12.8.98 EN Official Journal of the European Communities C 254/63 List of sites registered in the European eco management and audit scheme (Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93) (98/C 254/02) (Text with EEA relevance) The following list is published so as to comply with Article 9 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1836/93(1). This Regulation establishes a voluntary environmental management scheme, based on harmonized lines and principles throughout the European Union, open to companies in the industrial sector operating in the European Union. The overall objective of the scheme is to promote continuous environmental performance improvements of industrial activities by committing sites to evaluate and improve their environmental performance and provide relevant information to the public. Sites who wish to be registered in the scheme must have their environmental policy, programme, management system, review or audit procedure and environmental statement or statements examined to verify that that they meet the requirements of this Regulation and the environmental statements validated. This verification and validation must be carried out by an independent, appropriately accredited, environmental verifier. The Regulation foresees that a list of sites registered in the scheme should be published annually in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Article 9 of the Regulation specifies that each year the Commission shall publish in the Official Journal of the European Communities a list of all the registered sites in the Community. The list below contains details of all sites whose registration has been notified to the Commission, by the competent bodies or national authorities in the Member States, up to and including 31 May 1998. (1) OJ L 168, 10. 7. 1993, p. 1. C 254/64 12.8.98 LISTA DE CENTROS REGISTRADOS LISTE OVER REGISTREREDE ANLÆGSOMRÅDER VERZEICHNIS DER EINGETRAGENEN STANDORTE ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ ΕΓΓΕΓΡΑΜΜΕΝΩΝ ΕΠΙÌΕΙΡΗΣΕΩΝ LIST OF REGISTERED SITES LISTE DES SITES ENREGISTRÉS ELENCO DEI SITI REGISTRATI LIJST VAN GEREGISTREERDE LOCATIES LISTA DAS INSTALAÇÕES INDUSTRIAIS REGISTADAS REKISTERÖITYJEN TOIMIPAIKKOJEN LUETTELO FÖRTECKNING ÖVER REGISTRERADE ANLÄGGNINGAR A Datos de los centros registrados Kontaktdetaljer om registrerede anlægsområder Detaillierte Angaben zu den eingetragenen Standorten ΣτïιøεÝα επαæη ς για εγκεκριµÛνες επιøειρη σεις Contact details of registered sites Renseignements utiles pour joindre les sites concernÉs Informazioni relative alle persone da contattare nei siti registrati Gegevens voor het opnemen van contact met geregistreerde locaties Dados relativos às pessoas a contactar nas instalações registadas Rekisteröityjen toimipaikkojen tarkat yhteystiedot Uppgifter om registrerade anlÄggningar 12.8.98 C 254/65 REINO DE BE LGICA / KONGERIGET BELGIEN / KÖNIGREICH BELGIEN / BARIKEIO SOT BEKCIOT / KINGDOM OF BELGIUM / ROYAUME DE BELGIQUE / REGNO DEL BELGIO / KONINKRIJK BELGIEÈ / REINO DA BE LGICA / BELGIAN KUNINGASKUNTA / KONUNGARIKET BELGIEN Nu mero de registro Suspensión Registreringsnummer Ophùrt Nombre y dirección de la empresa Tel., fax y E-mail Persona de contacto Register-Nr. Ausgesetzt Firmanavn og adresse Tlf., fax og e-post Kontaktperson Aqihloä y eccqaugä y Amarsokgä Name und Anschrift des Unternehmens Tel., Fax und E-mail Ansprechpartner Registration Number Suspended Omolariäa jai dietä htmrg esaiqeiäay Sgk., uan jai e-mail Rtä mderloy NumeÂro AnneÂede Company name and address Tel., fax and e-mail Contact person d'enregistrement suspension Nom et adresse de la socieÂte Te l., fax et e-mail Personne aÁ consulter Numero di (le cas eÂcheÂant) Denominazione ed indirizzo della societaÁ Tel., telefax e E-mail Persona da contattare registrazione Sospensione Naam en adres van het bedrijf Tel., fax en e-mail Contactpersoon Registratienummer Geschorst Nome e enderecËo da empresa Tel., fax e E-mail Contacto Nu mero de registo SuspensaÄo Yrityksen nimi ja osoite Puh., faksi ja sähköposti Yhteyshenkilö Rekisteröintinumero Lykätty Företagets namn och adress Tfn, fax och e-post Kontaktperson Registreringsnummer Upphävd 12 3 4 5 B-RW-S0000001 Klüber Lubrication BeÂneÂlux SA Te l. (32-56) 48 33 11 R. Vanloocke Rue Cardinal Mercier 100 Fax (32-56) 48 33 80 B-7711 Dottignies B-VL-S-0000001 Volvo Europa Truck NV Tel. (32-9) 250 42 11 Adrien van de Smalleheerweg 31 P.O. Box 10 Fax (32-9) 251 68 95 Walle B-9041 Oostakker E-mail vet.tn90140 @memo.volvo.se B-VL-S-0000002 Volvo Cars Europe Industry NV Tel. (32-9) 250 21 11 Mark Swinnen J.F. Kennedylaan 25 P.O. Box 273 Fax (32-9) 251 62 64 B-9000 Gent B-VL-S-0000003 Du Pont de Nemours (Belgium) NV Tel. (32-15) 44 10 11 K. Van Antoon Spinoystraat 6 Hoenacker B-2800 Mechelen B-VL-S-0000004 Kautex Textron Benelux NV Tel. (32-13) 61 00 11 J. Coelmont Havenlaan 12 B-3980 Tessenderlo REINO DE DINAMARCA / KONGERIGET DANMARK / KÖNIGREICH D¾NEMARK / BARIKEIO SGR DAMIAR / KINGDOM OF DENMARK / ROYAUME DE DANEMARK / REGNO DI DANIMARCA / KONINKRIJK DENEMARKEN / REINO DA DINAMARCA / TANSKAN KUNINGASKUNTA / KONUNGARIKET DANMARK Nu mero de registro Suspensión Registreringsnummer Ophùrt Nombre y dirección de la empresa Tel., fax y E-mail Persona de contacto Register-Nr. Ausgesetzt Firmanavn og adresse Tlf., fax og e-post Kontaktperson Aqihloä y eccqaugä y Amarsokgä Name und Anschrift des Unternehmens Tel., Fax und E-mail Ansprechpartner Registration Number Suspended Omolariäa jai dietä htmrg esaiqeiäay Sgk., uan jai e-mail Rtä mderloy NumeÂro AnneÂede Company name and address Tel., fax and e-mail Contact person d'enregistrement suspension Nom et adresse de la socieÂte Te l., fax et e-mail Personne aÁ consulter Numero di (le cas eÂcheÂant) Denominazione ed indirizzo della societaÁ Tel., telefax e E-mail Persona da contattare registrazione Sospensione Naam en adres van het bedrijf Tel., fax en e-mail Contactpersoon Registratienummer Geschorst Nome e enderecËo da empresa Tel., fax e E-mail Contacto Nu mero de registo SuspensaÄo Yrityksen nimi ja osoite Puh., faksi ja sähköposti Yhteyshenkilö Rekisteröintinumero Lykätty Företagets