1._- (~ll ~ld~(}ritll+ ~~ f ~~~ ~ ACTIVE OR VOLU",TEER ,\ ~nLITIA FORCE LIST OF CANADA. I ~Oth April, 1163. I J I i 1(. i !~" \ .\ ~ ( iI. r QUEBEO: I I PRINTED BY GEORGE DESBARATS, ; I I'ltlNTER TO HER MAJESTY. I - ~ i f~~':':i{ek~;::;::;;;:;;:;';;;;;;;'-:--;-;-':'~"'V-'~~,,",'; u; $.1 ;~n' ~ut~tJritn+ , ~'==== THE ACTIVE OR VOLUNTEER MILITIA FORCE LIST OF CANADA. 30th April, 1863. QUEBEO: PRINTED BY GEORGE DESBARATS, PRINTER TO HER JUJli:STY. 1863. EXPL!N!1'I0N OF !BBREVUTIONS. The names in italics are those of Officers who have served in H. M's. Regular Army. 1. c ••.. •••• Lieutenant·Colonel. m.••.•••••. Major. c ••••.•••• • Captain. 1• •••.••.•. Lieutenant. ct•• ..•••.•• Cornet. a.......... • Adjutant. O. m .• ..••.• Brigade Major. p. 8 ••••• '••• Provincial Storekeeper. m. i ........ Musketry Instructor. M. L. 0 .... Member Legislative Council. M. P. P ..• . Member Provincial Parliament. "" Errors and omissions will be rectified on notification thereof to Lt. Col Wily, Militia Department, Quebec. THE A~TIVE ~H V~LUNTEEH MILITIA f~R~E LI~T ~, ~ANADA, 30th APRIL, 1863. COMMANDER IN CHIEF. His Excellency the Ri~ht Hon Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Governor General of British North Americlt, and Captain General and Governor in Chief 01 the Provinces of Canada, New Brunswi~k, Nova Scotia and the Island of Prince Edward, &c., &c. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPAR't'MENT. Lt Col the Hon M A Je Salaberry, Deputy Adjutant General for Lower Canada, July 1, 1848. Lt Col Walker Powell, Deputy Adjutant General for Upper Canada, August 19, 1862. INSPECTlNG FIELD OFFICERS OP MILITIA. Lt Col W Ermatinger, lnspg Fd Officer for Lower fJanada, Jany 24,1856 Lt Col Duncan MacDougall, Inspg Fd Officer for Upper Canada, March 6,1856. BRIGADE MAJORS. LOWER CANADA. Brigade Majors. 1st Military District. Stations. Gaspe, Bonaventure and Magdalen ---­ Islltnds. 2nd Military District. Henry T. Duchesnay,. Rimouski, Temiscouata, Kamour· Riv;ere-du­ Nov 21,62 aska, L'I.let, Montmagny and Loup,enbas. BellechlUllsc. I'" , 6 Brigade Majors. B-dgade Majors. I 3rd Military Distri'.:t. Stations. L G ALd. Belleftuille, Levis, Dorche.ter, Lotbiniere, Me- 8t Maril', Nov 28,62 gantic and Beauce." .Beauce. 4th Military District. Brock Garter, Dec 12,62 Nicolet, Arthabaska, Drummond and 8t Christophe Wolf. d'ArthablWtl\ 5th Military District. Ghas T de Montenac"" Yamaska, Ric4tllieu, St. Hyacinthe, St Charles, Nov 28,62 Bagot, Rouville and Iberville. Riv Chambly 6th Military District. John Fletcher, Vercheres, Chambly, Laprairie, Na- St Johns. Nov 28,62 pierville, St. Johns, Benuharnois, Chateauguay and Huntington. 7th Military District. L T Suzor, 'Tn i Quebec City, Saguenay, Charlevoix, Quebec. Nov 21,62 Montmorency, Quebe<', Portnellf, Champlain and Chicoutimi. 8th MilitaTY District. J os H Bellerose, l c Three-Rivers City, St. Maurice, 8t Vincent de Nov 28,62 Maskinon;ze, Berthier, Joliette, Paul. Laval,Montcalm, Terrebonne and L'Assomption. 