¸¦ Ð<ø¥Œ 3‡ Ó ‡ ‡ Ó ‡ fl Ó ‚Í Ó ‡ fl‚ fl‚ ‡ fl ˝¦ ˝¦ Ð<M;v∞3 ¼¾“`c· · ≥≠∏;v» V J 7 J 7 6 J 7 :=H :TB:UW = H := F :PN:Q= RS ( L<BM<N:A O):;D <:=:>?5EGI :> H :@=A F KF B:CB : 2456 3 8 V JJJ 7 JJJ :X[\]^ :YBM:>GI =RHHS :=:TB:U=:Z W _5F :> H :TB:=:PN3:Z FH `58 := 5 E :<MB:X [ \ ] ^ :YBM:> F 3:Z H ` 58 7 J \j 7 J ^ 7 mn J :NA:=[ffKH :@B:X[i :aAAE B:3:b:=k8 5 EhI :>H :CB:= =:c>d l :YBM:;D :eA:LM:<MB:c5 I g >d l J 7 J V \sJ \ s J ^ I J W :X[ :X [ <:<MB:@A4t rB:=H :b:= 5 E :>dl ( q<B<:<MB ):oAn :<MB:U =H :B= p :>H :CB:A[ ` H :cM3 H 7 7 J V ^ ^ J :PB ):<MB:c=:>ilF vRk^ :> y ] w:@A^ ]S :b:x:XkF [\] :N= 5 Gz{ :U=:B=W H p:>H :TB:˚PN:q<< V V J 77 V 7 J ††6~[Gk8 ‡^ ^ ^\ 6 ^ ~[Gk8 :>GFh :> €`R5 :|5 }4 :•5 :> „… ] ‚:> :b:=:XF[ f € ` R 5 :=:b:ƒ=:2:3B H I [ f h ( •|5 }4 1 V V † :AŠOt :LZM:A:CB:==:c>g h Ih :X[\f A:>5 nf F A=:ˆv:U I ‹ H :•:CB:‰AŒi O ( ;5 …):<MB:cX [\ji k 7 • JJ† J J J ^ 7 :e5 [8 v ‘ ( @J AŽ[\•):2:<MB:PN:QBN:2:Xf f [\s :>H =• N:Uh Z<:Uf H :A`8 N:= H :b:=:c>d F l [ 7 ’^ J :cPN:ev5 [8 ‘ :X[\] :YBM:>?G8 N 7 7 :Rx4 O.: ( ( 5:Af :2:a A[frB ) Questions and Answers ”E 6 • 5F V J cb[ 3B:XIJ – D 3B:CB:b I :XJ [\s |}`[ kE :aA5 `5E We may now take up questions. Question No.63. Mr. Abdul Rauf. 63. *Senator Abdul Rauf: Will the Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination be pleased to state: (a) the number of Pakistani students presently studying abroad in MBBS; and (b) whether it is a fact that foreign MBBS degree holder Pakistanis were required to undergo only one examination paper for issuance of equivalence certificate up to 2011 but thereafter the examination for that purpose is conducted in three stages and twice a year, if so, the reasons for this change? Mrs. Saira Afzal Tarar (Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination): (a) Till to date PMDC has record of 954 Pakistani students who are studying abroad in MBBS/BDS. (b) Yes, it is fact that Pakistani nationals of foreign MBBS degree were required to undergo only one examination paper till 2011 comprising of two steps (preclinical and clinical) However, 2 after 2011 steps have been taking to improve the existing system of examination over a period of time. Now, as per Regulations. National Examination Board (NEB) is conducted twice a year in three steps. (Theory, Clinical, and Viva). It is further stated that to facilitate the students. PMDC is considering to conduct this examination thrice a year. This step is necessary for standardized / improvement in medical/ dental education system and is practiced around the world. Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary? J V J † :P<AŒ :2:>dl…I :> :> B=:>E H : PMDC :QB=p :2 ! 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