namn och adress Tfn, fax och e-post Kontaktperson Registreringsnummer Upphävd 12 3 4 5 DK-S-0001 Phùnix-Trykkeriet A/S Tlf. (45) 86 29 23 00 Mr. Poul-Erik Sùren Nymarks Vej 15 Fax (45) 86 29 32 22 Poulsen DK-8270 Hùjbjerg DK-S-0003 Dalmose Trñvare-Industri A/S Tlf. (45) 39 65 15 99 Mr. Claus Industrivej 3 Fax (45) 39 65 12 26 Lynderaa DK-4261 Dalmose C 254/66 12.8.98 1 2 3 4 5 DK-S-0004 A/S Kaj Neckelmann Tlf. (45) 89 22 33 33 Mr Palle Kejlstrupvej 84-88, Postboks 319 Fax (45) 86 80 33 33 Nelleborg DK-8600 Silkeborg DK-S-0005 Johnsen Offset A/S & Johnsen Papirindustri Tlf. (45) 87 58 30 00 Mrs. Karin A/S Fax (45) 87 58 30 01 Andersen Bakkehegnet 1-3 E-post [email protected] DK-8500 Grenaa DK-S-0006 Vestergaards Bogtrykkeri Tlf. (45) 98 92 05 00 Mr Peter Nùrrebro 2 Fax (45) 98 92 72 62 Vestergaard DK-9800 Hjùrring DK-S-0007 Grundfos A/S Tlf. (45) 86 68 14 00 Mr Laurits Poul Due Jensens Vej 7-13 and Birkevñnget Fax (45) 86 68 05 54 Christensen 2-6 DK-8850 Bjerringbro DK-S-0008 Grundfos A/S Tlf. (45) 86 68 14 00 Mr Laurits Gl. Viborgvej 79, Hvam Fax (45) 86 68 05 54 Christensen DK-9620 Aalestrup DK-S-0009 Grundfos A/S Tlf. (45) 86 68 14 00 Mr Laurits Randersvej 22 A Fax (45) 86 68 05 54 Christensen DK-8870 Langå DK-S-0010 Kommunekemi a/s Tlf. (45) 65 31 12 44 Jùrn Lauridsen Lindholmvej 3 Fax (45) 65 31 71 82 DK-5800 Nyborg E-post chemwaste @kk-group.dk DK-S-0011 Levison + Johnsen + Johnsen a/s Tlf. (45) 43 43 40 00 Ms Eva Tauby Farverland 6 Fax (45) 43 43 32 20 Sùrensen DK-2600 Glostrup E-post [email protected] DK-S-0012 egetñpper a/s Tlf. (45) 97 11 88 11 Mr Jan Ladefoged Industrivej nord 25 Fax (45) 97 11 95 80 DK-7400 Herning DK-S-0013 Jydsk Hñrderi A/S Tlf. (45) 87 39 20 00 Ms Kirsten Aabogade 27-29 Fax (45) 87 39 20 22 Burfect DK-8200 Aarhus N E-post [email protected] DK-S-0014 A/S Handelstrykkeriet i Odense Tlf. (45) 66 12 60 91 Mr Arne Binau Christiansgade 61 Fax (45) 66 11 02 30 DK-5000 Odense C E-post [email protected] DK-S-0015 Scanprint as Tlf. (45) 70 10 79 00 Mr Frank Jens Juulsvej 40 Fax (45) 70 10 79 02 Ascanius Postboks 2378 E-post [email protected] DK-8260 Viby J DK-S-0016 Saloprint a/s Tlf. (45) 31 67 06 33 Mrs Trine Sydmarken 48-50 Fax (45) 39 56 12 05 Pedersen DK-2860 Sùborg E-post [email protected] DK-S-0017 Sapa Danmark A/S Tlf. (45) 86 32 61 00 Mr Per Brand Rolshùjvej 10-16 Fax (45) 86 32 66 63 Andersen DK-8500 Grenaa E-post [email protected] 12.8.98 C 254/67 1 2 3 4 5 DK-S-0018 Erik Taabbel Fiskeeksport A/S Tlf. (45) 98 44 11 11 Mr Peter Friis éstre Strandvej 16 and Coasterkaj 1 Fax (45) 98 45 11 11 DK-9990 Skagen DK-S-0019 Novotex A/S Tlf. (45) 97 15 44 11 Mr Lasse Elleharnmervej 8 Fax (45) 97 25 10 14 Simonsen DK-7430 Ikast DK-S-0021 Hosby International A/S Tlf. (45) 75 69 36 44 Mr Peter Vang Klakring Stationsvej 5 Fax (45) 75 69 52 97 Larsen DK-7130 Juelsminde DK-S-0022 Danfoss Drives A/S Tlf. (45) 74 88 22 22 Mr Flemming Ulsnaes 1-9 and 24-26 Fax (45) 74 88 40 90 Lynge Nielsen DK-6300 Graasten E-post [email protected] DK-S-0023 Stora Dalum A/S Tlf.
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