9th Military District. Jas W Hanson, Soulanges, Hoc·helaga, Vaudreni1, '3t Andrew•. , Nov 21,62 Jacques Cartier, Two Mountain., Argenleuil, Ottawa and Pontiac. 10th Military District. GktJr1es Jl(ing, Sherbrooke City, Richmond, Comp" Sherbrooke. ' Nov 28,62 ton, Shefford, Stanstead, Brome "... and Missisquoi. 11th Military District. Jno. Macpherson, Montreal City. Montreal. Nov 28,62 Brigade Majors, 4-c. 7 UPPER CANADA. Brigade Majors. 1st Military District. Stations. Geo A Montgomery, Ottawa City, Preseott, Russell, Car- Ottawa. Nov 28,62 leton, Lanark and Renfrew. 2nd Military District. Wm H Jackson ,m i Glengarry, Stormont, Dundas, Gren- Cornwall •. Nov 28,62 ville and Leeds. 3rd Military District. David Shaw, Ie 4- m i Kingston City, Frontena<', Lennox Kingston. Nov 28,62 and Addington, Hastings, Prince Edward. 4th Military District. Alexander Patter.on, Northumherland, Durham, Peter- Cobourg. Nov 28,62 borougn and Victoria. 5th Military District. J Stoughton Denis, t e Ontario, York, Peel and Sim(·oe. Toronto. D1l('5,62 6th Military District. J Augs Barretto, Perth, W pllington, Waterioo, Hu- Stratford. Dec 5,62 ron, Grey and Brue". • 7th Military District. Henry V Villiers, m i Hamilton City, WeIland, Haldimand, Hamilton. Nov 28,62 Lincoln, Wentwortn and Halton. 8th Military District. W S Light, I c London City, Brant, Norfolk, Ox- Woodstock. Nov 21,62 ford, Elgin and Middlesex. 9th Military District., Jas Moffat, 'In i Dec 5,62 Lambton, Kent and Essex. Chatham. 10th Military District. Robt.B Denison, Toronto City. Toronto. Nov 28,62 PROVINCiAL STOREKEEPERS. Capt H'I/ Goodwin, Toronto, Marcn 1,56. John Shephard, Montreal, May 1,56. Lt Colonel J B Turner, Ottawa, January 1,57. Lt Colonel A Book"r, Hamilton, Ap"iI23,57. Lieutenant Jno Sittherland, Kin!!,ston, April 23,57. Wiltiam Starr, London, April 23,57. Captain E Lamontagne, Quebec, Dec 1,61. 8 Musketry Instructors, etc. MUSKETRY INSTRUCTORS. Captain Jno Lindsay, V Ft Arty, Quebec, August 1,61. Brigade Major W H Ja"kson, 2nd Mily Dist, U C, August 1,61. Lieut Sltthertand, Provl Store-keeper King'ton, August 1,61. Serjt W John.ton, Vol R Ooy, Peterborough, August 1,61. Captain D G Macdonald, 2nd Batt Q 0 R" Toronto, August 1,61. Captain TV D Jarvis, Unatta"hed, Toronto, August 1,61. Lieut and Adjt D Rooney, 5th Batt S M, Montreal, August 1,61. Brigade Major L T Slizor, 7th Mily Dist, L C, Novr 8,61. Brigade Major D Shaw, 3rd Mily Dist, U C, Novr 8,61. Color Serjt Ramsay, Hd Coy 2nd Hatt Q 0 Rs Toronto, Novr 8,61. Brigade Major 11 V Viltiers, 7th Mily Dist, U C, Novr 8,61. Brigade Malol' Jas Moffatt, 9th Mily Dist, U C, Novr 8,61. OFFICERS SERVING IN THE VOLUNTEER FORCE HAVING "BREVET" OR MILITIA RANK. COLONELS, "while in Oommand of the Active Force at Quebec, Montreal, and Toronto, Sllch Rank to conler 110 authority or precedence while actmg in l'onjunctlOn with Her Majesty's Troops." John SMae/!, Commg Active Forc'e, Quebec, May 2,60. John Hyde, Commg Active Force, MOlltrfml, Mav 3,60. George T Denison, Commg Active Force, Toronto, Octf 10,60. LIEUTENAWI' COLONELS. 1851,. Chas de Sa!aherry, Commg 9th Batt V M Rifles, Quebec, Deer 12. 1855. G F Bowen, Commg V Ft Arty Coy Sherbrooke, Deer 6. 1856. W Notman, M P P Oomm,? V Ft Arty Coy Dundas, Novr 20. H B Jessop, Gommg 1st V R Coy Pre.cott, Novr 20. W S Durie, Comm§' 2nd Batt Q 0 Us Toronto, Deer 11. George H Chisholm, Commg- V.R Coy Oakville Deer 11. Alexr Bdl, Commg Squad V C, Quebec, ' Deer 31. 1857. Clts F Tlwrndib, Commg Vol Fd Bs and Ft Arty, L C April 30. D'Arcy E Boulton, Commg VolT C Cobourg, ' Novr26. 1858. A Booker, Commg Aetive Force, Hamilton, June 8. 1861. W S Light, Brigade Major 8th M D, n C, April 26. Jno Boom,'r, COlllmg bt and 2nd Co, Ft AI,ty, Q.uebec, Novr20. Jno B Turner, Commg Fd Balt, Ottawa, Novr20. Jno O.wald, Commg V T C, Sl Auclrew$, Novr 20. Lieutenant Colonels, 4-c. 9 1862. George Smith, A .Adj~ Gem! AI'.tiv'eForce, Montreal, January 31. :I H Bellerose, Brig-ad" Mawr 8th M D, L C, March 14. Jas Shanly, Vommg AI't1ve Force, London, :(\'lay 14. David Shaw, Brigade Major 3rd M D, U C, Novr 26. J S Dennis, Brigade Major 5th M D, U C, December 4. 1863. Hy Hogan, Commg Vol Fd Batty and Ft Arty Coy, Morttreal, April 10. MAJORS. 1838. Jno Powell, Commg No 1 Coy 19th Batt Niagara, Novr9. 1855. F Cubitt, Commg V R Coy, Bowmanville, December 6. 1856. W N Alger, Commg V R Coy, Brantford, Novr27. 1857. Roht Lovelace, Adjt Squad V C, Montreal, February 26. R B Denni~on, BrIgade Major 10th M D, U C, April 2 T R Ferguson, M P P Commg V R Coy, Cookstown" ::;eptr 24. Thos Bate, Commg V T C, St Oatharines, Noyr 26. 1858. Hon H. Spenee, Commg is' 07, Coy 2nd Batt Q 0 Rs, Toronto, May 27. Thos A. Evan~, Major 1st or P oC W's Regt, Montt'eal, June 8. N T McLeod, Commg Squad V C, Toronto, August 12. J M Roos, Major Batt LI Inly, Monlreal, Dt'cember 6. J B Forsyth, Commg Squad V 0, Quebec, December 6. A R Stephen, Commg V R Coy, Collingwood, December 6. 1859. W H Swetman, Commg V T C, Napanee, February I. A W Vgilvie, Commg Squad V C, Montreal, March 10. Jas Crawford, Commg V H. Coy, Brockville, May 19. 1860. H Bernard, Commg C S R Coy, Quebec, Depty I Adj Genl, August 1. C E Bdle, Paymaster Active Force. Montrtlal, Augu.t 8. Jno Jackson, Commg V Infy Coy, St Johns U C, October 9. 10 Majors. 1861. Jno Macpherson, Brigade Major 11th M D, L C, February 19· L H Massue, Commg V M I Coy, Varennes, A Q M G, April 3. W Button, Commg V T C, Markham, July 17. Jas Stanton, Commg V R Coy, St Thomas, Juiy 17. Jas Moffatt, Brigade Major 9th M D, IT C, Auguot 7 Jas Wood, Comlllg V T C 2nd Frontenac, Loughborough, AUgu8t 21 W B Lambe, Paymaster Batt Lt Infy, Momreal, October 30. M N D Legarp., Brigade Major Active Force, Quebec, D"cember 11 •. A A StevensoQ, Commg Fd Batty, Montreal, December 11. Conrad Teeter, Commg V T C, Grimsby, Decem ber 11. E T Taylor, Major Batt Lt Inly, Montreal, December IS. 1862. Thos Robertson, Commg V T C 2nd Wentworth, Dundas, Jauuary 15.' Thos Barwis, Commg V R Coy, MegaOlie, January 15. W E Ihbotson, Commg 1st V R Coy, Sherbrooke, January 29. Saml Amsden, Commg V R Coy, Dunnville, January 29.
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